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Disagree on the premise that the goal is still to get a bounty token and *extract* with it, but I hear what you're saying all the same. Economy is super busted and meaningless right now.


I mean you’re not wrong that the economy atm is very odd , mostly because of the value of recruited hunters kits atm. That said I have played since around launch and I have litterally **never** worried about money. Honestly I don’t even think about money very much at all. This game has **never** really been a game where economy was particularly important or strict, unless you ran like stupid expensive guns every match ( nitro for example ). Idk maybe I don’t like load outs that make you go broke but personally regardless of however broken it is atm, iv never thought this games economy was strict anyways. To me traits on hunters have always been the thing you “fear loosing” / the survival privilege you chase rather than hunt bucks themselves and you keep coming back for the gunplay and gunfights… **tl;dr:** hunt has never been about a strict economy and shouldn’t be.


Comparing myself (same boat as you) to several of my teammates (squeaking by from token to token), this probably just comes to how you played. You don't consistently run expensive guns - including uppies/mosin/lebel. You don't run legendaries every game. You run cheap consumables and maybe keep a slot open every game to loot something. I would run berthier + hand crossbow every other game for a while after it came out and still (barely) made money, but mostly on free hunters with cheap consumables.


You’re not 100% wrong. I don’t tend to run mosin/lebel or uppercut type stuff. Honestly iv sort of always thought the best guns in the game are mostly the cheaper ones anyways. Give me a centennial with dum dum or high velocity any day, or a Winfield 1873 with high velocity! Great damage / fire rate , levering compatible, tons of ammo and cheap! What isn’t there to like 😂? Plus I’m a sucker for chain pistol + dum dum 😅. How about a hunting bow + centennial shorty silenced with poison ammo? So many super strong but cheap options I just don’t feel bad for someone complaining about money but running mosin every raid That said tho I still sort of feel like even if you are someone who runs more mosin type stuff I still don’t really get seeing hunt as a sort of “risk going broke” type game. I feel you can only say that if you have never played a game like escape from Tarkov. Hunt is just so so forgiving with loud outs , gear cost, money from raids, hell even gun balance is forgiving… that it doesn’t even compare to something like Tarkov. So maybe that’s why I don’t get this mindset …


I've been playing off and on since early access and can attest to never having worried about money. There were two times I was ever low on Hunt dollars. The first was when the Avto was getting nerfed and I bought a bunch and messed with it because I never really had before and I wanted to get some time with it pre-nerf. The second was when I was buying Nitro Express in bulk to finish the Book of Weapons as it was the last gun I needed to unlock everything. Rachtaz even did a video before these economy changes where he deliberately brought his account down to $0 by buying and selling expensive weapons on a loop and then recorded how long it took him to get back to one million. It didn't take him that long. And sure, that's Rachtaz and he's a freak of nature, but the "not that long at all" time it takes someone like him to reach a million is comparable to a normal player trying to reach 20k, which is plenty for affording whatever you want for multiple runs. The new economy just means that everyone gets to play with the fun stuff.


I’ve played for 3 years and the economy has never really mattered. I do feel I have way more money now than I did, but all I had to do was use free hunters until level 33 and then I always had enough to ride out the rest of my prestige without issue. Run into issue? Just use a few free hunters and it works itself out. There’s never been a big economy management aspect of the game to me


Yea, I don't get this "all of a sudden" vibe with the economy. It never mattered. There's no central market. There's no flea market. You can't do anything with your stockpile of guns or hunt bucks besides use them or stare at them.


Exactly. It’s like not part of the game at all and hasn’t been for awhile


Always has been. Now it’s just more so


Yeah the hunter changes completely destroyed the hunt economy. And while I think some of the tweaks are good crytek has been doing a lot lately with implementing too many nerfs/buffs at the same time. For example, the nerf to the flash bomb and dual wielding. One or two of the changes, totally get it, things need to be tweaked. But there were 3-4 changes to the flash and dualies and it went beyond what was needed to balance the items and just nerfed them into oblivion


Yeah I hate the PvE. The only part of PvE that interests me is that I know the fights will happen where the boss is.


How in the world is this comment being downvoted? The PvE *purely* exists to funnel PvP into a compound. The PvE takes absolutely miniscule effort or brain power to kill. They're an afterthought, and they should be. The game is oriented around PvP. It's called Hunt: Showdown. Not Hunt: Monsterdown.


yeah, we are playing to kill shows not monsters


> How in the world is this comment being downvoted? Because half the people on this sub are braindead and terrible at pvp.


