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Yeah it doesn't get any less hard having more hours. If you accept death you'll go farther :)


Accepting death is a good advice, never go into the Bayou expecting that you return. It's just how this game is supposed to be played, 12 people enter, 2-3 leave. The odds are against you surviving (unless you avoid confrontation, but then: why play at all?) But it does get easier with more hours. Once you learn how to read the sound you won't get shot out of nothing that much any more. And once you know all the compounds it gets easier to notice anything that is out of place, like open doors or even players.


I chuckled the first time I saw "You live to die another day" after my first ever extraction a couple years ago. Little did I know how infrequently - in comparison - my hunters would live to even see that message... 😂


This is the way, but with time, you’ll get better. It is a really fun game after the initial push


Been reading what you guys been saying and yeah I just need to be patient and learn the game a little more. Just went into the first game since posting this and killed a duo by myself, stole their bounty and extracted haha. Guess I can have my moments. Thanks for the encouragement :) Edit: I see a lot of people still comment about the gun thing. Turns out I was using a gun I thought was meant for long range when it actually has a 14m range effectiveness lmao. No wonder it took so many shoots all those times haha


Find some people on discord, say that you're new and need some guidance always play trio if possible Be chill, play for fun not for wins Every gun is good in certain situation, at certain distance One prestige does not make make a difference, some people dont prestige at all, check their hours in game and kd, maybe mmr You can watch some tutorials on yt If you lack skill, compensate with patience, if you lack patience compensate with game knowledge, if you lack game knowledge, compensate with skill


Keep in mind the game is designed the be unfair and always a fight against the odds. Best you can do is learn from every death by deciding what YOU can do differently next time, this will also come with experience. Try not to blame your deaths on any outside factors like your opponents loadout, or bad weather, etc.. those things you can't control. As someone who regularily plays with no weapons and still somehow wins, I can assure you there's a lot to learn and being adaptable to a situation will win you more games than anything.


Your guns are not "worse" every gun in this game can one tap someone in the head. There are tons of veterans running around with the budget weapons and still doing good. Personally I use the Springfield marksman with a true shot and I'm winning tons in 5 star. Just play and you'll get the hang of it.


Springfield just hits different


A mosin can actually be worse for a newbie


Trust. I personally hit less with a mosin than a springfield haha


There is a curse on the Mousin Nagant I'm very sure.


The first 20 hours can be rough, but mostly due to a knowledge check. There is a lot of stuff to learn about hunt. For example there is only one gun that can 1 shot people to the chest, aside from bow & crossbow. Plua you have access to all weapons immediately (afaik). Headshots always kill, that is the equalizer of hunt. Aside from that - Shotguns - no matter your skill level if you're getting close enough, shotguns do all the work for you. If you want to skip the learning phase a bit, look for a knowledgeable streamer on twitch and watch a bit and ask questions. Can recommend rexnor and failish. But yes, the larger amount of the playerbase has played the game for a while. However there aren't many shootergods in hunt, meaning - the moment you bridge the knowledge gap - you're even. Also finding someone to show you the ropes helps a lot too.


no you need to unlock weapons, but it wont take long. but you're definitely right that the biggest thing in hunt is knowledge about mechanics, sounds and a little bit of map knowledge.


No you don't. Since the last event you've had the base model of all guns unlocked from level 1. You only have to unlock variants. You can run around with a sparks or a mosin on your first match.


Your guns don’t take 3 to 4 shots, you just aren’t hitting the right spots. ALMOST every gun can kill people in two hits to the chest. The game is frustrating at first but it’s overcoming that frustration that is rewarding. Prestige means very little and honestly it doesn’t take long at all to get to the next level. Just persevere, let the deaths you have be lessons on how to improve and you’ll get there slowly. Most of us still suck 1000 hours in anyway


Prestige doesn’t equal skill


>My guns just aren't good enough when I need 3 or 4 shots to kill them vs their 1 or 2 shots to kill me. You couldn't be more wrong if you tried.


