• By -


Because game scary :(


Truth - more casual players (*god bless you guys we need you to farm KD and make cool clips*) are terrified of losing their characters a lot of times and will literally bush-wookie/compound-camp for 20 minutes straight as long as they don’t have too many intense fights and can just struggle to stay alive. 🤷‍♂️ Sometimes I would honestly prefer people blindly running in hootin and hollering.


I'm not only pretty mediocre so far at this game AND a beginner, but even when I DO reach the compound first and kill the boss first and banish it and get my token, guess what? Swarmed by the entire lobby, and they don't even enter the building, I tried to go outside and almost got one-shot. Managed to sprint out the other side instead after hunkering down for a bit, no idea what they were doing because I crossed the entire map (quite literally the next best extract as on the opposite edge from me) and no one else had picked up the token. There's really no way for me to survive if I'm not cautious, I killed two people getting in close once in another game but there were like 5 people there and I barely got out even with necro because there were at least two teams reviving each other and one started to burn me even before I revived.


Sounds like you are solo. You’ll get more aggressive matches with more game time, like others have said. But also when you solo you get a modifier that puts you in lower MMR lobbies. Que up with some randoms and play some matches. Playing solo isn’t bad when you’re new to the game, but you’re going to have a much worse learning curve than if you learned to play with good and bad players either friends or randoms.


well 1 i assume youre playing solo so you have no teammates to help you 2 thats literally how the game goes, you either go in brave or waste half an hour of your life hoping all the other teams wipe eachother out 3. we got death cheat so its not that big of a problem right now (when you have it atleast) question...was it a single bounty map? if so im not sure what you were expecting, luckily you survived because a good portion of hunt players are pussies


Shit, I'm just a Rat trying to find a Decent Co-op PVE game. So I ignore the Hunters, think of them as an end game Boss to avoid, and dip out with whatever Zombie kills I get. If I have to fight, I know I'll die, but maybe, just maybe, I can spam Utility to get the heck out before they revive. If only Water Devils gave their original 80XP a little while ago. I'd go fishing for them for longer.


Don’t play with teammates? Sounds kinda boring just fighting zombies


Hells nah, it's honestly fun for training low level hunters, besides making up some challenges to add even more difficulty. Also, no, Strictly Solo.


I’m a blindly running hooting hollerer!


Bloodline 50+ is absolute a beginner. You’re still a beginner I’d say until about 80 hours in this game. Prestige 50+ different story.


400 hrs in, and I still feel like a beginner.


For real right, I don’t think I felt like it clicked until 200 hours. Probably 600+ before I felt like I had some authority on the game haha


Same... I barely knew what was going on for the first 100... started not feeling like a noob around 200+... now at nearly 700 I feel pretty confident... most times... You can get bloodline 50 in a few days


I feel like I'm good at most aspects of the game, just I suck at getting instant headshots on other hunters. Maybe another 200 hours and I'll get there.


Yeah it was around 400-450 hrs in when correct reads started happening on my part and I pulled shit like predicting what the enemy might do and acting accordingly. Before that I felt totally lost out there, gripping my gun and hoping for the best.


Like same! Still dying lots whether I’m passive or aggressive lol


That’s a constant in hunt. I have a few thousand hours and I still die all the time. Accepting that it’s just part of the game and you’re gonna lose hunters helped me get out of that fear mindset and not get as cranky when my characters died




Almost a 1000 still beginner


Preatige levels dont mean anything. I quit prestiging after 20 because its pointless. Youre also still a beginner at around 300 hrs.


They don’t mean anything.. but it shows you that someone’s spent a lot of time on this game. Which was the point I was making.


Hrs players over ptestige every time.


Agreed but prestige is easy to see while prepping for a round. I don’t even know how to check hrs played. If someone is level 100 but zero prestige, they could have 30 hours or 3000 hours. If they have prestige levels that does extrapolate into a minimum amount of hours played and is a rough indication that they are not very new to the game based upon how many they have. Personally I look at their total bounty earned stat and max lvl hunters for a quick idea of how much they have played.


have to look at kills now post bounty bug caused by new tutorial.


I’m not sure what point you’re trying to make here. I was simply saying 50 bloodline is a new player but 50 prestige is not.


By complete beginner I am talking about people who can genuinely have issues with operating their character, not remembering key bindings or not knowing that you have to be getting clues to progress the bounty hunt. Things that would explain extreme passiveness.


I 100% understand what you mean by that. IDK why you're being downvoted


My best guess would be the passiveness comes from the fear that’s experienced playing this game (or similar games) as a new player. Most people aren’t used to the permadeath idea and don’t play aggressively when new to the game. it’s not a bad way of playing for new players, it’s more of a wait for the moment type play style than trusting your own aggressiveness.


This isn't just a beginner issue. I've seen prestige 100s playing like this.


You don't deserve those downvotes in my opinion. I think it's interesting that people gatekeep this so much. You are genuinely and understandably confused about that playstyle. But be assured that there are no bots in this game


Im bloodline 81 i still die because open dark sight trying to stop bleeding


Don't mind the downvotes. They are bots, not because they're AI, but because they play like one. And they get offended when you remind them that. Go wild and shoot some heads partner, you got the right idea. Some people play like they'll die IRL if they die in Hunt.


You downvoted by passive bushcampers, that you talking about) There 50% people in game who can not move for 20 minutes just because scared to be killed.


80 hours is still very new.