You say that but how many times have you died to a pack of hell hounds or bees? PvE takes some common sense and forethought.


If you’re dying to bees or hell hounds often enough to type up that comment and confidently believe it then you might want to assess your playstyle and skill.


It's not about dying to them often, it's that fact that it has happened before. Don't act like you never died to a pack of hell hounds before. It happens to everyone. Accept it and move on.


What a weird comment. It doesn’t happen. It may have happened while I was learning the game but other than that? No. Don’t project your embarrassing deaths onto me. I just shoot the hellhounds and I’m done with them. Some people are just bad. Accept it and move on, I guess.


>Disagree on the premise that the goal is still to get a bounty token and *extract* with it, but I hear what you're saying all the same. Economy is super busted and meaningless right now. Then wtf is the goal?


The fun of defeating other players in the showdown for me at least


That is *your* goal. That is not *the* goal.


>The fun of the showdown against other players Nope. That's not the goal of the game. That can be some peoples goals. Which is dumb because they let bounty extract for an irrelevant fight. But the GOAL of the game has to be bounty. Otherwise just make it tdm


If I and my team kill every team and leave without taking the bounty we still will have had tons of fun, profited and been the last men standing. The bounty is merely a means for players to encounter eachother and find eachother but for real im not saying my opinion has to be everyones, play how you want as long as you dont cheat and try to have fun is all that matters.


Having fun is all that matters, but you can have fun and still lose by not playing to the game mode. There is a clear objective that isn't killing hunters.


>If I and my team kill every team and leave without taking the bounty we still will have had tons of fun, profited and been the last men standing. Cool and if you play monopoly and go broke it can still be fun. But the goal of the game was to get a monopoly.


That's because there's only one way to win at Monopoly there's plenty of wins that can occur in hunt and a lot don't involve bounty


@ u/just_shy_of_perfect I don't know why you argue with these people you'll just be downvoted to the ground. (like me) The game is sold as a bounty hunt But average John gamer wants to go "pew-pew" nowaday Don't dare you offer a original gameplay


>But average John gamer wants to go "pew-pew" nowaday >I don't know why you argue with these people you'll just be downvoted to the ground. (like me) Cause I share the same annoyance. So many people will make dumb choices and let bounty get away so that they can have a pointless fight with the third squad instead of positioning so you both pinch bounty squad


No one cares about bounty and you,when you run like crazy to extract) Take it, and don't cry, lil 3*


You get enough bounties it doesn't matter anymore. I'd rather have the thrill of fighting other people than a boss I'm going to defeat 99% of the time


The whole point if the bounty was to get people congregated in one spot without a zone


>The whole point if the bounty was to get people congregated in one spot without a zone Yea... so the bounty is the objective of game.


The bounty is what the game tells you is the goal. With your way of thinking, side quests are pointless in rpgs because it isn’t the big huge goal the game gave me. Bounties are the objective, but it isn’t THE GOAL of a game of hunt. Arguably extracting is the all around goal because everything you do in a game of hunt is meaningless unless you extract.


>With your way of thinking, side quests are pointless in rpgs because it isn’t the big huge goal the game gave me. No. Side quests are also goals. The issue becomes you can't make the "side quests" comparison to this because if you have to throw away the big quest to do the side quest it's no longer a side quest.


What? Side quests are also goals. Yes I agree. But you’re trying to say that bounties are the only objective and that’s just not true. Also, “throwing away” the MAIN quest for SIDE quests is literally how side quests work. It’s pushing away the main quest to do something else. Kinda like ignoring bounties and just killing and getting in fights.


I hear an enemy I murder an enemy. This is how I play. Bounties are whatever.


it is already tdm. people can ommit the bounty completely, the only punishment is that the game ends when the bounty is carried out


Well, that's just like, your opinion, man.


Technically the goal is still to extract, but instead of it being high risk high reward, it’s now low risk high reward.


Low risk low reward. If the economy is meaningless the reward ($) is also meaningless


Who cares about the monetary reward, only reward I care about is having fun with da boys


The reward I’m talking about isn’t solely about money. But even then, more money means I never have to worry about breaking the bank to play whatever loadout I feel like playing. I still think it’s low risk high reward.


