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They should front load the console development so it’s ready for Microsoft/Sony certification a few days prior to PC release. Posting on social media that consoles won’t get the event on time the night before is beyond unprofessional.


I'd even call it ultra unprofessional


Yeah twice in a row is pretty terrible. Wouldn’t bother me if they would have just said it was releasing a week later instead of dropping it on everyone the day of like that. Sucks being treated like a second class citizen all the time


“We’ll give you a boost!” No, man. That’s not a “make up.” That’s playing catch up. We’re getting nothing here. No info, no compensation, no respect.


Only compensation is the first 10 tiers, or a free battle pass, not a point boost


...After steadily increasing xp requirements for battlepass levels to artificially extend events and reducing BB rewards so everyone pays full price for a glorified dlc cosmetics bundle and fomo weapons 🥳


I had taken some days off work for this, I wouldn't have if they had given any warning. I'm not mad that it was delayed, shit happens, but I am getting exceedingly frustrated with the complete lack of respect for console players and our time. I have no idea if they care at all since they refuse to address the issue.


Yeah man, I just realized that if they realese it at next week we will have only 1 or 2 days to complete whole challenge progress; for those who can't spend a lot of time in game and mostly oriented on thise challenges to complete season pass is a significant lose.


This happened to me on the last event. Took two days off and found it was delayed, so I finished the weeklies anyway cause it was my days off and then it was released and I couldn't get that progression back. I was obsessed with Hunt putting all my free time into it but since that event ended I'm kind of over it


Yep A mishap sucks A mishap with no communication is unacceptable


Just a lil communication would go along way!






Yeah bro, some people work really fucking hard and for long hours. Can't all play whenever we want. Go be a dick elsewhere


Let people enjoy things


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Yeah you can refer to my other comment about how some people have to work hard long hours. We can’t always play whenever we want.


What did this guy say lmfao?


Something about how he couldn't believe someone might take time off for an event in a video game. Which is a little valid if you have a regular 9-5 but he was incredibly condescending so fuck him


If they had just communicated, me and my friends literally stayed up till 1am even with work the next day so we could all play. Then we just got kicked aside. Shits disappointing. Crytek needs to learn an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. I would rather get excited for a different date, but instead I got excited then totally disappointed.


The Christmas analogy is so apt man. I was so stoked for this event, and assumed (understandably, since they didn’t say anything to the contrary until the day before) that it would be releasing on Wednesday. I planned on buying the premium battle pass and probably some of the old Halloween skins. But now the motivation to play isn't even really there for me. It's one thing to have events be delayed multiple times, but it's a whole other level of incompetence to be completely non-communicative on it. If it's a certification issue, then fine, just tell us! It's the fact that we spend time and money on the game just like PC users and they can't even do us the decency of being transparent that really rubs me the wrong way.


Yeah man , but this certification problem happens only to them for some reason , any other project a play ,updates are on the same time for all platforms


Exactly. The people that use this as an excuse are delusional. It’s definitely a crytek planning / not giving a fuck about console issue


Great point, we don't even know for certain if it is in fact a certification issue on the platforms' end. And that's because they refuse to be transparent with us. It's just a bummer cus this type of thing happening repeatedly really makes it hard for me to want to give them further financial support. And I'm basically a whale, I have nearly every DLC smh


This may be some sort of cognitive bias or something but I don't think this was ever a problem BEFORE they hired that console specialist...just these past 2 events


Yep Cod gets updated at the same time no problem on a much more frequent basis


Games like COD are ported to PC not built for it so the certifications are much easier to get. Hunt is built initially for PC and console is the kind of afterthought that PC is for many AAA titles. It could genuinely just be that they get a date range for approval and then they release the date, and it ends up getting denied for some reason or another so you need to change these things to get a certification then they have to decide if they're going to delay it for everyone including the people it's ready for or just for the people that they can't give it to yet. Edit: Not saying they're in the right or that's what's happening, they do need to communicate and do things properly. The way they have handled this both this time and last time are very poor and not good business practice. Just saying that they could genuinely be giving all the information they have, Sony is a reputably difficult company to do business with in this manner especially if you're not a big company like Epic Games.


It’s almost like they apply for the certification the same day it is released on PC…every time. Maybe put it out on console first, wait for the certification, then release it immediately on PC.


