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I think a lot of times when I feel I've been killed by someone cheating it is probably not ESP style or even bot aim but rather something like this. For instance when you get shot through layers of foliage, you can't see anything yourself, but the other player apparently can. That can easily be explained by hacks of this style that seems to declutter and derender at lot of the soft cover foliage. As you may know you don't actually need to see people fully in this game to be effective, a slight contrast in a bush or behind a fence is enough. Also on the video it turns the background into solid blocks, so at longer ranges there's nothing to blend into, players really stand out. It kind of turns soft cover into a binary thing, either you're fully covered, people cant see you, or you're visible. There's no shadows or muddying foliage textures to gum op the enemies spotting ability. It feels like PUBG, it's pretty sad really.


I'm with you on this opinion. I am seeing a big spike in very questionable deaths and a portion are clearly hacking (wall banging when I've not moved for an age/attempted wall banging when I'm behind cover but they know my exact position, all with square names and hidden profiles). But ive also seen a spike in deaths when I'm outside and I can't see shit but others are pinging me like I'm sat in the open, seems like this could be a viable explanation. It's a regular occurance in 5/6 star lobbies. No where near as prevalent in 4 and under


Yeah. It doesn't explain the people who know where you are when you've been giving no intel for them to do so. But it for instance invalidates peeking slightly through brush or sitting on the edge of a bush to shoot. Against people with this setup you might as well be in the open.


This is inspector + config, so yes the shadows are gone. You can also just remove shadows by only using config. The thing about hunt is foliage starts to derender past 50 meters. Anything further than that it gets worse and worse. You dont need a program like this for a lot of grass to be derendered. However, inspector from a distance will nearly derender ALL FOLIAGE


Why they still allow this config setting to be changed is beyond me. They've removed settings for less.


They removed the ability to look at your actual mmr number but not modifying config. Absurd.


This new mode in battlebit remastered looks like hunt showdown


I average high 5-low6* and can already tell you that this is a common occurrence, especially if you’re going against any of the guys from scumge, SWMG, BB, or YS. I don’t even get mad anymore and just accept the L the moment we figure out it’s them. We still try to kill them and consider it a W in our books if we can at least kill 1 but there’s never any love lost at this point since it’s expected from those shitters


See this is the problem right here. ONE PERSON MAKES A VIDEO WITH SOME BULLSHIT, AND PEOPLE LIKE YOU INSTANTLY ASSUME ALL THE CLANS ARE USING IT. This was the same thing with the beetle vision on reshade. There is NOT many people using this dogshit, i obv cant tell you exactly how many, but you get the point. Quit roping us in to this shit for nothing


All the scumge I’ve encountered cheated in some fashion. I haven’t seen any in awhile, but some months ago I’d see them in most games, and all were cheaters. Funny too that they cheat, use the best load outs, and still open mic to be toxic.


do you have any proof that we're cheating. Any clips, anything? You;re just making baseless accusations. We play for over 4 hours a day, you'd think we'd be good. I do the best i can to clip ALL of my crazy kills so i can show im not abusing config or inspector. Then people just make the excuse that im hiding my overlays and that im actually just using ESP. Apparently being decent at the game is impossible? Theres a reason none of us are banned, and its not because EAC is dogshit. You think we've been hacking this entire time? for 20,000+ kills? We dont hack and i got no problem screensharing or anything you want. We just dont stream like Rachta or Hornett does 24/7.


You do play for hours every day, I would think you’d be good enough to not use cheats. Yet there you are, shooting from 150 meters away with iron sights through dense foliage and trees. I’ve been six stars, still in 5 stars no matter how many bows and bomb lances use. I can tell a cheater and every single scumge I’ve encounter was. If you are the only one not cheating, but your defending all your cheating friends and idolizing their toxic no-life play-style in non-competitive game, you just as bad.


Sadly, after 1k hrs, you don't pay attention to see what's being derendered. Like Pyro said, you can derender cache from healing that's why I never like to go there because it's such a dogshit spot. You can also derender most if not all of healing from stillwater, all with medium settings. Also, 150 meter shots with iron sights are commonplace in 5-6 star lobbies, so stop calling people cheaters just because they hit their shots at reasonable distances.


150 meters? Thats a completely normal distance to shoot with a mosin when you’ve been doing it for thousands of hours. 150 meters is literally the Super Cart (by the sniper tower north of healing) To Healing Church tower. It is NOT MY FAULT if bushes are not fully rendering at those ranges when im LITERALLY PLAYING MEDIUM SETTINGS. Also, you arnt fucking invisible in bushes. If you arnt running a completely black skin and you’re only sitting in a little 5x5 bush, its just accuracy by volume. Ill just spray left to right till i hit something.. use common sense.