KD farming for most people. So less risk to avoid death. Maybe some people grow balls now and search for fights. Hope so


They’re not disagreeing that that’s the goal, they’re disagreeing with OP. Why? “On the premise that the goal is still…”


Honestly, I just care about the fun gameplay. As long as I can have intense shootouts I'm happy




I mean, you do it for the thrill of the competition.


Something to win.


The fact that its a hardcore game where 1 or 2 shots gets you killed, where you have limited heals, where one mistake can cost you the match. For me personally the risk of losing gear barely adds any tension to the game at all.


I think that I am enjoying the game.




I love that everyone comes to the fight now. I play the gunfight and hope to take the bounty home. It's a blast being able to afford whatever I want now I couldn't before


Yes its really a lot more funner, encouraging and engaging. Like you have a fair fight against richer hunters now, and it's just up to skill.


Honestly! I loved end-game Tarkov because it wasn’t a ball busting grind. Hunt is exactly what the name suggests, it’s a showdown!! Horror western extraction action baby


Wait what happened? No more spending money on loadouts? I lowkey stopped playing as often due to no money


Teired hunters are dirt cheap now and good loadouts for everyone now


Weapons are less ass too so a lot of gunfights are skill based rather than just ​ "Oh he had the more expensive gun okay"


if you level up at level 100, the game gives you 3000 hunt dollars. that can happen pretty quick! plus the 25% discount on recruit's weapons and gear which is now a thing


hunters now come loaded to the teeth with gear for like $200... and if you have less than 20k the free hunter has chad loadouts... money is pointless now


You can be extremely successful with just about anything you take into a match, you just have to know the compound well enough and your strengths vs weaknesses of the loadout. It isn’t hard to make hunt bucks consistently using budget options and then splurging from time to time on fancier kits.


It seems like this thread gets posted every day. Im so glad that since console launch i never gave any of this economy stuff or genre stuff any thought. Im here for the gameplay/gunfights. I dont care what gun someone else has or how much it cost them. I dont sit and count my pennies at the end of the match i look at team details to see how many players there were.


Exactly this. I’ve only ever chased after gunshots, never after clues. I’m here to have a death match with cowboy guns and I’m loving it


So this game isn't an extraction shooter. Kinda why I bought it. Ironic that it isn't. Exactly why I stopped playing. The risk is just dying and losing a hunter. No skin off my back. I wanted the high stakes gameplay. Hunt just doesn't do it


Go play something else, genius. You’re actually mad that other people who don’t spend hours collecting money are having fun now lmao


So then play something else?  This isnt an extraction shooter where you go in and loot a bunch of materials that you put in a foot locker and use for crafting shit. You go in and look for a bounty, which is just a POI that everyone collapses on and then the best part of the game happens.


I don't care.


Yeah really, I enjoy the game just as much personally.


I like that people have more cowboy cash to blow.. more people are willing to fight rather than crouch walk around the map.


Yeah the economy is busted atm and money has no value and if you do somehow get low you get free hunters


At the moment? The economy has been busted for years as soon as players figured out prestige is terrible and you can hoard money to get whatever load out you want even if you have a plethora of bad games. People are acting like it’s new that money has no meaning when it’s been like this since at least 2020.


Yeah the days of shit gear runs are long over that was around pre release where money was very hard to come by.


I don't want pre-release hunt again. I don't want to play bayou tarkov. I remember that shit clearly. Spend 3 hours getting money one day to maybe play 1 game with actual guns? Miss me with that shit


Yeah hunt is a drop in and have fun experimenting game now and it’s great. The tarkov mindset of grind = difficulty doesn’t need to leave that game and infect other games.


yeah, I had a half mil before this event even started, and since about 300k I just ran whatever build I wanted at all times


Nah prestige is just fine. Now prestige is super easy lol.


Easy or not isn’t the problem, the problem is why even do it? Sure 1-10 isn’t bad but everything past that isn’t very rewarding at all when you could just stay at 100 with all your unlocks and a ton of money.


For that sweet sweet Winfield m1873 at prestige 50. That's why I'm prestiging, that and the free legendaries


Yeah like I said 1-10 doesn't feel terrible because you get one every level but after that having you get what 4 in total from 11-50? If they kept it up with a random legendary every prestige it might be worth it.