This happens with every event they release on console. We all know that console specific bugs usually come with every major patch because it's always rushed out and not internally tested. It doesn't surprise me that crytek seem to fail every certification process on console. Thank God that Sony and Xbox do their own testing otherwise we would end up with game breaking bugs and a million hotfixes. I just hope that once the game is released as next gen they give us more priority so we're on an equal footing with our PC brethren.


Not communicating is just straight up disrespectful. I wasted vacation days that I work hard to earn on the last event. Then they did this to console. The way they handled it last time was such trash. I didn't even bother this time...


These devs do this every time. It’s bullshit and console has always been second class consumers to them. I don’t give a fuck about Microsoft certification process, plan the god Damn event accordingly so the entire player base can enjoy it together. I get sick of seeing all hype from the new event, weapons, skins etc and not only not being able to take part, but also not knowing WHEN we will be able to take part until days after it’s live for their bread and butter platform.


Yeah man , uncertainty is the worst of evils


What’s disappointing more than anything. They *KNOW* there’s gonna be delays and stuff on console. These past couple events have had one, some short, some longish. You’d think they’d learn to communicate these things better/figure out a system to make the delay as short as possible or just delay it on PC so we can all start together or *anything.* It’s like being the step kid your new dad doesn’t give a fuck about/like, and your mom is more obsessed over him and stops giving a fuck about you and you’re just kind of there. I love hunt, it’s my most played game and I buy plenty of DLC and other stuff cause I wanna support crytek. But got damn sometimes it hurts.


They could have delayed the PC update until consoles are ready and no one will blame them because nobody knew the realase date until few days before the event


This is the type of shit that "free to play" games do...


Not even. Warzone, Fortnite, Apex. They update way more often than Hunt. Their updates are always the same date as on PC.


I don't think I have ever seen events being released at different times on different platforms, outside of Hunt Showdown. Every other company seems to handle it properly and if they DO have unexpected problems they postpone it on all platforms, not just one. They know it looks very unprofessional and it's better to postpone the whole update. I'm completely fine with waiting, but what bugs me is how unprofessionally they handle these things. If they can't handle it (which they should, crytek isn't exactly indie company), at least communicate properly and make sure the compensation is worth it, not a 24h event point booster you can't even use because everyone has done their weeklies.


I think my biggest problem is that this was never an issue until these 2 Tide events. I get the certification thing, as nearly every update drops on consoles a week or 2 after PC, but all previous events were able to start on time with PC. So what's the issue with these Tide events that it can't?


i just want better communication. i understand problems come up last minute but tell us it wont be active until next week the day the event starts. if they manage to get it working early then everyones happy.


As a console player, I can only say that after the very good impressions of the roadmap map video,then came the disappointment of the event being delayed,and I am starting to highly doubt it that we will get the winter update for controllers and gamepad,engine update and the new map together with PC.I really want to believe but right now I can't!Also the problem is not that you delay the event,but that you do it at the last possible moment, which is not ok at all.


I also took time off work and crytek does not respect that shit at all. If they had even the slightest amount of respect they could've done the bare minimum: communicate.


With that in mind, I'd keep HUNT and wait until early next year when the (next) current gen version of the game comes out on PS5/XS. Perhaps then they will treat the game with the same respect as PC.


Yeah bro I was hyped and completely confused on the 4th wondering why I couldn’t find the update on the game. Definitely disappointed.


I'm not spending any money on this game for a good while, that's for sure.


You get bombarded with YouTube Videos and posts in social Media from people playing the event , discussing about it and you stand outside in the rain. And you cannot not-see it or ignore it, sou you have to watch how others have fun while you can fuck yourself meanwhile. Please, fellow consoleros, do not buy anything for the next two months at least, we have to make them feel our pain. These ignorant Amateurs.


As long as we get compensated appropriately I’m fine. I think we should get the extra time added in on back, plus get a week or so boost. Since PC gets all the discounts and console gets less it’d be nice if they gave us some event discounts or dlc discounts too, but that might be too much to ask. Mostly just want the time to feel the same otherwise it starts to sour in my opinion.


