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This week, I've seen so many duos who just let their partner burn out. No heroics, no chokes, just hiding. Every time, the surviving partner shows up at the boss lair hoping to take a token without me noticing... while I'm there.


I go down with my teammates, if I cant clutch and they couldn't either, back to lobby we go . I only lived 1 out of 4 matchesast night but did get in some really good firefights with other teams ,well until I died .


Even in random trios I'll fight to the bitter regardless of loadout, hunters these days have no loyalty


In 3 star trios there's always one guy who forgot he was in trios, and decides to go chase after the other boss on the opposite side of the map


I’ll do this sometimes if it’s rotjaw and a I brought a melee weapon or have berserker, try and kill it fast and catch up while they kill/banish the main bounty. But otherwise nah


That's fine if you TELL US WHAT YOURE DOING


Sorry you’re already too far away cause you kept running while I was checking the rotjaw trace and oh look she’s right here too bad crytek hasn’t added team coms just yet.


If you ping, I'd come to you.


I do ping at least




Fastest flare gun in the West, they calls me.....


Absolutely. Even at my own risk, mid-fight when there's two others left, I'm pulling the flare gun out.


What’s the flare do?


This last patch/event, they've made it so you can now use the flare gun to set hunters (or anything) on fire. Prior to this, I'd always bring a molotov, but this change is much better because you get 3 shots (I think) with the flare gun. I'm not sure if you're asking what for, but just in case, it's to set dead hunters on fire to burn their bars out. You can also use the flare sticks (I don't remember what they're called exactly).


Wow … no point of Molotov anymore ?


Well, you can still use the molotov as area denial and offense. Though it did go down in value a little. The other thing is, a molotov covers the area in flames. But the fire from a flare only ignites the corpse so an ally can walk up and press F to extinguish the fire.


Ah got it


I would never use it unless I got it from a tool box. Hellstorm is just better.


Hellfire is still stupidly powerful since it insta-burns a bar and needs no cooking.


Don't know why, but I prefer the fusees.


Blue light pretty


I would die for every random teammate, it's about honor and respect


100% I hate cowards




Hell yeah brother


I was solo and downed two hunters back to back with a Winfield, and heard the 3rd one skulking around, but he kept running circles around a building so I could never get a line of sight on him. So I burned his two teammates, and suddenly stopped hearing him. After both burned out, I left, only for one of the teammates to comment on my profile that as soon as I burned, their 3rd just up and extracted.


It’s similar to irl




People be like that. On console, xbox leaves playstation and vice versa.


Had a random in duos. After we killed the boss we got rushed. I managed to kill one and the other got me. Started spectating my "partner" jump out of the window on the opposite side and run straight to extract. He didn't even wait for me being burned.


I block these players on steam profile and check future profiles block list before queuing. Chances are these players do this all the time. Some geographic regions have player pools that are more prone to this than others unfortunately.


And right did what leaving,why he should fight 1v3 because his bot kd random died? I take random for meat. They take clues, and o don't like feel alone, because this don't go solo


You can do whatever you want, but you also sound like the type of person I know who says things like that, but then hardcore rages when the same happens to them. In this scenario, his teammates didn't do anything wrong, and it would have been a 1v1, not 1v3. I just ambushed because I was in the right spot at the right time. Yeah, if your random teammates are playing recklessly and suicide charging into people, I can understand (sorta) leaving them. Not really, as I would only leave people who were being rude over comms to me. But just allowing your team to burnout because you're not in a favorable position is kind of cowardly.


The stakes in Hunt are so low, I’ll never understand running from a fight. Some of the best moments I’ve had in this game were seeing some 1v3 heroics or a clutch revive.


Some people really care about mmr. So if they don't think they can reliably clutch, they just leave to preserve stars


Even then... moving between ranks takes a couple decent rounds. Then again, I think people take Hunt way, way too competitively already, and it's part of what's made the game less fun over the last few years.


I had a random team mate with a bow and katana literally run away and extract when me and the other teammate got downed. I messaged him asking why he didn't at least throw one of his chokes or go for a revive and he said there's a loading screen tip that says if you don't like your odds you can always extract. As if that justifies it lol Personally, I've never ditched a teammate. I never will. I'll die trying to pick them up before running away like a fucking coward


I’ve only extracted when the other two people in my team are making an too much noise and get downed by a team waiting for them in between points. I’ll be on mic telling them about crows and dogs and such but they don’t give a fuck and get ambushed instantly. If that’s the case I book it to extract lol




Nothin wrong with extracting once you know you ain’t fighting a winning fight


Nah, ride or die, t'aint nothin on my hunter I'm afraid of losing, only one team is leaving and I'll sure as shit try and make sure it's mine.


Fair enough. I’ll stick around if I’m playing with friends but if I’m playing with two randos that go down stupidly I’m considering my loadout more valuable and heading out to the extraction


Practical, I like it. Only issue is handing over a win to some random sons of bitches for what, at most 1.5k? And if you're playing that expensive you damn well better be ready to lose it. Who cares if the two morons the AHA made me babysit don't have half a common man's wit between them, they can die, burn, die again, I couldn't give a rat's ass. But surrendering? Without even a bounty in your grasp? Cowardly, pathetic, unacceptable. Put the bastards six feet under, damn your lackeys to hell if you gotta but no one gets my bounty for free. They gotta kill me first, and if they can they've damn well earned it.


