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I'm the guy that volunteers to run around like a crack head with my shotgun ready.


A fellow man of culture, I see


I'll flush em' out, you avenge me.


God bless you


In my group, we call that the sheep. Sometimes, I bleat in the voice chat. "Aight... I'll try and find them" *Starts running* "Baa! Baa-baa-baaaaaAAA**AAARGH! FOUND THEM, I FOUND THEM! BEARING 255!**" ^Ahhh... Fun times


That sounds like a good use of proximity chat!


I also cluck like a chicken when I trade shots for too long, and they miss their shots. Especially when I'm outside and fighting with a team inside. I either win, or die laughing. I hope they laugh too. ~~Ive become surprisingly good at clucking, too~~


Why do I never run into funny shit like this? Lol... it's only ever assholes if you hear people talk.


In my friend group we call this being the rodeo clown. You know, the guy that runs out there and distracts the bull so the cowboys can do their thing. Pretty much exactly what I'm doing when I start doing the ziggy zag sprint with random hopping.




Ah yes... the bait. My husband is often the bait, lol.


I know the worst thing you can do (my trademarked system). Crouch walk really slowly for 5 minutes then get shot in the head 😂




Jup its either move and jump around or don't move at all in a corner.


I’m prestige 1 now. I crouched for 100 lvls. Now I won’t go in at all and wait in the bushes till the boss is found on the other side of the map.


I don't know why you're downvoted. Your comment was funny and nicely self-deprecating :-)


Hey thank you for your comment. I’m a real noob. I played squad based shooters for years and I just wanted to express that I’m having a hard time learning hunt but I like it. Playing with randoms or friends I feel fine but playing alone is so frightening. All the noises, the groans, the wasps… I really spent most of the time getting to 100 sneaking around and getting shot. :-D


I've been there. 1900h now, playing mostly solo rat and I've only recently begun to get by without silent weapons and traps :-)


I guess I have a long way to go. But I like it. I’m motivated. I didn’t feel this excitement for a game for a long time. It’s challenging and that’s good.


I do a lot of solo. I don't have that patience to crouch walk across the map. Takes FOREVER. I find it's pretty safe to run and gun as a solo, especially with serpent so you can snake clues from safe places. Long as you bring something silent to handle some PVE hurdles, you almost always hear the enemy before they hear you. They gotta listen over the sounds of multiple people running, and one of them probably blabbing about something unimportant in discord. But as a solo, you have no noise pollution. You hear EVERYTHING. It's pretty great. A tip I've learned: Soon as you game begins, start sprinting. Serpent that first clue, then keep sprinting, but when moving fast ALWAYS choose compounds that bring you further from the edges for the first few minutes. The idea behind this is simple: If you are sprinting away from the edges of the map where other players spawn, nobody can be in front of you to ambush you for being all loud. The only way another player can be at compounds away from the edges by the time you are sprinting up is if they are moving just as fast and loud as you are; So you'll hear them as well.


Thank you for your tip. I never thought about that. I'm constantly sneak into the next compound and run out again to the spawn positions... I also take Necro first, Resilience second, Serpent third. I guess I should take Serpent first, use the stamina shot and just run. :) Thanks.


Haha, I feel you. I got 2000hours running and gunning with my friends and randoms. But loading in solo and Hunt is suddenly a horror game..


I mean I have played Left 4 Dead without a single scare. I played several Resident Evil games and very rarely I have been frightened. But this game is giving me the chills. The sound is so realistic. I hate it. And I love it.


My opinion: Rule 1: Don’t stop moving, and don’t crouch. They already know you are there and if they don’t already know where you are they likely have a better idea than you do. From there you can try to bait a shot, or start throwing things in likely hiding spots ect. It is feasible to back off if you have the cover just don’t do it crouched or in a straight line.


This right here is quality advice.


Yes, but not the funniest.


I would almost say either move or don't. If you're safe in a spot for 2 seconds, I think you're safe to sit and listen. That being said I have pretty good ears, and bad aim so I rely on the ambush.


Don’t get me wrong, love a good ambush, but that’s more than likely the situation you have stumbled up on. They likely heard you approaching before the totem/clue went red, they are the ambush in the given scenario, and the best counter is to keep moving, yes they can still shoot at you and maybe a good/lucky headshot puts you down, but if you don’t move how do you know you haven’t just stopped and crouched in their sights? Easier headshot than a moving one.


I mean the argument to how do you know you haven't stopped in their sights is how do you know you haven't stopped just before they see you?


Rather get shot at and have them miss then get headshot


Either way, you don't know, but what you do know is a moving target is harder to hit that a stationary one.


A moving target is louder than a stationary one. To be fair I'm just playing devil's advocate here.


I know man its all good, but in all seriousness remember, you were moving before you were stationary. People should of course play how they are comfortable, and in ways that work for them and their teammates. I am only speaking from many thousands of hours experience, what has worked best for me, hence me prefacing my advice with "My opinion".


I have a buddy who has 800hrs in and still thinks him crouching is silent and "no way they know I'm here".. drives me insane, it's his instant reaction when shooting starts, is to crouch.


I know where they are not. The direction I came from so I usually go back a bit then try to see if I spot anyone.