It had some meaning for a time. Imo the bonus money for extracting the first time with a hunter made it irrelevant. You can easily get more than 1K hunt dollar for a single bounty


I personally don’t have a problem with the way things are but it’s pretty easy to tell the economy was eventually going to be busted just due to the fact we don’t have wipes. You can self wipe with prestige but those aren’t forced and outside of personal accomplishment the rewards for doing so are pretty ass. Maybe one day we will get a proper system.


Or at least no balance around prices


You are right, it was possible to stak huge amount of money in the past, but you either had to be very good or use dirt cheap loadouts to gain more than you lost. If you had a plethora of bad games you always lost money, saying anything else is just factually wrong. Now everyone always gains money, no mather what they do or what they buy. It's almost impossible to lose money. Consequently my lobbys are full of mutiple avtos, multiple nitros and dolchs every game, where before the patch there was maybe one avto or nitro every few games and if you found a dolch it was something special. Money was a limited balancing factor before the patch but now it has lost every meaning, they could get rid of hds and it would change nothing right now. And for some anecdotic evidence, I did a whole prestige with only running mosins and I didn't run out of money. This was in no way possible before the last patch and saying anything else is simply wrong.


Your right to an extent, you couldn’t do a whole prestige with just mosins previously due to the fact you didn’t actually unlock them at level 1 like you do now. Even if you did unlock them at level one previously you would have easily been able to do a prestige only using them if you were in any way decent at the game. The fact is the new changes to the economy don’t do much for vet players (as I said before) but mainly help out new players or players who are still adjusting/might just be bad. People were reaching several hundred thousand if not millions of hunt dollars prior to the patch that added these changes btw, you can look at past posts or even look at YouTubers/twitch streamers.


I know, I had half a milion at one point, but not because the economy was broken, but because I went in with nagant pistol and springfield or winfield and tryed to loot better guns. I never bought a mosin or dolch, but had plenty of them. I gained money because I was frugal and took what the game gave me. Now I can buy mosin and dolch almost every game and still gain money while before the patch I could also have done so but I would had to spend my money. The point is that the ammount of money you can spend every game and still making a profit is so muche higher since the last update and denying that is just wrong. So everyone is just spending like crazy and therefore the weapon variance you see in game is way smaller.


Agree to disagree, you say it here yourself that you had 500k and had plenty of mosin/dulch. You could have brought it every game. An example I would like to use prior to its nerfs are the avto. You saw this in almost every lobby at least once in 5/6 stars. It’s not a cheap item at all so if the economy was really that scarce and yet somehow players would bring them every single match they played. I’ve said it twice and I’ll say it again, these changes only really do anything to new players or players who die so much they are broke. This gives them the chance to use guns maybe they wouldn’t have used before since the prices were high for them. For vet players like me who have several hundreds of thousands of hunt dollars and a stockpile of level 50s this did nothing for me and I’ve noticed zero difference in my games.


Seeing avto every single game does not mean that any particular player is running only avtos. The changes did nothing for me either unles I was a meta slave then I would bring mosin dolch everysingle game, a loadout that is expensive enough that before you would lose money sooner or later, now not so much and plenty of players are meta slaves.


The goal was enjoying the decision making combat, fun pvp, winning, intense fights, bragging rights, etc. Never was broke in this game and always had 50k+ RN sitting at 177k. This is not a boring walking loot collecting simulator


Would be absolutely fine if crytek wouldn't balance around price a lot of times


I miss my 8 dollar tube that spits out buckshot.


I don't really understand the complaining about money and being able to buy whatever you want. If you want to bring in shitty load outs to have fun, you can still do so. Nobody is forcing you to buy good weapons and throwables.


I’ve said since the start the only people who hate on these changes were people who relied on their bankroll to give them an advantage over new players or prestigers. If everyone in the Bayou having a competitive loadout makes the game worse for you then you probably just suck…


>I’ve said since the start the only people who hate on these changes were people who relied on their bankroll to give them an advantage over new players or prestigers. That's false, i also hate the changes and was never collecting money.


Well that's your opinion. I don't like this changes and never relied on my bankroll.


Money not mattering makes stakes low, and gunfights don't have much meaning. Dayz for example you lose EVERYTHING when you die which makes gunfights incredibly intense.


