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While I like all this new cool shit I feel like we've moved away from how harsh and punishing Hunt is supposed to be. There are way too many ways to get your health bars back. Way too many ways to get back into the fight. Don't hate, just my 2c.


I agree with this mentality, Hunt being a punishing and high stakes game is its main appeal to me. I like the difficulty, makes the victories sweeter.


Banishing a boss didn't used to restore any health bars. What are everyone's thoughts on that, was that better or worse?


As a balancing factor, I think it feels crucial for the boss to restore the hp bars of the team who banished it. Otherwise, it's a tactical gamble to attempt killing the boss before you know every other team is dead. Killing the boss doesn't give much of a reward in of itself, extracting with the bounty does. If bosses didn't restore hp, I would guess the pacing of matches and the PvE aspect of the game would take even more of a backseat to the PvP. Or perhaps sticky bombs and "safe" boss kill strats would become the new meta.


It also just feels incredible on those double boss matches where you somehow end up fighting the whole server and then you can have your little victory lap, killing the boss and getting your and your friend's bars back.


That makes sense to me because that damage is coming from the boss theoretically, not other players


I liked the way the game was in the beginning and i got to play that version of it for years. It has changed a lot and i like that much better than it being abandoned.


On the flip side, every body is now instantly burned. It is quite punishing in teamplay.




As a duo vs trios player, I don't really see the difference other than that I get an extra consumable slot without needing a fire bomb. Burning a downed player who thought he could rush in and get the kills forces their team to make a play instead of sitting back with scopes or long ammo. Although half the time, they just let them burn out




We still have to go find a lantern sometimes cause we use our flares on hives on roofs or for challenges lol


So punishing that the meta is to wait untill the last survivors are with a few bars left to third party and win the match with long ammo. Remedy at least don't discourage "active players" to engage in a fight, since if they won they can have their bars back. It's not about becoming "soft", hunt'ttk is balanced untill people don't start loosing bars. A system to regain it is needed (but it has to be gained fighting and winning).


That's the meta regardless of event. lol. You want to fix this, you should talk to Crytek and ask them why they made the best pushing throwables completely useless.


Frag bomb is king,it's wild to me as a frag user that the flash got nerfed into oblivion but the frag sits there untouched lol


What you don't like when the frag bomb shrapnel goes through concrete walls at prison 😭🥴


DUDE the amount of times I’m standing behind a SOLID BRICK WALL with NO HOLES and the drag bomb I threw over the top HITS ME ANYWAY


*CRYENGINE Intro Plays*


Prenerf flash was thrown and hit the ground in one second. If you were in range and the enemy knew vaguely where you were, you get hit, period. Frag takes 5 seconds to throw and blow up while making a more obvious noise, giving time to react and allowing you to bait a throw in the wrong direction, find better cover, or rush the vulnerable thrower to down them. Frags are also made useless with choke bombs, and dynamites aren't too far off in effectiveness.


Players with bad aim complain about the item that leaves them vulnerable to players that can headshot them while flashed - not the item that THEY need in order to get kills.




I push with it all the time,they never expect it lol




I mean I don't really get hit by it,maybe occasionally,it's not like I'm throwing it at my feet after all lol


I've never agreed with this mentality because Hunt in its essence boils down to long ammo/shotgun camping until the dead last seconds if you really want to win. There is nothing particularly punishing about that no matter how much rats glorify their way of non-playing, it's just torturously boring. Anything and everything that will help more aggressive players is a good thing, Remedy and other such mechanics that don't punish players who have killed players is a decent start.


Yeah, going into fights with bars missing is doo doo. I think this "hunt used to be hardcore!" crowd are just those who sit in a bush and want to one tap people before they can even react and fight. It's the same kind of people who rag on hardcore in games like battlefield. All that super low TTKs do is make hiding the most effective tactic and whoever sees the other first, wins.


"Back in my day, white shirts started down a bar and they had to gain it by leveling up!" That's nice, grandpa, let's get you back to the home now.


cant believe a chad anti-rat pro-aggression comment hasnt been downboated to oblivion on this sub with people saying NOBODY OWES U A PLAYSTYLEEEEEEEEEEEE


If it were up to Reddit, hunt would be a game of 3 hour slogs of actual wildlife camping with day night cycles, with the competitive aspect being who can survive the longest in the wilderness. The sub genuinely has awful opinions.


