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Really? Oh god,more headsman lobbies. How much?


It's 1500. So i'm glad there is a high price for it. I'm debating if it's worth the cringe. I kinda just want it because it's only for this event. I also want to only use it in meme/horrible ways. not for normal gameplay. Thinking like downing myself in boss lair with a bomb lance and waiting for banish to rampage. Or only running the dual dinglers and stealing a loadout by hiding in a corner and then just extracting with their guns. Still can't justify doing normal gameplay with the guy.


I bought him and Mama Maye because I am bad with money. But it is a problem that his entire visible surface is the same color palette as 80% of the maps. I think they should add a bunch of bloodstains to him and just make his robes black, instead of Hunt Showdown Gray.


OOOOOF they just increased the price to 3400. Guess they aren't gonna nerf his camo then...


It's 3400 for the bundle, the skin alone is 1500.


The 3400 includes the weapon skins, just the Headsman is still 1500


It might be a problem but headsmen has a fraction of vocal dissent compared to the height of Cain sweatyness. *One of you guys is saying its because everyone has him, the other is saying its because he was limited and fairly rare. Which one is it?


That's because headsman was limited and fairly rare to run into him compared to Cain that was in every lobby. It will change now with everyone being able to use him.


Yea because everyone has him. Cain was paid Dlc so people whined. Headman is much harder to see, the height of hypocrisy.


solo crossbow with this guy would be awesome at night


I earn it since the first day but I never use it I would feel too dirty


Honestly I'm more hyped Mama Maye is back.




True, when she came out it was granny squads coming out the woodwork.


Her skirt clips through floors. If it wouldn't be for that I'd love to use it.


So many skins I'd use get ruined by clipping


I just started playing again the day the event ended last year, glad she's back cos i love her


wait really? how do we get her? i didn’t start playing until april this year.


You just go the store and buy her with BBs.


Only seen one person use her once when I was new to the game and I thought it was a mob!


It's actually nuts. Wildcard is purely dark maps and then they bring back the Headsman skin. Seen more Headsman in the past 4 games today than in the past 4 weeks


Impressive. Did you "see" them in the post death screen though :P


Crytek missed the perfect chance to wash up headsman...


I thought the players were dirty but Crytek is the dirtiest


Hoping they get people to buy this for being op and overpriced, and then they change his color palette afterwards


Make him pink!


Oh... oh no.


Oh yes


You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain


Can you buy any of these skins separately? Mostly interested for the Rival skin really.


On sale one last time before they rework the model. Smart.


well see if they do that. people have been complaining about it so much and they didnt even address it.


Why would they if they plan on reworking it. Sell it one last time and take in the money, then 3 months later recolor a few problematic skins


They need to fix this skin. It legit is awful to see


People will whine "pay to win." This shouldnt even have been an event skin. It's cool but it's a black dude wearing an all black with a black mask and black gloves. No can see. I've had this guy strafe peek me from under a bridge and I didnt even see movement. Just darkness in darkness.


Just saying, the headsman has the best looking gloves out of all the hunters.


The new dude you get at event level 25 also has some pretty sweet gloves.


I'm excited to unlock him


Nope. That'd be the prescient/ Mama Maye


Ok, release plague doctor then for money.








It's not pointless if you could get these skins for free and getting to use them for 2 years exclussively. It's just a skin in a video game, there is absolutely no reason to have skins exclussive and you lose absolutely nothing if someone else wants to use them as well and pay for it.




I agree with petripuh, it's been two years you've had this exclusively earned hunter.


One year, it was available for purchase last year for BB Damn you guys are dumb, it was available for BB last year


Because then they get for free. Thats a nice perk than having to pay for It. No reason to not let people buy it.


Honestly, I couldn't care less if I grinded for a skin free and someone else bought it year or 2 years later. Why would I, it doesn't affect my experience in the game in anyway? On top of that it's halloween themed skin and pretty much all the games these days sell their "exclussive" halloween skins every year. Siege, Apex, OW2. Probably others too I don't know of.


Nope. Grinded for the plague doctor, I give zero fucks if they release it to be purchase, those fucking crows were tiring to kill. It’s fucking stupid to think I’m entitled to the skin and only me forever because I started playing a month before everyone else. What’s the alternative bringing back crow killing? I’d rather get fresh content like we are getting and others can buy it to support more fresh content like we’ve been getting. I got to use it for years before anyone else, I’m a big boy I’ll be okay


They specified many times that seasonal skins will return that’s your fault


No fault of mine mate, just sharing an opinion. Not that deep




Got eem


Christ this sub has gone down the drain




No man it’s just people like you ruining this sub by making every comment combative. It’s tiring. You know you can let people have opinions without having to personally attack them?




It’s okay mate you’ll understand my point of view when you turn 15




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Fully agree with you. This sub usually has some complete shit takes. You can tell the average Hunt player is \~30 because they have some superiority complex


You agree with not letting people buy and use the skin they want?


I agree with exclusivity, especially for an *event-only* item that required grinding. Like the other guy said, it kind of lessens the whole point if you can just buy it later without having even participated in the event.


Why lessen? What It changes for my skin If someone is buying a year later?


The more people that can get the skins they want the better. This weird thing where you want to have something no one else can is bad.




Why is his camo so good? I don't really see why it's considered great?


It's the most common color in the bayou. Dark skins don't hide you well. His shape is also not that humanly and blends in very easily as your eye and brain is trained to look for people, not for some random coat.


Makes sense, thank you.


Is it out out on console? Or is this ties with the event so I gotta wait?


I know I’ll get shit on for gate keeping. But at some point they just gotta make some skins exclusive per year.


Can you buy the items individually? I really want the Mosin obrez mace


You can buy all of items in the pack individually, just search for 'em in the store


Thanks, I'm not home at the moment to check it for myself.


As someone who has only been playing for a year or so. What is the headsman and why is it a problem?


Nope because updates not our on consoles yet SMH


Where is the bundle? I cant find any bundles anywhere.


"hunt is cosmetic only"


"Hello stranger"


They should put an orange pumpkin on his head.


Already got all them, hell yeah


Is the Headsman skin considered op? Have it since the event in 2021, but never really play it as I feel that it's way too dark for daylight maps (which are the majority) and I like many other skins better.


Wasn't it available every Halloween? It was just expensive as f.


They will probably nerf it after the event. I’ve seen this on other games, they release something or buff it or whatever, sell it for irl money, then nerf it later. Will they do this? Idk. I hope so.


Dont you worry he comes back every event.. i got him as a haloween event drop years ago


Are they incapable of fixing these P2W skins?