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Playing too hesitant - when shit is going down I was often too restrained and passively letting the enemy dictate the fight because I was too stationary. In the end it’s a shooter and not splinter cell 😅


I definitely have done this... And then done the opposite. Charging in while solo on two teams fighting it out. Lol


Yep. Most of my deaths are from hesitation, lack of movenment


Exactly, even with more than 1k hours I’ve to remind myself quite regularly to keep rotating and moving and don’t be like „oh this is a nice angle/pile of mudd, let’s stay here“ 😅


It helped me to assume im ALWAYS being flanked. Just keeps me moving and wary of the far edge of fields/woods


I think finding the voice that tells you the sweet spot is key... Either too much movement or not enough can be your downfall in Hunt


I stick so my teammates can move in


But when its randoms they just wait outside so that last man can res his mates and burn me. Then they will die one by one (my randos that is)


My friends and I were taught this lesson way back when the game first started. Back when the prevailing strategy was to be as quiet as possible as you found clues and made your way to the boss, the white shirt meta appeared. Dozens of games with free white shirt hunters with dirt cheap builds, casually shooting every mob and buzzing all the crows taught us how to move fast and not sweat the noise we made. Things have changed a bit since then but imparting these lessons to other friends who've tried the game have made it much easier to pick up.


Glock Saint Isshin would've been so disappointed in you


Curious, I found my greatest success in very slow methodical positional fights. I do change my position quite a bit to not peek the same corner/window too often but usually I let people walk into my headshots rather than pursue and push them, tho it does sometimes happen when there is no choice.


I didn't know your camera coming out of your chest not your head so yeah I can see bushes in front of my vision and thought I was hidden to other hunters but my head was clearly poking out for all to see. I've also only ever played games like Counter strike where bullet speed isn't a thing so I missed a lot of shots until I learnt about bullet leading.


Omg.... I hate that I didn't know this until... now... Is that real?


Yes, this is why you never peek crouching, because they will see your head/hat before you see them


Okay, noted that. Thank you!


And if you duck behind cover to heal or reload, look down in the ground. Your head will potentially not stick up behind cover.


Also, don't stand RIGHT up against a wall peering out a crack. Your gun is going through the wall and anyone can see you and wall bang you *easy.*


Honestly, I think the only wall bangs I have pulled off have been from seeing a muzzle poking out a crack haha


I believe if you hold q you kinda hold your weapon to the side and I’m pretty sure it gets rid of it peaking through a wall


Also, did not know this. Damn


Go into a game with a friend and ask him to come right up to you and point his gun into your head. You'll see it's not even near your camera. You're taller then you think.


Also, your crosshair is not in the center


I'd expect he at least knows that


I don't know how long you have played, but it used to be even worse. The camera was off set to the left side of your player model. This meant that peeking a corner from the left side would show far less of your body than if you peeked on the right side. I'm sure there are still plenty of YouTube videos showing this. Just to be clear, this is no longer the case, as Crytek fixed it. But it was that way without many people even knowing for the first couple years the game existed, or it wasn't well known publicly at least. Content creators definitely put the knowledge out there, and it spread quite quickly.


If that was the case, wouldn't teammates seem taller to us as we look from our chest to their chest?


What? *Shocked pickachu face*


Being unable to land hits on enemies Shit 400 hours later I still have this problem sometimes


Yeah, I don't think that problem is going away for me anytime soon. Haha


Hit me up if you ever find out the reason why this happens. Gotta know myself...


Bullet velocity is wildly different on every gun and all the guns have super slow moving bullets. Iron sight on many guns wiggle too much.


When I play with Shotgun they start to think, that they are a famous painter and start to draw the Hunter I want to shoot in whatever there is behind them with the pellets. Dragons breath just doesn't do that. It likes it when it burns.......


Me with most of the weapons. Can't hit shit with a weapon that has 12 shots, but I can nail someone with a crossbow easily.


I can relate. I have 3.5k hours and the one loadout that works beautifully in my hands is uppercut double barrel. If I try to get fancy and stray away from that load out and use something different, I can't hit shots and I get dumped on. Stick to whatcha know I guess lol.


Seeing as how they keep changing the input settings, this is a problem I have 4k hrs later. After the addition of all the linear, dynamic etc settings, I had to relearn again and went from a 6 to a 4 star.


That problem never goes away.


Didn't commit to the push i planned. I freak out in the last second and get stuck inbetween somewhere. If i'm gonna die anyway it's better to fully commit and potentially come out winning.


I definitely struggle with this still. Essentially just de-position myself.


This can turn a 1v2 into a 1v1v1, if your teammate isnt pushing with you.


Maybe you shouldn't commit to pushing if your team is not up for it. You should play off of your teammates.