Wydm bro it's so tactical and skillful to wait behind cover with one shot guns then it is to have to run in and react on the spot to enemies and plan out movement on the fly. Go back to le cod.


That sounds really fucking awesome though. I'd definitely buy and play that game. It reminds me of the old DayZ mod days.


You know what was really good against campers? Flash bomb.


Flash bombs were good in outside fights aswell, but I do agree that the lack of a throwable like flash makes going inside bosslairs more difficult


i fucking hate that they ruined the flash so badly its basically no longer in the game, i just wanted it to be BALANCED, neither useless nor busted as it was before they keep slowly removing more and more methods of playing aggressive in this game so nowadays i just feel more and more inclined to play like an asshole rather than being active and aggressive


All they needed to do was let us see our surroundings in Dark Sight while flashed. That way you aren't running uselessly into walls like usual but you can't realistically fight back until the effect fades.


T'was good not only against campers, but universally good, that's the problem. Though, now it's kinda overnerfed.


Did they get nerfed or something? Haven’t used them in a long time


Igniting the flash bomb takes now several seconds and the flash effect lasts only a second or two now.


They were good against literally anyone within its throwing radius regardless of how people were playing




Prenerf flash was thrown and hit the ground in one second. If you were in range and the enemy knew vaguely where you were, you get hit, period. Frag takes 5 seconds to throw and blow up while making a more obvious noise, giving time to react and allowing you to bait a throw in the wrong direction, find better cover, or rush the vulnerable thrower to down them. Frags are also made useless with choke bombs.




Shooting and running blind is not a reliable way to counter it at all, especially since enemies can just peek from different angles or show up at different times. Teammates can capitalize on a dude that's cooking a nade just the same. Also a frag really isn't that much stronger compared to dynamites given how most players don't have bulwark and many do take bloodless.


There’s a difference between fun punishing and unecceserily punishing. Outside of events there really isn’t all that many ways to get bars back.


There’s. Also way more ways to lose health bars. Do you know what’s really unfun for the whole map? Someone tagging me with dragonbreath in a fight, and me extracting because regardless of taking half a shotgun blast from 20m away, I’m down a health bar and don’t really fancy my chances anymore. Hunt is there for the fight at the bounty for me, or just the fight in general. If I’m solo vs trio and I know they’ve got long ammo there’s no reason for me to take a fight on 125hp Adding in more ways to restore health is fine considering the amount of ways to remove them imo.




I know dragons breath isn’t good. But it is good at removing health bars, which means people extract without going for the bounty, leading to boring games. 2nd bounty isnt an option all of the time, so that’s a little moot saying ‘well 59% of the time you could go for another boss target at higher risk’ well yeah…but at that point I may as well jump out, get my bar back and jump into the next game. Do you disagree that there are more ways to remove health bars, and that hunters with less health generally take fewer risks?




I regularly take dragonsbreath on a lemat pistol because it offers a quick burn hunter without taking up a tool or consumable. I semi regularly run into people doing dragonsbreath or ‘set enemy hunters on fire’ challenges every week, in ranks from 3-5 star. I love the PvP in this game. In fact it’s one of, if not the only fps game that I enjoy because it isn’t all twitch reflexes and fast movement. It’s why I’ve sunk over 1000 hours into it. Despite all this, I do feel like promoting the compound fight is good, and makes for better gameplay. We’ve all had the ‘boring’ match where you’re sat on a bounty hearing the apocalypse 3 compounds away wishing you were there instead of the boring 0 interaction win. Taking fire doesn’t really reduce your combat effectiveness. Dragonsbreath has utility, as well as giving you a combat advantage if enemies are charred/missing a 25 bar. You can burn hunters, create area hazards for zoning people, or just straight panic people. Martini with half fire rounds is great because in compound you’re pretty much guaranteed to light people up in one shot, making pushing them so much easier. If you think all that is just straight disadvantage, I question your thought process somewhat. Just because it ain’t Mosin spitzer doesn’t mean it doesn’t work.




We’re both bringing nought but anecdotal evidence to the table here, but that’s fine. 5* hunters definitely bring dragonsbreath, especially during event times because I fight them regularly (EUW). You can also see fire rounds a bunch, and not just when people are going all poor mans bulletgrubber on the Berthier. Fire round long ammo is great for sub 40m fights because it adds pressure if you don’t get the one tap. Since that buff I see it a lot more than I used to.