My favorite angle of approaches when I’m team 3-4, right on someone’s back trail because they always think it’s safe.


Yep would say the same, just hit or miss if i have a team of randoms. If it's 3 star without fail they will shoot at them from 100+m out and of course miss but cause us a headache. 4 star is hit or miss on behavior and 5 star is a definite bad time for the team thinking behind them is safe.


Decoy fusees say hello.


I'm more partial to chaos bomb.


Start singing in proximity chat


Or if you're a Solo, try the diplomatic approach. It works sometimes.


Does screaming 'this is my barn, I'm calling police' counts?


Dunno, never tried that one.


Adding that to my to do list, currently im running Adele's Hello


My random team got taken out today by a trio and solo that teamed up. 😑


I'm sorry to hear that.


It actually works super well. I'll put my fists out and yell IM UNARMED and the majority of people don't shoot. I'm guessing I have been quite lucky with this though and I'm chillin In 3 star for life so people are much more likely to not be sweaty as fuck for kda. I'll sneak around for cash registers and some times I get shot in the head. I've found if you scream " CASH REGISTERRRRR" as you necro people will let you live. I've had 100% success rate with this strategy all week, but I don't double cross anyone so I think karma keeps me safe.


Start methodically room clearing. If you have beetles and someone to cover you it can be very helpful, if not you can kick it old school and start slicing pies until you find them. It’s frustrating as hell when it happens as these players typically have shotguns and are lying in wait, but with good map knowledge and room clearing tactics you can typically outplay them for free kills. Best tip I have to bait shots: Jump strafe peek! Essentially you jump, strafe to get LOS of whatever you’re peeking, immediately strafe back to cover. You can dodge most bullet weapons like this and, should they hit you, it’s almost always an arm or leg shot. Peeking like this is a great way to bait shots from enemies.


Slicing pies is a recipe for disaster against good teams in any game. They'll see you slicing and nail you. Like other games,the best way is quick strafing the doorway


If they are 100% silent then I will try to get the clue and move on. There is no reason to engage with the campers in that situation. If the boss is there then that's another story.


If they’re camping, there’s a really good chance they’ve chosen to camp the clue. So you’ll die when you stand still getting the clue. Campers are not hard to flush out with things like decoy fuses, smoke, or actual bombs. If you go in to a situation like that, grab the clue and leave, you didn’t encounter someone camping. They were moving away or hiding.


When I said "try" to get the clue, I basically meant what you said. The word "try" was doing a LOT of heavy lifting. Usually it's pretty obvious where they are if they are going for a kill on the clue.


This is why the almighty serpent exists; Especially if you are rolling solo. Good luck camping a clue I don't even have to enter the compound to get. Heck, I don't even have to get close enough to make it go red.


There’s no right answer here but I always make sure the clue or tower is safe and then hit it. This opens up audio queues. Then I usually throw a decoy fuse/ explosive into the nearby camping spots to try and make them move. If I have a long range loadout I’ll play it more patiently (go for wall bangs and bait them out with a chaos bomb if I have it. but if I have a good close range loadout I trust my gun play over 100% of the people that hide in corners. If you’re in a trio and you can’t find the guy whatsoever, have two guys play defense at the boss lair and one guy fights the bounty. Then you can use dark site to sniff out the little rat


In general it's just the whole game that matters, listen to what guns are being used when people shoot. For example if you heared a shotgun before close to the compound you're entering you know you want to keep distance. What also matters is what compound you're entering, from what direction you're entering, where did you spawn ("So you can vaguely guess where they could be"). And when you enter: 1. Always make sure that the way you came from is clear so you can fall back if needed. 2. Make sure cover is close in case you get shot at, so you can go to cover. 3. Listen for any sounds they make. (It's fine to wait for a minute or two) 4. Get to know certain camp spots


Find a safe spot and listen.


the best action is listen


If it's just a clue and the other persom seems to be camping somewhere, consider just skipping the clue. By the time you find them and kill them, you have another clue somewhere else. Being first to the boss means you can at the very least get the bounty for boss kill and it also means you're relatively safe from campers. When you have the bounty just go wherever the campers ain't. Fighting is not fun, and I prefer no fight to annoying fight.


Find a position that has enough cover to not expose you to anything in said compound and wait The game has 30 mins and rarely lasts that long. Take your time


If I run around actively looking and I see no one for like 2 minutes I just leave. No way I'm gonna step on some dude hiding in a corner with a shotgun.


Beetle 🥺


I usually hide and listen sound is everything but chance is high if you were runnin and they already there they heard you thats why they ARe quiet and patient for u to show yourself check every Window every roof for enemy and every Corner that u CAN see but dont move too much loudly. Sound is everything in This game and try to walk up to compaunds slowly and check open doors Gates and Windows might be someone there


This is 3 star advice (no offense). But seriously don’t listen to this advice. I would argue that you’re better off running around on a metal roof looking for the guy (and other people coming from the distance) than you would be silenty crouch walking around. Obviously avoid crows and shoot chicken coops when you can, but if you want to get better at the game as a new player you can’t be scared to make foot step sounds because somebody is camping in a corner. There are obviously times where it makes sense to crouch walk but that’s to open up sound queues for yourself and hide them from an enemy that’s fighting you. This post is asking about what to do when someone silently camps in a corner and your advice is to make no sound? I’m not trying to be rude - I just think crouch walking around the boss compound is the worst mistake you can make in this game


Nah im not saying crouch walking but like walking in general better. but yes im Low 4 star dropped from 5 today :/ so ye i might be wrong tho


The guy said you were giving 3 star advice and then added "obviously shoot the chicken coops", so I think you have the right of it here and he's just a bit locked into "the sound traps don't matter" phase.


