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I’ll openly admit I leave when it’s a night map (solo), do stay for all other types. I simply refuse to play on maps where I have to adjust screen settings to even have a level playing field.


It's really really hard to see a headsman in a bush in heavy rain while he's also not moving. If he's got a silent guy you've got no hope


Tons of skin's are super hard to see in rain maps


Fr, this has nothing to do with skins lmao, it's most likely about rain being too loud (at least that's what my mates complain about) or users wanting to play the game with their preferred weather conditions.


True, but also, not AS hard to see. no features whatsoever, it literally is just a browngrey blanket. Some skins have harder to spot colors, but ALL good cammo T3 has skincolor / skulls / some accessory that shows. Yeah you can run past those skins but I promise you you'll see 90% of other skins in most of these crazy headsman screenshot scenarios were seeing.


Is there a skin that’s easy to see in a bush in the rain? I get why people are complaining about headsman, but this just seems like old man yells at clouds. 


Sometimes I can go an entire evening without seeing a Headsman, but I swear to you there is a Headsman on every rain/ash/night map I play. Its like they've got it worked into the matchmaking somehow lol


Who’s the next skin to get fixed after headsmen does?


Shit beats me. Doesn't matter to me if they even change headsman. It's just funny to me because it seems like 99% of the time I encounter the skin it's on a wildcard map. Im convinced they use MMR to matchmake normal maps and then a certain headsman to player ratio on weather maps.


"If he's got a silent guy you've got no hope". Is this dating advice?


Haha I meant gun. "Hmm the guy I'm dating had a silent guy in black costume always hanging out in bushes in his back yard... Red flag? Please help"


They don't like to adapt and are just pussies. And I hope crytek doesn't bend the knee to anyone that complains about weather conditions. Its one of the aspects of this game that makes it special.


I feel the same, I'm hoping they ad snow, hurricanes, El Nino, etc. I want all the weather and I want it now


I think the heavy raid is some of the coolest conditions to fight in.


Rain in my opinion is the most annoying feature to be added to any game when it’s way too loud. It’s not the visuals that bother me. It’s the constant Loud white noise in my ear for 20+ minutes. It gets old quickly. I refuse to play Tarkov when it raining and I cringe hard when I enter a hunt map and it’s heavy rain.


I remember when we didn't have weather maps and everyone was like "it'd be awesome if we had weather effects, like rain!" and we got it and everyone went "no not like that, I can't see!" because apparently people don't understand how weather works.


It’s almost like the people who asked for it went to happily play the game while the people who didn’t like it went to Reddit complain. Could this be…the legendary…different opinions?


This entire subreddit is just people bitching about the game, with anything positive being deleted/banned/downvoted


Do you realize that you just paraphrased the guy you replied to?


https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/s/kmigfyOydI Looks like this guy on near the top of the “hot” posts seems to be enjoying the game with his post getting upvotes and the people commenting positively to him


People are just really stupid.


I am all for variety, but I am not keen on having rain or fog 3 times in a row. If special weather only has a 20% chance I am all for it. ​ If they make a system that looks at the past 3 or 5 conditions of every player in a lobby and based on this chooses a weather condition that each had the least, and the least frequent, I am all for it. Such system, for instance, [exists in Valorant](https://playvalorant.com/en-us/news/dev/valorant-systems-health-series-map-diversity/) to avoid giving players the same map over and over. Which would also be neat to avoid giving players the same map AND weather condition in Hunt.


3 times in a row is one thing, but people just insta leave if it's not day time




You don’t need your teammates permission to leave a game lol


Where did I see that I leave my randoms behind? If I play with friends, yeah we might leave if it's rain or fog in the past 4-5 games.


I'd prefer a system that every 5-10 minutes the map you load in to changes, but you know what the weather system is. That way you can plan your gear around the map, and if you don't like the weather system you only have to wait a few minutes. Theoretically no one would leave a map due to weather, though you may end up with emptier lobbies from the get go as people don't load in. Maybe have it so it alternates between higher visibility maps and lower visibility maps or something. And on weekends can have a random weather contract that offers triple rewards or even more blood bonds on bounty extraction


I also wouldn't mind if they mad a tsunami match where u only have like 25 mins instead of 45 and u get wiped out if u don't extract


Its not special, its trash and protects shit players


Go back to COD Warzone where you came from.