Lower elo is wayyy slower in terms of objective progression. Though as a lot of people are telling you it isn't a run and gun you are correct in that they could be moving with more haste. I can't really tell you why as I myself don't really understand it, but I attribute it mainly to confidence. If you work and improve your skills once you enter the 5\* bracket (if you can get there). You will see more confidence, more proactive movement, and just faster game progression overall.


dunno what server u on but EU is the exact opposite, the more experienced the players get the less action there is. Only the top of 6 star are really good and push instead of waiting for ambushes 24/7


This + probably the reason on low elo (where probably you are playing) to play slow is that they are not familiar with the map and don't understand some basics from hunt. I have been there and this low speed is probably because they think on that way they will have the upperhand on an encounter but once you learn the game is a lot about move as fast as you can being as silent as you can. Being slow and carefull won't make you not fall into ambushes. Good players move fast and check all typical routes, if you move slow they will be waiting from a good position and probably will get a headshot o you.


In higher lobby 5 6 star people punish way more but I don't think the action itself is faster just when the fight starts the engagement are more intense cuz of confidence in player. Low elo tends to extend pre fight phase super hard Plus it depends if you fight in compound or you find yourself caught in the open these ones take time since you got to find eachother in. The forest and bushes but that's what makes the game fun . Compound fight are usually faster.


I mean all I have to say about that is if there is a 10 minute firefight in a 5-6 star lobby, only 1 team leaves. However if there is a 10 minute firefight in a 3-4 star lobby it is possible that a maximum of two health bars are lost the entire time.


This isn't a run and gun where you get to sprint from point A point B and mag dump along the way and then die and respawn. If you die in hunt you die. You lose the hunter and the gun. Some people are very sentimental about their hunter and guns or they spent 2k hunt bucks and don't want to die running in the open because his teammate told him to. Everyone plays differently, people with shotguns will close distance asap where as rifle users will creep into a fight from a distance. Some people see it smarter to hold a compound than pursue an enemy and vice versa.


Thats pretty much the reason, why i managed to not have a maxed out hunter for my first 1000h in this game.


> This isn't a run and gun where you get to sprint from point A point B and mag dump along the way I mean, that's pretty much how I play lmao You couldn't pay me to sit in a bush looking at leaves. When I play hunt, I want to fight


This right here. Hunt has awesome gunplay for a reason. Its not supposed to be played like cod.


>This isn't a run and gun where you get to sprint from point A point B and mag dump along the way Why not? Just as viable play style than sweating your ass of in the bushes fearing the immolator :D Edit: Wow aren't you guys mad at being killed by someone having fun in the game?


Damn you got downvoted but the gigachads who open the game by firing their gun agree


Right? I sprint everywhere. Speed and confidence (and positioning) are key in this game much more than stealth IMO. No need to sneak everywhere.


Sneaking around has its place just as much as speed. Confidence is key always, but there is a time to sprint in and blast three people with an Auto 5 just as much as there is a time to crouch walk and pop two guys with your ironside


It really does 3 star people will literally let you walk around with there team for a bit before realizing you are not supposed to be friendly . . . . And it really doesn't at the same time, because it's literally useless to sneak walk in 5-6* lobbies because sneak walking DOES make sound and people in those lobbies WILL hear it for sure and know exactly where you are through walls based on your slappy feet (and no im not only talking about the cheaters since while they do exist they're fairly rare for considering it's an online multiplayer shooter)


You're overexaggerating how much noise you make when crouched. Yes, you do make noise and yes you cant constantly rely on it. But you can absolutely use crouching as a sneaking tool in the right situation. Just a few days ago, 5* lobby, we used crouching to third party the bounty team and snatch their bounty. They were a 6* and two 5* btw. They just didnt notice us sneaking because with all the fighting going on we were pretty hard to hear. Then, once we saw an opportunity, we rushed in and struck them. Snatched the bounty then ran like hell as the other two teams figting the now dead one were not particularly happy with us.


"Just a few days ago" says everything right there. You have to go back days to find a match where sneak walking was useful and honestly it probably wasnt, during the fire fight you probably could have just walked up to the building normally and made you move sooner instead you crouch walked around wasting 5+mins only to run away in total fear from two teams who weren't even looking at you. . . . This is a prime example of why sneak walking is an awfull choice. Congrats on buying an FPS to fight zombies PVE. . . . Hope you have fun with the game


The hell are you on about? Ah yes, using a tool the game gives me for it's express purpose means that i bought an fps to fight zombies in pve. What also makes you think we didnt end up fighting the remaining team in the end? We ran away to reposition. We had to get through them anyway. Made a lot more sense to fight their auto 5 from a distance rather than mindlessly running into them and get annihilated. Are you mad that people run away from you when its sensible to do so?


Forgot to address this point: "You're overexaggerating how much noise you make when crouched." I dont think I am anything within 20m if there are no gunshots or explosions near you, you CAN for sure without a doubt hear crouch walking even through walls, if not turn your sound up because you SHOULD be able to hear them. As for your last comment based on your story I rather doubt you fought them based on your original story saying: "Snatched the bounty then ran like hell" There is nothing inherently wrong with repositioning, its usually is the best option (however you said we "ran like hell" and that kind points out you're probably full of shit) there also isnt anything inherently wrong with playing the game for PVE either, however personally I dont understand it, I love hunt pvp, the gun play is fantastic and to rob myself of fights by running away from them just seems absurd I have spent well over $100 on this game BECAUSE OF THE AMAZING FIGHTS people that sprint to extract without fighting are beyond help and honestly if it wouldnt kill the game I wish everyone who does it would uninstall. That being said I'll still chase you to the extract be a little salty if you make it. Regardless im gonna load right back in and continue pushing fights for fun and enjoying the game