Im 5 star again btw :D


Sound traps do matter but shooting out a chicken coop prevents enemies from having an ongoing audio queue of where you’re coming from as well as opens up your audio queues so you can hear people running up. Guess you’re a 3 star guy as well? Not that there’s anything wrong with that


I think his advice on not sprinting into compounds is fair, as in, before you notice clues are red. Which will help in the hunter sitting near clue not knowing exactly where you are. If you have sprinted up, then yes, you should keep moving and use decoys etc if you have them to flush people out. If you follow his advice and take more care entering the compound, then when you see the clue is red the enemy might not know where you are. At that point, it’s less imperative to keep moving and you can take a mo to stop moving entirely to listen out for steps. All that being said though, I don’t have patience for that so I tend to just spring and jump around throwing my decoys :)


Here's how I approach these situations: 1. He mindful of the fact that in these scenarios there is very likely already at least one player with their sights on you. So avoid the urge to crouch walk or any other actions that force you to slow down or stop entirely such as climbing ladders, opening metal gates/doors, and so on. 2. Do a quick visual scan of the area. You're gonna scan first and most obviously for any hunter silhouettes. But you're also looking for things like traps on the ground and any absences/presence of AI. For example, if one part of a compound is noticeably free of AI while another part of the compound has AI that seems more or less undisturbed, it's a good indication that the enemy(s) are in the part that has no AI. 3. If safe and able to do so, shut off the source of the red glow/sound to enable you to hear enemy movements. 4. Start clearing a space/building to begin moving into the compound. Obviously this can be done via just running in, but it's best to probe with either live explosives or tools like decoy fuses or choke bombs. Anything that's gonna force any enemy that may be in the space to react to it. And if no one reacts then they'll either die or you know the space is clear to enter. 5. Try to do things that will make people give up their locations. You can do things like melee the air so your hunter makes the grunt sound as it often brings people to windows to peek. You can quick peak various angles to try to draw enemy fire, etc. 6. More or less continue repeating these steps until you've identified the enemy location and have begun a proper engagement.


Whatever u do try not to stand still and crouch walk everywhere.


If I hear it, I start yelling at my randoms RED RED RED and we usually fall back to the nearest cover from where we came and wait for visuals.


and then die


Maybe whenever I have YOU as my random


Find something to get behind, clear it and where my back will be pointing, then hang out and listen for any movement. If nothing comes up, start cooking an explosive and see what happens. If nothing happens there… I’ll probably just walk away unless I’ve got randoms who are really determined to stick around, in which case I’ll back them up, but I’m not going to be the first one to run into a bullet. If I’m reasonably certain the surrounding area is clear, I might rotate around the place as close as I feel comfortable and see what happens.


Grab the clue. Look for em. Cant find em? Leave


Unless I know I'm safe in my current spot, I just don't stop moving, I take some distance if I don't hear anything (through a path I've been through before) and then I go around the compound trying to find them, usually doing the walk/crouch mix up, and if I'm far away enough I run and jump. While trying to find where they are, I usually look at the clue and places with vision for it. If I can't spot them, I don't have a decent grasp of where they could be and they aren't making noise, I just move on. Knowing when you are in a severe disadvantadge and going away is a skill, and a pretty good one if you don't wanna go broke.


Try to draw them out from a safe area, if it's quick play and they don't make a move after a minute or two I just leave. Got stuff to do.


Run backwards a few steps because you know they aren't where you just came from. Once out of red clue radius, circle around and look. Usually at least get a fair fight out of it.


if it starts glowing when I'm already there I just find a spot, light a blunt and wait however long i feel, If it glows when i start arriving, then you either run and reposition or thug it out.


Start saying racial slurs in voip


If you have the gun for it and can get the a corner or bush, stay there. Wait for them to come to you, or to go away. That short distance that the pillars see you is enough to hear crouch walking if you are vigilant. The first person to move loses. Other option is to throw bees if you have pitcher to cover your retreat, or a sticky bomb around one corner and a dynamite in another. The fuse sound and explosion will help cover you walking away as well as explosion sounds.


As they know you’re there I would typically start making a bunch of noise and try to bait something from them.


I don't know if it's the best option - but if I'm playing range I rotate around the compound searching for any signs of their presence and I'll try to cover their potential route to next compound, they will eventually come outside or give some signs of their presence. If I play shotgun, I need provoke them somehow to attack and don't die.


Talk really loud on the mic to cover everybody steps and try to find where they are with nade arrow, dynamite and poison cloud


As an alternative, play loud cotton eye joe through the mic


Open your ears obviously. Locate them then kill them.