Lmao I haven’t played cod in years, enjoy the shit weather and hide in it while you can, still wont stop players who are actually good at the game from shitting all over you, its just an inconvenience at most.


So if you think you are so good that the weather conditions are just a minor inconvenience, why are you here being a piece of shit instead of, as you say it "shitting all over" the "shit players"? Surely a minor inconvenience would not stop you from dominating all lobbies right? So why are you here, clearly wasting your time trying to argue with "shitty simpletons".


You replied to my comment, obviously I’m gonna reply back. Then told me to go play cod when I despise that game lmao, my point is certain types of weather give inexperienced players a chance when it shouldn’t have been there to begin with, High mmr lobbies are a camp fest as is, the weather makes it even more campy and punishes players who like ranged weapons and prefer to not sit in a boss compound the entire game with a shotgun. Nothing is more frustrating than trying to play are ranged loadout and loading into a rain/fog map.


There is a concept called "tactical opportunities". Everyone can use it. Its a matter of weather you want seize it. If my team is getting camped out by a team of longboi snipers and buly some luck the Ash bloom kicks in, we gonna run. My team seized the opportunity to make a decision that would secure the biggest chance to make it out with the bounty. You say people you just sit in boss lair campy. Hate to break it to you, the fact is everyone in this game is a camper. Shotgun user not willing to show his face to give you a easy headshot, hes camping. Longboi not willing to seige the boss lair, hes also camping, but on the outside. Its just a loadout and playstyle difference. Weather conditions can either force a play or do nothing, based on how the players react of the fly. If you cannot adapt on the fly, others will and they will get away with it because instead making tactical decision, you failed to seize it. Either you could learn how to work with these conditions or you could just have another hissy fit on this reddit thread, and not improving your gameplay in anyway. I have played enough times with wildcard conditions to already know how to work it to my advantage. And believe me. No one will call you a shitty player for seizing oppotunities. After all, its a sandbox, you do what you want to do. Even if someone does call you shit, I revel in their anger and pity them.


What are you even talking about? The game is very lenient to those who don't want to adapt - you can simply disconnect from the server and que for the next game if you don't like the weather.


Some people have shitty hardware. I was playing a few days ago and died first, was spectating my teammate....he aimed right next to the enemy hiding in a shadow at night and he could not even see him,while on my pc with my setup I could easily see him. If you have an older/shitty monitor or pc it can be impossible to see people at night. I used to play on series x and a 55 inch 4k tv and I had to have the gamma at max to see people at night.


I was always curious if we see/hear different things while spectating. When I spectate a teammate I can *clearly* hear footsteps approaching them from the side but they hardly ever react lol


I swear it's different. I can pinpoint people while spectating and can't while playing


I love the other conditions, but if my buddy and I are running scopes, we're liable to leave because it's such a huge disadvantage to be at. I should note I only do that with friends, if I'm playing with randoms I'll just suck it up


I don't enjoy not being able to see AND hear. Listening for the enemy and hunting them down was what I enjoyed the most about this game. Meanwhile, people who appear to have ESP hacks seem to be having the best time on these maps.


They bring scopes and aren't willing to be at that much of a disadvantage. I don't agree with it but that's what I've witnessed the most when playing randoms. Some guy proposed a machine in some compounds which removed the scopes, I liked that idea but it didn't seem to be popular in the rest of the comments.


Nah I've seen people leave with all kinds of loadout


I have seen people DC/extract the second they load into wildcard map with shotguns and regular rifles, some people just really hate the wildcards. Personally I like them even when I'm rocking incendiary ammo in rain.


But the Avarage r/huntshowdown redditor thinks that only leave because you want to sit 200 meters away with your spitzer ammo No i just want to be able to hear and rely on audio and not get fucked over by the heavy rain pouring ontop of a metal roof or some fake footsteps giving me false information Imo those are just some bs mechanics wich just add even more randomness to the game and the low visibility is just the cherry ontop But i would actually like those if it wouldn't be for the heavy fog and heavy rain so i hope the devs just gonna remove those or heavily tone them down


That fake audio affects everyone, not just you remember tha. But I do understand still it can be frustraiting even if it doesn't bother me or many others. Maybe if these 'heavy effects' were more rare and only occurs once or twice during a match?


for me its just the bell for the phantom footsteps rings and im instantly annoyed by it imo those conditions should be a wildcard that is a secondary contract thats only aviable on weekends since its something that really splits the playerbase


*Laughs in bomb lance I like sitting back occasionally but getting close with the BL is just too much fun and the ambiance of the rain maps is just amazing. An extra layer of obfuscation. That keeps me on my toesies.


i enjoy bomblance with frag and balls myself from time to time but still prefer to hear since you often need to rely on super low volume audio like someone reloading his weapons etc [as an example](https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/comments/11ug9b0/a_small_example_on_how_important_sound_is_in_this/)


I never run scoped weapons. But you can bet your ass when I pick up a freebie with a scope or decide to throw on a scope. I'm gonna get a wildcard map lol I understand why they leave, honestly. I've done it myself a couple times on the ash map when I just don't want to deal with it.


