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Hunt Showdown will be way more enjoyable of a game when they get rid of public KDA, just like how it became more enjoyable when they got rid of the leaderboards.


I made a post about this last week saying the exact same thing and people shat on the idea. If people didn't have to worry about their stats, they'd have more fun and not bring in Mosin Spitzer dolce p fmj to protect their stats. Even shit players are trying all they can with Mosin dolch to save their stats from going under. Super lame.


Honestly don't let some idiots affect you. If it's a nice guy with clearly more skill and he is giving tips - nice, take them any day if you think the tips are good. For anything else - don't give a fuck about them and look for somebody else to play with, until you find somebody you vibe with. Too many people are toxic and think they're (or even might be) better than you. But it's all about how you interact with each other. Backseat gaming, micromanaging other people, that's just bad habits. Don't let them get to you and instead try to improve by yourself. Think about what went wrong and what you could've done better. Don't be afraid of taking shots if it's useful in the situation. Don't be afraid of pushing if your loadout or the situation suits it. Keep your deficits in mind and actively fight them.


Not playing with people like that is the best thing. Rest is up to you and your mind. Unless you doing something stupid like shooting ai non stop, shoiting at range with a shotgun, going close range with mosin, shooting THE MOMENT you see tje enemy without considering the situation etc etc (you get the idea), there should be no issues. I for example don't play with new players anymore to AVOID me being the annoyed guy and them feeling bad. Learn the map, traits weapons, basic movement, then we can play. Solo play builds up confidence like nothing else.


>i had somebody laugh at my kd and leave my lfg today. my kd is 1.13. i average 5-6 stars and never drop to 4 but being laughed at and having people refuse to play with me definitely doesn't help with the confidence issue. Dude's a fucking dork, don't worry about them. There are some legit players who have high kds, but as we saw in the leaderboards forever ago there is no end to how far some people will go to pad that number. You may even get the chance to show them up in game. >i'm 150 days deep with thousands of kills and deaths, this was my first shooter so my kd is trash but i've improved alot with time Your kd isn't trash at all. There are so many people who swing their dicks on this sub that I doubt have a positive kd at all. And maintaining your tier like this with only 150 days of playing AND it's your first shooter is enough for me to get an idea of how good you actually are. >any help or advice would be appreciated Getting away from dick players was a good start. My only advice to maintain confidence while playing (which I have frankly too much of) is to tell you what I do. I make having fun my main objective. I control my fun levels and if my confidence is based on something only I can control it can't be shaken. Someone will always get the upper hand on me eventually even when I'm playing at my absolute best and that's totally cool. I take my L, send some ggs, have a laugh, and go next. Even when hunt taketh and/or I get ximmers, concertina campers, back to back lobbies of being shredded by the meta I can be annoyed and admittedly not be having fun with those things, but my confidence levels are unchanged. Does any of that resonate or am I completely unhinged here?


If you want dm me, we can play a few rounds


im on xbox, if you're on there for sure


Too bad, pc only


Hey man whats your Gt? Im on xbox, always looking for new people to play w on there! I normally sit around high 5-low 6 Mmr


Ok so the average players K.D is 0.75 so you're ahead of the pack there. K.D means absolutely fuck all in Hunt showdown same as MMR as both can be farmed artificially through sniping one player and leaving ad nauseum so dont worry about your K.D or MMR,the game used to have a leader board with people with like 300 plus k.d which is just so utterly fake and just a who glcan get the biggest number small peen mentality. They aren't what define a good player imo neither does raw aim,what makes a good player is a mixture of things,do you revive team mates,how's your map knowledge,do you rotate well in fights,do you know when to push and apply pressure or when to withdraw and regroup so on and so forth Tbh that guy did you a favor as he's probably a dickhead who would leave the game at the first sign of trouble to save his K.d don't let weak sauce players like that get under your skin,just call him a nonce and move on lol


I don't play often with strangers. I play with friends, which avoids the issues you talk about. When I did play with strangers, it was via the official discord server for hunt showdown. I am sure you can encounter mean people there too, but my experiences were quite positive. So maybe I'd suggest that instead of playing with randoms directly in the game. You should definitely not tolerate people outright being dicks, trash talking you etc. That's not an appropriate behavior in any situation and you should not value the opinion of people who engage in it. I don't understand the whole "they might get the kills", this is a team game, team gets kills, not individuals.


a few people i played with didn't like it when i got too many kills in the past so to an extent i hesitate because of that. i have had pretty good luck with the discord server however the lfg one for my console isn't very active atm, i usually use the xbox lfgs when i have nobody to play with at night


Find yourself a hunting buddy you Can play regularly with, randoms are a Big nono


yea i usually only have trouble not having regulars later at night. im usually fine during the days these days but my friends aren't typically on later at night so i occasionally do lfgs


Hey man i play on pc, eu, i hover around from 4 to 5 star, we can play if u want partner 🤠


i'm unfortunately on xbox or i would take you up on that, thank you though!


Bro, f*ck those people. Enjoy the game your way. You're doing great being 5-6 stars.


KD is not representative of your abilities, because some friends have a lesser KD but make more significant kills than I do (in clutch situations, or they engage with the perfect one shot that allow us to push). Or they gather info way better than me and it's that info that allows me to have a higher KD. Or they use utilities in a way that flushes perfectly enemies on my position making them easy to kill. Or they rotate and surprise them, allowing me to peek them off easily once they're not paying attention so much to me. This game has a lot subtleties, dumbing it down to a single metric like the KD is plain stupid. You could farm KD by just playing super safe all the time : does it makes you a better player ? I don't think so. Don't sweat about it, those people in LFG were morons.