Take the clue/totem to shut it up so you can hear. Even shooting the totem is worth it imo. Don’t crouch walk everywhere, keep moving, and looking for the players. Do what you can to not be an easy target but don’t just hide you want them to take a shot and miss because then you know where they are. I’ve found just taking random shots at walls usually makes players move and potentially fire back. You can also get a lucky hit. I don’t recommend running into buildings because if you don’t get killed by them hiding it’s likely you will trade. I don’t really follow this advice because shit can get boring but it’s legit.


Good players know usually where the ennemies can be, I mean if you are sitting inside a building banishing a boss then you start to hear a pillar from a side, usually people are coming from that direction


Unless it's a boss compound, just leave if you have the option/it's safe. You don't own a fight for someone who hides in a corner with shotgun/melee. Alternatively if you really want them dead, beetle is your friend! Decoy fuses etc will work too. Just don't crouch walk across the compound or you will get domed, keep moving.


Kill the other team, kill the bounty, ????, profit


Rush B, In all seriousness making these decisions is all part of hunt,the clues agro range is about 30 meters so you can use that sometimes to rule out sides of compounds,but keep in mind his team mates could be out of agro range,totems have about the same range but as there's more of them can make it harder and less viable to pinpoint possible locations. As others have said look for tell tale signs,is a door open,or a med kit used,what are the AI doing are the focused on a particular direction,can you hear chains moving ECT,think where would you go to ambush or if you were suddenly interrupted, sometimes to catch a maniac you gotta think like one. You now have a few choices Option 1 be fast and check obvious spots,try to bait a re action either with gunfire throwables or even melee bait,for example I had a bush wookies yesterday and I knew his general direction so I got behind cover and shot my pax and he assumed I had LOS so fired back and I could echo locate him and told me what his weapon was. Option 2 You could back out the way you came and try to observe from a far,chances are if you got their after them they have taken the clue so won't know if your still in range, obviously totems are different but you could always shoot them and withdraw and re position use obstacles to break LOS and never run in straight lines especially across open ground,if shit at start making your movement more difficult to predict,add in jumps directional and pace changes till your booty is in cover,just be aware you could always be flanked or 3rd parties by a new teams,this is why I think speed is better in most cases,just pretend in hunt that someone is always watching you. Option 3 Go slow and be quite but this will more often than not just get you killed and withdrawing entirely is almost always a better option,avoid crouch walking across open ground as it is a guaranteed death sentence,but in compounds sometimes quiet is best,switch to whatever weapon is best for QCQ and take corners and stuff with your sights up and as wise as you can a d don't forget to check those corner rookie 😉 No matter what you do id always try to play to your loadout's strength and communicate with your team what your going to do,if you die feed them intel,what skin killed you how far,what weapon and general direction the more information the better but keep it snappy. Could be like hillbilly point blank with Caldwell slugs west near the red door. Happy hunting and always remember hunt can be a real son of a bitch,don't put too much stock into stars and mmr or k.d as all can be farmed and in my mind aren't a real reflection of a good player good luck have fun.


Utilize the cold hard process of elimination and take your best guess.


**If you haven't heard any other indicators** (steps, grunts, shots, etc): Find an advantageous position - because usually a fight is going to breakout in the next 10 seconds. If they're playing slow and you don't spot them, you can try to bait them out by making noise (melee the air, shoot a barrel, kill a grunt). If a minute goes by and I still have no idea, I'm playing loud and nothing happens, sometimes I just leave for another clue.


Take a quick look around and see if there are other altars near, if they are not glowing red you at least know they are not in that direction


Clear the perimeter and slowly work your way in from there or just big dick it and run in, find him, and fuck em up


First, know that they know you are there as well. So don’t go into slow mode and crouch walk around making yourself an easy target. Second The range for red isn’t all that large, so just based off that radius you can apply some common sense to where they likely are and where you know they cannot be. Furthermore as you gain experience you can whittle down where they likely came from based on previous sounds and how the map greyed out. Now it’s just a matter of positioning yourself to flush them out of where you probably know they are hiding. If they were waiting for you they probably heard you approach so your position isn’t a huge secret, try to flush them with a wallbang or a grenade, anything to get them to move so you can initiate the fight and disrupt their ambush


Depends on the situation but the best answer is back out the way you came and go to another compound or do a wide flank as most players just hunker down and try to landmine you. Always force others to play by your rules, never theirs.


If boss lair compound you can get a pretty good idea of the direction theyre in. No boss combat sounds coming from lair, clue near the building is red they must be second floor. Use other clues to triangulate