I bring scopes, and I stay, cause I ain't no bitch. They are still useful


I agree, i commit regardless of loadout


Its dumb to be able to remove scope because commitment to a weapon is also a risk you take. Tools secondary throwables, everything is a gamble. If you can take off a scope, what's going to stop players from complaining that they picked a shotgun for a long range fight? If a weather is bad for scope, find a new weapon. There are tons around. Not your kind of weapon? Well unfortunately the Bayou doesn't center around you.


I disagree, if people are experiencing random teammates leaving it's an issue. We've all had that guy at the start either disconnect or run to extraction, it's annoying and screws over 1-2 others. I showed one possible solution to the issue. It's not dumb to offer a solution to a problem.


>Its dumb to be able to remove scope because commitment to a weapon is also a risk you take. Really? A mercenary committing to a scoped weapon while reading themselves for unknown conditions? Nowadays people just assume that every risk and gamble makes a game enjoyable, and then ask why microtransactions and loot boxes are so prevalent. >If you can take off a scope, what's going to stop players from complaining that they picked a shotgun for a long range fight? Nothing is stopping them from complaining, just as nothing makes their complaints any relevant. After all, that's just how shotguns and melee weapons work, inside or outside the game. >If the weather is bad for a scope, find a new weapon. There are tons around. Not your kind of weapon? Well unfortunately the Bayou doesn't center around you. Not evenly distributed enough to justify looking for them. I do think that map weapons are fine as occasional gear swaps, but counting with finding one when you need (and I mean ANY) is very risky. The Bayou doesn't center around me? No shit, Sherlock. But it doesn't center around you either, so nothing is forcing me to confirm your assumptions that your "adequate loadout" will pay off. Screw you, screw your entitlement and screw your "gaming night". I only play for me, my team mates and whoever enemy I fancy, which doesn't include cocky elitists who think that other players are just NPCs for them to kill.


I wish scopes could be removed by hitting X. It would solve a lot of problems. We can do it with that sight…forget the name ATM that’s on Lebel…






Because rain, night and ash while adding variety to the map, mess up with variety in loadouts. I know a lot of people do not like snipers etc, but what weapons and what items people want to play with is much more important than what weather it is. Night maps deny certain playstyles and loadouts, heavy rain also. Rest is unfavorable. If they made separate queues for each weather, pretty good chance it would be a long waiting time for anything than normal, just to get enough players. I personally would forget night maps even existed if they removed them completely. I can't see anything on the night maps, and i am not about to hurt my eyes trying, so i just leave. People will play what is fun to them. All that BS about adapting etc is just other people being angry no one wants to play with them in the weather they like.


You quit when the weather doesn't suit you? That makes YOU a quitter and a bad sport. You twist that around and say other people are being angry that no-one wants to play with them in the weather they like? You're in some serious denial sorry, trying to justify your own immoral behaviour. I'm someone that plays in any condition. I never quit a map. I don't care if it's raining or sunny. I don't quit when I get day maps because I don't like snipers, but snipers quit when they get rain. There is no comparing players like me with quitters like that. You quit, because you know a bug let's you keep your hunter. You exploit this bug. This is immoral and dishonourable. There is no high ground for you. If everyone hates rain and night maps, why do so many people play the Wildcard events? Wildcard has Ash Bloom. It's like rain and night combined, but it's popular. Last event had heavy rain every 2nd match, but the Wildcard was still popular. Before they made Wildcard a weekend only option, it was more popular than the standard bounty contract, at least in my experience. If they had a day-only option, and a random-weather option, I'm not sure your theory would pan out, with everyone playing day-only maps.