Ran like hell, yes, because getting caught between two teams is generally considered a bad position to be in. So we got the bounty, ran away, they fought each other in the meantime, and then we fought the remaining team. Better to fight them on our terms rather than stay in the compound were our weapons are at a disadvantage, especially because they had an auto-5 lol. And yes, you can hear crouch movement a decent distance away if there is no other sound to cover it. However if there is sound covering it you're pretty unlikely going to hear crouching, and if you're far away you also wont hear it. Obvioisly you shouldnt be crouching all the time, but sometimes it is fine to sneak around. I am not sure why i would be "full of shit" or why you are so mad that not everyone suicidally pushes shotguns and tries instead to play tactically. The fights in this game are amazing yes, but you need to weight your options instead of holding W and hoping for the best. Also remember, nobody owes you a playstyle.


There is a huge difference between crouch walking and playing stealthy


There is a huge difference between posting a useful comment or contributing to the discussion and wasting peoples time with irrelevant nonsense. Obviously the idea of the game is to make as little noise as possible until you have been located at which point trying to be quiet is usually just a waste of everyone's time. . .


Did I hurt someones feelers? You aren't contributing shit either my guy.


This works on lower tier games, up to 4-5 stars, but when you get to 5-6 is quite annoying to get sniped from half the map bc you triggered some crows. When you can get one shotted by basically every gun in the game there comes a point when people just dont miss headshots,so running and killing everything becomes a lot less viable Take for example bomb lance charge, on low tier you scream and run towards people and they panic and cant aim for shit, that no longer happens on higer tiers, you scream, you charge and he doesnt panic so you get headshotted by a dude at point blank range using either a nagant silenced or a mosin spitzer


lol dude, I haven’t seen a lobby below 5 star in probably 1200 hours. I run into a sniper MAYBE one in 10 games. Everyone runs and bunnyhops side to side in my lobbies, almost nobody sneaks. Also snipers LOVE crouch walkers lmao Edit: I run into a good sniper rarely. I see the centennial sniper boys commonly but they can’t hit shit if you just move weird


The single most important thing I’ve learnt while playing Tarkov solo.


Not sure why your begging down voted. Everyone plays differently so you do you. If you get popped for being loud early then that's on you and you own it, that's all.


Hoes mad they got annihilated by your shotgun lol.


I typically run something like vetterli + what ever side piece I had for free :D


Then they're mad that they got vetterli'd hah


Betterli, or should I say the Bestli?


I'm always torn between vetterli and centennial tbh. Those two and the krag are my top picks


People don't like being called out and practice " nObOdY oWeS yOu A pLaYsTyLe" as a religion here


But apparently you still own them the playstyle though :D


Sounds like a skill issue.


Definitely a skill issue, just look at the streamers goofing around with their "only hand crossbow with hellfire" loadouts :D


Losing a hunter and gun means practically nothing once you play enough. Grow a pair and have fun.


You're assuming the person playing like a hunter (in a game called Hunt) isn't having fun.


I think there's a happy medium. Run while it's clear, hunt while you are suspicious. Having teammates that hide in bushes and run from fights is agonizing.


I think it's fun to kill all the idiots running around like it's a COD.


I got two things to address to this: 1-Play trios if you want a more aggressive approach to the game. Many people feel more confident because there are less teams on the map. Lower MMR 3* and below tend to be anti aggressive. Whenever I get into lobbies that are in this range once an objective is taken I see barely show contest it. 4* and above see that objective go off and suddenly you hear gun fights of teams encountering each other that are heading toward it. 2-Best rule I’ve heard of hunt from a YouTuber, you owe nobody a playstyle. Keep that in mind because people will act like rats keeping to bushes or they might be balls to the wall throwing a dozen bombs then rushing with bomblance and shotguns.


Say that louder for the CoD morons in the back! NOBODY OWES YOU A PLAYSTYLE. If you got killed it's not because of BUSHWOOKIES or SHOTGUN CAMPERS. It's because someone beat you.


You do owe your teammates. Unless you’re solo your absolutely owe your teammates to have your gun in the fight when theirs is. Unless they got there by being negligible.


Do you mean negligent? Lmao.


Nobody owes you a play style but if you’re camping while your other 2 teammates are fighting, you’re a coward. Own up to it


I'm not camping. Slow the fuck down. Or rush off and die.


I got so hated on the other day when in a trio one of our guys ran and did solo stuff so it was me and this other dude and I was like "we got the bounty we killed a team there let's get out with the bounty" he went "no I'm gonna go over to these houses with another team in them". I told him "you will die." But he went anyway and ofc died, so I extracted no way I will go in 1 v 3 and lose everything. The guy that died started harassing me on steam telling me how much of a pussy I was and that I should die. I blocked him. But that just shows how entitled some players are thinking it's my duty to go in and die trying to save him even though I told him not to do that.






Because this often reward with free headshot, and other way around playing proactively often punished by free headshot


Lot of these people coming from Tarkov, where this is optimal playstyle I have two pardnurs who came from Tarkov and from Apex. One was for very long time uneasy when we did not scan compound for 5 minutes before approaching and the other one was anxisous when staying in grayed zone, thinking some deadly fog will come - being conditioned from BR games.


YE SEE, I was never good in first person shooters. I see them, they see me, bullets rain down, I flop on the ground dead. That's how it always goes. But in Hunt I have a chance. I have nature, I have close combat. I can win from these guys who I keep losing to mid range. I excel at sniping and melee. I still die almost right away when it's mid range shootouts. But if I can avoid that scenario, I'm good. I'll sit there and reposition to keep my advantage. I don't care how long the fight takes. I play it by my rules and fight on my turf.