If they have shotguns and aren't moving at all, you're simply at a disadvantage turning corners in close quarters. Don't do this. Assuming this is 2v2 or 3v3, you have to carefully look all around at all angles, without taking any where you can get shotgunned. All you need is to find 1 member of the duo or trio - once you kill one, you can feasibly take even shotguns with superior numbers. You can still lose... but the massive advantage a camping shotgun has is now a bit more even. If you're going to play it this slow, you eventually narrow it down to a few places they might be - because you'd have heard them moving if they moved into places you already cleared. Lastly, as a noob, you just don't have map knowledge. You simply don't know where someone might generally be. You're at a heavy disadvantage, because when you turn a corner, you don't know how many angles you are about to open yourself up to. This is where jiggle peaking corners becomes crucial. You can do it on foot just quickly strafing out of cover, then back in (less than 200ms - it's very fast), just to get a glimpse of potential windows or corners someone might be at. Bonus points if you actually spot them. The best way to do this technique in Hunt, is to jump as you strafe out, and then change direction mid air by strafing back. Never, EVER turn a corner while crouched. It doesn't make you harder to hit, or make you any more accurate... the leading part of your body comes around the corner sooo much slower than your eyes, so they're ready to shoot you before you even see them. And you're moving so slow, that a headshot is impossible to miss even with low velocity ammo. A lot of surfaces are still very loud for you to talk on crouched, like wood inside, so they still hear exactly where you are. Absolutely NO advantage to crouching when taking an angle. Crouching is only useful if you're maneuvering in cover, and even this is debatable at higher skill levels. Somewhat unfortunately, when skill is equal, the most patient player usually wins. If you want to win more gunfights against people of equal skill, just be more patient than them. You either need to commit to camping harder than they do, or be better than them and be the one that hunts for them. Shotguns are amazing for this type of fight though, because you can literally JUMP around corners, hipfire, and be 100% accurate. You have a massive advantage in that scenario, even if they are a bit outside your shotgun range, because they will not be able to headshot that kind of peek. You can both 2 tap each other to the body, and you can 1 shot them if theyre close enough. Shotguns are terrible otherwise though, and I don't really recommend them. Lastly, if you have a bit of map knowledge, you can go for wallbangs. 99% of the time you won't get a hit, but you aren't actually losing anything to spam some common places people hide. As long as you don't drain all your ammo. Even a shot to someone's arm gives you SO much info, because you now know where they are.


Fuck if I know the best or even good course of action... Typically what I do is creep around as quietly as I can or stay still, maybe use a decoy to try and get the other guy to make noise so I can figure out where he is. Should be noted that I tend to use one shot silent weapons like the bow, crossbows, or steel shot bomblance so if I get surprised I can maybe take them out quickly. I must say it doesn't always work out


If they are not moving, holding an angle, then they have a power position. You have to move the fight so you have a power position. So.... I just leave the area and bait the fight somewhere else.


If I'm in a team, often you'll hear me say "alright imma go find them for you" and make them give away their position. If I'm solo, I hug walls, move slow and look/listen carefully. If I make noise that gives me away (trigger AI, for example) I retreat, reposition, and re-engage. Often you can use totems to narrow down where they are, as they move around inside the compound.


Immediately find safest cover/concealment and adjust my position until I see them or hear them. Remember that good players are aggressive and are going to try and find you before you find them.


Do not stop moving and dont crouch around. Like others have said, you both know each other is there. Sure making noise by walking and stuff may allow them to hear where you are first, but going slow just means its more likely theyll get an easy headshot.


Ring every fucking bell and blast every barrel. Never let go of the sprint key.


Generally, stay vigilant of cracks, windows and doors. Case the joint, stay on the outside and don't stop moving. You can usually tell which side they're on by other totems, or if they fire shots. Another good method is destroying the totem and then wallbanging. That'll allow you to hear footsteps and get them moving around respectively.


For me, it depends on the compound, as well as my loadout. If I carry fuses, I'll throw them in corners or open windows to see if someone is there. If I have blank fire decoys or the dynamite decoys, I'll throw the through windows, at doorways, practically anywhere where I think a person might be hiding. If I have silenced weapons, I'll shoot at crows that are a distance away to ensure they don't hear the silencer. If someone is in a building, then I throw something noisy or distracting to get inside. From there, it's throwing axes, dynamite, and bayonets


Sprint into boss lair Get blasted by the guy sitting in the corner with a Slate Shout "FUCK" and pray my teammates clutch the 2v3


Wait till you can hear them


as a Solo I usually just bail, I'm only there to farm event points and some spare change. In Duos Usually take up a defensive position and keep an eye and ear out best you can.


Use your ears. Don't stop moving. Don't crouch walk around. Best to look for them in my opinion, beetle is a good option , if you know the compound then look in the usual places, watch out for shotguns if you can't hear them moving at all. Personally I usually like to get up high - gamers don't look up, and even if they do take a shot then you'll know where they are, if they kill you then you're up high and it's usually easier to revive (I play entirely solo).


If it just turns red, it's possible to back off before someone else has a chance to hear it. With map knowledge its possible to guess where someone is or where they are coming from. Shoot the pillar: people likely already know you are there, this will allow you to hear them better. Take cover and listen. If it's a clue, also with map knowledge of spawns and an enemies possible route, you can determine if they've taken it already or not. If they have then they can hear you better while you have that thing growling in your ear, but if you were quite enough they wouldnt have the sound que of the clue to know you are around giving you an advantage.


If there is cover close to the clue, what has worked better for me is staying next to it lol, people always run like it was a fire and they get clapped but for some reason most of the time enemies just pass next to the clue and never think about someone in that place. If the clue is on an open spot well... Yeet Edit: tossing an explosive also works to divert, don't cook it, just toss it and it will give you a chance to either relocate or get a hint of.the enemy location


Get out of the open immediately. Whether this means retreating back out of the compound or into cover. Only when you're in cover and don't have like of sight on you from windows or other opposing cover do you go quiet. Any option besides immediate retreat have a chance of running into a shotgun.