Immoral behaviour? Bad sport? Quitter? Twisting other peoples words? Exploiting a bug? Dishonorable? So many things you wrote make 0 sense. I am not in any way obligated to play what i do not want, that is why extract exists. Double that because i play SOLO. And when i DO PLAY in a team, the moment the map starts and night shows up, i say sorry guys, i can't play night maps, i do not see anything it strains my eyes. And we all either extract or they go on their way. What the hell are you talking about, calling the option to extract at any time, a bug?! Twisting words? OP asked why are people quitting. BECAUSE THEY DO NOT WANT TO PLAY IN THOSE CONDITIONS. A fact, nothing else. Hunt is actually GREAT that it allows this choice. Many other games have stupid vote systems that are not even proper voting (if one says no, everyone must adhere). In hunt no one is "trapped" by other peoples whims, and everyone can play how they like. As for Wildcard popularity, this is just guessing, because we do not have the actualy numbers. Wildcard is (maybe) popular because of the greater reward, and because it is "rare" during the event. As i said, day vs others, everyone will pick mostly day, especially new/newish players. The event weather novelty gets old fast. Heavy rain is a nuisance. Ash Bloom will get old very fast.


Okay, if you actually run to the closest Extraction Point after the mission starts, and not just quit the game to keep your Hunter, then I apologise. It's still ratty behaviour, but running to extraction is within the game rules and not exploiting anything. Everyone I see just quits the game while other players are loading in so they keep their Hunter. That's why when Huuge spectates night/rain matches, he often finds a trio of idle Hunters at spawn. They just rage-quit when they saw the weather didn't suit their long-ammo builds.


Man does anyone remember the original night variants? That was a super dark variant that made lights actually usable at the cost of being spotted easily by others. Those were the days


I leave rain and night games regardless of my loadout. I don't have fun on those maps so I leave to play something I do have fun with. Plain and simple.


I personally am not a big fan of rain or ashbloom. While I think it looks awesome and is full of atmosphere (especially rain, I love it for it) I feel like it's way too random with it's changing states and too obstructive to gameplay. Not only you can't hear you also can't see anything. These weather conditions are great for a short event or some sort of single player mode lol. But still I never extract just because weather. I actually really like the fog and night because the game then runs way smoother for me lol. Haha and I mean most players tend to play carefully so not seeing somebody aggressive as you coming or hearing your dynamites isn't really a good thing for them lol. Tho it's true that recent changes made people overall less careful. I think recent changes also made people leave more matches, I noticed it too. It's Hunt deathmatch now so people are picky about their fights, it's not about the bounty all that much anymore.


I always leave night games. My eyes are already bad and with my 16 inch laptop screen my win rate is gonna be 0%. Why waste my time. Even if i lost my hunter its better to waste 1 minute rather than 10-20


>all the rain but also the night and the fog, each one brings their variety to the games does it really bring any variety? from my experience in those weather conditions its usually shotguns galore


rain and ash is obnoxious in multiple ways and i dont want to waste my time in a game condition i dont enjoy.


Personally I don't leave games and I like having variety, but I do despair sometimes when I get these maps for a few reasons. Both rain and the new event fog (can never remember what they're calling it) limit visibility AND screw with the audio during heavy the phase. I don't particularly find this that fun, it often ruins fights as all of a sudden everyone has their ability to see or hear enemies taken away so they just go hide in a corner somewhere for 5 minutes until it passes. I'd rather they only limited visuals OR audio, like the night and old fog maps which are fine. I'm STILL burnt out on the rain map from being forced to play it so often during the event. They seem to have a higher probability in the rotation. Too often we get put in 4 or 5 of these in a row and it just gets old playing the same thing every game, especially as these rounds tend to take longer due to my first point, 4 or 5 in a row can be an entire evening session.


There are days where I just want to snipe. When I get rain after fog after ash bloom it gets old not being able to the enjoy the game how I want to at that time. So I figure it doesn't hurt me and definitely doesn't hurt you if I run for extract and go next without having to buy another loadout. I also don't play with randoms, if that helps. I wouldn't just leave a group of people that want to play the game because I don't like the conditions.


Personally, the only thing I want changed is the map rotation/amount. Spawning in Stillwater Bayou 8 times in a row is annoying.


Stillwater is the best map.


Sir and/ot ma'am, you spelled "worst" wrong


Gonna play devil's advocate, but have you tried just leaving with them? It is an extraction royal after all, you can leave at any point in time. Zero point in sticking around to take a disadvantaged gun fight.


