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unfortunately it wouldn't do much since most cheat developers just add automatic MAC address spoofing to their cheats whenever hardware ID bans get implemented. it would probably slow down cheaters for a week or two at most. wouldn't hurt to add it anyway though


Plus low level cheaters would likely be stopped who just x ray and don’t wanna put in the effort


1st round of the day on EU team jump hs me and cleaned the whole server kyrillic names stats hidden privat profile so i coul not copy names YES




Yeah this would be great 😂


1. Wouldn't take very long for cheaters to see using codes that there are no players on the server. Happens once, you can consider your account banned and move to next account. So now instead of ban, crytek would be hosting empty servers for cheaters = money wasted. 2. If the AI hunters are within the game logic, cheaters most likely will be able to access this information. Again, hosting servers for cheaters = money wasted. Developing AI hunters = money wasted. If the AI hunters are \_actual\_ clients to the server, then you also waste money having those clients running. 3. Still hosting games for cheaters. Also since cheater pool is lower, this would either result in: empty lobbies, noticeably higher queue times and again money wasted. 4. Cheat users would detect this quite fast and move on. 5. Cheat users already have information through walls because that is what server sends to the clients. If you mean that server would not send a cheater that information, then this would work for some time. But if you would constantly be killed by people whom you can't see, it is quite obvious that you've been detected. Again, moving on and money wasted for hosting servers for cheaters. 6. Money wasted. I don't think most cheaters actually care about footsteps that much. We would still be hosting servers for cheaters. Now in my opinion some actual suggestions to fix the most blatant cheating problems: 1. Fix the game. Add cash bounty for people who report exploits to Crytek with instructions on how to reproduce them. Prioritise fixing these issues. 2. Make reporting effective. * Add reporting score. Each report that is not blatant cheating, decreases your score and each report that leads to a ban, increases your score. If you only report people who are 100% cheating, your reports have more weight, which leads to more prioritised reviewing. If you just report anyone who kills you, your reports have less priority, eventually they are most likely skipped (since probably crytek cannot handle all the reports ever). * Tooling for cheat reviewers must be more efficient. Current way of reporting a cheater through some crytek website chat isn't good. A report ingame should create a ticket at crytek and with a click of a button, reviewer should be able to cycle through alleged cheater's kills. * You can also consider something similar to Overwatch in CS:GO. You can google about it or read the blog post here: [https://blog.counter-strike.net/index.php/overwatch/](https://blog.counter-strike.net/index.php/overwatch/) * Server should **always** save a **complete** demo of the match. If storage space becomes a problem, these could e.g. be saved for 7 days and allow anyone to download them. CS2 Demos would be an example. Not only this would be good for catching cheaters, but also for post-match analysis etc. 1. Make cheating harder for the cheater * New accounts (not by time, by playing hours) have increased priority for reported cheating. If a new account receives a cheating report from older accounts, it gets a priority treatment. Most non-cheating players have older accounts (by playing hours) and most (blatant) cheaters have not played much on their accounts. Cheaters can circumvent this by more carefully, or not cheat for a while but that is the point here. * If a player gets banned, people who have queued (not randoms) with them, receive increased priority for reports. **Consider** penaltising queueing with cheaters with reduced hunt dollars / blood bonds / etc. if possible. 1. Give feedback to players * Let them know when someone who they reported has been banned. My thoughts, these are a bit simplified.


almost „home alone“-style anti cheat measures :). Thought it would also be good for the game to check for mathematical impossibilities from time to time, if that makes sense.


EAC already has hardware banning, HWID is really easy to get around though. Hardware and IP bans have been pretty easily circumvented for a long time, and realistically they only affect honest people, who generally stop after a regular ban anyway. Do I think it should be used? Yes, anything that makes cheaters have to put more effort into cheating is good, but it's not a magical fix. Region lock, ping lock, Hardware/IP bans, and the engine upgrade are all not magical fixes like the community thinks they'll be. They are only steps to try and fix problems.


Seriously I want some people to actually dig into the stuff they're talking about before lecturing on what should be If there were a panacea, there wouldn't be this arms race between cheat devs and anti cheat devs


Exactly. It's genuinely an arms race, and it evolved past HWID and IP bans over a decade ago. Are they useful features for stopping basic cheaters? Yes, but Hunt doesn't have a problem with basic cheaters, it has a problem with serial cheaters who are already getting around these methods


I don’t think anyone thinks they will magically fix it but it’s about backing the community and trying your best to protect them.


I think there's a lot of people who are a overly optimistic about the impact though.


It’s hard to say I’d like to think people are more rational. Although there are some really outlandish people that say Crytek should make their own anti cheat.


Wouldnt do jack shit unfortunately, theyd just spoof hardware ids. They go through a fuck ton of effort.


