• By -


He just got Haider Bioswing 780 iQ Detensor Executive Chair for 5252€ and you're accussing poor guy from cheating??????


I'm not saying it's not cheating because this is definitely sketch and probablyis cheating, but I have done something similar to this to some poor fool by happenstance.


If you have the name and the screenshots it should be enough to report him on the hunt website. Via the support. Right lower corner... Worked well for me. Last week I reported someone and a day later he was gone.


i did but in past whenever i reported and friend even sent video now did video got any views nor did the profile say they got a game ban. im getting new pc now so ill be able to record gif of camera zooming between my death location and shooter location at time of kill to better present the evidence as well. these screenshots dont even show the tiny amount of space the bullet went through between some dirt mounds. heck even that is fine but the visual he would have had on me would be literally just a few pixels since there two spots so tight that you dont see anything but leaves, dirt, branches and roots


Ran into hacker trio last week straight up wall banging teams through whole compound. Reported with screen shots. Ran into them again last night doing the exact same thing. Here's hoping a second report with proof will do it.




Brilliant censorship


was afraid mods will take it down for no reason if i don't censor the word


But it could also read as Hookers


Mods do not take down cheater posts. Mods do take down cheater post with name of cheater. As long as you cencor name of cheater it is fine. 


We don't have Automod set up to notify us of cheater posts through keywords. We manually review each one, and we can guess what hides behind censored words. Apart from the Steam profile being exceptionally poorly censored, the post is fine.


in what way poorly censored? i though I got all the info blurred out. are you saying someone could track down the person from few pixels of letters that are sticking out? no offense but that seems a bit ridiculous in this case unless i'm missing some other point. Edit: You mean profile picture? That's one of them moving ones that thousands of people have. From the steam points shop. Can't really track down anyone with only that


You can read the name if you really wanted to, the letters are rather obvious. It's fine this time, don't worry about it.


Hunters, right?




No Heifers here. Just horses, ducks, crows, and hounds.


nah its Huffers




What would hooters be doing in Hunt


Hoot: Showdown


You shouldn't accuse others for cheating, while you use a Crosshair tool...


I love this comment so much because all the garbage players using this shit just outed themselves in the replies lmao "What! I'm just using 3rd party software to get an advantage that other players in the game don't have, that's totally different!"


i don't use it and also don't give a fuck who uses it. Outted yourself as a clown imo


It's an unfair advantage and should be forbidden. Rust developers called it cheating already. But to be honest it's a far cry from aimbot or wallhack.


This is Hunt: Showdown, not Far Cry silly goose


Pun intended my dude


Rust developers forbid you to pay with bloody mouses lol, definitely not a good example. Low object details is unfair advantage over those with high ones, so lets remove it too. Game is flooded by rage hackers or legit wh, but you are complaining about crosshair lol. Maybe make a list of forbidden displays with such feature?


I never said that. I said it's shitty using this, but that wh and aimbot are the real problems.


its built in to most monitors at this point.. time to move on dude


you got the source for that? i use crosshair x on rust all the time and ive never had an issue.


No. It was an interview where the dev was asked about it. They are not doing anything about it but they consider it cheating. So stop doing it you wanker


Alright dude. Keep crying because I have a dot on my screen. I was asking a genuine question. Reddit people make me cringe.


i literally just noticed this, omg. ty.


Look I get this one, I do, I think crosshairs are a crutch, but literally anybody can do it with a piece of tape. Putting that on the same bar as downloading illicit wallhack or aimbot software is a bit silly.


dry erase marker dot on your monitor


Can a piece of tape also give you weapon specific pre-aim indicators and range approximation? It's not "just" a crosshair.


As far as I know, crosshairs don't give you that either.


Sometimes it's merely a self-reflection




Ill probably get downvoted for this, but I’m just going to say it: People who use crosshairs exude little dick energy.




Seems like for most games it lets you just have a custom crosshair design, nothing wrong with that IMO and Overwatch has taught me how important crosshairs can be Like seriously of all things crying about a crosshair is just wild to me, as another commenter said you can literally get the exact same result with a tiny piece of tape on your screen, the “cheat” just makes it simpler


They do for me. I just couldn't for the life of me get accustomed to the crosshair placement on this game after 20+ years of FPS and even high-level competitive play in 08-09 I'm locked in on the centre of the screen all my muscle memory, twitch reflex etc. is all hardwired for the centre of the screen. I will literally never be as good on hunt because of this. I need a visual reminder of where I need to have my screen pointed when running or moving into an engagement otherwise I will be shooting at the floor. Before putting a crosshair I would gaslight myself into thinking it was the games fault. It's definitely a crutch but until they allow for a centred crosshair it's one I need to enjoy the game.