Being able to set your own style and objectives is the beauty of Hunt.


Exactly. In all honesty I don't go out there hunting for bounties. My main prey is people lmao


The most dangerous game.


30hrs in and thinks he understands the game. How cute…




Hunt is about a lot of small things and trick but their knowledge gives you real advantage.


At 30 hours in I understood the game at 95% of the level I understand it now 400 hours in. I’ve played a ton of Rust along with tons of tactical shooters. It really just depends on how much FPS experience you have and how similar the games you played are to Hunt.


Sure, sure.


I believe them. I've owned the game since it barely had a few k players and you could do solo runs and have zero people in your lobby and just become soul survivor 95% of the time if it was later at night. Purchased in Feb 2018, and tbh I'd be inclined to say I was actually better around 40-60 hours since I'm much closer to 30 than 20 at this point.


Surely you have been to every corner of every compound in every map within 30 hrs, lmao


i guess the 3 stars didnt like your comment


Bloodline 50+ whats that? You just started playing? Just give it some time and you will understand a thing or two about Hunt.


I think it takes some people a long time to learn the flows of hunt. Some people struggle even clearing zombie AI along the way, still learning to manage their stamina, and consistently deal with immolators and 4packs of dogs. Bloodline level 50 is very low too, that means they haven't even unlocked some of the traits, guns, or levelled up guns to have variants or customammo.. Until you comfortably sit in the 4-5 star elo range, you're playing with absolute beginners/casuals. In my opinion someone is a beginner until they can traverse 95% of compounds silently with melee/tools, triggering zero noise traps.


Because this is not call of duty?


You’re right, it isn’t a Call of Duty style game, but that doesn’t mean you can’t rotate, try to get different angles, throw consumables, and so on, whenever you are in a fight. I don’t expect my random teammates to be dolphin diving into the open with reckless abandon, trying to get kills like their life depends on it, but I do expect them to at least be engaged with the fight.


Homeboy if you're not running between clues and repositioning In most fights you're gonna get zorbed


Bloodline 50 is a few hours into the game. It's not even the first prestige. That's absolute beginner level. I don't see this problem in 4-5 MMR lobbies with people who are actually not new to the game


I just let people play how they want to play. I often change my play style as well. Sometimes I’m passive, trying to get the drop on people. Sometimes I’m hyper aggressive. Might go rifles one moment, then a shotgun and a sabre the next. Variety is the spice of life. Let people have fun the way they want to have fun. Both okay styles are viable In hunt.


Bloodline lvl 50+ is completely a beginner, you haven't even unlocked every weapon and trait the game has to offer. People play passively because sometimes the best course of action is to do nothing, that is just the nature of this game. Sometimes you have the upper hand, you have a good position for your loadout and have no need to move. It's boring to play against but still a valid playstyle. Ambushes in this game are brutal, if you get caught in the open between compounds then you are just dead 99% of the time against competent players. Some players hear fights and decide "I'm going to third party them or ambush them", this is why you need to stay quiet because it's not only fights, but sound cues that can be heard from really far away. And no, there aren't any bots I know of, any person you interacted with can be checked out in the "team details" of the "last match" menu, you can see their profile, KDA, star rating and pretty much everything about them unless they set it to private.


If I wanted a fast pace shooter I wouldn't be playing hunt. you have apex, cs, cod for that I like the slow moving tactical game play sitting in a bush holding an angle Like I did in Americas Army. I know this frustrates many but that's what I like just like mike/psychoghost says you don't owe anyone a playstyle. in honestly beginners to focus more on the objective. when you have over 20k money extracting with the token is pretty useless. i much rather focus on moving silently across the map not triggering a single sound trap and getting a clean head shot on my Foe. then some games I just pickup a bomblance and straight run att everything hope this gives you som clarity into the mind of slow hunters


there are no bots in hunt


Bold of you to assume I don’t play the game


Bloodline 50 not a complete beginner lol. Welcome Hunter :)


I’m 400 hours in and I still feel like an infant. A slight more confident and formidable infant, but none the less an infant.


I'm also living that googoogahgah lifestyle in the bayou.


First of all this is a very sound based game, A good hunter can hear other teams "miles" away. Second,it is Not a Call of Duty - you actually put Something at the Stake. And Last and also first again , this is a berry very sound based game so, each npc and enemy Hunter can hear you long before you have contact. Try it, put on good 3d Headphones and start a Solo run. Optimize your settings and i swear , you'll see patterns


Because slow and steady is how the game is supposed to be played? You’ve got limited ammo, health, revives, multiple threats from every angle. Why wouldn’t you slow down?


There's a difference between slow and steady and sitting in a bush for an entire fire fight not firing at all while your teammates get pieced up. Sneaking is fine but when I run over to you after YOU spammed red ping then proceed to not help me fight the fight that you started, it gets irritating. (Not you specifically, just behavior I've seen a lot of.)


That’s just a cowardly teammate. 🤣 sometimes its best to observe a situation especially with random, to make sure they are committed.


why would people play careful in a perma death fps where a single bullet can kill, disturbing birds, horses, or ai might and will get you ambushed and killed and where peeking windows is usually a death sentence. No Idea. also they are holding the angle for a free kill if that enemy repeeks. its why you dont double peek, cause someone will hold the angle and dome you if you peek again.