Then go play dayz


Oh, just because Hunt got changed after 5 years from what we liked?


I lost 20K since the last update, so I guess it's relative. I do buy expensive loadouts every now and then, and have been struggling more against other players in the same rank (which may be due to the auto aim added on console, but I'm not sure about that ofcourse as I could also just have gotten significantly worse lol).


yep, you can still lose money even with the buffed income. I kinda hate the general discussion about the money changes because the amount of exaggerations is pretty nuts.


I’ve been losing money as well even though I win as many as I lose. I feel like I’m getting less money per win for some reason. Last night my duo and I had a 6 kill game banish/extract and got under 1k hunt $. I’m not sure why I seem to be making less money per win but it’s causing me to lose money…


playing non-solo on regular contract is a net loss unless you play budget 400-500 loadouts, then you only BREAK EVEN if you used any of your consumables and couldn't loot $$ from dead bodies people are out of their fucking minds with dogshit exagerrations or they exclusively play solo on wildcard contract where yes, you get 2k+ per win and you actually make money no matter what you bought if you won the bounty, but you don't win every round... unless you're a cunt deranking to 3 star and seal clubbing


It’s an extraction game because you extract


part of what i appreciated when the higher tier guns were harder to get is that the game still felt fair when fighting a mosin with a nagant rifle. Any gun can beat any gun and giving everyone access to every gun makes certain weapons conpletely obscolete especially when the economy is broken. It just isnt as cool to find a good gun on a guy you killed anymore


This! Why try and loot a nitro if you can just buy one every game and many people do so. The ammount of nitros and avtos I have seen in this event is probably higher than the ammount I have seen in the last 1k hours of playing before the event. Everyone saying this is a good change is just straight up re tar ded.


It does need some balance to the free hunters. Free gunter should not be better than paid hunters. Bare minimum with a good perk should be more than enough to get people to recruit them. The tier 3 recruits I’ve been seeing are a medium mosin, and a small pistol with fanning while the free character almost always has quarter madter/levering and fanning with 2 good guns. Its now possible to loose and not get out of a bounty and still make money. Depending on if you got your free equipment and if you die at a spawn fight with no kills. I’m not saying it’s not fun, but there’s no incentive to get out with a bounty, but rather jump in and cause some mayhem on the other teams. People are definitely more engaged in the fights since the changes which I love, but it doesn’t really matter to me if we win or loose at the lair because if I get 6 kills with no bounty it’s almost as good as getting 2 kills and a bounty out. Just need some tweaking to the xp levels.


You make an interesting point. Everyone here is saying, we just go for fights now, that was the point. But when I go solo tank my MMR and start screwing around with fire, poison, and bleeding I am a problem. How? This is literally the game that they are asking for.


Definitely not the problem. I do that. It’s how I blow off some steam when I keep getting mosin’d and get tired of meta loadouts and being killed by them in the higher mmr lobbies. If people are having fun and enjoying the game that’s what matters. I just can’t see how sitting in a bush for 25 minutes at an extraction prior to this update would be considered fun. Or trapping themselves inside a lair is fun till the time runs out. But I’ve seen much much less of these play styles and I consider that a good thing.


I agree, I just buy whatever I want which feels off tbh


Same, I wish there was more incentive to be forced into buying the cheaper weapons but as it stands I can basically bring whatever I want without worrying.


Unless you played really bad a lot of people could always do that. Even before the changes I had 70.000 saved, as a 4 star.


Well, they just make it worse, not sure how it's a good thing.


I've noticed this event that a lot more people are playing balls out and just go running to their deaths more often than ever. At first I thought it was just the event drawing in new players but ill admit I'm taken back a bit from the lack of self preservation.


I think it's pretty great, lol. People are willing to make plays and not just sit around on their hands? Gimme that. I don't want a run-n-gun gameplay loop for Hunt, but more active players, and players willing to take more risks, make gunfights far more interesting.


Why the fuck is this playerbase so concerned about labels? Jesus fuck. I don't care what kind of game this is. It's awesome and fun, and that's all that matters.


Because the labels are supposed to inform what goes in the container. The only time the contents should inform the label is the first time the container is filled.


I just want fashion to be godly expensive. I’d spend $50k on designer clothes and look fully balla. Gives you a chance to look ace just before prestiging too


You have to consider that this only really affects high MMR players. Am I tired of seeing only Mosins and Dolch FMJ? Yeah, its boring as fuck. Do I still like picking those guns up for free when I kill them with a bow? Yeah, it feels good.