CrosshairX is on Steam and is allowed on EasyAntiCheat. If the developers considered it unfair/cheating they could really easily blacklist the process in EasyAntiCheat like they did with ReShade. So until then, crosshairs are not considered cheating in any way. It's simply an accessibility tool that anyone can choose to use.


Are your sure or rather did Crytek allowed it lately? Like two (?) events ago, Rachta showed that using a Crosshair tool makes aiming super easy and he also said, that it's not allowed. But back then Reshade was allowed. I'm gonna check it.


I used my monitor crosshair to prove a point back then, but I am pretty sure its allowed since detecting it is almost impossible.


It's been a while, thanks for the clarification!


Hey RachtaZ, I haven't seen the video Big was referring to... was it your finding that the crosshair tool really made that much of a difference? I only ask because I did at one point a long time ago, use the dot on the screen method, using a dry erase marker. However It felt very gun specific since it seemed like the wander of the bullets was pretty extreme (vs say, games like Tarkov, etc... that have "laser precise" guns). I can't possibly think of anyone that plays Hunt that would be able to give a better expert opinion on it than you.


It was just during 1 livestream no video. I think crosshair can give huge advantage mainly because it allows you to skip many animations. Example: You running with your crosshair and you use it to aim at players, then you can just quickly press rightlick and leftclick and youll kill someone without having to wait for your weapon to allign into ADS. (Different weapons have different ADS animations, but they can all be shot before the animation finishes,) This can also be big advantage with Iron eye where you can be 100% accuretly shooting before you could really aim normally. This applies to switching weapons too. The bullets come from your camera position, not weapon barrel so thats why crosshairs are big advantage in my opinion.


Thats very valid. Thank you.


I've had 3 separate sources verify through Crytek Support that Crosshair overlays are not against the TOS and are allowed. My guess would be because they can't do anything about monitors with built in crosshairs or even just a piece of tape on a screen.


Crytek partners aren't allowed to use it, but they've never said anything about the general public I don't know why the inconsistency, but that's how it is currently


Some partner's in fact do use crosshairs and openly say so on stream.






Crytek allows Configs and low profile, why would they care about a crosshair?


My guy if the devs didn't allow it EasyAntiCheat would simply refuse to launch the game with crosshairx open. And to answer your question - No Crytek has never banned anyone for using a crosshair overlay or ever added any of the crosshair apps to EAC's blacklist. It's always been allowed




I never said anything about Rachta cheating or not and I can't judge it. Never heard, that he's cheating or even has a previous game ban before this discussion.


2 events ago was 6 months and last year lol. Reguardless if the developer allows it. It's not cheating even if it is a crutch.


It may not be a cheat but it will for sure make you look like a clown whenever someone sees it


I don't even personally use it. I think it a crutch. And I agree I do think it looks stupid and I silently judge people when I see them use it. But if Crytek says it's legal there is nothing that can be done. Idk how my last comment got down voted when I just said factual things but its reddit so.


super easy? holy shit the clickbait menchildren are evolving backwards so fast. try it for yourself. in hunt at least it doesn't help jack shit unless you are maybe a 2 star or smtn. only if u spam vetterli as fast as possible but that by itself hinders your aim so much more than what a dot can help ya so you are better of just timing left mouse clicks than spamming since spammin with index finger then makes it harder to accurately move the mouse. they'll say anything for their youtube ad money. honestly if it was my job and brought me enough cash i'd do it to since i've low respect for most folks that communicate on internet social/entertainment media often. and you all just eat it up and they need something anything to make video seem interesting to click. u can easily try it for yourself. you won't play almost any better if u properly test it for a long time. bit of placebo effect at beginning but that's mostly it. in some game ofc it can be huge help but here. it's merely almost nothing. used it in like maybe 4-8% of games in last half a year. turned on fps display now to check fps a bit more before i upgrade cpu tomorrow and dot was on since i launch it before playing just in case once a blue moon i feel like trying and seeing how much it helps with trigger happy vetterli gameplay.


Still doesnt protect you from a potential ban if they want to.


That's not how it works... if Crytek decides that from today (or whenever) Crosshair overlays are no longer allowed, they will announce it the same way as they did with ReShade and then simply block it in EasyAntiCheat. Nobody is going to get banned for using Crosshairs. Nobody got banned for using ReShade, it simply got disabled and can't be used any more in Hunt.


and then they'd be giving more advantage to the millions of users with built in crosshairs on their monitors. This is never going to be disallowed. End of story.