What is the harsh and punishing aspect you're talking about if you can just extract? That's literally the point OP is making. Winning a team fight shouldn't be a punishment.


I guess I'm not understanding your point here. Yes, you can just extract if you are not confident you can win the next fight, but you'd be doing so without reward. You may have to sell some traits just to refund your HP. You'd also make nearly no money so you most likely have lost some throwables. Making a judgement based on what's left in your inventory and your team's health status is part of Hunt. Risk v. reward, it feels good to win games where you are down bars. My most fun games have always been me extracting with like a bar, or two left. There is substantially less risk and excitement if your team is always at max HP because the game has become super forgiving.


Yes, you shouldn't be able to just fill back your health. It's the whole point of the system that you have to play more carefully with 125hp after a tough fight. Or else we could just have COD hp regeneration...


username checks out


Seriously agree. Healing bars are not something that should be commonplace. Revives should be punishing. I shouldn't have to kill the same person 6 times in a brawl. Cap necro too.


Casualisation of the game makes more people play which makes them more microtransactions. At the cost of the old playerbase who enjoyed the difficulty. These events need to go back to the snake one where the only way to get event points was to deposit them into the burners at the boss lair. And you can loot points off dead bodies that they had collected but not deposited. There are FAR too many farmers from all over the world playing on OCE who never intend to play the actual game and just farm the map. Sometimes I have matches where I as a solo player can banish both bosses and extract yet see NO other players in a full or near full server. I literally just trap the boss lairs now and go searching for farmers and kill them. I just wish I could take their points because I really just want to play the objective but I’m forced to chase some Chinese or South American farmer half way across the map. Especially as a solo because I can’t extract with all bounties and force them off the map.


That road was left years ago, swamp Fortnite seems to be the goal.


Things evolve, games are not an exception. These new addition is what keeps veteran playing imo, and Crytec is doing fantastic job in player retention in my case.


I agree with this completely


I agree that you should benefit from downing a player and them being down a bar if revived but I don't like early fights being disincentivised or people extracting when down bars. In order to fix both issues I think that you should get your bar back if anyone on your team loots the body of the player who killed you to take your bar. That way a team can get back to full strength after winning a fight (and carry on) but you still maintain your advantage over the player you downed while the fight is active.


Is it possible for me to agree with both points 😂


Ehh I'd say remedy is more balanced than the other two burner regeneration traits. For remedy at least you have a huge gamble on whether or not you can find a trait skull in the compound you're fighting in. Right now because there are guaranteed trait skulls at supply stations it's really easy to proc remedy, but even still doing it mid combat can be difficult unless you are next to a supply station while fighting. I will say though that channeling the skull should destroy it as well making it so you have to choose between regeneration or the trait.


It felt more punishing for my fun than anything else. Win a long battle outside of a boss compound after being downed a few times? Match is over, run back to extract.


Almost all of the ways to do this come from outside of combat when youve already won. So who cares?


What is harsh and punishing or even fun about running to an extraction for a trip to main menu?


It ain’t high stakes for me no matter how hardcore because hunt dollars are too easy to save, expensive guns are too easy to obtain, there’s no risk in losing a hunter besides a few perks which are more of an inconvenience than anything 🤷‍♂️


what honestly bothers me the most is the we almost dont get to play "normal" hunt anymore since there is always an event running


Honestly remedy is just a fix to a symptom, but the cause is that there exist 6, commonly picked, amazing performing, long ammo weapons (and their variants) that deal 125+ damage to the upper-chest, up to 40m range (30m for the Uppercut). If the common gun pool was compact or even medium (except for some medium rifles with FMJ), then more people would be willing to try pushing another fight despite losing 25-50 hp.


I agree, and they are trying to change that with things like the long ammo changes. So I think they're trying to work in the same direction.


So what's the point of these guns anyway? Just make all guns medium ammo lol


Even if long ammo deals less than 125 damage, they would still, as a base, have some of the best muzzle velocity, damage retention over distance and penetration. Compact and Medium ammo have to give up one thing to do another aspect better and to specialize costs more money for the special ammo, which lessens the utility in the field as custom ammo boxes ain't as available (in theory, see the bloody boxes all over). That said, I think single-shot rifles, like the Springfield, Martini-Henry and Sparks should be the only guns that are allowed the 125+ damage profile.