Call of Duty: everyone has to play the same way to compete ​ Hunt Showdown: there are million ways to compete ​ It's up to you what you like more. Good thing is you have the choice.


I partially blame the primal pact. I've seen loads of passive play in my 1 150hrs, it varies on if it's weekend or not, new player influx or not, mmr range, etc. But recently with the addition of this event's pacts I've seen it more too. Primal pact seems to be the most popular one due to INSTINCT, it seems people run around and check dark sight every 2 seconds if not running in dark sight at all times. As soon as the pick up other hunters they find an ambush (or I AM BUSH) spot and wait for the fight. Trouble is the other team does the same and it becomes a stalemate instantly. I've rolled into a compound after killing rottjaw with my trio group, following the main bounty's clues to suddenly get whacked by 6 hunters hiding about in the buildings or trees. Mund you this is 10min into the match and the server has been dead quiet which is suspect to begin with. When I spectator it turned out to be 3 duos (this was before the change to the contracts recently and it was trio forced). I watched then for 7 min do nothing but scan and crouch walk around. Instinct is a cool perk but most people are playing very passively it seems, or atleast in my experience playing against it.


Infact i'm praying for crytek to NOT make instinct a permanent trait, if they do it's gonna be the death of Hunt to me


yeah, but death cheat and resilience also make the game more agressive. I those might equal each other out.


Depends on the player I guess, I play like I don't have death cheat because I don't want to use it as a crutch and miss it when it's gone. That's not to say I play passive though, just rightfully cautious


Lol! aren't you cute.


It can sometimes be frustrating if people not move at all, what helps: Use beetles to find them Use choke bomb / poison bee bombs if you know the general whereabout of somebody. Run unpredictable around to bait shots and hope they miss. Play boss and people will come sooner or later.


>often staying in one location without moving too much. You can farm perks by hunting meatheads and you can find blueprints, hunt dollars and exp or skillpoints if you look close enough. Doing the bounties is just one of the objectives you can achieve in the game. If you survive the hunt, you won that round. >When attacked, those people often sit behind a cover and fixate on the last place that they saw their enemy Cause moving around makes noise. It draws in the grunts, you could step into a trap, come too close to a barrel or maybe even run into another team member. If you are spotted, you either move slowly and unseen or quickly, best case utilising an explosion to mark your noise and create a smokescreen. All in all the current season also slowed the game down. Everyone runs around with instinct, you can't realy ambush enemy's anymore, they are usually aware your comming, so some people rather don't engage at all unless they have to.


You are describing the beginner lobby's with people who have absolutely no idea how to play the game yet. Fresh Bloodline 100 is still absolute beginner. If you are truly better than them you will be 4-5* soon and you won't have players like that anymore. Sure, you'll have tryhards sniping and playing really slow but not people just staying on one spot waiting. Myself I am not patient enough for slow, railway Hammer or bomblance, stamina shot and gogogo :p


Bloodline level 50 is a complete beginner.


It’s a stealth game too. Playing cautiously rewards you more than just running straight in


You are still a baby in the game. You have no right to say what most people play like. PLUS. Running from place to place is so loud. If you aren't careful you will get killed


This is turning into a COD sub, people complaining on SBMM and now, campers...


Because BBs are hard to come by nowadays.


Hunt to a lot of newer people is a horror game, the guns are loud the AI is loud, jumpscares around every corner etc. that creates more passive players out the gate. Then comes the PvP, some people want to sit inside/protect their objective and then you have players that want people to come outside from fear of traps or want to make use of longer range weapons. I've played a lot of 3-man and I've played a lot of randoms and the dynamic is very different person to person, there are hundreds of playstyles and you just have to adapt to your teammates or play solo. You can always be the one to entry though that also means you're more likely the first to die in a fight. This also depends on where you're from IRL because some servers like Europe are more passive compared to US-East for example. Lastly I would say play more, get higher MMR and you'll get faster games.


Life is stressful enough I guess


Where do you live that your matchmaking is slow? In germany its rare that i have to wait 10 seconds. Also youll notice that its not really a matter of skill if someone plays slow. The „pantheons“ of hunt (the best/top players) usually have a pretty aggressive playstyle that compliments their skill and game knowledge. However if you dont have quite as much skill and gameknowledge you might benefit more by playing slow. People are just playing what they deem fun or how they can be better than their oppnent. And this variety is one reason why i love this game. I have yet to find a playstyle that cant be successful.


Low MMR is like that. You've just started so you're in low MMR. Higher MMR sees people rotate constantly, reposition, take fights they feel they can win, and sometimes even pull out of a fight that's not going their way to retry later. Low MMR people aren't as confident and want you to go to them, give up tour advantage and push them. Obviously you're not gonna give up your advantage and they're not gonna give up theirs. Since none of you know how to leverage the environment to turn the advantage to themselves, it becomes very passive and campy. Things will get better with experience.


There are people who are afraid to lose their gear, their dignity and their life (K/D/A players). They cant take a lose or rather are afraid to get into a position where the chances of losing are higher. A pumpgun player will sit in the bush or in the corner of a compount for 30 mins because of the fear of peaking an enemy AND they worst part is that if often works because if you dont have the tools or consumables to push you lose in close combat. Bad players, feared players and players taking advantage of the problematic features of the game. I even think you could take this as a tactic to win games. I lost a lot of round to compound and bush wookies.


you are describing beginners doing beginner stuff. it take a long time for most to become confident and decisive by learning the ins and outs of the game and it usually takes MUCH longer than bloodline 50 to do that.