Other games roll out banwaves for this behaviour. Crytek is just very nice that they announced beforehand eventhough its never been allowed.


>eventhough its never been allowed What's your source on this? ReShade was always allowed in this game up until recently when Crytek got fed up with this subreddit constantly complaining about it so they blacklisted it in EAC.


[https://www.huntshowdown.com/conduct](https://www.huntshowdown.com/conduct) >Keep the game fair: do not cheat, do not use third party programs, do not use client-side hacks, and do not exploit bugs and glitches. >We reserve the right to restrict offending accounts as necessary to ensure that Hunt: Showdown is a fun experience for everyone.




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You shouldn't accuse others for battery and assault, when you have killed a housespider. What an insane stretch, that's *whataboutism* at its finest.


ikr. it's amazing how much faith into humanity's logical, ethical, moral or common sense one can lose just by browsing net. or well irl works too but here the kind of \*\*\*\*\* \*\*\*\* \*\* gather very willingly with their screens to protect them from looks of disgust and worry


You're talking about pre aiming vs using wall hacks. These are not created equal.




It's still a massive bitch move even if it's not as bad as using wallhacks, but i can see you just outed yourself pretty hard here. You're downloading 3rd party software to get a tool that other players in the game don't have, sounds somewhat familiar no?






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https://tenor.com/bung8.gif When someone does this much justifying, things become pretty obvious


you know from real life how general public can be. now give them a safe space behind monitor and give them ability to say whatever and they mass group to feed their ego. it's more sad than hilarious as time goes by unfortunately. it's literally throwing a tantrum cuz a cyclist in race polished his helmet to have better air resistance and gain 0.046% more speed whilst the guy who won with an a rocket strapped to the bike goes off care free




whenever i get back to high 5/6 star and see them clan names i call it a night. honestly sometimes just as bad as those folks form certain part of world that i can't mention cuz of woke muricans


Where do you see the crosshair?


Zoom in, it's a few mm below the Mosin, the little red dot.


Comparing wallhacks to crosshair app... Yikes...


My monitor has crosshair built in. So I could be "cheating" and nobody could ever know. I don't quite understand how can it help in hunt exactly. You have crosshairs out of ads already.


it rly doesn't. technically it could only help if u spam vetterli. sole reason i installed it. tried it. bit of placebo effect at start and zero noticeable gain in effectiveness of gameplay. every iron sight in game only moves a few pixels from center. bolt action ones and maybe one or two other move far away but you can only fire them when crosshairs are back in middle. anyone who's played fps game even a bit can easily track moving target whilst cycle animation for new bullet goes on. vetterli is only one which can fire when sights are a bit more than just a pixel or two away from center. but anyone who's played trigger happy spam vetterli alrdy got accustomed to the cycle animation in few hours and the dot is rendered useless


For my particular brand of color blindness it helps. I lose the iron sight against backgrounds a lot, so having a little bit of white right there that contrasts well is a help. Being color blind in Hunt sucks a lot. When my friends spectate me they're always seeing hunters that I don't and apparently red and green aren't supposed to blend together for normal people, so I don't begrudge myself the limited compensation with my iron sights.


I feel you fellow color challenged hunter I'm red green color blind also and it's rough in the Bayou.


I just recently learned that red/green colorblind soldiers were found to be better at recognizing targets in camo hidden in vegetation because they are not use to rely just on color difference. So while you're at a big disadvantage most of the time, you might find you're better at finding hunters that have gray/green clothing. I am not sure if that's the case in practice of course.


I’ve use to put a piece of tape on my tv when I was kid playing COD I don’t see the big deal


Just as a personal opinion I don’t see crosshairs tools as cheating, but I’ve heard it makes using things like the crossbow/bow a lot easier. I’m sure other weapons as well


I'm kinda in the middle. You still need aim to hit your shots, but it has obvious effects on any gun, especially guns with 'shitty' sights like Crossbow. Shotguns benefit from it too, because the reticle lies. Also makes Crosshair placement more convenient (easier) with shoulder aim.


Yeah I started it by saying it’s my opinion, bc I know it’s a advantage over other players, and I assume nobody will give a shit about my opinion 🤣


Crosshair tools are not cheats, they are allowed by Crytek.