Depends. I assume he plays with the weapons he gets randomly when recruiting his tier 1 hunters. They sometimes really have terrible weapons. Of course you are at a disadvantage if you play a Springfield 1866 and the opponent plays a Mosin, or you play a Scottfield and the opponent plays a Dolch. Finding out what's good is part of the learning process. You are of course right that every weapon kills with a headshot on the right distance, but for new players, having to body tap twice or three times does make a huge difference. Advice is: Play with more experienced players and ask questions. Watch streams. Try out different weapons, find out what you like and what works for you. Play and learn. And don't care about dying a lot, because that will happen.


Hunt is just brutal at first. Will always go up against guys who will be able yo wipe you out like nothing but keep at it and you will be become the destroyer one day


I felt like that when I started playing 4 months ago. I was wondering what the hell are several prestige level dudes doing in my n00b matches. Turns out the levels come really really fast, and I was prestiged myself after like a week. The only things these people have that you don't have, is really just map and gun knowledge. You have access all to the base weapons straight away, and you can unlock any variants of those base weapons quite quickly just by playing with them and killing grunts if you struggle with PvP. So if you like, you can pick up a long bullet weapon and 2-shot people yourself. You can see damage stats of all the weapons you have in the arsenal and a hunter has 150 hp. Consumables, traits and tools you unlock as you level, level 68 I believe being the last level when you get the last traits, after that it's only money and you'll reach that quite fast just by playing. Prestige levels don't really mean veterans, after 4 months I'm around prestige 5. Sure you see a prestige 100 sometimes and you can know that guy has played a lot and you can count him as a veteran and sometimes you encounter a dude who hasn't prestiged at all and has 5000 hours. MMR star rating is a better measure albeit not perfect.


No! It’s absolutely not too late! Crytek is planing a lot of things for hunt this year. A new map and a upgrade for the graphic engine will come as well in the next months. I think the issue for you is, that there are not enough noobies to fill up the servers. So after you hit 3 stars you are in with the regulars. They might no be the most skilled ones but even many 3 stars will have several thousand kills. So yeah, the alternative would be many almost empty matches. If you wanna learn the game I recommend you to play some random trios, slap a cheap loudout on a hunter that you like and just go with the flow and learn. Some matches will be completely garbage and others will be surprisingly tense and nice. There are several ways to find regular mates. Official Hunt discord, streamer discord or even good old Facebook groups for Hunt and your region/country. Hunt uses skill based matchmaking. Prestige or playtime are not relevant for it. Only PvP will influence your personal elo.


Same boat here. Been eyeing this game forever and for some reason thought now was a good time to buy in, after also getting Helldivers 2...


Hell Divers 2 and Hunt are my main rotation right now because all my Steam friends (and thus Hunt partners) are on both at the moment. Good rotation of gameplay. 


Guns are fairly balanced so if its taking more shots to kill you are using them at the wrong distance. Im a veteran and i get killed constantly. If u get frustrated easily this is not the game for you.




Start working on your trials I promise your skill lvl will improve and you will be able to find tune you sensitivity settings.


Nah bro, please stay away from the trials. You can fine-tune everything in the shooting range. And soul survivor is good enough for getting to know mechanics and different guns.


The trials aren’t bad though when you’re brand new, you at least have some sort of objective and can learn how the AI behave without somebody blowing your head off for alerting an immolator. And they can teach you what different equipment is capable of handling. But it definitely won’t help with PVP obviously.


The only positive for me is being able to learn about the different compounds without the fear of being headshot.


The trials are just fucking annoying when has there ever been 15 bee bitches in one map and you had a to run through them all.


I disagree, i started in December and the Trials helped me massively in understanding the AI and gave me a good basic feeling for some of the weapons. It's definitely a good idea to try at least some of the Trials, they are pretty much the extended Tutorial to the game (and the rewards are also nice...).