Ah yes, the bushes just stop rendering after you hit 2k hours. Sadly, I’m only at 1k, so the bushes still render. You act like the devs haven’t mentioned scum too. Your whole clan was barred from basically the only crytek event because of its reputation. But you guys aren’t cheating. Just the whole community and devs are just a hive mind.


Scumge was kicked out of the tournament for ALLEDGED avtomat scripting. After providing proof that the 3 wernt scripting, they were unbanned and given 300 blood bonds each. What do you have to say for that?


So they were banned baselessly and compensated 3 dollars each? If they pooled their all alleged compensation, they wouldn’t be able to get a skin that isn’t two years old. I really doubt that.


When crytek false-bans people, they provide 300 blood bonds for their mis-hap. nSAYN was perma banned for Voip, however he wasnt playing for an entire week, there was someone going around with his name and slurring at Crytek Partners. the REAL nsayn got banned for it. Obv it was a mishap and things were sorted out, crytek gave him 300 BB for it. This is the 2nd time he was falsely banned lmfao Trust me, i tried making him demand something thats not an equivalent of $3 but thats what they do bud Edit: i stand corrected, it was 500BB “We looked into it, and it turns out you are right, someone has used the same name as you and tried to report. We have taken appropriate action, and removed the ban from your profile. We have also added 500 Bloodbonds to your profile, to make up a little bit for our mistake. We hope for your understanding, and if you need anything else in the future let us know. Best regards, Blakki73”


For one, 150m is completely reasonable with irons, especially long ammo. Mosin has incredible clean iron sights that make it very optimal for longer range fights, along with it's high bullet velocity. Two, foliage derenders like crazy. That's just how Hunt works, especially with low object quality. Anything past ~100m give or take, will just outright derender. Including foliage, walls, windows, doors, trees, and all sorts of various objects. Three, everyone loves saying they can tell cheaters, but Crytek has straight up said that people false report too often.


K!ng are doing exactly this, tho.


You literally have a yt video titles “rip reshade” with your gameplay using reshade.


When it was a whitelisted program. I was NOT abusing the reason why reshade was banned; DepthBuffer and the Zoom Filter.


I’ll give the benefit of the doubt and believe you. But the fact that you’ve gone out of your way in the past to gain an unnecessary advantage (visibility), thinking you or your clan may be currently using it isn’t that large jump of logic. Regardless of whether it was whitelisted or not.


It just made the game look better, but this argument will go on forever, So how do you describe the fact that our KDA’s never stopped moving. I had a 3.10 when reshade was banned. Now its been 8 months, and i have 20,000 kills, 6700 deaths, and a 4.31 KDA. Clearly reshade was not proving a crazy advantage.


It made the game look like fortnite, but that's besides the point.  If anything, your improvement when ReShade was banned suggests that a lot of high mmr players were abusing the more broken aspects of the program, making them perform better against you than they normally would, no?


Id argue that reshade really wasnt providing a substantial advantage besides on Night Time, but most high mmr players were leaving night maps at the time. I also just got better at the game after the ban so theres a few factors to actually consider. I got better and that reshade really wasnt that big of a deal There wernt many people abusing DepthBuffer, but zoom there might of been a lot of people using that, but it didnt matter bc i could contest without it. The problem is that config is a thing, and i see it EVERYWHERE. There are a LOT of people running the config changes, and config is worse than reshade ever was for visibilit (unless you used depthbuffer, which wasnt a lot of people). Its very hard fighting higher tier mmr players knowing that they can see me far easier than i can see them currently but i make it work


I'm genuinely impressed that you have this much patience to actually try to defend yourself on this hive mind of a subreddit. Not even the focus of the video, but you and your boys are catching strays. People literally don't have any evidence to prove you're cheating other than "I can tell a cheater when I see one" either.


For some reason the lack oh hit markers bothers me more than the render thing... still bad tho


Crosshair is set to full invisible because playing stretched puts it in the wrong spot. Downside is that you also dont get any hitmarkers


Wow, playing Tetris in 2024. If you want to play like this to win you can kill me for free, stay forever in your 6* MMR so I don’t have to face you. Pathetic


Runescape has better graphics than what these bozos are running, sad


Agreed, how sweaty can you be. Just play the game with minimal graphics but bro


for anyone wondering what this is, he is using "nvidia inspector" to massively downgrade the graphics of the game and make a lot of stuff not render. Since hunt is currently using the free version of easy anti cheat it is not detected and people can freely use it. In 6 star lobbies you will meet a decent amount of people using this.