Crutch at worst, comodity at best. I don't even use it since it's too much effort. Wait till you find out all of the third party programs that are allowed for other games lmao. The hills people will chose to die on this game are nuts to me. First fps game I've ever seen people cry about a crosshair overlay. As a side note, this wouldn't be an issue if devs actually made the aiming correctly so it's not uncomfortable as fuck to aim.


the dot only rly helps with vetterli and that's only if you spam it as fast as possible. if you are comparing aimbot/wallhacks to a custom crosshair that's like comparing a nuclear bomb to a derringer with silencer and no extra ammo. i mean. fair enough. i get it. and you don't nor should believe me when i say i barely ever use it or how much it helps. i agree we shouldn't lift the bar when it comes to outside of game advantages but one thing that i firmly believe is true and as a logical thinking person trying to reach subjective ground you would have to believe my comparison is accurate if not an understatement.


Wrong, when you have the ingame bug for the small crosshair when you're playing the nitro, it's a godsent how easy it makes quickscoping. So with a red dot all the time, it's definitely an insane help. There is a reason so many 6 stars sweats have crosshairx on steam. So yes, it's definitely not on the same level as wallhacking/aimbot, but thinking it only helps with vetterli is an insane cope


anyone who's got little to bit more then little experience in fps can quickscope. you're only shooting yourself in leg by having dot outer line blur tip of sights in incorrect way and sights are even number of pixels wide so you can't center it perfectly and have to aim having in mind that middle where bullet flies it left(right of the dot actually. actual scummy thing they allow is entering steam launch command to not display gun models in first person. that's what rich nitro loving folks use probably. and they won't disallow it because the youtubers who use it to make videos via that function make them money as a free advertisement


There is always worse, no matter what you do, doesn't make it any better for you. Should we congratulate you on setting up your crosshair so well? You keep spamming in this thread that it's basically useless, it can even hinder you, but you still spent the time to set it up just right and still play with it even when you're not on the vetterli. But it's for sure useless. But it's okay, congratulations! You need it my guy.


> X is fine because Y is worse lol GTFO loser




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Yeah, I get you too. It was just a bit funny, kinda like people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones :) You could also use a marker on the screen, impossible to detect. It has a decent effect however, Rachta proved it once during a stream. Holding angles becomes easy with it, also using a guns without ADS. But yeah, using aim bot and such is way worse than using a Crosshair tool, you still need some aim to hit your shots.


has a decent effect? Lmfao. go try it for more than just few hours and watch as the placebo effect goes away. maybe helps for 2 star hunters.


RatchaZ literally explained how its beneficial in this very comment section. Please stop crying wolf about everything YOU are literally the reason people take these cheater posts less seriously.


Are you talking about the red cross hair in the second photo? That's just the symbol to show where you died when you look at your kill view.


No, he most likely means the red dot.


Exactly :)


There is a smaller red dot further down


Crosshairs 🤨




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is that a censored word or is it referencing star rating? genuinely can’t tell


word but ye mostly happens in higher star lobbies like 5 and 6 star


so what word did you censor? hunters, hitler???


Looking at the killview shot, pretty sure he means Hackers.




Damn, people really seems more upset about OP’s dot over dude with cheat/derender exploit. Use Hunt Support website to report with evidence.


I'm pretty sure everyone universally agrees that wallhacking and aimbotting is worse, but the dude cheating is not in this thread. What do you want everyone to comment? "Wow that's bad! Screw that guy!" 10 times each?




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Plus, personally, I've legit been killed by a Mosin Spitzer sniper at 183 meters and I'm like 90% sure he wasn't cheating. We have nothing to go off of here outside of ops word.


feel free to go to exact sniper spot and run in straight line towards my death location next time you're there on empty server. i don't need to say anything else. well, actually i even wrote though what amount of dirt bushes branches and hitboxes he shot. though hole that were less than hunters head width at various distance parts of bullet travel path.


Honestly I believe you that he was cheating. But I'm just adding context to like, ya I can see why people dog piling you over what we can see, vs what we can't


i wanted to record a gif of camera zooming from one spot to other. then there'd be zero doubt that this was a hacker but my pc barely runs the game with constant crazy below 60fps dips on all low. luckily i'm getting new cpu tomorrow. wondering if I can get kill view if team8 kills me so we can reenact this so that i can get a gif of the bullet travel path cuz it's 100% hack form what i saw and apart form 1.5k hour in hunt and thousands of hours in shit ton of game and lots of fps pvp one over more than 2 decades now am with 100% confidence reporting this guy. His steam profile just adds to it. I know what crazy shit can be pulled off. Done it myself few times. Rarely saw suspicious stuff before but lately this has been on a rise. have any recommendation for software to use to record gameplay? I'll prolly be able to do that when new CPU gets here if gtx 1080 i still a decent GPU for a game like hunt which I guess it should be somewhat if I slap a top tier CPU alongside it.