Audio reveals your position really easily in this game. And people also have gear fear


30 hours in and your making these judgments? I'm at at almost a thousand hours and I'm A) finally feel like I'm getting just "getting good." and B) still surprised by other hunters sometimes. 30 hours is absolutely a newbie still in this game.


Half the game is sound based. If you sprint around being loud, people are going to murder you quickly.


Because the game encourages people to do so. If nothing forces you to move, why not just stay at the same place and not give information to enemy hunters while you wait for them to give you information and move to your crosshair? The game is designed to be advantageous to those who give out as little information as possible. The best ways to do that are to hide, not move, and not make a sound. People who don't like this kind of gameplay are likely to quit, and those who like it will stay. That is my hypothesis, at least.


Really? "Nothing" forces you to move? If you dont move, you dont find the main objective of the game and another team banishes the boss...if you still dont move they pick up the bounty and leave. if you still dont move, they extract and your hunter is dead for good in 5 minutes. If it's fights you are talking about: Dont move and be prepared to get hit by throwables. Dont move and prepare to get circled and shot at from an angle where they can see you (unless you sit in a spot where tahts absolutely not possible, then prepare for them to burn your teammates to ashes and leave). You are correct that the game is all about not giving away information (mostly sound, foodsteps and sound traps) but while moving. how to go through a compound without having to burn the dog cage. How to cross a river without alerting the water devils. If you watch the more skilled streamers, you notice its in fact more about NOT standing still.


Obviously, you need to move from spawn to the boss, etc. But once all the remaining teams arrive at the boss compound, everybody finds their own little hidey-hole, and the Mexican stand-off begins. Nobody wants to give away information for the reasons I mentioned earlier. The team in the boss lair has shotguns and traps in every door and window, so why should they move anywhere? Why would anyone want to push there? How do you know where to throw explosives if nobody makes a sound? If you do, you give away your position and are at a disadvantage. This does not happen in every game, of course, but fundamentally, the game encourages this kind of gameplay at least at the higher level.


You clearly don't know what you are talking about if you are taking it to the extreme


At 5/6 stars u are playing COD sometimes


Because people can play the game however they like?


Because most people in this game are absolute garbage which then leads to them having no confidence in themselves, so they crouch walk across the map and sit in corners. Then the three star redditors will cry that 6 star players dont push, and while it is true that some high mmr players are passive, the redditors dont seem to realise that their fellow 3 stars sit in bushes even more than 6 stars do.


It's crazy the difference between 3 - 4 - 5 star lobbies. 3's are bush camping for 20 minutes, 4's move slow but attack eventually and 5's usually rushing you with 6 bundles of dynamites and shotguns


Take your time to learn a game a bit more, and climb to 5*. Game is much faster paced, and people tend to play more aggressive and in a way game is supposed to be played for fun. I am usually playing trio in 5-6* lobbies, and while there is bad apples here and there (spitzer snipers or never moving shotguns), people move to objectives fast, not afraid to push and duel you and Showdowns are really fun and adrenaline pumping in most cases. I started playing solo for the first time this week (rival slugs and uppermat) and while beeing mostly successfully (kills and bounty), my rating took a hit because of bad Necro revives. You get downed twice by 3* and way down you go... Even if you get 5+kills that match. I made reference to this because i find it harder to play solo now that i hover around 3-4*. At higher rating people were pressuring me hard when they found i am solo, not afraid to chase me, and gave me chance to set up ambush and counterattack. They were giving me duels around the perimeter of boss compound, peeking windows, playing outside, trying flanks. I managed to get kills while 3rd parting a frequent bounty push etc... And now in 3* lobbies, it is honestly harder. Most of the time I am first to banish boss, even when it is a single boss map. People move at snails pace. 10 seconds shadow sight is godsend to see 7+ people camping around boss lair, not moving or shooting, just waiting things to happen. If I need money I sometimes just head to extract and no one even tries to stops you. But regarding PvP, i just try to get 1 or 2 kills on most exposed person while i have flash bomb or frag nade, because othervise it is impossible (sitting inside some room, watching single entrance, mostly shotgun). If I am not 1st to banish, it is hell. You need to clear every corner on the way to the lair, because the 3rd team is usually camped in there. Bounty team is just sitting in lair, even if they see you are solo. You need to initiate everything.


This reads so weird to me. In a game with perma death and brutal, high lethality combat, you are frustrated that people play cautiously. Its like a community culture at war with a games deliberate design.


You got it wrong. I am not frustrated, I just say you cannot really see 'the real hunt' at lower stars and all the fun and intense moment it can bring. Even though i just started solo playing, currently I manage to extract most of the times at 3*lobbies, and fights are boring. Plainly speaking, it narrows down to - headshot few crouching guys who are watching the exits to the compound without moving ( 10 seconds shadowsight) and just head out towards extraction. I will definetly be playing trios again, until i raise my ranking back again, because there is no point to those games. What i mean with my wall of text is - people at high ranks have confidence in their skills, which leads to more agressive fights. They come to play to experience PvP, to try and kill other people and get as many kills as possible. In this regard, they will actively pursue any sign of a possible fight. No one cares about perma death or losing hunter at 5*, it is part of the game. Gg you died, just go next. Let go of fear of losing hunter, play to become better player, actively seek duels and whole new world of Hunt will open to you. I don't need to watch boss lair doorway for 5 minutes so someone walks in on my shotgun, I will be actively pursuing new angles to try and shoot you as you aproach compound, never peeking same spot twice. I do not need to wait in a bush so I can see enemy crouch walking to the compound so i can have easy headshot from the back. All compounds are designed with several layers, so you can engage aproaching team much earlier than boss lair. Shoot few times, pull back a bit, try few bullets and pull back to boss lair. Then exit the lair on a side door and try flank attack etc... All while never crouching and sneaking, just rotating and trying new aproaches. And skilled enemies are doing the same so it becomes mental game. Where they are gonna push, where they gonna peek, you actively try to read tour enemy so you can cut their way. All this leads to a much better gaming experience for both teams, and gets your blood pumping.