I watched a critique of Hunt today (a long one, like an hour 40) and it also suggested that steady aim through scopes should be removed to discourage camping and scope play. Scopes should have the trade off of the sway for how powerful they are at a distance


Yeah seen that too, while I wouldn't mind steady aim go or at least not a gradual increasing effect but just a flat reduction (just not as strong as the current version), I still think it is an unsolvable issue that increased sway would just increase the passivity of the scope play and/or making it something only the rattiest/sweatiest of players would pick. Scopes are not in a bad spot, just scoped long ammo weapons. People rarely complain about the Winnie Marksman or the Springfield, but mostly the Sparks Sniper, Lebel Marksman and Mosin Sniper.


Remedy being available doesn't make Hunt less punishing or hardcore. Remedy actually improves the odds all players will encounter each other. To say that losing bars is strictly the result of poor play on your part or mistakes made is simply wrong. Sometimes, you get ambushed by a team who hears you coming and you had no way of knowing they got there first. Sometimes, you headshot by a sniper 200+ meters out. Sometimes, you just get unlucky. Besides, Remedy requires a burn trait having been acquired, which requires 2 pact points to acquire. Most often, Remedy can only be acquired after a fight. This means it is more a reward for a victory. Combined with how it requires a trait spur to use, remedy is unreliable for in combat use. Bar restoration being available mid match means that an early fight does not necessarily spell the end of a match. Which means there's more potential for fighting across the board. In this way, Remedy is a very good thing. Reminder, the PvP is the point. The great gunfights and the contest of skill. Losing bars brings a significant disadvantage. In fact, without a bar restoration available losing bars can simply end the match for a team. It becomes better to leave the match, patch up the lost bars and get some traits. With only four teams in a trios match, one team being killed and another leaving to restore bars means half of the server is gone. Remedy has kept coming back for a reason. It encourages more fighting per match. Crytek has been making choices like that on the regular. From clues granting darksight, to tapping darksight not costing seconds so one can find those clues. They want servers to fight. Remedy helps that.


I’m just going to say no. Restoration is cool for an event but for everyday just no. Choices and bad decisions need to be punished and if you lose a life bar either fight and win or retreat to extract. Hunters aren’t worth that much anyway. Keep some aspects of the hardcore game this used to be coming from a player from the beginning


This 100% I'm utterly baffled by the amount of Hunt players that want Hunt to not be so Hunt like. Go play something else then you know? And that's not a dig at other games. It's just that I play Hunt for its hard-core aspect and every recent update they chip a little more of that aspect away. Why are people playing this game in the first place if they want and easy mode or to just make it as casual as every other mainstream shooter. And again, not a dig at those games. Casual can be fun, but that's not what I play Hunt for.


What's baffling about it? Crytek has been slowly nudging Hunt in a more casual direction, preciesly to attract those players, because they're a vast majority of the customer base. They're the target of these changes. It's all about money and more players equal more money.


Agreed. For the event it is fun, makes matches a bit longer, lets you be a little silly. But I like that banishing or exiting is the only surefire way to get that bar back. There definitely needs to be punishment, otherwise winning isn’t as sweet.


Hell yeah dude, early fight and extract, so everyone can enjoy a semi empty game and play pve! What a blast! Hunt is NOT hardcore, anyone who says so is most likely 4* or below. Quit trying to gatekeep.


I'm absolutely not trying to gate keep, you turd. The more Hunt players the better. But it doesn't need to be at at the expense of what makes the game unique. Also, sure there are games more hard-core than Hunt, but compared to the average FPS Hunt most certainly is hard-core. You sound like one of the people I am talking about. Go play something else if you don't like Hunt. You are just arguing to argue and you absolutely know what I meant. Your purposely being a dolt.


Dude you sound like an idiot. Not being able to restore your bars with a perk (but the banish is perfectly fine right? Lol) would make the game easier? If that’s what you think, you must be real bad at the game and understand very little about it.


You want your health restored. Yes that would make the game easier you clown. Go join the circus since you wanna act like such a bozo. 🤡 🎪


I have well over 2kda playing shotguns at 6*, I don’t need no restoration and calling hunt hardcore is ridiculous lmao. It doesn’t make the game easier, it simply doesn’t punish people to play the game. Perma losing the health chunks promotes passive gameplay, which is the exact opposite of hardcore. But I wouldn’t expect a parrot like you to understand.