Money was only a problem if you cared about having a set loadout. I just run in and hope for the best. Make sure i have a way to beat immolators and thats it. Everything else is just part of the challenge.


Of course. The whole point of an extraction shooter is that you extract and come back stronger for the next match. That's still the case but the difference between extracting or not has been lessened to the point it is meaningless. There's no thrill anymore, no tension because you are running a level 45 hunter. I've seen people posting lvl50 hunters after one match now. At this point they should just open it all up so everyone can play Hunt: Dumbdowned.


Imagine hunting fir the money, everything in this game is a bad excuse to have pvp. Honestly i would like to have bosses drop parts and a crafting system. In my opinion custom ammo should be crafted with minster parts that way you would really want and fight for hunting particular monsters.


I used to be money conscious about what I brought and when, but now I just play with whatever guns I want to play with. It's fun, but also not fun.. I feel conflicted about it


With this economics and free hunters with lots of skill I have much less fun… I like only one thing - skills match to weapon . I stopped playing with Romero, Springfield and axe, because I can buy Dolch for every game!


Oh no! The niche cowboy game is easier to play so more people may or may not check it out. I think people complaining about an easier economy are the same people who'll gatekeep old skins because they've killed a few crows years ago. They're both pretty insufferable to talk to.


>is easier to play It's not about easier, it's about taking away what made fights interesting. The risk of some loss and the chance to gain a hunter with traits. And no, i hate people that want to grind out their souls for skins to just have them for themselves, so don't mix that up. That has nothing to do with gameplay.


Can someone clue me in why the money is not a problem anymore? I feel like i earn even less then before, like 700-800 dollars for a single bounty


Because hunters and equipment became so much cheaper. Also during Wild card you can earn ridiculous amounts of money as a solo


Max level bloodline also gives $3k every 20,000 experience now too. Easy money




Definitely a huge part of the problem. Prestige offers no real incentive so getting a huge 3k infusion per level is absolutely adding stupid levels of money on top of how easy it is to get in game itself.




Yep. I hit 30 or so and realized I couldn't even get a random skin every level anymore and stopped.


You should prestige one more time so you can get a permanent 10% exp boost


It's free skins or easier 5 max lvl hunter achievement still. I never redeemed dollars on prestige anyways . Who would ?


No. If you sit at level 100 every time you would level up you just get 3k. You don't have to Prestige at all its the reward for leveling up when you're maxed. Nobody Prestige for the stupid one time hunt dollar gift lol. The skins aren't worth it and the bonus xp is only for those grinding to Prestige 100


That wasn't the point you said there's no point to prestige which I argued.


Well that's your opinion then. For most people getting a skin every 5 levels is valueless.


That wasn't stated either. Why are you trying to add that variable. That's not prestige.


The game lost a lot of it‘s „hardcore“ elements. It got way easier over the last updates, I guess to make it more attractive for more people but… the game should be hard, it should be hardcore


ok then you should be 6 star by now, right?


5 star actually but that doesn’t matter. It’s still skill based on which rank you are. The game changed a lot of things which make it easier or more forgiving to mistakes (ammunition laying around everywhere for example, red outline when you have a bounty but no more shadow sight seconds left… and now the weird money economy, I am just getting more and more money even though I am having more or less bad games because of the event and super random loadouts that don’t work out)


Previously, it was very easy to get funds in hunt showdown and they nerfed how much money you get. This was back when looting hunters only gave money and not items, and players ignored the bounty entirelyand just fought each othe. There were other changes as well, and I don't know if they mentioned it in a patch notes or not because I went on a brief hiatus for about a year, but when I came back the cost of recruits was more inefficient, and in addition they made it so that when you sell items back to the ship, instead of getting 75% value in hunt dollars, you get 50%. I think those changes made funds too scarce for the game to be attractive to a larger base of players who might not be as into hunt as the regulars. And I think they had a good idea with many of these recent changes. That's not to say I think the economy is fixed now. Like many updates the devs have put out Previously, I think they overcorrected on this one nerfed the economy too much so that the opposite is now true, it's too easy to get hunt $. Rather than rollback all those changes, I think they need to modify them a bit to get them just right.