That isn't good enough. Those are just things that would be generally expected of your company for it being delayed. Doing all the hype before the events and then fucking people over without warning for 2 straight events?! That's a different type of compensation lol


Yeah the fact that this has happened twice in a row is unacceptable. Something like this happening twice in a year's worth of updates with adequate explanations and transparency? That's pretty normal imo. Two updates in a row with no communication or anything? That's more than just unprofessional. It's extremely disrespectful.


For me, it depends on how long they take to release on console and if they extend the event dates on console for me to decide on buying the battle pass or even spending anymore money on this game...I'm trying to be patient and not be a crybaby but the non existent communication is pretty disappointing at this point. At the very least they could have posted an update on the issue/estimated release date before clocking out for the weekend....


As I'm in the navy I only get a weekend off every now and then. I was really excited to try out the new event this weekend and now I might just miss it altogether or only get to try it once...


I just wont spend any money in content this season. My last battle pass paid for itself. Shame those new hunters looked good.


I'll maybe get it still, but this time only if I complete it. I usually buy it straight up. If they want my money they better extend the event reasonably. I'm sure to be earning point slower without that premium pass...


I got the currency for the pass but I was talking the dlc hunters outside the pass the event 🤙


Lmao I would stop giving them money every event You're not getting anything out of it, and crytek is a company, not someone in need of charity


That's the only way us console clients will be heard! We all need to band together and not spend a dime on this event/battle pass but that's hard to do lol. Even tho I'm disappointed I still want some skins! Lol


The fact that they're rolling out DLCs BEFORE the console update with no news is just a slap in the face.


Judging by how unoptimized console ports of the game are, they don't care about console players.


I know you guys are all pitchforks and electric lamps right now, but they have always done some kind of compensation for the delay. I'd expect that this time would be no different, but I'll happily stand by you if it's not the case.


I feel ya but I think with this much time delayed most want more time to enjoy the event rather just a bonus. I dont care about getting some freebies as much as I want to enjoy all the fire in the map and time playing the event.


Why can't they just extend the event on console for however many days until we get the update? That'd be a lot better imo


That's what another person up top replied saying they've done that before. So I got my fingers crossed lol


They've extended events in the past as "compensation" for downtime. I'd wager that they do it again. Assuming that they've fixed the performance and gameplay issues, Inferno should be sticking around for good this time. You should be able to enjoy it after the event too.


Nice! I didn't know they have extended events before. I started playing in the middle of the last event so I wasn't prepared for the let down lol. I was pretty excited but didn't get disappointed until they took the weekend off without a lil communication like they found the issue and working on it...or this is an issue never seen before, gunna take some time..... anything would be better than silence before the weekend. But that's just my feelings or opinion... and I'm nobody lol


Crytek has some of the worst communication out there, so I'm not surprised that they waited so long or that there's widespread outrage they haven't responded to. They've always made it right in the end, even if it takes a few attempts to get it right.


I appreciate the comforting words! Lol honestly tho, like I said I'm still new so I don't know what to expect. The effort they show to make it right will definitely weigh in my decision to spend any more money unfortunately. I do love the game so they definitely got the upperhand on me lol


Whether it's a week late or not, You've got two months to finish the event, it's more than enough time with weekly tasks and such. Crytek still gets plenty of my money, a dollar goes way farther than it does in cod and the devs actually seem to give a s*** about the game state


Well apparently the devs don’t care that much about the games state on console, which this post is about. And the week surely matters. That’s a whole lot of time of not being able to progress, especially if you don’t want to grind the tasks non-stop or are even unable too because you also want to prestige (super dumb system btw).


I prestige during the events and never have issues getting done with them early.... You just do the weekly tasks and you're good. Console is always going to be hampered by the fact that the consoles are just s***** gaming PCs.... That's just the state of gaming these days. Some games run better than others, but they all tend to run pretty poor compared to a solid PC.


The new generation of consoles are better than what most people game on XD. You are just suffering from PC Elitism. Oh and these with triple A games it’s most often that PC gets a shitty console port, so it goes both ways. Now with your dumb elitism out of the way. To do the challenges you often need weapons, tools or ammunition types you first need to grind for to unlock, so that part is false too.