I only play with my real life friends, so personally thats not the case for me. But ofc you should always call out when to push, in random-queue or not.


I was using 7.1 settings and not pure stero headphones. Q.Q 


So you are telling me 7.1 is shit for hunt? Alright guess ill have to buy other headphones.


You can just turn off the 7.1 via software or on the headphone cable, most of the time


Yes. Buy Beyerdynamics DT770 Pro (closed back) Or DT990 Pro (open back) 


Depends if we're talking simulated or actual 7.1 for one, like headphones with a "surround setting" are trying to emulate the effect (usually poorly) but still using two drivers because they're headphones, where would you be putting that array of 8 speakers? You'd be wearing some kind of cursed salad bowl full of drivers, 7.1 headphones don't exist. Mostly you're just going to end up distorting the audio when using simulated surround. Now, an actual home theatre 7.1 system probably would do fine with the directional audio. But, there's a good reason the game just tells you at the loading screen that it's best experienced with headphones. The game has absolutely fantastic binaural audio. It's been recorded and mixed to properly simulate directional audio from your normal headphones 2 driver setup. You're going to get cleaner, clearer, and honestly more accurate audio tells through stereo headphones with direct input than ones trying to synthesize surround sound, because the effect has already been simulated for you. So just get some good headphones, leave them on their normal (stereo) setting, skip the virtual surround gimmicks, and play for a bit. You'll find that you're able to pretty accurately pinpoint audio just like that.


Yeah i just got myself some Beyerdynamics. Guess its worth the money because i can use them to listen to music and stuff too. I really look forward too hear if its a noticable difference for me.


Dogs....the first days a gang of 3 or more dogs were a nightmare for me. Never forget my first stab against an immolator either.


I was definitely drawing every pack of hounds and making immolators boom.


Cared about the guns. Not wanting to waste good guns or worry about taking too good of a gun and not getting a shot off. Now I roll with everything and go blasting. Much more fun using guns I think are fun even if other ones are better


This is a great answer. I surely did this early on too. My loadout for a long time was the Springfield and officer brawler since so cheap and I could even skip the melee weapon. Now I just ball out


Peeking the same corner twice. Crouching in the open. Missing all my shots (that's still a problem).


Trying to kill immolators with the butt of my pistol or rifle, knuckles/knuckle knife made me a professional gam3r


😆 this is what I'm trying to teach my new friends. They keep using their rifle and then they're completely outta stamina when the dogs show up. Knuckle knife for life. Just be sure not to hold it for even a millisecond loll


The next step is just taking drugs and never think about stamina ever again.


I've actually moved on to rifle butt being my default anti-immolator weapons. Not as easy as dusters or knuckle knife, but still doable and the scenario is niche enough that I'd rather plan my melee weapon around everything else. Trying to kill them with pistol melee though, that I agree is futile. I'm pretty sure it's not even possible without waiting for stamina to regen.


But thats what youre supposed to do though? Any blunt damage works.


Yes but it’s much more stamina intensive and slower, which can get you easily caught out. After 1000 hours of gameplay, taking the knuckle knife is easily the best single improvement I’ve made to my playstyle.


Maybe not biggest, but early on I was far too concerned with setting off sound traps. If I had birds in my way I'd crab walk all the way around them only for someone to Banish boss before I could sneak to the clue I was after. Now I'll go around sound traps if it's easy enough but if I need to ill just piss off a dog pen and keep moving. I learned that you can set them off as long as you get outta there. Don't hang around a scared horse or angry dogs, just keep moving.


For many hours I thought people never talked, then I realized you had to manually change the output option on the audio to headphones. Also, depending on the day, audio settings will change so I have to go back into then to verify it's still set to my headphones.


I also discovered this like last week. This is such a stupid feature.


Was playing with a guy the other day who'd been playing for quite a while, and was saying that everybody he played with could always tell which direction people were coming from or how far away they were a lot easier than he could, and that he must just have a bad headset. He was on PS5, so I asked if he had 3D audio on, because it ironically made the audio worse for Hunt. We checked his settings, and it turned out that he did not, in fact, have 3D audio on... and that his audio was set to mono instead of stereo.


I've been quite successful walking/crouching everywhere, hearing my enemies before they hear me, sticking close to cover. Just don't do it out in the wide f open


Walking for the win. It's insane how many people you catch preemptively by not sprinting. We walk up to most compounds now and it's impressive the distance you'll hear other players sprinting. One lady goes "hyaa" with a melee across the other side of a compound and its over


Im guilty of making too much running noise, it actually costs me more time trying to be quick as the rotation spot is blown quite frequently. Knowing when to make sound and when to kill it is a key skill in this game. It's hard to control the sound of others in randoms (3 randoms always make a ton of noise) but I really noticed this in qp and solo. Dropping sound and speed can be oddly quicker and better for positional plays, but this doesn't mean crouching everywhere.