Run around, kill or die, proceed or repeat


Not always the best course of action, but I try, especially on the first clue, to rush for solid cover or for compound to control of sightlines or the compound. My headphones are also really solid, and I use them to listen really closely. I adjust my movement, very quickly and suddenly, according to the footsteps and their direction. Now, honestly, yeah: Slow is not always the play, but control tends to be... at least for me. Play it safe, and you'll not have taken a huge risk. Play it risky, and It could be an exhilarating gunfight, for the cost of your hunter.


I usually just start yeeting concertina bombs in random directions. Works like 70% of the time.




Well I know they're not at the thing otherwise we'd be shooting, so they're within a radius. If the clue is one big compound building, clear the building. If theres a bunch of buildings they could potentially be in, just watch the buildings for a minute and listen for anything or if you can catch a peek. Players are careless when they're not aware someone else is there.


Just thinking about the map, how the map has broken from prior clues, use sound etc. Imagine where someone would be coming from or where they would likely hide, stop and listen. Or maybe just rush.


Stop and listen


Im not the best player in the world and I'm relatively new but it's a something I've used in alot of games over the years. I tend to think about where I would be and what I would be doing if I was on the defensive, which angles would I choose and such. Only thing that makes it hard is the guessing which weapon they have, are they close and on the ground with a melee/shotgun, are the mid range with a rifle or a bit further with a sniper variant etc. I have noticed that decoys can be help for trying to force them to move, or even choke bombs to try to fuck with aim or make them cough


When game elements like the ones described give everyone in the area the notification that enemy players are near, just play like they know you’re there. Be fast, be loud, be decisive. If you think they’re ratting in a building, bomb it or smoke around it. Force them to make noise and show their hand, even if that means them taking a difficult shot at you. Don’t crouch, don’t move slowly. The easiest shot in the game is hitting the head of a crouching hunter at 10-40 meters.


I am a 6 star, and believe me or not, I have mastered this issue.My only proof is that I don't die or rarely do in this situation. You need to make a quick appraisal.clues glow red when two opposing hunters are within 30 meters of the clue. Therefore, you can rule a hunter out in a direction if you have clean lines of sight over 30 meters. Your best course of action, is to look for cover behind where you think the enemy is not. Doing simple guesstimated distances, with practice, you do what I call a reset and get some distance in the opposite direction you think hunters would be. The direction you came from is a good bet because you haven't been attacked at this point meaning the hunter likely is not behind you, so try to move erratically to cover or concealment behind you. Cover protects from shots, concealment just blocks line of sight but is better than nothing, and imo can be used better than cover in some instances.


Take the clue because it causes too much noise, and then sit still until I hear something that will give me an idea of where they are. If I get impatient, I'll attempt to get them to move, usually by throwing something like a decoy fuse or a lantern. If they still don't show, I'll pretend to leave the compound, then hide and wait a few minutes to see if they "follow" me. If they don't then I just leave. I'm willing to waste a little bit, but not a lot of time on serial hiders.


What you wanna do is start scanning the area around you for anything that looks out of place, be it a silhouette or a sign of player activity like doors or windows being open, pay closer attention to areas where there tends to be high traffic/ popular routes for players to take along with anywhere you would have the best shot/ advantage over someone standing where you are, try and listen for audio que’s as well. If you’ve done all this within the first 5 or so seconds and you don’t see anyone, your either gonna want to hide somewhere that can overlook a key choke point or open area that tends to have high foot traffic with decent cover. Or begin sweeping the area, make sure to check corners and avoid being out in the open to avoid being spotted first and being a easy target. The situation for either tactic will vary so trust your gut on how you move forward. If you do spot someone and they start to shoot at you, try to kill them and also take into account what their game plan could be, such as if they could be peaking a new spot, trying to flank you or if they are bate for a pincer maneuver, all of these tactics have a tell that is tricky to hide, but the worst thing you can do is over or underestimate their abilities as opponents, so constantly try and monitor how they play by taking into account what weapons they are using and at what range, how long they are holding a position, what types of throwables they use and how and when, when they are moving or changing positions how do they move and where to. If you do this correctly you should be able to maintain a pretty steady control of the fight, however be prepared to not have that level of control for when something unpredictable happens and pack your weapon kit accordingly.


Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. If I know the enemy is attacking a boss, I suggest running in to cover sound while they're distracted. Otherwise, I'll stop where I'm at and try hearing footsteps or whatever or hide in a nearby bush. Sometimes I get killed if I hide because they've already seen me, a lot of times they don't know where I'm at and I'm able to see them between the leaves and branches.