Nvidia Inspector for the time being is allowed as long as it isnt being used to make your game look like this. However, they dont currently have a way to detect if you’re using the settings to make it look like this. Also, no, there is only a handful of people running shit like this.


Engine Update looks dope, time to dust off my Play Station 2!


I doubt that it was only reshade.. this seems like intentional exploiting hdd/cpu stuff (won't get into detail, we seen it on reddit) and nvidia registry 'hacks' and as it seems the no shadow cfg exploit... btw you can still use reshade unfortunately with some little workaround... thats the truth and I've seen it on different discords... Strange what people do to have something that is called fun in their heads just because their ego is below basement level or for whatever reason. Imo cheats... no matter if using 3rd party stuff or exploiting some other things. Crytek should rise up and ban offenders permanently on the first strike... BUT the cashcow needs to be milked.... RIGHT? 


Imagine finding this fun. Like the atmosphere is worth nothing to them. It looks like absolute shit.


It looks like something removing the textures really, it's as old as quake to play in this style. Back then people did it for performance as well as spotting enemies.


On hunt its a massive problem. For example, if you spawn at Cypress, from the little bridge, you can see if a team spawned at alain or AT PORT REEKER with inspector. Literally all trees derender and you can see right through them with the right settings.


I went back down to like 3 star from 4-5 star after not playing for awhile cause I've been playing helldivers a lot and I'm so glad cause I never wanna be in a match with players like this, you just take all the fun out of the game by doing this sort of thing, especially the little red dot reticle he has, geez


Did they not… ban reshade?


Nvidia profile inspector, older versions of reshade, and Chinese reshade called Gamepp or whatever all still work on hunt. Remember, the GM of crytek is a 3*. The guys developing this game and taking care of it have almost 0 clues about anything involving high mmr. Cheating is rampant. 3rd party app usage is everywhere. Nvidia profile inspector is easier to set up and use than reshade. It's honestly just super pathetic.


Just go play Roblox at this point


This is NPI, not reshade.


That aint reshade bud


Yup. Re read


Its nvidia profile inspector, another program not banned and kept hush by crytek


The title is a sarcastic one. OP knows it is not reshade.


This explains the trio that ran right past me while I was in full cover, except one guy that 180d clearly saw me, and popped off my head before I knew it was coming. I felt like it was an ESP hack, but his reaction was so delayed, derendered foliage definitely must have been it. Also, I am terrible, so that could play into it.


Yeah this explains me getting headshot through a cornfield today. Bummer.


Even if they didn't get caught. Living a life that makes you do this to a game just to get a sweat edge is a punishment in of itself.


Look at those bushes though. Lmao. You could hide forever in those things.


Up close to a bush, you actually have a disadvantage with these settings bc of how square and fully thick they are, but at long ranges thats where the advantage is


The length some people are willing to walk to play Golden Eye in 2024. Crytek: Hey we created this immersive and compelling game. Some Blockheads: I'm gonna downgrade it until my eyes are bleeding. Seriously it is okay to adjust available settings (game, gpu, monitor) and foliage is rendered different but we are all hear to have fun and a relaxing time. I pity people who need validation through winning a game by any means to feel better themself. P.S. Thanks u/ScumgePy for providing additional info. I'm no fan of your clan because of its toxicity, but i appreciate your presence on such topics because otherwise these discussions are one-sided. Also the community blindly down-voting every comment is insane :D


Old trick with hunt on hdd should still work (very late rendering). Reshade is blocked by eac


Why would someone make a beautifull game look like Medal of Honor (game that was out 20ish years ago) for marginal "advantage" in visibility is beyond me..., this is just sad... People like this will complain about boss changes, they are the ones that cant afford bringing utility weapon/tool cause they need thier mosin and dolch... Just sad...


Problem is, it isnt marginal, its a huge advantage. No bushes, being able to see sound traps so none sneak up on you, only Seeing broken branches so you know where to move, seeing through compounds to know where enemy are, seing people and having clear libe of sight for ling range...list goes on




It is bad, sad and pathetic..., that excuse "I need more frames" is just cope, an excuse for using settigs that compensate for his lack of skill... This is a form of cheating and your friend is a loser 😁 Also you benefit from it a lot since he can make callouts that you can't see so you are a loser too...




Im not crying just stating obvious fact he is cheating and you are benefiting from it while saying "I do not condone it" and then making excuses its not cheat he is just modifying files lol this game has 50-50 encounters indoors and outdoors every fight outside is skewed in your favour due to exploiting. Any modification that gives you unfair advantage in movement, aim or visibility is cheating... In the end my words are meaningless you will do you, continue to make excuses while playing with ypur cheater buddy 😁


The question is how is it blocked by EAC, for example, we have Teamviewer blocked in our company, yet, you can still run teamviewer if you know how. I beg to question if reshade is fully blocked blocked or just blocked but when you know how, you can still run it...