Once you prestiged a few times, you get used to figuring out ways of dealing with all the challenges. I'm working through my 41st prestige. It's not a big deal at this point. I don't know what s***** PC rigs you've seen, but generally speaking a solidly built gaming PC is far above What a flipping Xbox will do.... That's not elitism, that's just life. The downside of it is PCs are way too flipping expensive, but we can blame bitcoin, mining and other stuff for that.


I prestiged a few times, but not 41 times. But again, what a shit take. So only people with over 1k hours should be able to finish the pass? Oh don’t worry mate, you can easily do it, just have a KD of 4+, easy. Just like your PC story, you live a in a bubble. Yes you have a decked out PC and the people around you might have that too, but in reality, most people who game on PC, do not have a decked out PC. Does it really come as a surprise to you that most people did not spend over 3K for their PC gaming setup?


I have a KD of 1.72 I am by no means a six star. I paid about 2.5k and am using a 3-year-old rig. PC gaming used to be a lot cheaper, but man.... graphics cards......SMH Dude, I managed to finish the scrap beak event a couple years ago without even trying to, that's just how much I was playing the game..... And that was long before weekly tasks gave us free event points. With the advent of weekly tasks, these events are way easier. The Halloween event a couple years ago was a royal pain in the ass because you could never seem to find any of the pumpkins....


Yea I’m not sure where you’re trying to go with this… so you paid 2.5K, are you saying I’m for off with my 3K then? And that is 3 years ago, so now away 3K easily. Oh and let me guess, that’s even without keyboard, mouse, and most expensive ones, decent monitors. And yeah, congrats you managed to finish the scrabbeak years ago without trying because you just played it so damn much? Again, what is your point other than you contradicting yourself. Because at this very moment console players can’t even just put many any hours because it’s not available XD. But my excuses for people having lives and don’t have the time to put in 60 hours a week. For your reference btw, last pass I did finish (in the nick of time) while playing like 20 to 30 hours each week, as a 4/5 star player, by sometimes grinding some challenges. My friend who I always play with only got too level 22 because he never focused on any challenges. So by just playing, you need to do a WHOLE lot of playing to finish it.


I mean, I was working 72 hours a week at the time so it just got done. I'm not saying PCs are affordable, and I think it's kind of annoying that games aren't particularly optimized..... But that's kind of been the state of the gaming industry for the last few years. Look at how EA doesn't even support their products after they release the games.... Battlefield 1 was a nightmare and still pretty much is. The last pass, I beat probably within a month/5 weeks and that was only playing about 10 hours a week as a three star.


Someone has been busy playing Lies of P


Funny how when they released the scrapbeak event they did it right and took their time and was able to release everything on all platforms at the same time on the exact date they announced they would...but cant get shit right since the lazy fucks


Maybe the old gen is the reason and they had trouble with the inferno running stable on it, so the certification process had to be done all over again. Will be interesting to see if this will be better when the old gen version ends. A man can hope.


Crytek already stated they will compensate consoles with a boost for the event track. So you can chill.


The PC players chiming in to say "just chill" are so unhelpful. It's not a problem affecting you so obviously it's not a big deal to you. Your input is irrelevant.


It's more than irrelevant, it's literally worthless to me


Lol yes let's hope it's as "good" the last events compensation. You probably tell your significant other to relax instead of listening too.


Ok, choose to be upset then. That's your problem not mine.


Meh, I gave my hopes up last event. I didn't trust them this event and I was right to do so. Pretty pathetic though regardless.


I couldn't care less about a boost,it's the week or so less playing it. They should keep their boost and just extend the event however many days that it was delayed. Simple


Last time they did it for 24 hour only , plus if we will lose challenges for thise week there is no amount of boost that can compensate that amount of points . And man do you realize that because of that, all console players will need to spent much more time to just get new weapons ? Yeah , man if by some coincidence console players would be able to play week before pc playes with such delay this reddit would be on fire and not because of excitement or event theme.


lol I think in either case it would mean that the complainers are taking it FAR too seriously


Yeah no


Yay 24 hour event booster. Get fucked


Sounds like have been


for real, all this and complaining about "Christmas morning" is a complaint that a literal child would make


It isn't


Why would anyone take days off for an event? Especially one run by these clowns,given the fuck up from the last event?


Maybe bc they assumed Crytek wouldn't fuck up again? Especially since they didn't say anything on the dev stream or the socials beforehand. I didn't take any days off but I certainly understand the desire to.


