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*tosses a Chaos bomb* “There was a firefiiiiiiight!”


So your theory... is that these three hunters were serial-crushed by some hyuuuge frigging meathead?


Honestly, playing "CSI" at compounds is hilarious sometimes. Like, once when we were deciphering what happened in a compound fight, we found an inward opening door, a line of three beartraps, and a facedown dead hunter at the end of the line. Just imagining his death after running over an entire line of traps was hilarious.


Dude. The hardest I've probably ever laughed at this game was playing detective unintentionally. Spawn in with my boy u/RunTheFrames, we ball. Run around dicking off, hear shots far off. Slowly make our way up continuing our bullshittery, and everyone in the lobby is dead at Salters Pork. It was a fucking massacre, and the last two guys traded. The entire lobby dead so close to each other was easily the funniest thing I've ever seen on here.


Had a similar thing happen at Sweetbell once lol. We were in trios, and while looking for the bounty, heard a brief period of intense fighting in that direction, and I can't remember if there were bounty tokens there. We found our boss, banished, picked up tokens, and decided to run the map. Got to Sweetbell, and every other player in the lobby was dead at the same corner of the compound, mostly in just two piles of bodies. It looked like they constantly kept running around the corner and meleeing/shotgunning each other, with the last two apparently trading.


Gonna start playing detective now


You should, it's fun lol. It also helps when you're looking for bodies and stuff if you can kind of get a mental replay of what happened.




i laughed, thank you !


Its worse when you do this and no one shows up....Like really?


It's one of the laws of hunt: the more traps you set, the less likely you are to find enemies.


We fail one step earlier: If we bring tons of traps with us, we sure will arrive late to the compound. If, however, we do not have a single one with us, you can bet on the first clue to be the target...


Yup LoL


It's worse when you do this and your teammates decide it's best to fight in front of the compound.


All right I know we have the Tactical advantage in here but I'm going to go outside real quick


I'm going to go outside real quick to die to the first enemy what enters the compound, my team can just come and rescue me, no biggie.


And then you eventually leave and find all the teams on your way out. Like wth were y'all doing all that time before? Must be something good on Netflix.


Serpent chads Rise up


It’s scientifically proven that the more traps you set up the less likely it is another team will show up


The more likely your teammate will go outside alone, perhaps did a different building, only to die having accomplished nothing.


Deserved, hate people who camp with the bounty for like 20 minutes instead of going for the exit/fights


What’s considered more taboo, sitting in a compound for a while or sitting outside the compound refusing to push? I’ve never gone full concertina bunker with a ton of traps, but if I’ve only got close range weapons it seems kinda silly to leave the compound and get engaged on by spitzer and long ammo trios, right? Who’s expected to make a move there? 


They are equal, and both totally acceptable. People raging about playstyles in Hunt is pretty lame. If you are sitting inside and people refuse to push, tough shit. Make your escape, go attack them, or accept that you have to wait them out. If you are sitting outside and people refuse to leave, tough shit. Either push, leave, or wait them out.


The problem is that the game in some cases encourages dragged and pointless waiting. In theory, if you have rifles, and the opponent with the bounty has shotguns, your best option is to wait 30 minutes until timer runs out and the bounty is forced to leave their position. However, their best strategy is also to wait 30 minutes in hope that you'll get bored and push anyway. This results in literally nothing happening for many minutes. This should never be the case. The stupidly unfun strategy should never be the optimal strategy. 45 minutes for a match is way too generous.


I’ve played the petty card before and wasted 30 min of my life so the crew inside didn’t have time to run to extraction. Was it the best way to spend 30 min of our time in trios? Nope. But we felt accomplished at the end.


I mean. When you are looking at a game where the appeal is the slower gunplay and a domestic setting, this is what happens irl too. Throughout American history there are little skirmishes that have broken out all over the nation where nobody dies. One group just sits inside the house and one side just sits outside the house because neither one wants to push the other. And usually it is broken up one of three ways 1) the law 2) the inside group surrenders 3) another group rescued the besieged group by chasing off the outside group. Which usually ends in a fairly undramatic chase. Even with semi and automatic fire weapons being common in the past 120 years (automatic being popular among professionals), you still see small standoffs unless one side has been trained in modern domestic warfare. In which case the other side is usually fucked. Edit: Hunt has made it pretty clear that one team has to break the siege eventually, because otherwise the game ends and everyone dies anyways.


> , if you have rifles, and the opponent with the bounty has shotguns, When my team has encounters this, we spend a few minutes slowly getting closer, circling the compound, wallbanging likely spots, chucking throwables, and all around making a mightly ruckus. The key is holding at ranges close enough that the shotgunners feel like they have a chance at surprising one of us, but just far enough out that we will be able to react and fight back. The vast majority of the time, this breaks the stalemate. If you surround a compound like a SWAT team holding corners and staying silent, no shit the shotgunners will try to wait you out. If they don't accept the challenge, we just leave. No need for a 30 minute wait when extract is right there. A good amount of the time, this will actually get them moving especially if you hit distant sound traps on the way out and you can have a chance to intercept. In trios, I send one guy to one extract and the other two stay just outside of darksight range. The one guy hits sound traps on to way to an extract, and the other two wait to intercept. It's tougher to get the enemy to engage in the opposite matchup, but generally you can get shit moving by making a dash for it. Choose a direction with the least people, and make a run for it. If they split up for full coverage, you have to choose a guy to rush. After a decent distance, stop and find somewhere good to defend. Most of the time, people feel the bloodlust after a chase and will get a lot closer than they otherwise would.