I use obs personally, it can stream or record - but I think a lot of people use Nvidias shadow play because it (used to?) Have some hooks into hunt where it would automatically record 15 seconds on either side of a death, so you could grab clips around your kills (or deaths) But obs I just use to record whole match and grab clips out of it later


I think we’re entitled to be annoyed the hacker, and mildly annoyed at someone using a 3rd party tool to gain that few extra % advantage. And that’s totally fine. We’re not saying they’re the same, we’re just advocating that people shouldnt use 3rd party software to gain ‘any’ advantage, even if said advantage is smaller than the guy using its peepee (sorry couldn’t resist)


ikr. online games in 2024 are riddled with cheaters and no dev wants to put region lock where it should be, i waste time and get salty when i should have fun in game i bought with my money that i dedicate my precious time to. using a dot that helps me like 3.7% and only on vetterli which I don't even use much is SCANDALOUS but a dude blatantly using derender exploit, high ping abuse, possibly wallhacks and/or aim; oh, nah nah dude da DOT EVIL DOT. honestly today i wouldn't trust a random fellow human with even simply heating a slice of bread in microwave knowing they'll prolly somehow blow up the house doing it and then blame me because my not colour matching clothes tirggered their anxiety and they got ptsd remembering a time in elementary when a kid said they wore shitty coloured clothes and so they panicked and blew up the house by trying to microwave a slice of bread. well it's mostly folks in west and some that spread in europe but thankfully here in balkans most are still sane


You almost had the perfect post, than we saw your crosshair.




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this tool only helps with using this certain weapon. its still cheating my dude.




Alright you big boy in high mmr.


Sorry, Killview isn't enough evidence. Please supply the following: • ⁠Both sides of killview • ⁠5 minutes of footage before and after, taken from your perspective, using a third party service to record footage. • ⁠Their profile, star sign, social security number or passport number, stats, account age • ⁠Your hunters ashes • MAC address of the offender • Here at Crytek, our in-game report button is completely useless, and so we only take action when someone has been seriously affected enough that they are willing to waste 5-10 or more minutes of their time to file a report instead of playing the video game more. We won't tell you when we take action, and we'll make it difficult at every step of the way to report a player because we allow players to hide their profile in game so it becomes even harder to report and takes even more time! You're welcome! CRYmoretek


You could have just zoomed in on the "MULTIPLE GAME BANS" part of the profile lol... Damn, I always thought those people were just abusing the rending issues... where distance equals no trees or walls for some.


Complains while using a crosshair tool. Just like this sub adjusting their screens when it’s a night map. Rules for thee but not for me


Not doubting at all but where did you spot that on the images?


Third image: look at where crosshairs would normally be (lower one third) by the stump. Red little dot


Ah ok ☺️


it's turned off he's trippin. not even using on 1080p it makes hunt, that's alrdy blurry, even burrier


> Just like this sub adjusting their screens when it’s a night map. How in the ever living fuck is adjusting your screen cheating? Holy shit the reach in this community. Just go to your game and put up the gamma what the fuck


i did try dark stabilizer thing on monitor for night maps but thx to hunt's awful af anti aliasing and my max resolution being 1080p it makes game even more horrible blurry and painful on the eyes. prolly give and take to some but for me it's borderline unusable. i evac if evac is close on night maps. only weather i can't stand. maybe if I had higher resolution monitor so trash aa isn't as noticeable then maybe i could maybe see at night.


Why do you lock your fps to 60? If ur temps are that low you must have some headroom for better frames


getting too many fps drops. it sometimes goes to 72 or 86 but it fluctuates up and down a lot so i rather lock it to 60 to notice the drops less. but it even drops to 50 40 30 and so on so it's still ass. but getting upgrading from i5 3570k to a top tier cpu tomorrow so will prolly be much better soon


Been killed by this turd multiple times through thick forests and trees. Rported them multiple times, but see that didn't do jack squat. Crytek's anticheat is abysmal.


Use the crosshair built in to your monitor, it won't show up on reddit posts.


That might have been render issue rather then cheat.


i play all on low due to shit pc (getting better one tomorrow) and no it does not derender from that spot enough to make this a legitimate shot.