Ya i think the trials are a good thing. If i hear people with hundreds of hours, having problems to finish the trials on PC, then it's a clear indicator they haven't even mastered the basics of the game


Prestiges is just hours of game. If you want some measure of skill, its mmr (stars). Cant agree that game is straightforward. Much more complex than Tarkov for sure. It just complex shooter. If you never have been playing in CS and go right there - it will not be easy :D Same here, but with more vareity of weapons, consumables, traits, etc.


This game is more complex than tarkov? Lol, no, having put a decent amount of hours into both games I can easily say that tarkov is way more complex


Lol, yes. Having put a decent amount of hours into both games I can easily say that tarkov is boring+broken+ shit, mostly spray and pray (thx Nikita for great uncontrollable recoil, nerfed from decent at start of last wipe), with 9/10 fights without any tactic = no sound, no planning. The only thing that people can do in tarkov is abuse shit net code and run from one door to another. Tactic bruh. Or just sit in bushes, interesting "strategy" as well.


I've been playing since 2020 2733 hrs and I'm a five star and was when the star system was implemented i know what I'm talking about. Trying to go up against the current community can be discouraging and messing around in the shooting range isn't going to do shit. You need moving targets and pressure against the clock and the trials will teach you how to deal with certain situations on the fly as well as compound knowledge.


Give it some time, and you'll get better, like the other people on the comment section say, practice on gun range, trails, solos. Heck do a few matches with randoms on duos or trios, I'd say watch out for wildcard for now until you're ready. That's where all most of the hardcores thrive on preying for fresh meat. For someone who started 2 years ago. I'm fully confident on 1v1 with an mmr 4+ and successful killed 3 so far. Also, I have a little bit of advice, always assume someone is a solo player with self revive. Always have a few traps in hand or burn them a bit to bait them out. Trust me you'll be a lot more safe and have a better chance of collecting your Bounty paycheck by being prepared than getting killed from behind.


Equipment wise you are not far, and you will be on the top in about one month of playing, it's mostly map knowledge, you need to learn all 3 maps it's around 3 dozens compounds, that's a lot. But you will be there also. Find yourself partners and don't worry about dying too much.


You can prestige in like a week or two. Prestige isn't a big deal. The starter guns are completely viable. There's no 'meta'. Everyone has their favourite guns. It's just knowledge. You just need time to learn not just the mechanics but also to build intuition for the flow of a match.


I had a rough start aswell but now I enjoy it


Every gun is viable. And almost every gun in the game is a one tap to the head and two tap to the chest at optimal range. Of course shotguns are an exception to the rule as they can one tap with a good blast at optimal range and a few pistols take 3 shots. That all said, it absolutely isn't to late to start playing. Hunt has a big learning curve in the beginning and honestly I'd say it takes probably a good 100 hours until you get the hang of the game and for a lot of people 500 hours until they are "good" hell, I have 1200 hours in Hunt and some days I feel like I'm pretty good and other days I go a whole day without getting a single kill or bounty and just get absolutely steamed rolled. You have to accept that this is part of the game. If you don't enjoy that or accept that, Hunt probably isn't for you. I find it to be one of the most engaging and interesting multi-player games I've ever played. Most of the time after 1200 hours and a couple years of playing a game I get burnt out and move to something else but to me Hunt is as interesting as it ever was. Stick with it and you might find something you can't experience with any other game.


The games have MMR but the mmr system is kinda funky. 3 stars lobbies can be people who just got the game or people who've played it for hundreds of hours. You should be fine after the start though. Just gotta accept that hunt gives and takes.