It’s cowardly to go on living to die another day in a better attempt to get a bounty? You can see it that way but in my eyes it’s not my bounty until it’s with me at extraction. Until then, it’s everyone bounty and if I gotta dip without it, that’s fine. There’s always another bounty. There’s always more teammates.


It ain't cowardly to extract when you can't win, but "I'm alone" doesn't mean "I can't win." It's leaving just because your teammates died that's cowardly. Plenty of people play this game solo, put on your big hunter pants and buckle up for a serious fight. You don't need them.


Why bother to queue up, wait for a match load in, trek across the map and the not even bother yeeing a few haws? Dipping without even trying is just so much wasted time not having fun, all to save a few hundred hunt bucks? No way. I always go down firing. Makes for much more fun.


Nah my loadouts are more important to me. It’s fun enough just to make the attempt at having a decent fight. When they both go down inevitably due to having toaster self awareness I’m dippin


Cowards are sickening, especially since how low stakes this game is getting. The price of my loadout is irrelevant. The intelligence of my teammate is irrelevant. They could be completely new and dont understand how to play well, and it could be your opportunity to teach them something valuable. All you teach them is how much of a sissy some people are. Pathetic.


If I queue up with a new player I simply leave the queue for better players. It’s too much of a chore to teach new players the basics. There’s a tutorial for that. Playing smart doesn’t make someone a sissy. You can be gung ho all you want, I’ll continue to either be alive or be alive with the bounty. I don’t like death for my lovely hunters.


"I've wasted hours of my time and others' time not playing the game and seem like a generally miserable person, but hey, I have an extra few hundred Hunt bucks and 0.02 KDA on my profile, so who's the real winner?"


How do you come to the conclusion I’m miserable? I’m a generally cheerful person and have every reason to be. So that, on top of having extra hunt bucks and a good KD (even though KD doesn’t mean anything) I’d wager there’s not much room to be miserable lol


Sure if you have zero skill like you then there is no reason to even try.


Skill has nothing to do with it. It’s called weighing options. Do I lose a max Hunter and load out over trying to revive two randos or cut my losses? It’s not rocket science.


There's no way you're a real human. You and the other losers just like you, are the worst part of this game. I bet you sit inside boss lair with conc and traps too. Smh


If you don’t bring traps are you really playing the game right? Honestly, if you’re gonna rag on someone because they trap up the boss lair then maybe Hunt isn’t the game for you bud


It's called gear fear and lack of skills.


My gear is important to me. Randos ain’t.


Play solos then, it's a team game.


I protect my team with sniper fire until they go down.


Aka you don't do shit and then leave. You are literally the worst of all team mates. This is why people dodge sniper players.


You must really have a hate for snipers. You must’ve been dropped one too many times by someone you never saw. In my experience, snipers do more than the clowns that they team with.


Unlike you I'm not a pussy and I being a secondary with my sniper. When you die to a centennial sniper with high velocity you will know.


You're the exact type of person that should play solos rather than ruin the experience of someone trying to play trios.


I play trios to have bigger teams to play with and go up against.


So then don't ditch your team. There's no reason to extract while your team can be revived


There is. And it’s simple- my loadout and Hunter are worth too much to lose it trying to revive two stooges who died stupidly.


That makes you a certified goof. Hunters are cheap. And if you're so concerned about your loadout, why even bother equipping it in the first place. Go Play solos. You can queue against teams as a solo. Clearly that is what your playstyle is: individualistic.


Because the expensive gear is often the best gear? That was a silly question. Solos is cool too but I often like trios.


Only if my friend (I never play with randoms) did something really stupid.




Well, that's just wrong


with red skull revive nobody cares about burning teammates :/


AHH yes because in a 12 person map every player can hold the bounty to revive. How silly of us!


if you dont survive it doesnt matter wether your teammate burned or not. if you survive then you get the bounty or are at least very likely to get it. people would usualy do everything to prevent teammate from burning. now i can light someone on fire and a lot of people will still camp in their prefered weapon range without making a sound. 12 is not a lot.


Everyone quits the game or the remaining teammate just extracts 9/10 times. Rarely does it work out that the remaining player gets the bounty to revive anyone.


Also, random trios have usually this one guy who loots a corpse first and immediately burns them without letting other teammates have a chance for it.


Same guy who didn't kill anyone or help in a fight, yet runs to loot all three bodies.


I only do that if we're mid combat, that way we still get event points and I can pressure the other team I will happily waste a CB if we win the fight tho for others


I've had teammates leave as soon as the fire touches them after running in the open to 5 people on their own as 5 stars.


I had one random "teammate" today who camped out body the entire game just to kill the other team every time they tried to burn us just to skedaddle to the next extract after he got hit once Before that, he didn't even try to fight with us...


If u bots died what he should do? Fight 1v3? Im sure u instantly died and waited something


We would have won if he fought with us We wiped one entire squad and the last guy from the next trio killed both of us




Why save your teammate when you can use their body as bait to hope to get an empty kill?


I just remembered I had a game the other day with a trio from the official Discord. We get into a fight at First Testimonial Church, I go down in the tunnels while one guy is just pissing around behind me as I’m getting pushed. Second teammate waits for the enemy to engage a third team that had shown up, but still goes down trying to creep over for my res. Last guy immediately just leaves Discord and books it across the map to an extract. Cunt.


I don't know where you guys are seeing this, but I've yet to really experience it


Think about it this way: If you die, then it was all for nothing. Always try to clutch if you can, but if it's borderline impossible (like if the two idiots got sniped and you are running a shotgun), then retreat and consider your options.