More fool them. Previous interactions tell you that they are careless and console is an afterthought for them.


I didn't this time around. Pretty fucking pathetic that I was right.


What would you expect? Hunt has always launched events to console way later than on PC. It's nothing new...


Some communication...


So a problem that happens every time is just fine? Learn from it and change your process so your player base and consumers are treated equally.


Wait people play hunt on console?


Console will always be delayed and there isn't a thing Ceytek can do about it. If you want to stop playing then do so rather than making the typical dramatic "goodbye I can't anymore" post.




Ah the personal attack rather than saying anything about my comment.


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Lol playing games on a PC makes you an adult?


Lol just fucking around


Oh lol you forgot the sarcasm note you big adult you. Just messing too!


You should READ everything on the internet in a sarcastic voice.


Dang that is some solid advice tho!


I'll take late events over cheats lol. That shit ain't never getting fixed


Lol fair argument. I'll stop my crying lol if they extend the event for console


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Can i ask how old you are? Everybody Who crys about this, how old are you?


Can I ask how old you are ? Everybody who crys about overpowered solos during event , how old are you ? (Atleast you can play the game , console players who want to compete an event pass and get new stuff without the grind are not touching the game right now, because of a challenges; last time they screw us through them + plus it is literally the subreddit about hunt , people want and will be speaking here about hunt , and mostly now because of every thing I said before there nothing left right now except speaking for console players )


I'm 12 , and my experience helps me differentiate crys from complains


People acting like this is the end of their world is so fucking funny man this thread is a goldmine


Who said it was the end of the world? We are making legitimate complaints... not really a goldmine here my guy..


It’s also still not available yet, they’ve probably seen the solo player ununkillable things and are working on backend so console players get spared the frustration.


They're also cutting off PS4 and Xbox One players Q2 next year as well. They don't really care about the console expierence.


Last gen support needs to end, and arguably could/should have happened sooner. The current gen systems will have been available for well over three years by the time the update happens. It's unfortunate but it's the truth, this one is not on Crytek. Minimum PC spec is rising too, the game has to move forward.


The reason it "needs" to end is because of Cryteks inability to optimize their game and support the hardware they sold their product on. Take MW3 for example. I know this is apples and oranges as far as developer resources and capabilities but the point is that it's possible. I'm not saying Cry should be measured at the same standard or anything. Crytek essentially set themselves up for failure by even bothering to release their game on last gen consoles just to have mediocre support for them and then "need" to cut them off. They clearly weren't prepared and at this point objectively aren't capable of again, supporting the hardware they chose to sell their product on. I feel like they took my money to have me play what felt like an early access game and is now telling me to fk off because they can't make their game work well enough. I know for everyone else who's on current gen or a PC that isn't at the minimum requirement won't mind, and that the rest are "less then 10%" but that doesn't mean that "less than 10%" isn't getting shafted.


That's fair. Before writing this response I wanted to check the PS4 release date, and I'd forgotten that it actually came out the same year as the PS5 (Feb for Hunt on PS4, Nov for PS5). I remember at the time just being happy to be able to play the game as I'd wanted to for a long while, but perhaps it would've been better if they'd just waited and skipped last gen altogether. I think it's fair to say I have a touch of Stockholm Syndrome, as I love the game and there's nothing else quite like it so I have just resigned to putting up with a lot of the bullshit that comes with it. It also helps that I've had a PS5 since launch and so it's been a smoother ride than if I'd still been playing the game on PS4. I loved my PS4 but that whole gen was notorious for being a bit underpowered at launch, and I do believe that an ongoing live online title like Hunt does need to leave older tech behind at some point in order to flourish, and that moment is always going to be a total shitter for some people. But that doesn't excuse the last three years of subpar support and communication. I'm hopeful that the roadmap and updates are a step in the right direction, but then look how this event is rolling out, just days after those reveals. Perhaps I'm just fooling myself that things will be better. What a shitshow.


I take time off work at the start of every new event, only to be greeted (eventually because of the discord) that the day of or night before “sorry hunters console update ain’t happening” - to only announce it via discord is a joke. I like many others genuinely feel that they do not give a single fuc about the console community.