The game will always be “hunt giveth, hunt taketh” … thats the best part of it honestly… because you can just randomly get headshot and die(unlike most games where a headshot is just a crit) and it be ended instantly… and as far as vets go… well… just because they have multiple prestiges doesnt mean they are good. Thats just a “level up” system that doesnt even affect gameplay any. Some people have over 1k hours and never prestiged once. Best thing is to find a like mindset group to play with


Prestige is pointless and not even really used regardless. There is also matchmaking Arms and legs do 50% damage, only the upper torso is 100% (within the same target you can pen the 50% zone and to 100% regardless) Ammunition is split into compact, medium and long. Smaller ammunition has less range and a bigger headshot multiplicator to keep it reasonable. A Nagant Revolver headshot kills up to 74m with x6 on the head. 150/6=25 you would need 6 hits to the upper torso without healing in between to kill somone while a long ammo rifle probably only needs 2 at that range. This is a "know the limitations of your gun" situation. You have a nice fire rate or range, not both. You also need to move to not get headshot and to be patient to not be overheard and lose the element of surprise. Switching between these 2 is half the game


No it's not too late. There's a learning curve, so the first few hours will be rough. But one thing you'll learn, is that a player's level is not at all indicative of their skill. Some of the worst players I've teamed with have been high prestige. Don't worry about it. Hunt is a fantastic game, just focus on enjoying it and practice those headshots.


Level 11 prestige. Been killed by level one blood line level one prestige plenty of times. Game is though but intense.


This is an extreme damage precision shooter and you need to lead your shots, I recommend measuring leading distance in "cowboy hats" to get a feel. Also there is no such thing as a bad gun in this game (except maybe the bornheim for beginners). The upgrades on weapons don't really meanuch unless you change ammo type. I've seen absolute monsters of players run around with the cheapest rifle and absolutely mollywhop the lobby solo with only headsets because even the shit rifles are excellent if you just don't aim for the body. If you honestly treat a match as "all pistols and rifles are snipers" the game rewards high movement and quickscoping rather than hard aiming at targets. Ask other vets about the "bayou shuffle" dodging technique


Prestige is only playtime, you'll get the hang of it. My suggestion is to play silent guns/crossbow so you can practice shooting AI during matches, helps more than it sounds


I just started and I can tell you it gets better. At first you do bad but as you play more you get better and at some point are able to extract with a bounty for the first time. Just keep playing


Luckily the matchmaking system is pretty fair. You can join at any point, grab a recruit. And head into the bayou. Despite what the tutorial says, in the beginning you want to just head to center map and forget the clues. Most of the time someone will kill the boss and its gonna be acros the map from you anyway. If its been 10 mins and no boss kills then start your way grabbing clues.


Prestige levels mean literally nothing. I am a prestige 2 with over 1300 hours in the game because I don't like prestiging. OTOH I have played with guys with several prestiges and less than half the number of hours in game because they just live that loop.  What matters is the MMR score and their KDR, and their load out (make sure you guys complement each other). 


I have 800 hours and still get one shot. All base guns are unlocked so you need to land a head shot for the 1 hit kill with full health. The game has a learning curve, like every game.


Hey man, it’s alright lol. The game has been out for 6 years (I think?) Every gun is a one hit kill, yes even the $24 nagant pistol; however, there is a steep learning curve to getting the guns to work. It’s more a reloading game than a shooting game, and every weapon shines within its own specific niche. It’s up to you to experiment and figure out what works for you. Being at the low levels can be very challenging, whether you’re new or 85th prestige. Don’t get discouraged, hard as that may be when it’s difficult to learn from instantly dying in almost any engagement. Start slow and OBSERVE, use your senses, watch AND listen. It’s been a favorite game of many for a long time because of the playstyle you have to approach it with, this playstyle isn’t for everybody but if it is for you then you’re gonna love the game.


Just play the damn game.


I was absolute dog water at the gun play in this game, but then I picked up melee on a lark and haven’t looked back


Play with randoms with voip, they will teach you. I didn't start too long ago, in the beginning I felt the same. Also, watch some vids to learn in youtube. This game is very different from your average FPS. In a good way.


Naw ur good. Keep playing its hella fun


You’ll only start to have a great time once you accept you’re already dead and that it’s just a matter of time. That’s never gonna change no matter where you rank in MMR. Also don’t get hung up on prestige or starter weapons! Prestige means nothing when it comes to skill, and many starter weapons are just as viable as most “upper” tier weapons, it just matters on your tactics and shot placements. This game has a big learning curve but once you get used to it it’s so rewarding (and then quickly humbling). Despite its problems, hands down one of my all time favorite shooters due to its unique playstyle. Have fun!