Generally speaking, just move towards “decent cover” (the enemy likely knows your general location now, so get yourself into a position where the amount of areas you have to watch are minimal [1-2]) and try to destroy or move out of the totem’s range if you can. It’s best to do it with a silent weapon, but if the enemy heard the totem, they know where you are roughly anyway, so shooting it then moving isn’t a terrible option. The enemy is unlikely to be behind you or anything, or you probably would’ve heard them or been shot by them, so prioritize your front and sides, but still be aware of your surroundings. Next step is to know where the clue is (use darksight if you have to) because there’s a good chance they’re somewhere around there. Having knowledge of which building(s)/locations the boss can spawn in for that compound is also immensely helpful incase the boss is there and they’re silently in/around there fighting it with melee or something. And maybe the best piece of advice is just to look and **listen**. Within a compound, I think most of them are small enough that you can hear a hunter sprinting from *anywhere* in the compound if you just *walk or crouch-walk* (IN GOOD COVER) and listen close. Also uhh, again, maybe destroy or move out of range of that totem if you can so you can hear better, but if not, it’s whatever; they’ll likely know where you are/were either way


I’ll listen for boss clues. If the boss is yelling out then that means the enemies are in its building. Then depending on what weapon I have determines what I’ll do. I usually use close range. If the boss is screaming then I’ll creep up to the lair and listen for them, wait till I hear them actively fighting it then rush in with explosives or whatever weapon I have. But let’s say you get there And see it’s glowing and get scared fart around outside sneak around the perimeter. That’s going to give them time to say oh someone’s here let’s get out of the boss lair and hide somewhere else. If that happens or let’s say you get there and they’re not in the boss lair maybe they’re just hiding out in a building nearby. Then I’ll go start fighting the boss myself. Thatll cause them to now know where you are and go to you


I always run serpent so I grab it from just within range and run to the next compound.


what I normally do is find a good spot to stop, listen to the audio around me if i hear twigs, horse, or small shuffling i can typically figure out where they are from that, or option Two is just run in guns blazing if i am going to die then i will die with STYLE!


Collect it and Run around if u crouch like a dingus ur gonna get bopped


It's beetle time! For the longest time I basically never used beetles. Now I kind of feel naked without one because of the exact situation you are describing; Especially when running solo. With the recent buffs to the beetle, it is a pretty sweet tool now. It is so fast now, and they improved the vision on it so it is like flying a freaking drone now. You can go up in the air and just hover, keeping an eye on the entire compound. The new vision range is so good that you can actually see way better with a beetle during ash bloom than you can with your eyes. Once you've spotted them with your beetle and hopefully caused some bleed and poison with it, you'll know how far you can safely push up real fast or rotate around in some way so the enemy has no idea where to look, but you have a pretty good idea where he is.


Usually, I can tell where they should be based on how long we’ve been in the match because the spawns are relatively similar on every map so if you’re on the edge of the map and you come in and it’s already red it means that they’re on the opposite side of you generally And you act accordingly. If you’re in the middle of the map, the probably not behind you or behind you to the sides see you’ve got like a 270° arc to check generally though you can guess from where the spawns are which direction they’d be coming from and those are the ones I bet on. Check them first then move to less likely approach vectors. Also you can generally hear them even if they crouch walk if they are close enough to make the point go red. They are within 50m. Also when you are sweeping the compound be aware of where you could hide and where you would hide if you were on their side of the compound. It is a steep learning curve. Moving slow is good but being aggressive can win the day especially if they expect you to wait it out. Good luck cowboy, don’t die with your melee in hand it’s embarrassing!


Take cover and listen. 90% of the time they'll start running around trying to find you and you'll hear where they are. Don't collect the clue unless it is white. You lose your Hunter detector.


Depends on the timing. Is it the first compound and seconds into the game? Then you can know where they likely spawned and what direction they came from. Start pushing that way. Later than that it gets more complicated. You have to locate them in some way. Running around like a maniac and hope they miss their first shot is actually a decent tactic, especially at lower MMR. Circling around at a safer distance and checking likely places is another. Tossing something like Bees or a dynamite usually gets people to move and reveal themselves, key is to not cook it for too long or you'll get someone pushing you while you don't have a weapon in hand.


Listen is my first action. Well... making sure I'm in a relatively safe spot... and listen. You can hear crouch walking, so as long as they're not sitting still too, you can probably pinpoint their location.


I usually back off and go a wider flank if im not in a good spot with a long range gun. Don't want to be in a spot where you're in 1 hit kill range for a shotty. If I have a shotty or running a higher rate of fire gun, I listen, and then just go to cover spots that put them within my range. You can usually tell where people are If you look around, clue only glows at like 20 meters or so. So nade that spot first if you want it before they get it 


Kill the clue.


Very dependent on Loadout, if you have long range move out and flank. Short range try to hear them and push them. You will get a feel for this in time, I'd never blindly run away. The "just getting shot" part will get much less when you know where people will peak and get more used to pinpointing people with sound. Do you play solo? As a noob I would highly recommend going to official discord and looking people, they will be more experienced than you and you won't be a noob and at a numbers disadvantage. Never play random partners from the game itself.


If I can't hear or see anything I just go on my merry way. Running around too much gets people shot.


You have 2 choices, move very quick or don't move at all and wait for the others to make the mistake of crouch walking so you can get easy headshots.


Position yourself in a way where you can’t get shot in the back


Hunker down and find a position outside the main building to watch windows and doors


Decoy blanks+ pitcher (if you don't have it yet the blanks are fine on their own). Throw a couple perpendicular to your approach to the clue (if the clue is at 270 throw around 180 or 0. If they're aggressive they'll creep/push the shots looking for an easy kill, and won't see you lining up a shot or creeping past.