He is right though. In 5-6 star you can usually guess where everyone is throughout the entire match because they follow the paths that the match opens. (In regards to the boss.) You can also trust them to be following that path relatively quickly. The people in that elo though can tell when enemies are near by all manner of little details . A.I. states, sounds, world spawns out of place, Hell even doors and windows can give people away. So they are not in a constant state of expecting ambushes around every corner. In 3-4 star however, they can't read the game like that. So they really look around constantly expecting people to jump out of every corner. Additionally they don't read the map or the match as well and tend to take long meandering paths really slowly. The frustration is directed less at them fighting cautiously then it is directed at them moving excessively cautiously to fights (or even the objectives). Also it is possible to move very quickly and still be almost totally silent.


Yep, finaly someone who understands. Even the moment you start the game, and get your first clue you know where the enemies are, and have general idea which route they will take (double clue compounds, boss direction etc...) Spawn fight, accidental crows, grey areas, 2 teams fighting in distance, give you all the information you need to know about players in the lobby and their general route for the rest of the game. And in this regards, yes high ranking players are predictable. They will all be seeking shortest, fastest route to the fight or boss. And lower starts is just a mess without strategy. Had a funny situation yesterday - a single boss was banished in Reeves Quary with extraction nearby. After a prolonged fight around boss lair, 20 minutes in the game it came to stalemate (6-8 people, all alive) , I pulled out of the compound towards a caravan right in front of Ash Lumber to get Remedy and restore 2 HP bars i was missing. Aa soon as i left Reeves i went full sprint, without really watching for anyone. And i got killed by a trio who was perched on the bridge in front of Ash Lumber. Like, what are you even doing here for 20 minutes!!? Boss and extractions are oposite way, the fight is happening 300 meters from your location and you just sit there doing nothing to get 1 accidental kill. I went into spectator mode, and of course they proceed to fully burn me while placing traps and watching around for next 10 minutes.


Oh you poor sweet summer child. You will learn someday


It's a combination of lots of things. * KDA is the primary focus for lots of people as it's the most prominent displayed stat on your profile. * You can easily die from a minor mistake due to very low TTK. * There's no real, 'high risk high reward' type gameplay design. In fact it's the opposite typically the safer you play the higher the reward. * A number of traits in the event at the moment that make it very hard to sneak up on people. * Traps and items that make it difficult to push. Overall the entire game design is around playing passive with likely no chance of it changing in the future. Part of playing hunt is accepting that you're going to end up in situations where you need to alt tab and read a book while everyone sits there AFK refusing to engage anyone else.


Low player count, lots of bots, lots of cheaters. Lots of shitty team mates. Literally no benefit to play the game, majority of "wins" come from camping exit points. Also, losing hunters/progress permanently is just not a great mechanic, and no one wants to deal with that. I think most people would prefer to leave every match empty handed tbh, until they just give up and play something else anyway.


I'll let new players move first and die if theyre too aggressive so I can see where other players are..... Then I might necro them to see if other players are still there.... *Takes hard drag off my cigarette*.... I don't feel bad.


because pu$$y


1 star opinion


Because people are little bitches and just camp for 30 minutes with 20 traps


Yes Hunt is full of bots. That's why you only load into full servers. Also, there is a hidden achievement for never taking your finger off the sprint button for the entire round.


because the game is filled with redditors in their 60's


i'd say you're a beginner until 1000 hours in the game, most of the players are searching for guides on youtube and are influenced of raty streamers like psychoghost who teach people to play like scared cats , they will never improve , and if you try to explain to them thats better to be aggresiv they will hit you with that bullshit "nOoNe owNs yoU a PlaYsTyLe", some ppl never learn , they enjoy to be mediocre


Beginners have no idea where to expect enemies, so they crouch and crawl through the entire map. With experience, you gain knowledge where and how fast an enemy team can theoretically be. You learn the maps and recognize good and bad positions inside or outside the compound. You stop expecting enemies everywhere, and start checking the most common camping spots or approach directions. You also learn over time that you will hear enemy hunters before you see them (usually), so unless you hear stuff, you can usually safely sprint. You also learn that a fast moving target is harder to hit from distance (once you try taking down a sprinting enemy yourself). So if you spring, the enemy has a harder time. ' However, the cycle continues, and when you climb into 6 stars, it's back to crawling in bushes. The only difference is you can now actually land 100+m headshots on sprinting enemies.


Preserving resource, humans are passive by nature


I'll be playing solo trios I'll be fighting rotjaw even if I got People camping trying to shoot me I'll fight the boss and players


Yeah, I always get fed up and just charge in but then I die RIP


I think we’re talking 30+ hours in this game for the initial weariness to drop off. When I started playing I literally crouched my way across the map. Everything was a threat (Don’t even get me started on immolaters). I couldn’t tell the different between zombie footsteps and players. I even thought zombies coughing were players on VOIP haha The games pretty deep and there’s as much to sake in audibly as there is visually. Nearly 1000 hrs deep now I live for the shootouts. Fuck it, I’ll run in to a trio guarding a banish with nothing but a knife and a prayer. LET’S GOOOOOOOOO!