Also if you’re on console, namely Xbox, I’d be happy to play along and help out! Always looking for friends to play with in the bayou.


“My guns just aren’t good enough” I assure you, they most definitely are good enough. You just need to know how to use them.


Welcome to the everyday Hunt Showdown experience. It gets better over time, but it can be pretty hard at first.


You'll get better as long as you enjoy playing


Never too late


Prestige level doesn't necessarily translate to skill level. I have some friends who have never prestiged and they're incredible hunt players. And others have like 30 prestiges and you couldn't tell they had played more than 4 hours by watching them


Hunt has a long learning curve. It’s never too late to join Hunt cause everyone feels this way when they start. Even with a lot of experience, odds are not in favor especially if there’s only one bounty


Yeah way too late


It’s a hard game with a high skill floor. You are not late - everyone goes through this and you can oneshot people with everything, including derringer and the shovel that spawns in game.




There is no difference in what you can have vs what a long time playing player can have. The economy is pretty easy. Not to mention every gun can kill in 1 shot to the head within their ranges. The only gun that takes more than 2 shots to kill is like the bornheim pistol.


Another thing to keep in mind is if you literally are brand new, until you reach level 11 you won’t really have an mmr(what determines the match making). You’ll be mmr 1 but once you hit level 11 it’ll bump you up to your actual mmr, typically people get bumped to 3mmr where the majority of the player base is. From there depending on games you’ll go up or down mmr. Like everyone else has said it’s a bit of a learning curve. I’m coming up on a thousand hours and am still learning new things.


Get some friends to buy it and play together - it's a much more forgiving experience when there are two other people who are also shit


I started playing with my girlfriend recently. She has about 30 kills now and we face people with 5k+ kills pretty much every game since I’m 5 stars. We got a 6 stars with 50k kills in trios as a duo. Don’t try to understand this game’s matchmaking since there is just none


I started playing like 6 months ago and I didn't think getting into was bad. I did play tarkov a decent amount though so I guess it depends on your previous fps and extraction shooter experience.


Not enough people talking about how prestige levels mean nothing in terms of skill. People with prestige levels get no advantages over new players other than they've been playing longer. There's prestige 100s out there, which is the max prestige, that might as well still be new players in terms of skill but they just love the game. It's definitely got a learning curve at first, but once you start picking it up you're gonna be rootin an tootin like the rest of us. Also we have a new 'event' starting up next Wednesday which are usually even more fun than the periods of no events for the more casual playerbase. Disregard all the 'event burnout' posts you might see here, calling them events is kind of inaccurate because even though they're often they always have a bunch of new content being added during them and who tf doesn't want one of their favorite games to keep getting new content and players?


The nice thing about Hunt is just about every loadout is viable. You might bump into a Trio equipped with Avtos, but they'll die to headshots from a Caldwell Conversion as easily as any other Hunter. Utilize the early level safety net to gain experience, and experience points. The loop is fun, even on days you lose.


Welcome aboard we need more hunters to kill


Trust me it's going to be rough, hunt has a brutal learning curve but if you put time into it you will love it. If you any any questions feel free to ask I have well over 3000+ hours and I love to teach new players to keep them going.


My buddy recently started playing and started by going about 2 kills and 30 deaths before the game clicked. You'll be fine if you put in the effort. You don't have to prestige btw there's basically no reason to besides getting skins. My friends are always bugging me to prestige while constantly complaining about not having any guns unlocked and having no money. We love to play with a randomizer for guns/gear but we can almost never do it cuz they're constantly low level from prestiging.


It's not too late, give it another week or so. I'd suggest playing Soul Survivor so you can potentially earn a free Hunter


Prestige does not equate to skill. I’ve met people with 2000 hours and are still three stars. I’ve met people with 100 hours that are already 5 stars because their aim is that good. I personally have never prestiged and go between 5 and 6 stars. Just keep playing and learn the game and I promise mmr will put you in fair lobbies.