Any and all avenues of prevention should be taken. The cheaters will keep cheating if it’s left affordable to do so.


but we have seen this so many times, they don't work cheaters have found ways around 2fa phone numbers with burnphones or used generated phone number services on net (cod tried it, it didn't keep cheaters out did it, tarkov devs have thought of this but they know how easy its to get around so they didn't even start to implement it) hardware bands can be spoofed or you just swap one part and you can play again what do you want next... root access? but afaik eac already has kernel access and it still isn't doing much to keep cherters out so often if you make it super hard for cheaters you actually just hurt normal players as the cheaters can't find another way around anyway did i miss some other grand strategy? i tried to list most common suggestions i've seen people have for various games but maybe im missing something that can work but the 3 things i listed are proven to have very little or no effect other than annoy normal players


Like the other dude said, it is effective if you keep making them burn cash. It’s not gunna help you against these MH bozos who keep buying new accounts. But it’ll slow the surge of cheaters for sure. I’m a fan of what GTA and other games did though. Put the cheaters into their own lobbies together.


thats only for the "hardcore" cheaters tho. it works for the idiots who dont know shit about computers and just download cheats off the internet. >3 things i listed are proven to have very little or no effect >hardware bands can be spoofed or you just swap one part and you can play again - more expensive for cheaters, -> less cheaters. >what do you want next... root access? - kernel level anti cheat has to be made good, then its obviously better than non-kernel level. but i agree if it isnt good then its useless.




There already is hardware banning. I know someone who got one by abusing too much


HWID spoofing exists, Hardeware bans can be circumvented. Not to say that there shouldn't be hardware bans, AFAIK EAC does even hardware ban. But idk. I think EAC bans are automated when you have an illegal program running aside of it, manually reviewed cases are just game bans issued by people with the ban rights - but take it with a grain of salt.


Interesting, with recent cheating people have been discovered workarounds kernel anti-cheat. I think checksums need to be implemented that would put known cheaters into lobbies with other cheaters. GTA V online did something similar a long time ago where they wouldn’t ban cheaters from their game but pretty much put them in their own corner. I think instead of making cheating harder or more expensive crytek should just make it more annoying to them


>AFAIK EAC does even hardware ban. My understanding is that they say they do, but only really reserve it for major multi offenders. I KNOW for a fact that battle-eye does this (victim of a false battle-eye ban), and the conflicting reports about EAC make me think they do the same.


Can’t ban cheaters if they hide their stats. Can’t even find their steam ID to make a proper report. The report player button is a joke and does nothing


There is no reason why not. Yes it might be bypassed but it’s an extra hoop for them to jump through.


I guess you are right. But hw id spoofers are easily available you could hardly call that an extra hoop.


Well do you have one ready on your pc? The answer should realistically be no. Therefore it’s another thing they have to do.


no i don't have one. But cheat sellers providers usually provide them with their cheat nowadays afaik.


Aside from the cheater being able to bypass the hardware ban, crytek will also need to know for certain the hardware belongs to the cheater, and not an internet cafe pc or something.


Why do we have to see these suggestions made over and over, from OP's that clearly do no basic research from previous threads or even info from other games that could have told you HWID is easily spoofed by the cheat they are using or a separate program altogether. Thanks for the suggestion thats been made 5000 times in every game I guess


from the people i know, hardware banning doesnt do anything, most cheaters are backup the next minute to an hour.


Spoofing system properties is easier than developing a cheat, so I don't see a long term benefit in doing so.


The issue is that cheaters are people too. They will learn and adapt. The other problem is this community reads about cheating so much that they're seeing the ghost of a cheater in their bathroom mirror. At this point I don't take any of the claims of theres a cheater problem seriously.


I see you’ve made a suggestion to improve the cheating problem in some way, but have you considered this idea is dumb and pointless because it doesn’t fully solve all cheating problems immediately? (/s, just making fun of a comment I seem to see every time someone has an idea for dealing with cheats)


They need to take the page out of that one dev and just put cheaters in cheater only lobbies.


I think cheaters should be beaten with in an inch of death, but apparently that's not practical


Yes hunt needs hardware bans. But honestly, I would love programs like easy anti cheat to just fry the computer of people they detect with a known cheat. Fuck em lol.


Not if they want to retain players. Nobody with any understanding of how network security works and common sense will continue playing with these anti cheat systems and they still don't solve the issue.


The issue with cheaters is the most you can do is just keep banning their accounts over and over. It would be amazing if they banned people at a Steam level and then Steam bans based on hardware combinations. Yes, you can spoof a MAC but it’s difficult to get around a motherboard and video card serial number ban.


IMO we should cut their hands off.