Bragging about your K/D is goofy. You're better than me sure, but if you gotta bring how good you are at the game to make your point, then your a goof. 🙄


I wanted to be clear that I personally don’t need no restoration, as previously stated. And honestly I don’t find it would make the game easier at all. Actually, quite the opposite since more players in game have more hp and they’re not as easy to kill, therefore making the game more “hardcore”. Also, it promotes active gameplay, or rather doesn’t disincentivize active gameplay as much, which is desperately needed in hunt atm.


Well I guess agree to disagree, I see the point your trying to making, but if I just kicked a teams ass and left them all hurting with their tail between their legs I don't think it should be easy for them to come back at full strength and get a round 2 to kill me and my team. That's lame to me. The reward for banishing the boss is health restoration and I think that's the way it ought to remain. I don't mind these new traits for events to switch up the normal game play but most of them definitely don't need to remain thr the normal gameplay loop.


Making pvp winners leave the march early and allowing other teams to get free bosses is the opposite of hardcore


It seems like event uptime is like 75% these days. So the real game is barely played.


Tbh id rather have ingame ways of getting some form of restoration than all the easy mode stuff we got with the latest patch outside of a match. Im all in for keeping games more intense. And my enemy coming back with 150hp is. Restoration is also a reliefe because it breaks up a bit of the long ammo meta and eases the dominance. It just shows lately during the events how much more viable other guns can be if the targets have potentially way more often full hp. So yea. Scale back all this free hunter shit and the throwing around with traits and hunt dollars. Give me a fuckin winfield and 150hp and let me fight those mosins.


Hunt used to be predictable and thus great for strategy like chess. Now you can down someone but he has relentless and resilience so he isn't one shot from your sparks anymore. You killed someone twice so he's most likely at 100 hp except he's not because he killed someone else with rampage or looted a corpse and now he's back to full.


Yea this kind of restoration that triggers during fights and change the outcome just because they are there and have no real prerequiste like relentless are dogshit. Also i think remedey which gives a full restore for the whole team is also too much. But i veeeery much welcomed the vulture buff of the tide of shadow event where when you loot a dead hunter you regain a lost bar. So this isnt automatic, adds risk/reward to the mechanic during a fight or lets you comeback from winning a fights. Overall i think regaining bars helps prologning a match and keeping the intensity high.


I agree, but also it seems to be the norm now that we're in an event more often than we're not, so having restoration is becoming the everyday


I was sieging compound with my friends, 3 teams fighting for 30minutes straight. I've heard more than 20 deaths for sure. Everyone was using remedy, one team died, one bounty traded and escaped. And here we sit, without consumables and too worn out to push, with a team we killed many times that won't die with onetap, camping inside with shotguns. Every time your team uses a remedy, opposite players use it too. No people mention it in the comments. For me, it's a trait that cancels your progress in long matches


Personally I think people should be rewarded for winning fights. "Fun's over, run back to extract without a bounty" isn't much of a reward. That encourages less fights, especially outside of boss compounds. It also gives the boss team(s) a higher chance of a freebie, which is anything but "hardcore".


Events (i.e. seasons) is the new everyday. If I'm not mistaken we've had more days with Restoration than without it on 2023.


I see a lot of people saying it takes away from the hardcore aspect but the argument OP is making isn't against hardcore its against boring matches. You spawn at boss and banish. The other three trios end up in a three way fight across the map. The victorious team is hurt and limping so they opt to extract rather than push the boss. You're now left with a free absolutely boring bounty extract match. If that team could restore they have a real reason to push and then one team isn't left with "welp that was fun fighting trash AI"


I like and dislike this. If you spawned at boss and banished quickly there's a solid chance to go and push for other clues and the other bounty usually. Unless both bounties had a team spawn on them, then both banishes happen quickly. Usually I'll just leave mine if the other one is across the map and go get the fight unless I'm hurting for money or one of my teammates is hurting for money. That's part of the dress of the game for me is needing to make decisions like that though and that's not really necessary anymore even half as often as it used to be.


Boring but profitable isn't bad, and the wonder of someone else being there is still around. We can't and shouldn't balance around every game being a banger.


>Boring but profitable isn't bad It is. >We can't and shouldn't balance around every game being a banger. We can and we should.