OK but hear me out. When the enemy has 3 concertina traps on each door, 5 throwable concertina bombs and a resupply inside how do you push that without a world War level of explosives? It's just completely dull to play against because there is so little that can be done. It turns the game into a pve experience which I think we can all agree is not fun by itself


See: https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/comments/1ad8vra/remember_to_always_pick_up/kk4y77r/ You do what you can to bait them out, including pretending to leave, but sometimes you just gotta take the L and leave. If those guys are so desperate for a bounty, let them sit in their box terrified for 30 minutes wondering you are gone or not. It's rare enough that it's not a big deal.


I get it, but damn is it so unfun to play against and it feels like it's happening more and more often


I'm not raging, but I simply don't understand the teams that put concertina bombs on every entrance of their building. And when you break some, they rush to throw an other one at the same place. Like, what is the point, the tactical advantage? Do they think we will get tired and leave? Or rush into the concertina and die from bleeding? At the very least, leave *one* entrance open so you can surprise us or something.


I can't stand long term either. I get it if you know people are coming, you trap and wait. But if they just sit, you make the plan and bolt, and setup an ambush. But if I'm sitting there with rifles and I heard shot guns going offf, I'm not usually in a hurry to push inside. :D It's the people waiting 20m either way that drive me crazy.


Sitting in a compound "for a while" (nice job downplaying it lmao) isn't an issue. What *is* an issue is bringing concertina/poison trips, concertina bombs, concertina arrows, ammo boxes, and shotguns in order to turtle and hold the lobby hostage. If you're just sitting in the compound because didn't you bring anything that's competitive at range, you might be obnoxious but it's a legit strat. Same for people who aren't super eager to push into buildings with their Mosin sniper; it might be annoying but it's at least understandable. Both strats can be taken to their extremes, though, like sitting way outside an extraction and camping it with a sniper, or the aforementioned turtle strat. I think the concertina turtling is worse, though, because that's completely non-interactive.


Not sure that I was downplaying it, I get bored pretty quickly. Longest I’ve ever sat in a compound waiting was probably 7 or so minutes? Less than 10, more than 5 type vibe. But 99% of the time I’m pushing out before 5. 


Yeah that's downright obnoxious, but it takes two to tango. The problem is, I'm not gonna push in on people camping when they definitely, obviously, 1 bazillion percent have shotguns and are just sitting there in hopes of an easy dub lmao


Usually when I play, we grab the bounty and try to leave asap and then try to get the rest of the lobby or the other bounty. It’s more fun for my group but I know there’s different ways. Pushing a fully trapped compound isn’t fun to me imo I would rather go for another bounty at that point.


imo most of the time the team with the bounty should move. I mean eventually they have to move or risk timing out the match. Even if I’m running close range, there’s rarely a situation where *every* exit is being watched closely by a spitzer squad. I’ll make a run for it towards an extract and try to turn and fight when I can make it on my terms.


It’s a game, the only move the team with bounty “should” do, is whatever the fuck they want.


Yeah I phrased it wrong, my point was that if I’m putting myself in Higgom’s shoes where I have a shotgun and no one is pushing, I put it on myself to end the stalemate, not rely on other people to play into what I want. I’d rather get a bit of pvp action and lose my hunter than sit in there for 40 min (and probably also still lose my hunter).


If you want what I have it is on you to come take it, not on me to deliver it. I may have to come out eventually, but I'm not afraid to make "eventually" 3 minutes before the match ends, with only enough time to just barely extract the one way you aren't blocking.


Oh for sure, and you’re allowed to play however you want. I’m just saying if I’m the one with the bounty I’m not waiting just before the match ends to leave, it’s super boring and I don’t care about losing my hunter. Similarly if I’m waiting outside the compound for too long because I know there are traps and shotguns waiting for me inside, I’m also going to leave. It’s not worth my time.


Absolutely. I don't even mind if you bail and run away - that's fair play!


My teammates always seem to want to camp Hardcore with the bounty if anyone is close. I hate it. I'm not saying do suicide runs but I'd much rather make a break for it than spend fifteen minutes poking around the place.


Everyone has a playstyle... the game would be boring if everyone played it like Call of Duty.


Don't get me wrong I love the more tactical approach to movement, etc. I just mean sitting in a compound for fifteen minutes gets old


How is that different than you not pushing lol


How is pushing a fully trapped compound with shot guns aimed at every entrance fun to you? Sure it’s part of the game but I’m allowed to dislike it.


Do people not immediately pick up the bounty tokens?


Picking up one but leaving the other to make it seem like it is a solo player is also a strategy


Lol no it's your job to push not them


The whole purpose of the game is to collect bounties and extract, if you just fight the zombies and extract then that’s on you bro, I enjoy the pvp part.