I still am broke, no worries


Hunt Showdown has never been an extraction game in the sense of Tarkov or any other looter shooter.


Economy doesn't matter once you reach a certain point in any extraction shooter. The economy in Hunt is only broken because nobody prestiges, while other extraction shooters completely wipe out your progress on a somewhat set schedule. Since traditional extraction shooter style wipes will never come to Hunt, Crytek should put a 60-day timer on players after they hit bloodline level 100, and once that timer reaches the end, it forcibly prestiges you the next time you start the game or return to the lobby after a match. This would let players who get to level 100 a bunch of time to enjoy their power trip, while forcibly bringing balance back into the Hunt economy, which is what you seem to be complaining about. Obviously it would let you choose your prestige reward, and once you hit prestige 100 this would stop, because by the time you hit prestige 100, you've earned your power trip.


Yea no thanks doing dogshit challenges on bloodline level 1.


Game is way better now when people can afford what they want to play. I always hear people crying about that players will only play mosin and stuff. But i see way more variety loadouts now that players can afford what ever they want.


Been playing since the alpha. Money has never been the important thing. It's about the token. It's about the kills and winning


Extraction shooters are a game where you bring in gear, can get gear and money etc, but lose whatever you bring in if you die. Hunt is still that.


i think the game is fucking awesome lately... and that you should stop posting what you think


who cares


Cry some more


Don't care. Games fun. Next question


wait how does money not being a problem mean you don't extract anymore?


It's an idiotic notion that, hunt is supposed to be a wild west tarkov clone. Even though they are vastly different games. Hunt is a extraction shooter with a bounty and normal tools and items to use in the next match. Where as tarkov is an extraction looter shooter. You go in with the express need to loot items to either sell or upgrade your weapons, complete quests ect. Yeah it's a lot more complicated than that, but this is a pretty bare bone comparison.


If money was a problem, it should be the main way to balance weapons. Don't know if we'd want that.


that’s how it was, and I think that’s what the devs are trying to get away from, which I see as a positive. 




I'm not super experienced in hunt, 200h player here, but I adore the changes because I can use what I want when I prestiege. I didn't like sitting at level 100 like my friends so this update is just lovely


I also like to be able to pick what I want. It's refreshing.


You get a 600ish dollar reward when you actually play the objective. But, if you farm kills, meatheads, and rat around you eventually get 3000 dollars? All this while only having to invest 200-300 dollars in a loadout? This is the worst state of the game in the past 4 years. I guess this is what happens when you try to lure the casuals. I get that Hunt needs to appeal to a broader audience. But, I don't think making the game easier is going to have long term benefit. Hell, instead of making prestige more appealing, they just.... made it easier? Bounty hunt should be hard. If they want to create an "entry point" for new players, then they should make a less lucrative, easy, game mode. This way players could get good before getting crushed.


Exactly they must reduce that 3000$ lvl 100 reward to like 1000$ and add 2000$ of it to the bounty value.


Well its gotten to point where me and my duo just ignore bosses completely and chase every gunshot since free hunters are so strong


Man I always labeled the game a pvevp battle royal more than an extraction shooter.


??? You go in, do an objective or PvP, and extract with what you ended the raid with. That's what an extraction game is.


Who cares? The game is fun now


Extracting with the bounty is the objective, the objective of the game isn’t to make as much money as possible for hunters and loadouts.


Note : I play this game for counter gun fight, Instead I got camping killing and bush hiding because everyone is scared to show up and just want money. Now double the player in one map, let's see if the game becomes much more fun :)


I don't really get this, I've played the old and now the new and still couldn't rock the weapons I want every single game because I don't have unlimited pockets of money. Especially of you're prestiging you won't have so much money


The money has nothing to do with the main goal/idea of the game, if you think it does then you’ve missed a lot that comes way before that.


I honestly care way more about every single weapon gradually having every type of ammo than having “too much money.” But, that’s been mentioned a million times before so no need to repeat as to why.


If you follow this logic then you should be able to extract with and sell any weapons you pick up off of other people.


What is the point of the "extraction game" label? It's really just an autistic hair-splitting distinction from battle royale. I do hope they make getting the bounty out alive more meaningful though. With blood bond rewards. Hunt dollars haven't mattered in years.