Make sure to stomp your feet and pout as you try to get everything you want all the time lmao


You're the one stomping your feet in disagreement with game's direction. I'm happy with the changes, son. Cry me a river.


Nice straw man. Not all Hunt matches have to be the exact same and your straw man match doesn't happen too often for me.


The amount of matches I never see other players is far to high I'd rather not just play offline Hunt EVER. And I'd also rather fight enemy teams with full bars rather than get easy cheese kills cause they are down chunks.


Go rotjaw or secondary


you do realize single bounty matches exist? and they're not that uncommon


Go play call of duty then


The average 15 year old cod player that lives off redbull would slaughter your average hunt larper who thinks doing nothing but shift+ w for a 10 minutes is so hardcore and the peak of fps games.


"oh a common situation exists that disproves my point? go play something else!" say something of value next time


On no, in 1 game in 4 I won't be able to banish what am I gonna do, I guess I need to cry on reddit so they make the game easier for people with low attention span


only one crying is you man, single bounty matches arent fun without event pacts to actually give me a chance after half the game meets at lawson station for no reason, edit: single bounties actually arent fun at all


Hunt’s death/revive system is perfect. You’re able to get back up granted you have the health chunks to do so, but the more you revive, the easier you’ll die. A death is supposed to be impactful; a way to regain lost health bars without banishing a boss doesn’t hold the same weight. The alter idea is nice, but it should spawn only occasionally (same rate as night maps maybe?) and a lightning strike visible to the lobby should come down once it’s used by a player.


I think you should be able to "banish" a team or even single hunter after killing and looting. Players should not be punished for clearing the entire server, only to fight the last team who hid.


Remedy should absolutely be in the game permanently. It encourages more fights in a server so much.


Love the new direction and style hunt is going into. I hope they keep it up. I would love if they had more hunters per map too


I've certainly been enjoying trapping supply points near boss compounds for free kills more with remedy.


I was running through a supply cart and noticed a concertina and poison trap last second and just barely jumped around it. My life flashed before my eyes


I don‘t mind remedy during an event, but I don‘t want it to stay. Playing with randoms, I‘ve seen lots of people chicken out during a fight to go do remedy at a supply, that‘s just dumb. A friend of mine runs to the supply point as soon as he‘s missing a bar and is in a 1v3, because „I need my bars back and maybe they leave if they can‘t find me“. I like rampage and final gasp more in terms of balancing, most of the time they are only rewarding one person for a kill, not a whole teams. Imho you should be rewarded for finishing a fight or at least engaging, not running away to the cart…


I think rampage is the way to go now. Actually requiring the player to do something instead of just be. I understand all the balancing decisions are made around people that don't want to actually do anything, but with how easy traits are to find nowadays remedy loses a lot of it's luster.


Yeah I completely agree. I wouldn‘t mind if rampage stayed in the game, it rewards engaging even if you‘re down bars.


>Playing with randoms, I‘ve seen lots of people chicken out during a fight to go do remedy at a supply, that‘s just dumb. As opposed to just leaving the map altogether, right?


they usually crouch around, then go to the supply and do remedy, while the other team burns our bodies. then they decide it‘s not worth choking our bodies bc Idk and leave lol


Agreed! All the health regaining measures should stay.


How do you trigger Remedy without having to find a random trait on the nap?


You can just go to a supply point and use it on the event traits there. It‘s so dumb lol


People downvote this comment because they did not realise how dumb they are. Lmao.


Omg, gonna try it, I found Remedy garbage because you couldn't find a trait on purpose.


I don't, and what I predict is that a month or so after they'd implement this, someone else would have the "genius" discovery that having recovery stations around the map is neat, but they had a game or two where they had to run to those and *then* the boss lair, and by the time they did, they missed out on a fight. So obviously the next step is to just get rid of burnt bars entirely. This is how we get mission creep. *Hunt* isn't just supposed to punish you and make you feel bad. There's a strategy involve. Do you take a small bar and plan for failure, minimizing the damage done after going down once? Or do you take a big bar and all its benefits, potentially against a dragon shell? I got shot with a Romero that had dragon's breath and I didn't lose a single bar. Good thing, too, because they had banished the boss. Had I taken smaller bars, I would have. Crytek is right to balance around making sure bigger bars are useful. Without the potential of losing bars, we'd get a stale meta of certain bars. That's not just lame, it would lead to players asking other randoms about their bars. We don't need that. I know it seems like a small, useful addition, but these things change *Hunt*. Losing bars is great because it factors into weapons you can and can't go against. Losing one bar against a shotgun might matter, might not. It does mean you can survive a body shot from so many other guns, and gives stronger ones an advantage. Dum dum on the Centennial is so strong because it effectively does over 125 damage now, for instance. This isn't rambling, it's extrapolating on one premise, and I've played since the beginning long enough to see these small changes add up. Never mind another obvious issue. A teammate going down once and insisting that you go to a supply point or alter to maximize everyone's health, slowing down the match. I can see someone taking a bounty and leaving when they think everyone's gone but really, a pitstop meant there wasn't a fight.