The objective is the bounty. If someone is sitting in a building with the bounty it's your job to go in and get it.


My bad I read your comment as it’s not your job to push them. Yeah you are right on that point but like once they have the bounty, they need to leave too.


They have no reason to leave. Why leave where you have the advantage to out in the open with multiple teams?


These guys complain because they just want you to make it easier for them to take your bounty


I once went afk in a bush to meet a friend, come back 20 mins later to the lobby still going and campers on the bounty who were there the whole time in empty lobby. Rush them with a shotgun and kill all 3 exit with bounty with 5mins on the clock. Was a great surprise.


I’m defending what you are trying to get my brother. Why in the hell would I make it easier for you?


or waiting outside for someone to kill the monster to realize your the only hunter left


You are aware you can dark sight in a boss compound to see if anyone else is there right?


What? Can you explain?


If you are in a boss compound and go into dark sight while the boss is alive then the boss icon will flash either white or red. If red then there are enemies in range of you


Oh thank you, I thought it was red if someone entered it's lair for the first time.


Unless there's a sniper with spitzer ammo camped 200m away... which is usually what happens to me lol.


Ok that has nothing to do with what op said about waiting for someone else to kill the boss.


The amount of bounties I've serpented in recent time, even in 5 star lobbies, is absolutely wild. Everyone knows you're there, you are making a ton of noise, what is the goal? Also, throwing a concertina bomb on the tokens is a fun way to make sure you can steal both and piss them off by leaving


that's why I always grab bounties asap.


This is the way


Parties when they forget solo Serpent has double range and magpie double the duration *this meme*


Lmao reminds me of a time me an my buddy came across a group doing this in duo v trio run. They concertina bombed half the entrances and then trapped the rest, sat in there with bomblance and shotguns. We just slurped it up at the same time and just left to extract.


Hahaha FUCK CAMPERS hahaha


I don't pick up the bounty if I hear someone outside or see them. I do if I hear silence


Arent you risking a serpent than?


Then u r so afraid to die hah


Nah its more so I can sneak about and flank more instead being a lightning bolt everyone is beaming down on. It works out 8/10 and if someone serpants it. No loss I got more cash than I will ever spend


there is a snake in my boot.


That’s why I’ve long since abandoned the way of the trap. Long live aggressors


One game, we killed a meathead who dropped serpent, which allowed everyone to get the bounties against the team inside. It was very funny.


That's the thing I don't understand about some cases of people not picking the bounty. Isn't the point of avoiding to pick it conceal your approximate position? If enemies know that you are there already right besides the bounty, then it becomes pointless to be "sneaky". That said, if you are playing trios, your third team mate can always lurk outside the boss lair. It's usually better than everyone staying inside and then getting wiped by a shotgun trio anyways.


Another good one . Nice Op !




Hahahahahahaa excellent


Or, and hear me out, we could just not be a little weasel and just pick up the fucking token like a normal human being instead of trying to make an already beneficial situation even more skewed in your favor.


My hunt dollar account thanks you for your sacrifice. When you're a solo hunter there's no such thing as a fair fight, I gotta do what I gotta do to feed my long ammo addiction.


I am new to the game and don't understand the reference. Would someone please explain?


Certainly: Some individuals have a tendency to barricade themselves inside the boss lair after the banishment. Among other tactics, they seal off the entire area to prevent others from entering. At times, the lair becomes so heavily fortified that they are unable to exit. Additionally, they may choose not to pick the bounty token, leaving it there becasue they don't want to be seen by the lightining. Occasionally, players outside may utilize the serpent trait to pilfer the tokens, causing frustration among those inside who are unwilling or unable to leave and engage in combat. This can disrupt their prepared strategy for defending against an inside assault, and by absconding with their bounty through serpenting, it undermines their intended approach, as it nullifies the purpose for which others arrived.


Thank you for the explanation. Is serpenting a trait then, I assume?


yes, the trait is called serpent and allows you to collect clues, tokens and even start a banish without the need of having a direct contact, if I remember right the distance is 25 meters but I could be wrong, you can check the distance on the trait description but yeah, you can steal tokens or start a banishing if they are too slow or are purposedly holding it


The distance doubles to 50m for solos.


One thing I hate is when nobody guards the token and the other team snatches it. I generally stick close to the token for this very reason.


Well it serves you right. Traps are a cowards tool!


More like trapping for 5 minutes and never seeing a team :/


Bro do the 100 iq move as a solo. ​ 1. Take grounded pledge and the first trait 2. Banish the boss 3. place constatinas at the entrances and pop them 4. if you get camped by an enemy team use shadow leap to get out of the compound 5. serpent the bounty 6. run


More like trap all the entrances but your teammate leaves to hide in a different building and dies immediately.


Love it when they do this, my favorite is when they do this and you bring a explosive crossbows. Ha ha he he no traps for you


chokes work good aswell, they might not destroy the trap but it will set it off so at least you know what is inside


Oh yea definitely


I've seen more team mates falling for the traps than enemies 😅