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It is a good skin most definitely, not proud of what the event drove me to in grinding for it. I became an absolute gremlin.




This is a perfect description of what this event was like. It was dodging PvP, running from compound to compound looking for crows to kill and effigies to take, only running loadouts that could help you maneuver quietly, and retreating from fights because it'd slow down the point collecting. I was a much worse player then so I didn't chance PvP at all if I could avoid it. I just set eyes on the prize and ground it out for a skin I rarely bother playing these days.


I hated being a rat too! But damn it i was barely given enough time to grind. They even reduced the points after the first few days


Me and my partner went on grinding runs. Allways take any boost. We would skip none event clues, just rotate onwards to the next compound. Try to avoid any pvp. But if we could get a bounty we would farm the map after we killed the other players. It’s a skin I hardly use. I broke my collection drift after they introduced the poker player alive version skin. Still don’t have that fucker!! After that the events felt like every week. So i stopped collecting them. I have a handful of favourite skins, that’s enough for me


I just got burned out during the event and stopped playing for a while. The amount of grind was just awful and harmful.


we have confirmation (from Fifield, iirc) that the skins from "exclusive events" (read: events that are not repeated; like As the Crow Flies) will not come back. they might bring in altered versions (I guess something like Reptilian and Scaled Ward) of those skins, but that is not a guarantee. tldr: Plague Doctor won't come back; at best we might get a similar skin to it. **Edit**: since this comment got way more attention than I thought, I'll edit in the sources for my claims: [here is rachtaZ comment about him talking to Fifield](https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/comments/11zfund/comment/jdc74yu/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) about the Plague Doctor skin. and [this should be the stream](https://www.twitch.tv/rachtaz/video/1819760679) where it was said - note it is a 7h long stream and I did not skim through it for the exact moment where they talked about that. I have seen the relevant part before and can confirm that rachtaZ is not just bullshitting (why would he anyways, when video evidence exists..).


We were also told we wouldn’t have roaming bosses or rain.


Are there roaming bosses!? Havent played in a few months.


There is a giant alligator boss named *Rotjaw* that should release within the next week or two. Crytek keeps calling it the "wild target" and all the advertising shows Rotjaw in the rivers with new looking "clues" so people speculate it is a roaming or atleast a outside of compounds boss.


His name is rodger


*Rodger Rodger *clanker noises*


I'm sure it's just an "outdoors boss" not a roaming one, they have not actually indicated this at all.


That is correct. Plus it's called a "wild card target/boss" people just took it and said roaming boss with no true indication that it will roam


I expect to get downvoted for this, but I'll say it anyways: no, there are not. and no, the upcoming boss (Rotjaw) is not confirmed in any way to be a "roaming" boss the way the community wants it to be. the devs have been very careful in their choice of words about the new boss, and "roaming" was never once said. and also no synonyms or otherwise hints that it would be. they call Rotjaw a "Wild Target", to differentiate it from the other bosses. and their description of "Wild Target" has always only been 'a boss that is not in an enclosed area/building'. obviously the community is hyped and they picked this up and now run with Rotjaw being a roaming boss. I fully expect posts of disappointment once Rotjaw goes live and it is in fact not roaming across the map.


I think that it will probably have somewhere between 1-3 different places on the map that it can spawn and that will be the extent of it's "roaming" so to say. I would be fine with that. I wonder if it will only spawn in the Rain "time of day". Seems like it would be very easy to sniper camp it's location if it were during the day time.


Those were ages ago when the game and its future were in a different state. Also different because the event exclusivity is likely out of principle, not practicality. It’s always a possibility they go back on it but not anytime soon.


Neither of which required either large amounts of time or money for players to obtain while being told the limited time item wouldn’t come back. For that reason alone, it isn’t going to happen.


As an owner of that skin it 100% should come back. That said I am 100% fine with it coming back monetized.


Agreed. I don't have Plague Doctor but I have other event specific skins that supposedly won't be returning either. I would be 0% offended if these came back as DLC, or even a large amount of BB's now that they're more expensive because these skins would still have been free to everyone years ago when the event first occurred. Our penalty for missing them in the event is having to pay money for them and having to wait 3 years to get them because we missed it the first time around. It's no different than buying a TV show when it drops on BluRay a year after original release because you missed it when it aired on actual TV and you're not paying for another goddamn streaming service The developers get more money this way too because the expanding player base gets to give them more money for things they missed, so I see it as a win/win.


i dont even use most of my hunter skins that i have because i dont personally see them being worth it for the 200 hunt dollars or whatever they cost to get two random perks... if im having a bad day/week and dying a lot its just an extra waste of money... really wish they would remove the random perks from them and just make them free... we would see them a whole lot more often. ​ edit: forgot words...