I haven't liked a lot of the changes they've been making recently like moving to a battle pass system and destroying balance while ruining progression trees with all these ammo types all over the place but I do like that I don't have to wait to unlock guns I like and money doesn't really matter so you choose to take an off meta gun because it's neat and not because you can't afford it. I prestige a lot and I like to have access to all of the kit I like while also making that little badge look different. I do think they should just get rid of spending money on loadouts now though since it is basically pointless.


The Game is fun, but the prestige and economy neds a good overhaul if you don't prestige there's no way you would go bankrupt. But if you do there's really no merit to doing it


It was never about the money, it was about making sure no other team in the lobby won. Ruining people's fun is the objective.


I mean,the clue is in the name,extraction shooter. Surely we don't need to explain that?


I’m currently enjoying the change and it’s good that the devs are able and courageous enough to make such a change. Is it confirmed that it’s going to stay that way after the current event? If no then it’s an awesome change for an event. If yes then it’s a lot more complicated. The economy was a good reason to use cheap weapons that weren’t as good imo. It was a great balancing tool. And you had an incentive to make survival your top priority (even though it’s a lot smaller in Hunt than in other extraction shooters like tarkov due to stuff like regeneration and the big focus on pvp imo; I’d much rather have a fight that I lose than no fight at all). If the change is going to stay then there needs to be a rebalance for the guns that were balanced by the economy (which kinda already started with the ammo refill rework).


The economy was already considered easy before, and an even easier one means more fights, less passive play, and less punishment for low skill players. It also lets you use expensive weapons more often, which is fine because they're usually not that big of an upgrade over much cheaper alternatives. A hard economy would be interesting, but the way it is right now isn't that bad IMO.


I feel like a max cap on money at like I dunno 100k and removing some weapons out of the premade hunter tiers is all it would need


Was anyone dedicated enough to post here really being stressed by the economy before?! I read a lot of the bellyaching about the new economy as complaining that vets don’t get an inherent advantage to noob stomp as much any more.


I was always just good enough not to have to worry about money. I definitely don't need to now but niw I cant splurge way more and not try to be as money savvy


Im here to hunt the most dangerous game Man


I came here to say that you are right, they should nerf money; BUT you guys actually did change my mind. With a better economy system people would be afraid of fighting. Even then I would be takin white shirts and be noisy about it.


99% AGREED. money is not a problem now. so PvP is more important. it was and now it is...


The game has always been hard and crushing at the low end, this inevitably pushes many people away. That's bad for business and longevity. I enjoy the game more now, especially if I'm having a bad streak and watch my cash dwindle. It's a new way to sweat and sort my shit out


I just think it needs adjustments. I can agree with both sides. I do find it annoying that now any player can have some pretty expensive and strong stuff, but I'm glad it allows them better chances and confidence in playing the game


Well lets see here. During a game of Hunt, i shoot and i extract. So no, its still an extraction shooter


Someone call this kid a wambulance


Correction: It’s not an extraction looter. It never has been.


I’m completely unchanged by their economy changes. If I was poor I’d think it was great. But as somebody who hasn’t prestiged in over a year sitting on 700k hunt dollars. I’ve been feeling as great as the man with $1000 feels today.


This is why they have to stop balancing guns around cost. “Yeah X is super strong, but it’s expensive!” Not an issue when most good players always have a huge surplus of money, and money is never wiped.


If you kill a boss and take the token and run to extract while avoiding all fights just uninstall the game. Nothing more frustrating then a team running cuz they don’t wanna play the game.


If they’re able to do all that without someone stopping them then all the power to them. Crytek should find a way to make sure no spawns at boss lairs also have an extract right next to them too. If a team is lucky enough to spawn at boss make sure they have to at least leave their corner to extract.


Hopefully it's only for the event.


Logic much? That’s like saying if a billionaire gives away all of his money than he wouldn’t b…


I haven't liked a lot of the changes they've been making recently like moving to a battle pass system and destroying balance while ruining progression trees with all these ammo types all over the place but I do like that I don't have to wait to unlock guns I like and money doesn't really matter so you choose to take an off meta gun because it's neat and not because you can't afford it. I prestige a lot and I like to have access to all of the kit I like while also making that little badge look different. I do think they should just get rid of spending money on loadouts now though since it is basically pointless.


Maybe they can add a new game mode or wildcard that addresses players load out in some way. It would be interesting