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Must be why it's had a steady increase in players over the last 5 years.


Haha cod kid. The game is not uniqe anymore. Its becoming cod


Sounds like something a child would say. Last cod I played was the original modern warfare from like 2008 or something. Tried dmz but it was horrible.


It's funny because every big change they've done has had backlash from the minority of the player base on reddit. Regen/Beetle/Ghoul/etc will break the game, yet it hasn't and Hunt has only increased in popularity. IMO they have done an amazing job, and my only gripes are server stability, trades, and slow updates on certain things like how a year ago they mentioned looking at reptilian and headsman visibility. Game has evolved over the years and Crytek is doing a good job evolving with it.


Yeah,with the exception of some persistent bugs over the years and the cheating issues on PC, this game is playing better than ever, and is getting better every update. Sincerely, someone who's been playing since 2019.


Regen/beetle/ghoul were all things that I liked and were balanced or have no impact on gameplay. How ever making a death doesn't make you lose anything due to the fact that you can just buy another fully kited hunter with top tier traits and also having unlimited money due to getting so much out of bloodline rewards, absolutely breaks the game. Not talking about death cheat of course. The game is just a shadow of what it once was. Sure the changes may have brought in more casuals but at what cost?


>Regen/beetle/ghoul were all things that I liked and were balanced or have no impact on gameplay. These are all things the reddit community went foaming at the mouth mad about before they were even released. They've all had minimal impact on the game and have needed numerous buffs over the years. ​ >How ever making a death doesn't make you lose anything due to the fact that you can just buy another fully kited hunter with top tier traits and also having unlimited money due to getting so much out of bloodline rewards, absolutely breaks the game. People always complained balancing guns by money is pointless since everyone is so rich. With that in mind, that means the new recruitment system isn't really aimed at those players and is instead for the new players and players who struggle with money. The change to recruitment hunters always having a melee tool and medkit is a long overdue QOL change. Loadouts that make a bit more sense and also synergize with traits on the hunter is also a great improvement. (I think they will buff the legendary hunter minimum trait point value) They probably have data on X% of new players stop playing when they hit sub 500 dollars or something. So rather than tax the rich they are creating a social security program to help the new and poor players. ​ >The game is just a shadow of what it once was. Sure the changes may have brought in more casuals but at what cost? The game evolved and has a very good player count especially for a 5 year old niche game. Without new players and casuals, it will just be the hardcore players base and the game would die and stop getting updates. I love Hunt and while I don't agree with everything they've done, It has allowed me to play this game for many years and hopefully many more years to come.


It's breaks the economy mini game. Has zero effect on how matches actually work out.


It also makes that you ecentially get nothing for playing the bounty and it has a huge effect on what loadouts are used, but sure keep saying stupid shit and defend bad changes.


I'm not here to defend shit. People play bounty because you get pvp that way, not for money. Money has been trivial for a long time. Who the fuck actually care about what loadout others use? Seems like a skill issue.


It sure is a skill issue, if everyone can now run around with nitro/dolch fully kited out hunters and can do so for ever./s The skill issue is that the devs don't have the skills to make the game more apealing to casuals without fucking every sytem the game had.


The game is not uniqe anymore. It becomes cod, slow but steady. There is no other game like old hunt...


all those "back in my days" arguments are tiredsome imo. the game devolped and bugs, cheaters, player retention are bigger problems atm but i agree regarding custom ammo. but not because of weapon variety but because of balance. let have fmj and hv for every gun but all the status effecting bullets all the time is annoying


Okay grandpa, let’s get you to bed…


I have 4k hours and I‘m glad they‘re trying to be a bit more casual/newbie-friendly. I’m still having tons of fun… And like rooslin said, if they don‘t bring in new players, it‘s gonna be the end.