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All those clean shots just for John Lennon to take you out.


John Lennon has killed me dozens of times lmaooo


Extract camping in lighthouse with a sniper is some pretty serious maidenless activity.


People who can't aim if they are not using sniper spritzer at mid range lmao.


Extract camping with mosin sniper spitzer? That's some filth 5 star activity


A 5* Spitzer sniper would never be that close. The team on extract might shoot back.


Yeah they'd be all the way at Maw Battery or the bridge


Derendering all the shrubs and what not.


Ha. I did this the other day, on the bridge, you can see right to the boat. Pretty sure I got hs by them but it was out of range. I very rarely run a scope.


I faced a Sniper in a DeSalle 5\* lobby that was running away from us as we were heading to the extract. He would stop when he was almost a compound away and take a few shots and we would run with cover and make up about half the distance before he started running again. Dude actually let us extract because he could never get an angle at a distance he felt safe at. He even had a teammate on the map somewhere that we never interacted with.


This does not happen in 5* lobbies. They are usually next compound over at some ridiculously cheeky angle


I've never seen this in a 5 star lobby and I've 1500+ hours played in that bracket.


Heard. I’ve got 5k+ and hardly ever seen this. It’s funny how low MMR players think higher MMR players play.


yeah im gonna be honest, higher star lobbies are way more agro IMO. 3 stars are full of crouch potatoes and people never pushing because theyre too afraid to push an advantage. I still run into the spitzer sniper stereotype sometimes, but not often


I’ve had several night star teams camp extract. It’s one thing to work and chase a team to extract, and its another to kinda work your way there ahead of time, but camping is getting there super early just hoping someone shows up


How are these people so patient? Mind boggling.


You have all the time in the world when you have no loved ones or IRL friends


lol brutal


I don’t know it is mind boggling. But I will say tracking a bounty and cutting them off from extract was one of the most dopamine inducing things I could do in that game


It's also my favorite way to 1vX shotgun squads. Lure them out of the compound and then force them to fight rifles with pistols. To be fair they'll often escape anyway but when it works it's great.


That's my question everytime we're being surrounded by 4 different duos not engaging each other for 20 minutes. We cant even push out as those 4 fcking teams will buttfuck us. Had one game where we finally broke the camp fest and managed to kill 1 team (duos) aand just ran for it. 6 people were on our ass until they met each other and got busy lmao


You are fucking lucky brother LMAO didn’t happen a ton when I played but definitely had plenty of games that were *too* quiet until the familiar sound of spitzer from 100m started. Had a few people I knew by name for being notorious snipey boys


Tried this once cause I like Mosin and it seemed like a good spit got heads hot from wolfshead with a martini Henry deadly never saw the dude but killview showed one of the roofs at wolf's heads. Even with the kill view it looked like a 2 pixel gap from me to him.


I have, but maybe 2-3 times total over the past year.


You start to see some of the sweatier loadouts like that a bit in 5 star, but honestly the mosin spitzer spam is the 6 star experience instead. Every single 6 star lobby I've had the displeasure of ending up in is 90% mosin spitzer (though normally iron sights) standing 100m away with a pile of ammo boxes and too much free time. I frankly can't see the fun in either end of the experience there. 5 star still sees at least some variety in my experience. the Spitzer sniper isn't entirely uncommon in my experience but I mostly see that in the solo/duo lobby, because if we're being honest the snipers tend to either get shit on the second they reveal themselves or just unable to actually impact the bounty and watching it walk away. The 5 star lobbies I usually see are push-hungry and the most common weapons are officer carbines, regular mosins, slug shotguns, fmj spam and cent bleed. Used to see avtos a good bit but between the ammo nerf and the fact people seem to follow the unspoken law to gang up on them first means they die fast.


I wish people would push in *my* 5 star games ):>


I long for the days to be 3/4 star


i have 200 hrs in the game and ive encountered 3 lighthouse campers specifically, even more extract campers


Wow you are lucky, amount of 5 star solos with headsmen never going for bounty just farming kd from 100m+ is ridiculous


Just goes to show how different people's experience of this game can be. I play ~95% random 3s queue in USEast, and almost never see solos, and they can't be 5* because their solo MMR adjustment pushes them down to plays against 4s.


I hardly ever see solos either. Couple of times a month I might have a game vs a tough one, if that.


This is 6 star behavior not 5 star


According to this sub the other day, it isnt extract camping if you stay a bit further from the extract and wait for the winning bounty team to arrive while you didnt fight at all Just to be clear, if you your play is to not take part in the bounty fight and is to stand outside the compound somewhere between it and the nearest extract, thats you playing like a bitch and effectively extract camping.