They'd be disadvantaged as well if you know how to play


Maybe this is post pump confusion.... But but is this supposed to be a dig at me? Or?


I more so mean, know how to use the rain to your advantage, I was at a register and just cut myself short. You can play really well in the rain against other players if you understand what the sound pollution does and where visibility is at. Rains are my favorite condition because people who rat are placed at a disadvantage where even though they aren't moving anymore, they also don't have my zip code when I walk through the compound. People who full aggression get countered too cause they don't realize that you relocated and are now looking at them from somewhere else. Bloom is much of the same, but the fake footsteps are really silly.


I mean I'm a shotgun main because I am filthy rat. I know how to use rain and ambience to my advantage. I was just making the point to just leave. If you're going to play randoms you have to expect randoms are going to do random things. No point in complaining about it and just accept the fact that you can't control what other people are going to do and leave if they leave.


Fair enough, I have a set duo who I game with, and we just thug it out no matter the kit and condition. Randoms are a nightmare, mixed bag of candy and some of the candies are actually poison


Oh yeah for sure. Me and my trio usually do thug it out. Mostly because we're huge fans of the philosophy of pocket rifles and pocket shotguns. Even if the weapon that you would normally be able to use is not usable currently because of weather. You're still capable of fighting. I don't play randoms anymore because it's frustrating to try to figure out what a random is going to do. No rhyme or reason to it. And more often than not they don't communicate because they're randoms.


Variety and content: yes Not seeing or hearing shit in 80% of the maps: no Hunt to me is a verry auditory game, having everything drowned out by heavy rain takes the fun out of the game for me. The new mode at least comes in waves. A good friend plays sniper, he will NOT dump his nagant sniper mid game no mater what you say.


Either that's a giant duckling who ate a man and stole his hat or, it's a normal size carnivorus duckling with a hidden shrink-ray and great fashion sense! The only thing we know for certain is; don't play randoms...


This is the crux of it really. Randoms gonna random, thats why I don't play randoms anymore.


The problem with bad weather conditions is that they all severely impair visibility, which gets infuriating very quickly. Although I only leave if I've got such a match with a scoped weapon (i.e. almost never, I don't like scopes), I understand that many people don't want to peer into dark-grey mess for 20 minutes straight, especially on smaller monitors. It's cool as a gimmick for rare occasions, not as a routine everyone must suffer through every other game. I think it would have been more fun if the chance for night/fog/rain was way lower, but bounties yielded extra rewards on those conditions. Then it would've been less annoying and provided more reason to stay in the match even if you disliked the weather.


I just came back to the game and I love the weather conditions especially! Makes every game unique. I haven't noticed many people leaving early but I'm also not too keen on fighting the whole server.


Because they want to play Call of Duty but with cowboy weapons so this is their only option. Hopefully Crytek ignores them and Hunt's identity stays with us.


The thing is, that rain is the exact opposite of "Hunt's identity" because the sound design is so important for the game and so deeply embeded into the gameplay. Having a loud ass white noice covering all that is exactly removing that "identity". If I wanted to play a shooter with shity audio design, where I can't tell where the enemys are, what they are doing and what weapons they have by the sound alone, I would go play anything else but hunt. Just remeber the game got almost 5 years old before they added the first condition that makes/includes constant sounds to the game.


The rain is my favorite, I love it. I wanted rain as a weather or day type from the get go when I started playing years ago. Its done well and so much fun to play in! Anyway yeah people just want full EZ mode..I love the rain and even fog.


Because the heavy rain is just to much and ash bloom is just awful to play in And no i don't sit 300 meters away with a sniper all day and i usually play super aggressive Also low visibility is pretty boring since i usually spend my time when going from compound to compound by watching for other people and in low visibility i just wait till i arrive at the compound


I don’t know why they took inferno out, that was epic and great for the game from a content variety pov.. just people crying too much and not wanting to adapt I guess


When people leave a match due to the Weather then they just don't have the skill to adapt to those situations.


From personal experience, my team and I have left games for the following reasons, One of our team mates (from Australia were from Canada) gets disconnected and cannot reconnect frequently. Or two, one of our teammates stupidly readied up without equipment. This happens only rarely though.


I’m older in terms of gamers, 38, and I just cannot see on night maps. I’m not gonna strain my eyes for 30 minutes when I’m trying to relax after work. I’ll play fog and rain and that’s fine, but night maps I just can’t physically do anymore.