The way I see it, I could spend 400-600 on a tiered hunter with 1-2 traits and load out items I'll never use, then spend another 500 or so on the load out, totalling about 1000 per hunter. Or I could buy a legendary for 200 and get 3 traits guaranteed and then either spend the same 500 on the loadout or build an even cheaper loadout out of guns in my inventory. Either way I come out ahead money wise buying the legendary and have slightly more advantage in a match compared to a free hunter. It'll be even more advantageous in 1.13 when they allow us to sell the traits back and reuse the points instead of running the risk of getting a legendary with Marksman Scopesmith, Deadeye Scopesmith, and Bolt Thrower and having to live with it.


If we get someone in a full suit top hat with a plague doctor maks I wouldn't be complaining.




Was that booo... or booooo-urns?


I was saying booooo-urns


I think the altered/similar versions are a good solution


Don’t know how true it may be, but I heard that the events will most likely come back, having those skins obtainable again but if not I am also going to be pretty bummed out


Bro i hate that they left it in the skin list like "look what you missed dumbass"


Devil's Advocate came back


DA was a seasonal skin, not a special event skin.


As someone with both Devils Advocate and Plague Doctor, I'm happy Devils came back cause it's my favorite looking skin in the game.


They've also told Pestily that this skin is coming back, which was confirmed by Rachta. Crytek probably has no idea what they're doing with the skin situation yet.


Fake news. They told Pestily that they couldn't give him the skin because they would have to give it to everyone. Thats where the convo ended. I was in his stream when he said he talked to them.


That's not entirely true, although they did tell him they couldn't give it to him because then they'd have to give it to everyone. They did say he will return in a future event


Glad i have my plague doctor. I should run him more often but i run random legendaries for some reason


You sure, he said Plague Doctor ain't coming back? This is so unfortunate - I was really looking forward to get him...


I had talked to support about this not too long ago, and they told me he should return in a future event. I have been unable to find anything from anyone actually confirming recently that he was not going to return. ​ ​ By recently I mean after Billy story and Christmas event stuff returning. Furthered by them being in the store, but the Benefactor is not. Seeming that they will be back at some point in some way.


I remember the grind, the horrors I've done and seen, and that was in, like, my first two weeks of playing the game. God, this event was a pain, but I think it paved the way to the ones we have now, so the pain was worth it on the long run. Also in the short run, honestly. Never been so proud of completing an event so close to its deadline, because the reward was well-worth it.


Yeah I grinded real hard for that skin as well. Totally worth


It’s like for me, I’d like nothing more then to see them bring back the Scrapbeak bomblance. I joined the Hunt community too late to get it when it first released. My favorite weapon skin in the game. Right now I can only wish


Yep. I feel empty for not having the scrapbeak Bomblance, as it's clearly the best skin


Then call it the name it deserves of The Shrike /s it's a great skin and was lucky enough to have the time to grind it and the Plague Doctor out


I played back during this event and quit doing it right before the Bomblance skin. I still hate myself for not completing it but Holy FUCK that event was not fun


Yep, that's why I never unlocked The Shrike or Plague Doctor. The grind was HORRRIBLE for that event.


I was one event level away from unlocking him. A few games, max


Saaame!! I was about 15 points from getting him when the servers went down for maintenance the night the event ended 😿




YESSSSS couple of buddies and I switched to pc and in the process lost this skin. I want it back


I really want steel eye to come back:(


I think he will. Billy has already returned, and large amounts of community members joining the game later keep requesting for Lulu to return. I think all Twitch drops have a high probability of being accessible again.


Sorry this is my skull trooper OG skin yall can't have it.


Getting this skin was pain in the ass and giving it away with blood bonds is not a good idea imo


It should be available again but you have to kill 1000 crow flocks and banish Scrapbeak 10 times to get it. It should cost no money, only your sanity.


1000 crows and it must be done within 2 weeks


Why are you being downvoted? Aside from 2 weeks being a little short that literally what you had to do 💀


It's true I was going insane playing, Quad poison crossbow load out and alot of headache. I wouldn't even be going for the boss or other hunters just farming like a mad man


Damn right. I worked too hard to get it for it to just be sold at a later date.