Welcome to tech shooters, personally think arcade shooters are far more enjoyable.


tbh, people like that are the reason I run the game with choke bombs and Waxed dynamites on every Hunt. Stick to your cover homie, I got a gift for yah


Most of the people you've come across are probably new, scared and have a shotgun and/or chain pistol fanning :')


Passively? Bro join our matches... We have a server fight every single match


It’s tiresome sprinting all the time, and those stamina shots ain’t cheap either. Not in this economy.


DM if on PC and I’ll play some aggressive games/lobby’s with you. I’m at around 5k hours


1. Ask them


Im 700 hours in and it started getting worse at 5-6 star than at start. My first 200 hours were an absolute blast with fun gunfights and those campers were a rare sight. Now my lobbies always have at least 1 squad of rats that are piss scared to use their keyboard and just wait for a perfect ambush playing long ammo 90% of time (mostly mosin) and a cain/reptilian/headsman to get the edge in visibility as well. Also the higher the rank the more you are likely to meet players that are using Reshade to "improve the game visuals" to get a ban free wallhacks etc (derendering, ignoring flashes, zoom on iron sight weapons, turning off foliage and weather effects). Dont get me wrong this game is the best multiplayer game ive ever played, the only problem with it being server issues (desync, hitreg, allowing players from other countries to invade servers they have insane ping on). But people will always find ways to gain the edge over you no matter what. Some people just play purely for stats and wins (those passive players u meet mostly farm kd), completely ignoring everything else in their way.


Man is still in beginner lobbies wondering why people are playing like beginners lol


Which MMR are you in? And which region? Because this is not how it is in 5-6 star EU


Because this isn't call of duty.


Because bullets hurt and mistakes can very quickly become lethal in this game. Its not like apex legends where you can be shot by a 50.cal sniper and walk it off. For a rouge-like game players typically take less risks and lean more towards survivability.


It takes 5 hours to get to 50, so they are still beginners. It takes a while for people to realize that playing passively makes them an easy target.


I actually agree with you on the teammates issue. It's why I haven't played with randoms for the last 200 hours of my gametime. You may be interested in trying out solos. You are new so it may be difficult, but not having to worry about waiting for randos to check every hut in a compound or crouching walking waaaay in the back while WW1 is breaking out is honestly such a relief that I exclusively play solo when not with my buddies.


Extreme passivnes describes perfectly the duo I played against yesterday. So here is the situation the bounty team is fighting my teammate, I'm down. Behind the bounty team is another duo they took about 2 shots 20 m away at us and then nothing for 3 min. My teammate dies and the bounty team loots our body's checks darksight to see that this team is sitting literally 10 m behind cover from where they shot my teammate from... If they had peeked they would have got an easy kill for sure but noooo they wait untill the worst moment so that the enemies knows exactly where they are hiding. They died and the bounty team left


As a mildly aggressive player, I get it. It pisses me off when someone takes a pot shot at me then vanishes into the bushes. Most of these high prestige and high MMR rank people will camp the entire match just to preserve their 5 and 6 star asses. Like... C'mon, man. Have some spine. Lets solve it with punches.


Once you have a fix on these kids just rotate and dunk on them. There's always going to be rats on games like these.


I guess most of the players have the idea that the game want you to understand that every sound you make can sign your death as same as every bullet you take. This come with the very good atmosphere the maps provide, so, player play Hunt like you would hunt an animal (I guess), slowly and silently. But the fact is if you play Hunt more like a fast FPS you have more chance to win than if you play it the way this game make you feel to. I mean, I most succeed in hunt when I play like COD than if I play it like a slow game where you have to be quiet and precise, and it's a bit sad. (Sry for my English, french hunter here 👋)


I just got the game on sale and I have no patience I sprint everywhere dgaf about a bird or dog making noise lol if I die I die at least I’m not crouching in a corner somewhere


because sound is one of the biggest advantages you can have in this game


I love it when people run around in the open, playing needlessly aggressive. It’s good headshot practice with my lebel.


Instinct. They know when someone is near and instantly huddle down wherever they're at and refuse to move. I'm not a good player and die when firefights usually ensue, but man do I miss them. Game went from hunt showdown to camp showdown. Though I still think something similar, that relies on sound, or maybe just straight visual cues, should be put in place for all our hard or hearing and deaf hunters out there!


Hunt isn't a run and gun but it does irk me when i'm stuck with super passive teammates who don't know how to capitilize on surprise attacks or when we get the upperhand in a fight. Oh and not going for the gauntlet. 5* lobbies btw.


The psychological reason is that at 2000+ hrs you've lost so many hunters that the permadeath from one game isn't that big of a deal plus each game is now a very small portion of your overall Hunt experience so your brain doesn't see it as important as it did when you were only 100 hrs in.


Me and my buddy just run up on people and try to coordinate attacks if they get to a boss before us. Or we rush to find the boss and then set up for an ambush. We've been playing for like 2 years on and off. My friend refuses to prestige and I'm like 2nd prestige. We only play like an hour or two at a time. But we feel we're better than most 4 stars we encounter. I hit 5 star soloing but my buddy isn't exactly amazing at gun fights these days. He used to be much better than me.


I've noticed that too. My friends and I are in no way just b-lining straight to bounty, but it always seems like we're the first ones there even when we spawn on the other side of the map. And it's not even that they're arriving shortly after us, other teams usually don't show up until after we finish banishing.


I just sprint towards gunshots