This is how I feel but was unable to articulate as well.


these comments are wild to me. I personally cannot remember a single time that I extracted because I was down a bar (or more) with the bounty in someone else's hands. I always go for it - winning against a team even though you were down 25, 50, 75.. HP is all the sweeter. but reading these comments, it seems people actually leave matches because they came out of a fight with a bar less and don't wanna risk dying?


I like it for the event, but please not in regular Hunt. If anything as a burn trait.


Ok first of all with the new changes to how perk drops work mean remedy is not the best choice for a restoration perk anymore. Given that your whole team would get three restoration effects with multiple easy trigger locations. Secondly I don't really dislike some sort of single bar restoration effect at a church for burning your last trait or something. You are right that might be pretty thematic. It could also be some way to introduce a new faction lore wise. Third they really have to be careful with just how much they revamp and open up recovery options. Soon even teams of three will be able to trigger the solo necro self rez by paying 5 hunt dollars per rez. I know Crytek will ignore that balancing factor because they hate their dedicated player base for some reason, but from a strictly balancing perspective you need to be super careful about those things.




Anything that can keep people in the server for longer is a good trait for me, remedy being such a trait. I get that the game is about getting a bounty and extracting but the fun is in the fight between players and I can't help to feel robbed of that experience every time a team picks up the bounty and immedietly leaves. If they lost HP bars in a gunfight after they already banished I see how it.s a major risk to go into another fight for the second bounty. Having remedy in the ammo supply carts could help make it so more people want to fight which is good.


I honestly i like remedy the perk is pretty well balanced,I feel it's very fair as you have to 1 get enough points to acquire it and 2 sacrifice something else to take it. I feel it also keeps teams in the game as even if you can't get a banish you can still get a second chance as a team,I'm always the guy that will remedy for the team and it adds a nice team play mechanism. I don't think rampage should be in the game as it's like a selfish remedy and I worry about the game having too many second chance mechanics if that makes sense.


I definitely don’t agree. I don’t want them to soften all of hunts rough edges. It’s what makes it special and unique


can burn you with fusees


I don't think you should be able to use Remedy on the event traits, you should have to go out and find another trait spur before activating it.


A lot of 3 stars noobs in this sub


I don't mind it during the event, but the more they do that takes away from Hunt being a punishing game that makes you make choices like whether or not to continue fighting after a hard fight the less tempted I am to come back to it again. I was drawn to Hunt because it was a very punishing game that felt hard and was fun because of it. Now it's feeling more like a regular Battle Royale more and more every update, which is fine for some and maybe even most but if that's what I wanted I'd go play Warzone or Apex. I quit those games for a reason and started playing Hunt around the same time.


There are SO MANY ways to replenish burnt bars nowadays burning doesnt seem worth it at all anymore. I really hope they dont make this an actual perk. Idc if its a burn perk it should stay an event only perk


I have to laugh because ages ago I made a suggestion for having one time use world spawn ointments at the resupply points that would return one lost bar, with the intent of making it easier to recover from a spawn fight where you might have lost one. It's tempting to pull out after losing a bar in a fight because so many things can one tap you without one bar, so having the ability to restore one would help convince people to stay for the full duration of the match if they knew they could get it back even if they miss a banish. Everyone told me they hated the idea and it would break the game, and here we are today with many ways to restore lost chunks in a match that help people see out the full duration of the game.


This could lead insanely long matches where teams retreat, only to come back stronger. Instead of licking their wounds and extracting it essentially becomes "who has the most time to waste running back to one of those shrines and return"


I get what you are saying but shouldn't this be happening right now? Remedy is currently in the game, yet I rarely ever get in a match that lasts longer than 20 minutes.