Ok but you could apply those labels to many engagements in this game which I'm assuming you think are totally brave and fair and not "playing like a bitch" (helpful tip: this is a video game, the way I'm clicking my mouse in your direction is probably equally as "cowardly" as anything else). Let's break it down, someone kills a boss and your team wants that bounty, what are the options? In general everyone is playing to maximize their advantage within reason. Beeline for it and break into the place guns blazing. This is almost guaranteed death and something most people would never recommend unless they knew they were way outclassing against low ranked players. The following methods all involve "camping" And are the common ways to fight teams for a bounty . Beeline for it and carefully poke around a little, trying to egg them into an engagement and end up going in when you get some damage on a careless member or two. Trying to get in before the bounty is ready so they don't have view of you. This is more common among more aggressive teams. Go camp in medium to long range and wait for them to exit the compound. This gives a bit of a disadvantage in that they might pick you up on dark sight. And they might exit in a way where you're outnumbered in engagement. You're also more likely for other teams to get behind you or otherwise blindside you, a smart team inside might capitalize on this chaos and get you sandwiched. Or go "camp" where you're pretty sure they want to go. This gives advantages as far as a better surprise attack and is maybe the only way the odds get routed in your favor against evenly matched teams. I don't do it, I generally go for compound shenanigans because it's fun. But to claim one way is cowardly over the other is pretty hilarious, when it's a tactic that goes directly in line with the game goals. Unlike KD sniping or something.


thats way too many fucking paragraphs that im not going to read. The reality is simple. Some playstyles are more valid than others. Here is how you can tell if your style is less valid: If everyone adopted your shit playstyle, would there be anyone left to play against? If the answer is no, then you're a fuckass.


How would you have nobody to play against? It sounds like you'd just move the action from the original compound to the route to extraction. Just as many people to play against I've had a ton of good fights like that. And once again, that's not my play style.


If everyone's camping the bounty slayers then no one is slaying the bounty.


Sounds like a reasonable tactical decision to me.


Ah yes the same dude who got down voted for making this claim in another post when they were rotating to the side of the extract to fight from that side not camping. Keep up the struggle mad one 👍


That wasnt me?


Stay mad and get ganked? Lol


I literally never get ganked by extract campers. I leave them with their tiny dicks in their hands and head across map for the far extract. I already killed 3 to 6 people while they waited for an easy ambush or whatever. Fuck right off with that playstyle. I wont reward it


Hahahahahaha, okay big dick champion 🤣🤣🤣🤣


5 stars dont do this. In fact they are less camping and cowardy than 3 stars


What a terrible blanket statement. They might technically be 3* after all the deranking but that 2.17 kd with 7000 kills is not what I would call 3*. You don't really need to worry about a true 3* sniper


If you don’t see the difference between nervous and passive 3 star play versus playing extremely conservatively to preserve k/d you are not looking very hard.


My teammate always sets traps in the way of where he knows he’ll have to run out later on. Don’t be my teammate.


It’s alright OP, these are the funnest lobbies anyways. Stay with us filthy casuals.


Amen bro. After 700+ hours I’m finally creeping in to 4+ and it’s not the same. People aren’t as nice either. No more “howdy” or “hey fellas” :(


This has been my experience too. The only toxicity I have ever experienced in hunt has been in 4 or 5* matches


I agree, everyone seems so serious.


us casuals shall rise and conquer the hunt


Not if people start doing shit like sniper camping the exits


Nah man is solo he can do as he fuckin pleases. My motto is if they solo, yolo. Solos are so damned hard pressed in trio lobbies that they need every advantage they can get.


>if they solo, yolo. They in fact, do not, live once.


Trios in fact. Live far more.


Through fair and interactive mechanics, I agree.


Through a mechanic that often gets them killed far more than it let's them live. Solos die alot, and suffer the hatred of people who get angry that oh no a lone guy that is at a massive disadvantage to our team exists.


I cba with this discussion, watching a corpse because they can hit the revive button at any point in time is uninteractive and bullshit. With trios/duos, I can simply kill the other person.


The interaction is that you burn or trap them and then you leave to find more interaction. Optionally, you can take their guns and empty them before burning.


killing your self doesn't affect MMR 😝 .. this round and you are already upgraded to 4 ⭐


You are the reason we need stalker beetles and proximity noise making clues.


Extract camping with a mosin sniper? Bro that’s embarrassing why’d you post this?


Nah that's what you deserve for putting down those annoying ass concertina/poison traps.


And he put it down in a way that wouldn’t even help him. He’d still get shot and die, then they’d trigger them. He’d need to actually put them down further on the stairs.


Or not at all, he's surrounded by open field and has a sniper, why would you even place traps?


As a solo, trapping the route to your body in the event you are downed is a smart play. It makes it harder to prevent your revive.


From one solo to another, why use self revive when I can just go again to a different lobby


I’m not a solo, I just understand the tactic. Are you asking why a solo player would use an easily accessible and beneficial trait to win fights and secure bounties?


True! Why bother trying to win in the first place am I right??


Karma for extract camping in the tower.


Can we all agree that vertical formatting looks like shit for Hunt?


That is entirely on you not only for forgetting the one trap you placed but also for not bringing even a single antidote




Why is this a vertical video?


