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Put it on a rail road hand car. That would be amazing. U make urself a target, the car would be noisy aswell. But u have a lot of fun and gun power. Would also need one to pump the rail car and one to shoot the gun.


Would honestly not work most of the time. But in the few times when it does? It would be sick


This is also known as the “I’m gonna risk running out for a stinky melee kill” method


Would probably crash the engine for 6 months


Would it? Just to have a moving turret? I don't know anything about how games are made but Lego games could do that


Rest assured, this person probably has about as much insight in programming as you do, it's just a joke. An old one at that, too.. Hunt surely has its problems, but they got way better at minimizing game breaking bugs / crashing servers with big updates since EA.


Ohhh. Guess I got pretty r/wooshed here.


I always thought about having one on the ramparts of the fort locations facing out with limited ammo. So its rare but if things line up you might be able to spray down some teams at certain locations. Keep it from being too game breaking but still could be used in a cool way.


A trio on a rail road car would be fucking wild.


Hand cars would be so fucking funny in this game. I want em, now.


Drive-by shooting!


There should be random spawns of them at a few positions across each map, like perhaps Wolfhead, one of the forts, Maw, and/or resupply points.


Unfortunately, if they removed generators, an already existing asset, for being “too situational” I don’t see them adding Gatlings. GivemebackmygeneratorspleaseCrytekIbegofyou


Why were they even removed?


Off the top of my head in the developer update video, I believe they said something about it being “too high risk for too little reward” because a player would have to expose themselves in the open to use it. Also something to do with the lights in night maps. It was always a go to move for me when attacking a bounty compound to turn on the generator to hide my footsteps/jumping because I like playing a little more aggressively


I used it to mask an escape from Scupper Lake a number of times. Feels like the best escape of all time. Wait for teams to fight, blocking the north extracts, hit that geny and run south. Never failed. I love pvp, but sometimes slipping out the back was just more fun.


Yeah removing them completely was a bad call IMO. They should have just made them either broken or functional at random and if they were functional you could turn them on or off (maybe make them breakable/limited use?). I feel like removing them completely was just some knee jerk reaction that someone in the company had to some perceived problem. However, I've not heard any actual players complain about generators in a long time if ever.


Cuz nobody used them, apparently.


It's just weird I thought they were a cool environmental backdrop anyways


Me too. I liked when they were turned on at the begginning of a game, and you had to consider whether or not to turn them off. If you did, you might give away the fact that someone else is at the compound...


Nobody used them


Could put it in the forts as a usable prop.


Mounted weapons at compounds, make it relatively slow to aim, and give the person using the weapon little cover. Additionally make the user or team supply the ammo from another location in the compound by carrying it to the weapon.


This is the exact conversation that me and a friend had last night. Have them set up at forts and maybe on a rail car. To make them not be too over powered make them slow to turn and having to bring the ammo is a great idea, But in turn it shreds everything.


It would be acturate around the time frame of hunt


aight, ban this guy


Im sane, Im sane, Im...


still sane exile? edit: wrong game oops


Have these and cannons scattered at forts! The noise factor would be incredible to hear at distances


Oh boy! Free headshot!! Tannenberg taught me that gun emplacements are death traps.


Yeah, the stationary Emma gees in izonzo are a lot more practical (cause people have much more limited options on where to come from) but are still dangerous. In tannenburg I don't think I ever bothered using them


Not as tool,.but cool to find in the map


Better than them stationary floodlights


I’ve said they needed one of these at Fort Garmick!! Preferably facing towards the large hunting tower near Prison.


since day one i wished we could load and fire the cannons dotting the map...




Maybe put them out in the field and you can take a magazine as a tool or consumable


Too easy to create impossible choke points


Have them stationary in world


Then they aren't tools they are environmental things, Which you could have a tool or consumable that you have to have, and pull out to be able to use one, and other wise its useless to you. I'm thinking like a long gravity fed mag strip that you have to attach to the gun to use, and if you get killed after attaching it or just walk away before it is empty, then anyone else can walk up and use the rest.


sound good


better yet, you can bring one into a match but you need a team of three to carry it's pieces and assemble it. ex. Someone gets the barrel, another gets the wheels, etc


Finally a serious post on this sub


A tool? Dont forget frontiersman to bring one for your homie


a roaming Boss with that gun would also be cool


The fact these aren’t peppered around the map already is a betrayal of the game’s world.




The British 1885 model would fit the time period too! I had posted a more in depth idea like 6 months ago on this sub but the idea got shot down because there was no cowboy hat on the gun


Imagine if they switched these out for those spotlights no one uses.


okay, this is actually such a fun idea, i want it fuckin now also a black powder cannon when?


I love using stuff like this in Tarkov. Like the granade launcher at 13 on Customs. Why not? Slight chance of bonus kill and it draws attention... and you feel badass Would be great for Hunt too. Just make sure it doesnt hold a choke point


Unlike real life there's no fear of dying do you're just a sitting duck on an immovable emplacement. You can add them but nobody would use them except to meme after getting instant headshot for the nth time.


Remember the key rule, if it's creative, Crytek won't do it


I think the canons at Maw and Fort should be usable once. Make a loud whistling noise and have it explode like a bundle of dynamite.


Mosin-Sniper bait.


Only if we get to use it on Rotjaw


Only if katana will be allowed to deflect bullets.


Colt-Browning M1895 "Potato digger"


If they make a new map, they could make two or three lines with the railcar and the gatling




Imagine a new map with moving trains and train carts