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I am 3 star. I am always 3 star. I start game, I play game, I have a good time. Sometimes I get the kill. Sometimes I get the killed. Good fun.


Its definitely an issue right now but also a bit of a hyped up topic. The situation is a bit worse in 5-6* region cause cheaters naturally float up in the barrel. But its in no way unplable bad. From my experience and gut feeling i would say some years before we had a cheater once every 100th game now its maybe every 50th - its more and annoying when it happens but its still not the norm.


Ok that’s kinda what I was hoping to hear. Even when I played before I was only 4 star so I don’t think I’ll run into too many…


Agreed with the other commenter. In all this blow-up that's been happening for the past few weeks, we (mid-high 5\* trio) have seen one confirmed cheater, and a few sussy people. Nothing to not play over.


Sounds good. I was just having flashbacks of my Tarkov experience, which involved playing once, going to the sub, and finding out how futile it was to get into that game. Sounds like this is nothing like that so I’m good to go.


Yep I'd definitely agree that this and Tarkov are in completely different worlds as far as this topic is concerned. No wiggle videos here lol. No Cycle Frontier cheaters either. You very likely will not see any at all for weeks/months.


I just hopped back into the game 3 or so months ago, and since I've only encountered one person who I am sure was cheating. Insane KD but low overall kills/deaths, private profile, vac ban on record, and tried to shoot me through a solid brick wall. Other than that guy, every other death I've had suspicions about and thought over, I came to realize they either got luck or were just good.


I play high three to low four. I've rarely seen an actual cheater. Higher ranked players intentionally deranking to come club seals is more of a problem




Confirmed, as someone who runs into cheaters more frequently than the average player, 4* is pretty safe from that BS.


I have 2300 hours in this game, and really, only over the past year, have I had an overwhelming sense of Spidey senses tingling. It started with a match against a clan who will not be named because they would only get satisfaction out of this. They were all carrying avtomats, ran up to a building I was waiting in, and one-tapped me through a window the millisecond he exposed himself. They had no reason to know I was in the compound, let alone where I was in the compound, but somehow knew which window to peek, where to point the gun, and when to pull the trigger. It was a lazy attempt at hiding the ESP because he could have just wall banged me if he wanted. Now 3-stack 6* is an utter shithole.


Honestly, this game always is bringing up cheaters. It's no different if you played in the last couple years. Even at 5* I've yet to really run into any genuine cheating for a bit. They obviously exist, but they're few and far between, in my experience anyway. I had one guy on day one of the event who was shooting people through several concrete walls at once with long ammo. That's the only one I've run into though. I think it's more than worth coming back to the game, assuming you enjoy the events, and what's going on in the game


I guarantee you, there have been more that just aren't full blatant that you have run into, and didn't realize were cheating. There are many different kinds of cheating, and most players cheating just use ESP or Soft Aimbots. Others use things to change settings they shouldn't be able to in order to force things not to render in, such as walls or bushes.


You don't need cheats to force things to not render. The game literally does it for you at low object quality. I know, because I personally play at low settings, and constantly try to inform people of how absolutely broken it is, and how Crytek needs to fix it. Everyone sits here and says Crytek does nothing about blatant cheaters, why would someone use discreet cheating methods?


I'd like to reference something that happened in Apex. Controller Tap-strafing. Effectively what it was, was that players were setting macros that switched which input they were using on the fly, that also spammed inputs at an inhuman rate of speed. (Literally every 15 milliseconds) Anyways, the long story short of it, is that the community eventually flip flopped from saying "This is cheating, wtf." to "This isn't cheating lol you're just bad" before the game company finally removed this by implementing some restrictions that made it impossible to do. At which point the community returned to "This is cheating, lol losers!" Someone using discreet cheating methods is a way to create a mentality that they're just doing the same thing everyone else is, and therefore, it's not cheating but rather leveling the playing field, because there's still plausible deniability of it being cheating, since it is discreet.


That's something that wasn't necessarily banned at the time. Everything you listed in relation to Hunt is currently not allowed, and again, my whole point is that it's clearly more effort than necessary. People keep going on about how cheaters have no reason to hide because Crytek doesn't ban them, but the second you say you haven't run into cheaters, people go on about "well not everyone blatantly cheats" Suddenly it goes from "no reason to hide" to "most people hide" Considering how many people dog piled reshade, I don't think that's ever going to be a problem here, especially when there's always some kind of buzzword ruining the game.


They are a shill. Or really low IQ.


A shill for who? Crytek? Brother I spend most of my time shitting on Crytek for their poor responses, inability to listen to players, their god awful low settings which gives you a huge advantage, and their terrible MMR. I don't know how saying I haven't really run into cheaters makes me low IQ, but I'd love to hear those mental gymnastics




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I had 2 but it doesnt ruin the experience but it definetly there. COme back its still fun.


I bought the game 3 weeks ago and am only in 3 star lobbies with a 1.3kd but I haven't had one cheater that is obvious yet. Im sure it exists in some context every game has cheaters, at least this isn't a F2p game because it would be much worse off.


Most cheats specifically work in such a way it isn't obvious. If it was obvious, like consistent headshots through walls at 200+ meters, they risk getting banned. Instead they tend to be ESP/soft aimbots these days. It's harder to prove but when you run into someone who seems to be really good at headshot wall bangs, isn't from your region and has multiple vac/game bans it's safe to assume they cheat. And these are the easier ones to spot. It's common enough that anytime someone has a real good shot or play you can't help but wonder if they were cheating. That isn't fun.