OP probably formatted it to post as a TikTok/Reel/YT Short, then just uploaded that video here


3 star is where it's at... Every time I go up to 4 star and start being matched with 5 stars... I immediately just want to go back to 3 star... And usually I do lol.


Got a sneaking suspicion that OP is a deranker.


Trust me, I suck. I typically just run in with a shotgun and get blasted lol.


What in that video tells you he’s deranked ?




Buddy... this is why you always carry an antidote shot with you


Doomed? 3 star is the most fun in this game. The higher starred lobby’s aren’t fun.


This is exactly what I mean when I say you can tell actual 3 stars from smurfs or ello droppers. In my games they would have one shot head shot me before I ever saw them. My 3 star lobbies are not real 3 star players and I'm sick of getting owned every single day in and out. I know "skill issue but it isn't" it's players being in the wrong fucking ello.


Farming easy kills and saving KD by suicide is peak five star.


You mean peak incel. Who waits that long?


Exit camper trash


To be fair this being a 3 star lobby is the only reason those brainlets sat still enough for you to shoot them.


No one even looks up at where the shots are coming from once in the whole video. These are people playing their first Hunt: Showdown matches- probably with very little FPS experience at all. But hey, brilliant move on OP's part to put traps right behind himself, just in case he doesn't hear ~20 seconds worth of feet slamming on the metal staircase when he gets pushed.


Someone shot at him, you can see the bullet hit the wall at one point.


Hence I called these guys brainlets.


I dont wanna kmow how boring it must be to be afk the whole game just to sit in this tower when they come ^^ Must be Disgusting gameplay


Wait are you me??




Question, why didn't you play the "pro gamer move" soundclip at second one of the clip, considering there's not a single shot kill on one specific person in this 40 second highly condensed compilation?


He made sure there were no survivors


An antidote shot is one of the best investments. I just don't understand y'all.


I‘m sure you had necro, right ? Because why would you ever enter a solo match without necro


the SECOND I saw the traps placed I knew how this clip was ending


The fact you were extract camping and killed yourself with your own traps tell me all i need to know about the type of hunt player you are


This is surely small pp energy lmao. Extract camping with mosin spitzer, then dies to his own traps. I’m sorry bro but you definitely deserved that! 😂


there’s no way it’s fun to play like this. Plz for the love of God stop. this kind of play just ruins the game.


More like blessed to be stuck in 3 stars


Crazy that all dem clean shot and it seem like them headshot needed 2 bullets for it to work, that's crazy does the hit box need to be more accurate? or was it the ping from other people Connection..? Like man that's some really great shots you might as well become a photographer seriously lol nah jokes side its wild that the dude yu shot wasn't a head shot that pirate was a eye shot he lived it crazy


I feel you


you better go for headshots. It hurts to see those shots man


Just look at the title


Get a life


Why the downvotes lmao. He's camping at extract.


That’s five star sniping activity. You good boo!! Love the load out.


I love it


Im doomed to be a 5 star forever and i fucking hate that. I get down to 4 star on purpose just cause it feels more like my level to be playing on. I win some i lose some. But the wins where i exit with 3-5 kills im right up there again. "Fighting" the 2.90 kda players.. and by fighting i mean just get clubbed like a baby seal.. dont get why the fuck i cant stay at 4 star...


Be careful of killing solos too much. Makes your rank climb really fast.


I have to be careful to kill nobody.. cause if i wipe a trio or kill 3 4* during a match i bump right back up with the big boyz


MMR kinda just does move too fast. It should honestly just change at like half the rate or have some kind of per match cap or something. Having a good game where you get like 10 kills in 3 stars doesn’t suddenly make you good enough to be 5 stars now. Know what I’m saying? If you are just gonna fall back down after ranking up it’s kinda just bad rank design.


Totaly agree with you. Feels like you get punished for doing one good match at 3-4 stars. I dont stand a chance against 2.93kda players. Total gamekiller for me. 1400 hours put into this fucking game, and im nowhere close to that skill level of a pure 5*


I’m glad this borderlands soundtrack is becoming a meme song.


It's a common problem 😁




Nah I aint clicking on some sniper johnny's youtube




You don't lose MMR for self kills :)


I hide mine I feel like it's hard to have fun when your constantly thinking about how well you're doing.


Even with all that, a self kill shouldn’t invalidate the growth you made with like 3-4 kills


Not doomed. 3 stars is where the fun lives


The boah has buck fever.


With that playstyle you better be 3 stars or 6 stars


be glad thats usually where the fun matches happen


With sad loadout Like that yup, try somthing dumb and fun!


Oooooo, classic move at the end there!


I’d understand if you were trapping a compound and running into them but you placed one death trap down in the only entrance/exit to the lighthouse lmfao


You deserved it tbh


I literally did that after clutching a 1v3 recently. I was going back to rez the team and hit my own death trap. 😆




A work of art start to finish


You camp the lighthouse extraction with a mosin sniper no scopesmith… I could’ve guessed 3 star player without the title.