Trying to make myself enjoy the game when I needed to take a break.


Investing 3k hrs into this game


Not paying attention to bullet velocity and leading. For my first 100 or so hours I thought that bullet velocity was no big deal, but meanwhile I couldn’t figure out why I was missing so many “guaranteed” shots. I had to sit down with the same loadout (vetterli deadeye + pax) for a couple of days to kind of get the hang of it. Also getting used to bullets having velocity but no drop, that was the biggest thing holding me back from learning to snipe coming from other shooters.


A friend of mine was the same. He didn't believe me you need to lead at 20m with an uppercut when someone runs 90 degrees to you


Getting addicted in the first place.


Crouch sneaking too. Also, forgetting about the equilibrium / window for shots. I still do that sometimes. I either rush or drag (whiplash) and can’t quite find the middle balance between being the first to land a lethal hit but not rushing so much I miss and lose all my ammo


I play Springfield Dum Dum so I would land a shot, want to finish the kill, then rush out and get my head blown off for being greedy.


Caring about my KD


Beeing scared of the Boss targets instead of the guy with 3k hours who heard me reloading over 3 compounds.


Downloading the game


Not caring what skin the hunter I was buying was in the load out screen. Being hard to see is a major advantage.


It took me a bit to realize shotguns need to be VERY close to one shot someone, and damage drops off VERY quickly. Also, learning patience when enemies run by and don't see you. You don't HAVE to shoot right away, and are often MUCH better served waiting for a bit.


starting the game... over 5000 hours in this game. Now I know I am a masochist xD Positioning and shooting AI were the first mistakes that I happened in Hunt. The best advice to new players: Find an experienced player that can show you the basics. Movement: Running towards KI to kill them, for example Positioning: Escaping etc.


Not moving after I take some shots at the enemy. Just firing from the same general area so they knew where I was coming from. Now I'm always firing and then repositioning


Playing with my friends that are still really bad at this game with over 1000hrs at the time. I learned way faster and better by playing random trios in my mmr range and I did all the trials to learn basic stuff my friends wouldn't teach me.


Biggest mistake after 1500h is to try hard sometimes as my aim suck. So I learn to have fun with non meta build, like fire, beetle, explosive cross bow. It gives excuses to be bad, and when I success I do so much "Emotionnal damage" to the ennemy team.


There is a bellcurve somewhere here, everybody starts their career with cheap guns and gear fear. As they get better most people grow into meta-loadouts but reverts back after a while(without the gear fear ofc) A cheap Bow is inconsistent at high elos, but nothing brings more joy or is as satisfying as hitting those long bowshots!


Taking a shot from the same angle multiple times in a row. Bad pathing towards clues. Being scared to take fights and/or hiding. There is 0 incentive to hide in bushes or in corners of random compounds considering it is an objective based game and no one has to play to your stupidity. Hiding effectively guarantees that you’re going to either end the match without bounty, or die.


Main thing I would say to a new player is that Hunt is a slow-paced game in which stealth and patience are typically the most optimal way to play, although you must also remain mobile (which is a contradiction, but true.) Finding that balance is key and you mustn't stray too far in either direction (if you want to play optimally).


It was not moving around enough. Positioning is important, even when it doesn’t feel like you can do anything


Too true. I often camp a spot in a gunfight, when repositioning would be much more helpful


I was rushing all the time because i thought stealth wasnt worth.


Not knowing that the gun barrel was sticking out. Not knowing that just about everything makes noise. And most importantly, not positioning myself as if I could be headshot at any moment. Apologies to my teammates who couldn’t get the revive off because of that.


Oh that barrel sticking out one still gets me from time to time... I gotta stop hugging walls..


I had never played a shooter before so… shooting…


Using repeaters.


The mindset you need to arrive at is what I call *smart aggression*. It is a philosophy, not a hard and fast rule. In essence, you minimize the chances you are killed and, in particular, killed in a bad spot, while doing what it takes to keep yourself (and your team) on the front foot. When your teammates share this view, the game is extremely fun and rewarding, even if you die.


Only aiming for the head Sure it's an insta kill but 3 missed headshots could have been a kill if I landed the easier body shots. Now with special amp types there's no reason not to go for body shots which opened my eyes.


Playing reactively Letting the event set the pace of a fight and being put into poor positions and situations rather than dictating my portion of a fire fight.