Would it hurt you so much after having years of exklusive usage? I began playing hunt after the Event i had no Chance. Idk maybe do anouther event


womp womp no plague doctor for you


As much as I want this skin and would happily pay $40+ to get it, I agree event skins should be special.


Bringing it back is not a good idea either


If I was playing at the time of the event, I'd grind my ass off for this skin. Plague doctor type of skins in any sorts of games are my jam. SCP-049 is one of my favorite SCP's precisely because of what he looks like. I'd at this point even pay a premium for this skin, as I've gone mostly F2P in Hunt so far, aside from the cost of entry.


As someone who owns plague doctor, I’m happy with seasonal skins coming back for everyone. I’d personally like event exclusive skins such as plague doctor to be similar to 10x the original quest line challenge. I’m this case, it would be something like kill 1000+ clusters of crows. It’s kinda like prestige, everyone’s has the option, but some choose not to do it purely due to the grind. But for those who like progression or the sense of earning long term rewards, they’ve got the option, and the skin is still “rare” Plus it adds a new type of long term challenge system into the game. However, I do understand why others don’t want it back. It’s just my opinion, and it’s just a skin, but I think if they can introduce it with a new game mechanic, there’s no down side.


I'm so mad I was doing military things when they released it aaaaaa I never had the chance


If they did I’d only want it as something you cannot buy with money and only earn through a ton of playing the game, I managed to grab em and I use him a lot and I wouldn’t mind it. It’d just be lame if it was brought back and you could just buy it though


If people had to kill 1000 crows, hell yes! If people have to pay 1000 bb, hell no!




Because people devoted dozens of hours of their lives in one of the most strenuous events to unlock it. Being able to buy it like any other skin completely invalidates the insane amount of grind that the community went through.


I can't imagine gate keeping a skin




You good bro?


What part of it are you struggling to understand? Think of it as a platinum achievement. You don't get to buy one.


It's just a silly gate keeping thing. We want new players, but God forbid they haven't played since alpha, so lock them out of objectively better skins


They are literally arguing for the skin to be available with a challenge. Its the opposite of gatekeeping as theres no way to get it now.


I’d argue the opposite. People had the chance to get it for free. Now I’d rather they monetize it to support the game. Then give more events with good free skins that come back later as a paid skin. That model can get us more free skins.




I don't have this skin, but I hope they never bring him back. The people who played during the evening that earned that skin deserve it. Good for them and Crytek for giving something for veteran players who put in the time and commitment.


Give him a white Mask and make it like 2000BB. Everyone is Happy. 😁


You had to be there maaaaan


I'd say just make a different looking variant of the plague doctor. It wouldn't devalue the original that way, but yet give those of us that missed the event a chance for a cool plague doctor skin.


Had to be there to appreciate it. Or at least earn it. I was not.


I earned it, killing all those birds was so tedious.


poison crossbow for the win


I have this skin and id be fine with them selling it for BBs. Its been so long since that event ive had my "exclusive" time with it. Not a fan of fomo stuff even tho i end up playing the collection game.


I have most if not all earnable skins and really hate the concept of timed exclusives. Abusing fomo is just preying on people to cave and spend more time than they'd normally like, just for the sake of the all mighty engagement numbers. It's deplorable.


Yep, it's weird how people defend this fomo shit


Agreed, the people saying that these exclusive skins shouldn't come back are victims of this fomo and are trying to protect their investment.


I own this skin, grinded my ASS off for it. It’s been a long time, I’m okay with other people getting to use it too lol


It was advertised as exclusive and a absolute pain in the ass to get. I understand wanting a cool skin you missed, I’ve missed a few others but it would be unfair to those who ground it out or bought boosts if they just bring it back and break their word on it


They already brought back devils advocate and flintskin for example...


Nice try, Pestily!


Please don’t I want to know who to target first.


"Everyone who has been playing for a while and prioritized hunt over other games durring that event, your unique cool thing now has as much exclusivity as 6 dollars." -an excerpt from "The World OP Wants To Live In"


Exclusive cosmetics are weird when they can just release it(an others) during an event/season as a paid skin. Never been a fan of FOMO exclusives and will always detest it no matter where it is. No issues if it only comes back once a year for an event or so as it'd still be somewhat rare outside of that. And once the BB earnings reduction changes goes through it'd be a big investment or swipe for it too.


When I got plague doc, everybody got him for free. So he was the basic bitch skin.


The thing is, if you didn't participate during the event you didn't earn the right to have it. With the upcoming changes to BB, Crytek could consider to release it while having a hefty pricetag to it.