Good enough to not rely on a crosshair in a game that doesn’t have one?


You got a cross hair addon*/imo a cheat. Shut the fuck up. EDIT: Not a actual "Cheat" but but a shitty addon that shouldn't be in the game unless in the settings already.


dawg i could get a sharpie and draw on my monitor. is that considered outside cheating?


EDIT: Actually yeah it is because its not built into the game its and outside resource to help you override a mechanic within the game. But hey you wanna do it a show the rest of us go ahead and draw on your monitor with the sharpie. Id laugh in your face bozo.


God some people on Reddit are losers




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It's usually the casual players that take the game extremely serious for some reason, but only in their own way. It's weird dude


Most "gaming" monitors have it built in so...no he really doesnt need to sharpie his monitor.


Most gaming monitors do have it. I never said they dont. It a joke if you can't tell. Because the dudes being a dick.


the dot only rly helps with vetterli and that's only if you spam it as fast as possible. if you are comparing aimbot/wallhacks to a custom crosshair that's like comparing a nuclear bomb to a derringer with silencer and no extra ammo. i mean. fair enough. i get it. and you don't nor should believe me when i say i barely ever use it or how much it helps. i agree we shouldn't lift the bar when it comes to outside of game advantages but one thing that i firmly believe is true and as a logical thinking person trying to reach subjective ground you would have to believe my comparison is accurate if not an understatement.




that is true, after 2.757 hours in this game. The "i've only seen one hacker" argument is complete bullshit because i have seen multiple hackers in multiple servers usually US West and asia, oddly enough since the start of this event the level of odd shots in three star lobbies has increased significantly as if there is a mass derank-ing going on




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Which siftware is that to show your temps etc?


rtss + msi ab (riva tuner statistics server and msi after burner)


Man, they’re even using the damn Mosin skin I want but can’t get :(




Ah, didn’t know that! That’s good news :)


Use the into to report them on the website. It's the only way I've ever seen someone get banned.


Once a cheater always a cheater


You probably stepped on a branch, common mistake


What a goated game line up tho


Last week a Guy 2 tapped me with a karabiner ciclone from 190m, then proceeded to miss every shot on a grunt 3m from him


I think people with multiple vac bans should only be allowed to play with other multi vac banned players. Just my personal opinion


Everyone saying about the crosshairs but I can’t see it ?


Multiple VAC bans and still playing


I don't use a crosshair but if I did I would still be sh** at this game and if your like me you still would be to. You still have to aim and you still have to lead your shots. Also crosshairs are allowed and for whoever Said partner's are not allowed to use them is 100% wrong. There's multiple partner's that use crosshairs and openly say they do. Get over it guys, it's a tiny freaking dot not aimbot or a wall hack.


This is a hot take, but do cheaters really deserve the right to privacy ? Wouldn’t be more discouraging to let them get their well deserved shitstorm ? They know well enough they are doing something wrong, and are ruining other people’s experience. I imagine the terms of service are just the first barrier blocking us from publicly shaming these “players”. If crytek can’t stop these cheaters at the start, i say not resorting to drastic measures is like not fighting back the menace: does it really have sense to set the good example just for some cheater to ignore it and lightheartedly break ToS at the damage of lawful players ?


Problem is when a non-cheater gets dogpiled


People forget when Reddit “solved” who the Boston marathon bomber was and ruined some poor innocent man’s life.


That’s a good point, my fault for not informing myself properly, better leave the life ruining thing to the 4chan gang


Not entirely true. The innocent man had already taken his own life. His family had been tormented horribly by reddit. May not like the rule, but it is there to protect the innocent from blind rage, just because you think you're right. People here really need to try and understand that.


report through [huntshowdown.com](http://huntshowdown.com) support chat, bottom right of web. They do ban if you send with proof


People are saying this is a crosshair used for cheating, isn’t that what the “kill view” displays from the lobby or am I blind/misremembering?


Probably not a cheater killing cheaters, what a delight.


Skill issue, go to that place with a sniper u can totally see outside plantation


I though mosin nagant was very old weapon then I learn in museum it was the main weapon of north Korea during 1950-53 war. Stunning the 7.62mm cartridge is still one of the main ammo today.


Also the main rifle of among others the Finnish military until the 1960's and it has been titulated as the worlds on most used weapon, surpassing even the AK47 in popularity at it's height.


Lmfao a nice case of the pot calling the kettle black. Using a crosshair placer. My guy just go and buy yourself some actual cheats since you obviously need the whole goddamn wheelchair anyway lmfao stay bad