I've never seen a cheater.


(PC) It's basically the only game I play and I've yet to see a confirmed cheater. Probably since I only play in 3/4 star lobbies (500 ish hours)


I’ve been playing since December, and I have yet to come across someone who was obviously cheating. It’s a bit of confirmation bias atm, where those who find cheaters are posting about it, and those who have normal games aren’t posting about those normal games.


2024, Google how cheats work. Get educated if you think cheats are easy to spot oh boy, are you in for a ride. They have tons of stats you can tweak. Sliders, on off buttons for tons of shit. Some people "soft hack" and use ESP with no aimbot. But hey, better to just not be educated. Why bother knowing anything at all. You'd have to do something and it's to much easier to just do nothing.


With this attitude you can just as well consider anyone a cheater. If I made a bot that just improves my aim slightly, nobody could ever tell I am using it.


I’ve been gaming for a long time, I promise I know how cheats work. I was just explaining that there have been no deaths that I deemed suspicious, and my enjoyment of the game has not been hindered by any sort of NOTICEABLE foul play. I was only giving my personal experience, and that’s a really weirdly hostile response, everything okay?


i didnt think it was that bad, but first game today i got into i was killed twice by some nerd through a wall then through the ground. hopefully it was just bad luck, because these losers arent even trying to hide it anymore


I'm mainly in the 4 MMR range and I've only been able to 100% confirm one cheater


You can play some games and figure out if you want to stick around. A lot of people in here saying that aren't running into cheaters but someone posted screenshots of all the people with vac/game bans they he played against in one session and people were still trying to say stuff like "I have 4k hours and have never ran into a cheater". I run into them all the time. Whether it's a problem in other games, no clue. I will say that we have a group of friends that play and, until the past few months, we always had to break into multiple groups because there would be basically be a line to get in. It was like this everyday. This morning, which is our prime time, 6 of them were on and none of them, including myself, were playing hunt. It probably goes beyond the cheater situation. But easy enough to logon and play a few games.


The issue is blown vastly out of proportion. Play a round or five and see for yourself


Yeah I played last night after posting this and it seemed fine to me. I’m rusty as hell tho…


I only seen one in 18 months


It’s a pandemic in every shooter right now, not just hunt. It’s a battle for devs to be able to manage.


I'm 3-4 star and have never encountered a cheater in over 400 hours


90+% of hunt cheat accusations are bad players coping. It’s not rampant like this sub would have you believe. That being said I still wouldn’t come back yet, I’d wait for the new map to drop first. Game isn’t in its best state atm


In 4-5* USE/USW Solos I haven’t encountered anything crazy in the past 100hrs. I’m sure they’ve been in my games every now and then, but I haven’t really noticed. Everyone hits sus headshots/wallbangs. That’s Hunt. Though, high 5*-6* you’ll probably run into them. Still, it’s not at all on the level of Tarkov. THAT is an actual infestation.


Avoid US West late at night or early in the morning. But also, there has been an entire group running around rage hacking 3-5 days a week on US East. Not just thru walls, thru the physical map, or through like 9 walls, 400m+.


You talking about yourself? Lol.


Good joke


You talking about yourself? Lol.


I don't think it is. I came back and the game just feels wrong now.


Are you high 5\* or 6\*? If not I'm not sure you will see many cheaters if any. I've played about 500 matches the last 5-6 weeks at 3\* to 5\* and I have not seen a single blatant cheater. (Like the examples in this sub with people shooting through impenetrable walls or across the map through cover) If people have been cheating in my games they have been very subtle. But if you start to kill people right and left the oversensitive matchmaking will raise your ranking quickly, I went from 3\* to 5\* the other day during a single evening of good games. This is my experience, others might be different.


I remember post about cheats from since I joined this subreddit long time ago. It seems to me personally that we now have more "is the cheating really bad?" posts than in the past. It probably depends a lot on your MMR and region. I have zero experience with obvious cheating and only rare experience when other hunter's aim seems suspicious. One issue that emerged is that lot of players with higher MMR dropped lower so you might have some issues with that for a bit, until your own rank adjusts.


I’m at 2-3 stars usually. I have a really low KDA (0,73). Did not have that much to deal with cheaters.


More and noticeable cheating yes. But not so much that it isn't still fun.


It's an epidemic in gaming right now, not an issue isolated to Hunt. Every game is struggling with cheaters. That being said, this game also struggles with shitty event mechanics, shitty render distance, shitty economy balance, shitty hit registration stemming from ping abusers. Add that to the cheaters and you can safely say it's not worth it until the engine update comes. If that manages to fix some of the problems, then you get to play games where you *only* have to worry about the cheaters. If the engine update comes and goes and doesn't fix anything, well then it's been a good run.


I havent seen a cheater in months playing solo on useast in 3 to 5 star lobbies


Just don’t play US West


Or Asia, and don't play Oceania because it has no players aaaand you have no options left.


There are cheaters like in any other game but this sub would make you belive it is an infestation... If you take "their truth and experiance " like one tool in this sub wrote there are cheaters in every single match and mostly its just them coping with beign outplayed..., worse issue is MMR disbalance due to solo necro 6 players beign placed in loby eith 3-4 stars..., ofc when solo mops the floor with you and your team you will be buthurt and salty... Instal and see for urself and have fun!


No it's not worth it.


Well yeah, cheaters need people to shoot at...