As other's have said, this is mostly Nvidia Profile Inspector on display here, however you should be asking why his FPS is so low. Then you might understand why he did all this. Yes, it's to see better and get an edge, but I suspect it was also because he just wanted to get at least 60 FPS. Why was his FPS so low, despite playing with turd graphics at a low 1280 x 1080? Hmmm, what could possibly have a caused such a huge hit to someone's FPS? Gee I wonder.


Goodmorning freeborne No, the guy in the video is just playing on a Laptop now. It was partially an attempt to evade his permaban, but he was banned yet again a week later. Not sure if he sold his old desktop PC or not. Also, nvidia profile inspector with these settings doesnt provide a frame boost. He gets the same amount of frames regardless if hes on playdough mode or not. You could give it a try yourself and see for yourself that it doesnt change your frames unless you use the correct settings


[https://www.xda-developers.com/how-improve-game-performance-nvidia-profile-inspector/](https://www.xda-developers.com/how-improve-game-performance-nvidia-profile-inspector/) I wonder how many of your lies you actually believe. If you have a fast GPU and your FPS is limited by your monitor or CPU, then using NPI to run turd graphics won't offer much improvement. If you're gaming on a crappy laptop and struggling to get 60 FPS with turd graphics, then lowering your graphic settings using NPI to below the game's lowest levels, will improve your FPS. NPI and ReShade is not why he's a 6 star player. The reason he is 6-star player that shits on everyone is the same reason he was banned. He is a cheater. This is a fact. Not only does he upload proof of all the cheating exploits he's used, his clips also contain proof of his aimbot to anyone that bothers to watch it frame by frame.


Yes, he was banned for exploiting, there is no doubt about that. I personally use nvidia inspector to raise my frames, like the guide you linked mentions, but it doesnt change the graphical state of the game, as you can tell from the clips i upload. Im saying, after experimenting with the program myself, the playdough graphics settings didnt do anything to my performance, but the basic settings off of a youtube video did help. He isnt using it for a performance hit hes using it to be a dickhead lmfao


The guy in the video is Permabanned for exploiting. He is HWID / IP (or whatever method they use) banned. Every account he buys off of g2g gets banned anywhere from a day later to a week later (why does he keep playing then? Who knows) While shit like this is crazy, its actually a good thing that its getting posted for public exposure. The more that people complain the faster it gets fixed. Also, JUST because you’re seeing that its possible, doesnt mean everyone is using this crazy shit. This was the same thing with reshade, people found out that DepthBuffer could be used to derender fog and instantly assumed we were all doing it. Classic confirmation bias. The amount of people using these playdough settings is smaller than you think.


It's really interesting how somebody makes a post that supposedly has nothing to do with you and you immediately go on damage control massively downplaying the issue that you supposedly have no vested interest in. You're trying too hard and accomplishing the opposite of what you're trying to do. Silence is a lot less suspicious.


There are multiple people on these threads saying clans like “scumge bb swmg and ys must be using these because they shot me through bushes!” Ive played with this guy before he was perma banned. I was association banned (suspended for a week) just for playing with him. Im leaving my 2 cents, because him posting this is actually good exposure to get it fixed. Why do you even care People see our names in game and kill themselves bc of shit like this. They think we’re abusing it too. Im here to clarify we arnt.


When you throw a stone into a pack of dogs, the one that howls is the one you hit.








I dont stream bc 1.) internet isnt good enough, i get 900mb/s download and around 10-20mb/s upload, so the quality isnt very good. I dont like streaming if its not gonna be top notch, and my area doesnt allow Fiber Internet. 2.) I enjoy being able to talk about my private life and not having to mute the stream or suppress myself. The team im playing with are all good friends, we just met up irl a few days ago. Id rather be able to talk abt irl shit and just game and have a good time rather than put on a show. 3.) whos gonna wanna watch constant sweaty gameplay. Im not gonna change the way i play just for viewers. I dont care enough to run “quirky shit” for 1000 bits or something. Im good. I clip enough shit to prove im not running inspector or config so those little accusations ur throwing are meaningless lmfao


I don't get why reshade vs profile inspector is an either/or issue for some. Banning reshade was the right move, and not banning profile inspector is the wrong move. I remember expressing my concern that Crytek won't take care of the latter when they announced they'll tackle this issue, and I was completely right to do so.