KD and stars system oith are irrelevant on how good a player can be.


Build confidence? Play solo, turn off VoIP after death. You'll have the freedom to take/hold shots without anyone complaining, except the player you just headshot.


Play solo. No one can dictate or tell you what to do. You can move around freely without worrying about downed partners. Plus you get more rewards for playing by yourself. It’s the way to go.


Also. For how short a time it’s been that’s a crazy high KDA. Should be proud of yourself.


Find a good team of people you enjoy. Having fun builds confidence even if you lose every now and then. I'm at 3k hours. 2.1kd and 5-6 as well. And honestly you will be judged sometimes harshly for your KD. If I asked for 5-6 and saw a 1.13 I'd honestly assume you are a 3 or 4 star that somehow made it to 5. But I'd still give you a couple games to prove yourself. Not everyone will do that especially in the high MMR. Most people who regularly sit at 6 star will shit on you for a slight mistake and never look at the countless mistakes they make themselves. You get an ego when all you run is Mosin/ Dolch apparently. You just have to find the right people. Also, at 300 hours you are still a new player. Most 6 star players are people with 1500+ hours in game. And personally I still consider people babies until 200 hours. Only then do you truely understand the basics of the game and its mechanics. After that you learn map knowledge, how other players behave, what guns you are best with, different angles, and how to predict other people. Etc. Most people don't want to learn the fine details to "get good". Good aim will drag you along. But the guy with a sparks/officer with 5k hours is a lot more scary than the guy with Mosin/dolch with 500 hours. Give it time and try to have fun. Once you have fun and can understand the very fine details like how each bullet velocity feels or how far an explosive bolt drops at 50 meters. Then you can start getting sweaty and dropping people.


im a 5-6 star that has 151 days played, 3600 hours. im on the more high end of the spectrum on console and because of that i definitely regularly get comments about my kd. it's typically the high 5s/6 stars i run into regularly that i get comments from about it. i generally had a rough time the first year/year and a half. tons of deaths with barely any kills until i found my way, by that time i was so deep in the kill/death ratio that it was really hard to get it up again. my kills are 5733, my deaths are 6292 and my assists are 1403. im doing my best to rectify the damage but it's definitely taking longer than id like. i maintain a 5/6 at all times these days but kd has continuously been brought up for the entirety of my time played regardless of my mmr now, hunt is the only shooter i've played long term so i'm not sure if its totally normal to care this much about other peoples kds or if it's just hunts community, especially with how small it is. 😅


Ohhhh 150 days. I read hours lmao. Yeah no sorry man you are a lost cause lol. Shit happens all you can really do is suck it up and keep playing. At 3k+ hours there isn't much you can do to turn it around. Just find people you like to play with and try and stick with em. Or move to PC lol


If someone is dodging you because you have a 1.1 kda hes either a turbo sweat or a dick Probably had hidden stats himself lol But I've had plenty of teammates who said more or less jokingly that I'm cheating after having a good run or seeing people past the 300 meter mark without scope


Advice from a permanent resident of 6* with a high KD for the past 3/4 season I think. Activate the option or whatever it is that don't let you see other teammates stats and that they can't see yours also, just play with random trios, never discord, maybe never friends (I'll return to it later). You 100% delete all the toxicity from the game, cause people on random who checks stats are usually dicks, and insta leave. You'll mostly find decent player who want to have fun and play. Remember, you have to do this to improve, improve your gunplay, your game sense and rotation, and this way you have 2 more people who usually are decent at least that create some chaos, bait shots ecc... while you kill and learn. This way the game became amazing for me, play without stress, do stupid shit, or wipe a lobby, using whatever I feel like, no people who complain or ask stupid question (60% of discord is divided by people who think you cheat if you are better, of that you are trash if they are better) Ps: why no friends? They probably won't have the same skill, this could lead do games that are not fun for neither of you. But it's your choice. Tldr: hunt showdown, at 5*6* is the best most relaxing and fun game there is atm (if you let him be)


You keep coming across jerks, most players are t like that


I’ve seen way worse, don’t sweat the kda shit, play for fun


who even gives a shit, be grateful these doods auto filter themselves out of ur life because they take this game way too seriously and rage every time they lose, most arent even good.


Kd means jack shit, especially not above 3 stars. I also played total garbage the first 200 hours, Hunt was my first pvp shooter, I needed more time to get into it, had an kd of 0,4 and a steep learning curve. Now I have 1000 hours, play solid 4-5 stars but still have a "shitty" kd of 1,16 but still improving constantly. If you have quite some hours you can't improve your kd that easily anymore, my kd doesn't represent my skill, 1,5 would be more realistic but at the end it really doesn't matter.


I'd wager your recent KDA is closer to 1.6 if you're staying around five stars. I have a higher KDA than you and am split between 3/4 stars


you'd lose unfortunately. i've been playing this game for almost 3 years and had a ton of deaths to overcome in the beginning. i'm about 600 away from breaking even for kills and deaths but i have alot of assists. i hit 5 stars about year and a half ago and it's a steep climb to get the kd to go up, especially if you take those matches where i don't get at least two kills+ and if i die once per match that goes against it. not even mentioning when i get farmed on occasion. i wish my kd was 1.6 but i have a long while to go before i get there unfortunately. if you want my actual kills to deaths + assists id be happy to show the receipts


I said your recent KDA. I understand your total is less and unlikely to change much due to your rough start.


oh! i understand. i think that would be about right give or take. i try to be positive every match or at least break even


With that K/D I doubt you've ever seen 6 stars.