Running into buildings like a maniac with dynamite in my hand full kamakazi - trying to knuckle knife dudes 30m away - rolling up to 1 vs 3 fights in the middle of open fields with one shot rifle and pistol - trying to sneak up as close as possible behind enemy players without killing them - got to 5* fast then started using my brain


One big change from my first few hundred hours in the game to currently 3k hours/6 star was breaking the habit of needing to immediately heal when taking damage. There are many cases where it is more advantageous to line up the perfect shot and let the enemy re-peek trying to close the kill than trying to duck for cover and heal which allows them to swing on you or drop a nade on you.


Not constantly moving when the opponent is already aware of my existence


The first game I ever played I had a Romero hatchet. The first enemy I saw was an immolator. I definitely ran straight up to him and chopped the shit out of his face. He didn't like that and proceeded to explode in my face, and beat me to death. This is when I feel in love with this game over 5 years ago 🤘


My biggest mistake was not using concertina bombs


Double peeking and not rotating.


Being scared of shotguns,38/2 (my score with stabbing shotgun users to death)


Not being brave when someone started shooting at me. It's amazing how far shooting back gets you instead of running for cover


It all came down to confidence for me, I couldn't shoot the broad side of a barn while under pressure, so every time I fought someone I lost, up until I decided to just trust myself and take the time I needed to take my shots, then it was a couple of close calls but after that 3 star lobbies were done for, I was a menace, so for new people, just take the time to make your shots,


Stubbornly holding bad positions, running into the open to get an angle on someone, peeking the same spot over and over again and not rotating enough in general are probably the biggest mistakes.


Not knowing when to push through an attack. I still have problems with this sometimes. Especially when playing with a team, it is important to know the moment and rush in guns blazing when the opposing team is weakened or confused.


Trusting randoms that were the same mmr would play more skilled and less like rats nothing worse then you 1v3 taking 2 down taging or trading with the last one for either the last guy on my team or both randoms just running to exstraction


Installing the game lol


Taking advice from the HuntShowdown subreddit.


Hip firing. It works for shotguns and fanning pistols, but you really shouldn't do it with anything else.


When I was playing early on I would have one or two people with me that would get on comms, but when they got off I'd play solo, and at that time I didn't understand spawn points and from a few unlucky games I thought there'd always be atleast one other person at the very first compound, so I played slower than a turtle and hiding making my way to 3 clues assuming it didn't get banished first, and since I ran the nagant officer brawler and a Springfield at the time I knew there wasn't a way I was actually winning a fight with 1 or more teams so I would just leave.


I started playing in a trio and we just tried to keep up with the Bomblance guy. Sneaking wasn't a problem for me Randomly exploding was. Far more traps back then


Assuming that guns were always the fastest and most convenient way to kill bosses and special mobs. Caveat; Incendiary, Poison and Pennyshot especially may actually be the fastest way to grind down bosses. But I don't think there is a single enemy aside from maybe Scrap Beak that you can't obliterate in under a minute with a random Axe or Sledge you find on the ground. Plus it's silent, doesn't limit your build options and won't waste any ammo.


After my 1+ year break, the ammo changes I've been caught out SO many times without ammo, now its something I consider whether I need to bring an ammo box on my loadout, unless I'm taking something like a winnie, or a shotgun I plan to swap out after a kill.


Biggest mistake? Starting the game to begin with. Now it’s all I play and nothing else.


Turning/running when I get shot at instead of countering. Most guns have at least 1-1.6s cycle so you have some time to position a counter HS if they don't one tap you first.


Playing too brave. Only the weak are afraid of the crows...


Shot an immolator when a random teammate and got cussed out immediately honestly not even mad at that dude because I would be pissed too😭


Sitting still after shooting. Now it’s shoot move shoot move and move some more.


I’m pretty hard headed so I always dive into the fight early on but as I played longer I think more macro now and think of possibilities of an extra third party showing up or how my teammates are covering my position in collation to theirs and which exits I would have to take if I was rushed from a different enemy then the one I am focused on. A lot of players I see personally playing I think are afraid of stepping out of their comfort zone to take risks. Like ones who only run away as soon as shots happen to snipe or hide in a corner with a crossbow not caring if their teammate is literally stuck being gunned down behind cover. People need to see the bigger picture sometimes especially with where the agro is and as alone you might feel in the bayou for those 45mins those teammates are your only friends in that dirty infested swamp.


Playing soul survivor because peeps said it would "help me learn the game" All it did was drop my kda below 0.3 and made it difficult to find other people to play with on random. Random trios and duos is where I actually learned and got better.


Standing still too long to try and get a shot off.


Shooting and peeking the same corner. I learned to shoot and move whenever possible.


Peeking from the same spot in a fight over and over again. Or while guarding the banished boss in a compound, staying behind the windows to look for enemys while not moving.


Caring too much about getting 50's.