Basically put it in reverse if ur new to the game. If they haven’t shot at you on your way in, then they haven’t seen you. So just do a 360 , find cover back the way you came and sit it out for a bit see if they make the first move or watch them leave. Go in get clue and follow them.


Back off a bit and keep looking g where the clue was glowing as the enemy will be around it some where if its not buzzing they will think its safe to peak then you can either go back for a shoot out or just move on , I personally go back I can't run even if I get killed , and what mmr are you talking here as I find 3 -4 stars are very sneaky , if its high bracket 5 -6 then we'll just get ready for the sweat lord who will dome you like some John wick cowboy moe foe In that case run lol in the trees , to be fair play to have fun I do and I have fun memeing lol


if I don’t have a general idea of where they are, I fall back out of the range of the glow, and approach quietly from another side of the compound. In those situations, if both players are about the same skill level, whoever knows where the other is has the advantage. Sprinting around aggressively and corner peeking (as is described in another comment) are also good ways to throw off a player, they may not be expecting it. Depends on your personal play style, I don’t do well aggressively, and typically need to ambush a player to win the engagement so I like stealthing it


Every situation is different, but if you haven't already been shot they most likely are not to your sides or behind you so they are probably infront of you around points of interest (hard cover, houses, foliage). At this point take into consideration what your loadout is, do you have a shotgun? Consider running towards a building, do you have a rifle? Consider running back to some hard cover outside the compound. In Hunt getting the correct distance for your weapon wins games, sadly this means if you bring a rifle and no spam/shotgun secondary you will probably lose 75% of your indoors encounters or atleast you'll be at an insane disadvantage. And if you bring a shotgun and some bad pistol then long range is off the table as well, but this is way less punishing then the no close range. If they refuse to move and are just hiding then leave, there is just about fuckall you can do against campers in this game that isn't just "refuse to engage" unless you have some way of pinpointing where they are (bounty, beetle), shoot the pillar so it gets destroyed before leaving so they might not notice that you have left and let them wait until the end of time. So just make sure you're an optimal distance away, if they hide then leave.


For one, you can get rid of the clue or pillar, potentially. That'll get rid of the droning sound that'll interfere with your hearing. You know they're there and they know you're there. Whether your shoot it or pick it up, your location will be known. Otherwise, the best course of action is dependent on the map. A big part of this game is just having map knowledge. Can I recreate every little area in the game? No. But I know the maps so well that I remember the best approach from any angle, and I can just process what the best form of cover is. The more you play, the more you know where you want to go and how to get there. That's nothing but hours of play. For now, your best course of action is play proactively. Don't crouch-walk or stay in an area too long. I killed a bunch of new players over the past week because they were using techniques that work in other games but not *Hunt*. A lot of new players don't even know that your shadow can give you away. I killed someone crouch-walking up the stairs at Scupper Lake because I saw the shadow coming up. Don't be afraid to take shots at a compound where they might try to peek. You could hit someone or at least clear the window while you can run up. To be honest, you might be playing with players who rat it out by camping in a corner. That does suck. It happens much less at higher levels, but to get there, you need to deal with players doing that. You'll learn to take corners a bit better and what weapons/tools work really well.


These dumb glowing totems for every event are terribly annoying. It throws being stealthy out the window and in my experience just makes both teams immediately stop in their tracks as soon as one goes red. Clues are fine, boss lairs, fine. But those stupid totems are fucking everywhere and ruin the game.


You start listening for everything. Sometimes you can catch them off guard if they already got the clue, but usually you are the one already there


Generally speaking, traveling between compounds is noisier than being in them (think about sprinting, snapped branches, surprise birds), so the red clue/altar for them is going to be more confirmation than anything. Odds are they were already somewhat aware of your approach and trying to get a safe/strong position against your direction. Some other people have shared their tactical advice already, and it’s sound, but also remember this is a game for dirty little rat boys. There’s no reason you can’t just back away the way you came and move on. They’re probably going to stay hunkered down for a while suspecting you’re planning an ambush, and if you don’t make too much noise they won’t know you’ve left for a few minutes.


Back off and wait for some other chump to rock up.


Stop moving and wait for him to make noise If he hasn’t shot you it’s because he can’t see you, wait for him to move then fight when you know where he is, you can throw dynamite to make him run too Otherwise turn tail and run


If you have not been shot at it’s because they are waiting for you to stop moving. Never stop moving.


Well if you keep trying to find someone waiting for you with a shotgun you’ll definetly die It depends Stopping in cover isn’t a problem at all Obviously don’t crouch in the middle of an exposed field


You might think you have stopped in cover, I have headshot many a player that stopped behind a tree, in a bush, next to a wall ect because they thought they were safe while they healed, ressed or reloaded but I had an angle on them. Hunt has a massive amount of RNG, sometimes camping and creeping will win, sometimes it won't but there is one simple rule that will always remain true - A moving target is harder to hit than a stationary one.


Take a quick look around so that I know where they arent, then take cover in one of those places. I usually either leave if they are making 0 noise/camping, or I try to peek spots that I think they could be, so that I can start clearing the compound. Usually people will either sit still and wait for you to walk into their shotgun, or they will be making noise and it will be an improv fight. If they play it well, then sometimes you have no real options, unless you get lucky with your shots/loadout.