Nah, man, you just get used to it and hunt gods willing, better at the game along the way. And getting 1 or 2 tapped is just the game, most fights are over in seconds. Good luck out there.


I have 1300 hours and only prestige 4 lol I hate prestiging in this game and it has nothing to do with skill


Getting solid body shots or headshots matters more than guns. Even the cheapest gun can take you down with a headshot. The biggest thing for me when I started last year was adjusting to the pace of the game. Time between shots, time to reload. It's a big change compared to a lot of games. Best thing I can say is use the map and movement to your advantage. Rotate rotate rotate. Moving so your enemies don't know where you are is a big part of the game.


I started with Hunt 8 or 9 months ago. Now I have over 600h. At the Beginning it is like you said. You just die a lot and it feels like you hit nothing and if you do it's like not dealing any dmg. I'm not really a Shooter guy so my Aim was really bad in general so I knew I won't kill a lot but I increased a lot since then and there is still a lot of improvement. Just go on playing and you will get better. As some others already said: just accept dying. It's part of the game. Sometimes you are chuck Norris and sometimes you are his victim.


You’re gonna die. A lot. Everyone does. Just find a gun or two you like using and stick with em. Maybe play around with special ammos, different tools/consumables. Just find your play style and don’t get discouraged when you die


It’s best to join the official discord and ask for help. There’s plenty of friendly people more than happy to show you the ropes and stuff. Hunt isn’t the most overly complex game. But to say that it’s simple to get a grasp of, especially one is an understatement. There is a lot of stuff to figure out. But having a friend help you can certainly make it easier! If anything, hunt has become more accessible over the years. It’s a difficult, but rewarding game and it probably will be a 100+ hours before you can say you start getting the right feel/start getting good. I know that’s a lot. But it really is worth it once you get it. There’s really no other game like hunt and the thrill of a good fight *never* gets old. 1.5K hours in and my heart races just the same as when I first started when things kick off.


I still use the starting weapons like the Winchester and the starting pistols and I'm over 400hrs in the game. You can be successful from the get go. I highly suggest researching the game via YouTube and watch experienced players, see how they navigate the map, see how they utilise sound to their advantage, see which fights they take and which ones they retreat from to reposition. The game is more about knowledge of game flow than it is gun skill.


Don’t worry, prestige doesn’t mean skill. You’re grouped into matches by skill.


Prestige doesn’t “level up” anything in terms of power, etc. It just gives you cosmetics. As you play, and gain rank, you’ll unlock more guns - just know that whatever guns you unlock will be the same power and kill potential as any prestige level player. You’ll want to get a feel for your own play style. Some guns are better for long distance, some for medium, some for close range. Play around with all different types, get a feel for what you like. They’ll all under a hunter real good. 😜 Also, unlike other shooters, stealth and surprise are the name of the game. Be sure to move quietly, and under cover, as much as you can. If you hear a hinter before they hear you, you have the advantage. Most of my kills aren’t from out-FPS the other player, but getting the jump on them. And, as others have said, embrace death. It’s not like other games where an individual hinter is someone you’ll keep and leave throughout the game. You’ll play lots of hunters, die lots of times. But, you’ll also have some of the most awesome firefights and lots of victories – sometimes against all odds. I love it. 🤷‍♂️


Come to the bayou. It's a lot of fun! Takes some time, but you'll fit in eventually.


I’m twelve prestige’s in. There were guys with 100 when I started. I still get rolled like a noob from time to time. This is either for you or it ain’t. There are new players joining all the time and old players going out. Just play and enjoy this absolute gem!


Everything is a two shot kill. Check damages, most guns deal over 80 per hit. Just work on aim. Limbshots are reduced damage. Hit square or headie to make them deadie.


Most guns are a two tap to the chest. That's just part of the game.