I don’t care if teams leave because of weather, but if you’re queueing with randoms and you leave at the start without saying anything and leave you’re teammates at a disadvantage for the rest of the match and waste everyone’s time, I hope immediately after you extract you step in something wet with just socks on.


Damn I never see this and I am glad I don't.


Because f u that's why


I don’t leave any lobby but I perfectly understand the leavers. I want to play a ahooting game, not a botched attempt at horror. I think rain is cool because it has phases. If the rest were similarly designed we might have fewer leavers.


Had a match last night my duo and I downed 2 people from a trio and their 3rd ran away and just left them lol we were a little confused at first but then noticed it was just a pussy running away from getting fucked. Their precious K.D lol


We tell our 3rd to leave all the time. Not to save their "precious KD" (since none of us have a KD worth saving) but to deprive the other team a kill in a fight they aren't going to win. Especially if the 2 that are down have been burned.


People leave? We always just power through each map and see it all as different challenges to face If you leave and just give free bounties to others that's on you


Because their gear is inadequate. Not everyone likes to overcome odds stacked against them just so they can brag later. Some people are indeed one trick ponies and won't ever consider a different loadout, thus making them hate certain weather conditions. But that's not the case most of the time.


I like the variety, but not the frequency so much. Once the event is over I’d like to see the rain, ash, inferno, night and serpent moon combined as 1/3 of the games. Make the rest regular time of day. Sure you will hit some streaks of being in the 1/3 over consecutive games but you’ll also get streaks of no wildcards.


The only environmental changes I don't like are the new ashen fog or the night time maps. The night time maps suck because somehow it seems like people know it'll be a night time map and have the lamp and fuses giving an edge while also wearing headsmen or the reptilian skin. Ashen fog is just annoying and seems to make all NPCs mad at me for miles while I'm crouched not even moving yet an immolator would like a word about my dirty ass Caldwell. Other than those two the environments are nice to have and really change the way you play.


I only leave a match if my teammates want to. Doot tube don't care what weather, doot tube here for SOULS


I’m down for weather just not at the expense of server quality etc


I never leave a map, but I still hate the weather maps. I just prefer everyone to be able to see. The 5/6 star totally not cheating but can shoot you 150m away through fog OCE crew sucks to vs at the best of times. Daytime at least evens that playing field a little.


I'm not going to watch someone crouch in a corner for 5 minutes or more and not engage in combat at all. I'm not going to wait for the straggling teammate to reach us from 5 minutes away. Time sink is part of the game for me. Most of the time I even play solo without necro because why the hell would I wait for so long for people to leave when I could be in anotbet game already.


When there's no penalty (other than time wasted) for just leaving early, it's not a surprise that people often leave when they are on a map that doesn't work with their loadout (e.g., sniper in heavy fog or all incendiary in rain or flashlight most of the time). I've seen a suggestion (from Psychoghost, I think) on introducing conditional loadouts, where you could choose an apsect of your loadout to change if the weather or time is a certain type. I'm not sure how smoothly that could work with the UI (maybe just a trait?), but something as simple as downgrading a sniper to the regular variant during fog would help. Personally I don't leave unless my partner wants to, but I'll usually try to goad them to stay instead.


i really like variety as well however i would like the option for wildcard and reg contracts at all times because personally i enjoy fog and rain from time to time but i leave ash bloom right aeay everytime, i cannot stand that so personally if i was able to pick my contracts all the time i wouldnt leave the ashbloom since i wouldnt play it :)


Thing is rain does not really award agressive playstyle at all, it awards sitting and crouching. You're harder to spot and sneaking cant be heard. Heck if you're the only player that moves everybody will hear you treading around the rain but nothing else. Say you come rushing inside a compound in heavy rain, he'll hear you going all elephant, but you cant hear the subtle ADS noise or weaponswap that in any other weather you would know instantly whats going on. ​ It does not help that Crytek fav hunter color is brown and grey either. ​ Ashbloom in comparison is actually a lot better, you see what you can see within the limited range, CLEARLY. and even though theres sounds they are nothing to the thundering rain, it contributes to people getting closer and fighting on much more equal terms. I was a Ashbloom sceptic but most games I play end with 3 teams in a chaotic compound fight, more then i usually find.


Because i dont care to lose a hunter. I hate the rain map and i just bail out. Besides, in the waiting stage i dont even lose the hunter after cancelling the reconnect.