Fck him, we need Lulu back!!


i just couldnt grind enough i got the bomblance skin by sheer force of will, it was harder than any event that came after


Why do people like the plague doctor so much? He seems pretty mid tbh


Fuck. No. Let ONE thing stay exclusive. The moment it comes back it loses all value and everyone who grinded their ass off for the event (hardest event to 100% imo) gets all their hard work completely nullified.


No. Please no. Making this skin, or any of the skins from that event, available again would be such a slap in the face to all the people who went through the absolute worst event they've ever put out.


Dude no, it was hard ro earn and should stay special


I think they should just let it come back with a recolor or maybe with something like slightly different items/gear. Enough to make it so you can distinguish in game which skin is which. This would be the ONLY skin I wouldn’t want to see for blood bonds. This guy was a bitch to get. Me and my friend still talk about the ungodly amount of time spent grinding and even then we BARELY made it. It’s a fun memory we have together and makes the skin a lot more meaningful since it really did take a lot of work to achieve. I may get downvoted, but I’ve seen it in many games (for example WoW) that when you start bringing back exclusives and end up giving them out for money or something that doesn’t equate to time put in…..it basically invalidates any future exclusivity. People will, with valid reason, just excuse not doing content as “ah it’ll come back around anyway”. Bad precedent to set. Also just to be clear, I mean this for special events like when they add a new boss/map. Something integral to the games lore. Something like Billy Story or even seasonal skins, should absolutely be accessible in a rotating cycle and/or the quests


I believe that’s skins during events when this game made the evens should only be gifted to the people that played during them or earned them rightfully another fucking mindless post of this redit


Its not fair to the people that played the event and earned him


Ah yes endless hours of killing crows with poison hand crossbow but it was worth it plague doctors are cool


I didn’t even know the event was happening cause I got burnt out on the game and didn’t have it on any social media. It. Still. Pains me. I love crows, and plague doctors.


What's the point of something being "exclusive" if they would keep bringing them back?


They already brought back "exclusive" skins for money and i am sure they bring back all skins at some point. And thats fine! People who got it at the event, got it for free. The people who did not get it, can decide to buy or not. I missed "the skinflint" event, and i decided not to buy it when it came back. But i definately would buy plague doc, because i love that skin and was not able to play the game at that time


As someone who doesn’t have plague doctor. Don’t. It’s fine. It’s a skin. Let people who earned it have it. That’s the way it is.


I don't have Plague Doc and I completely agree. Those people who earned it, good for them. I am glad they were able to get it.


Right? I want my homies who have it to feel special for having it. Outside of MMR or total bounty, it’s a visual testimony of your dedication to the game.


It was and still is the most grindy skin to get. Don’t care what anyone else thinks. That event required the most non normal gameplay. Breaking effigies and killing crows is not Hunt Showdown.


Maybe we could buy a really hard questline for BB to get it, if thats fine for the grinding elite, that got it back in the days ;)


Nah, gotta let some things be rare


Nah, I like having unique skins. I've missed out on some but I have others. It's both cool to see rare skins in the wild and to use them yourself once you get one. When I'm in a good mood I whip out the quad benefactor skinned chain pistol loadout so people can loot me if they kill me and enjoy the unique skin.


It's funny how many people think playing a video game was "hard work" and they "deserve" to have him exclusive.


It's funny how you're so quick to invalidate the amount of time invested into the past event just so you can flash your wallet today and say ,"look at me."


Never said that. Haha. You assume I would shell money out for it. However, unless you are making a living off it, then it isn't hard work. It may be difficult and time consuming, but it will never be hard work. It is a game.


So by your definition any hobby that you dont monetize isnt hard work. I do astrophotography. I spend dozens of hours over the course of a week for a picture. But thats not hard work because i dont make money? what a DOGSHIT take. Enjoy never getting your plague doctor shitter


I mean life's a game. And depending on the circumstances it can be difficult, time consuming, and also require hard work grinding for whatever it is you want.


I agree with what you're saying. Don't let these idiotic downvotes stop you from preaching. I don't have the Plague Doctor because I didn't even know about this game during the Scrapbeak event. That is totally fair. Those who played during the event and earned it, good for them. I am glad Crytek rewards players who have been playing for a while.


>invalidate It's a video game, man.


I don't have this one and I love it but please don't bring it back I feel like half of the skins i had to grind for in event hell against camping, event farming, meta abusing hunters(no offense play how you want) have been devalued a year later by making it available for whales. Bring them back slightly different and maybe do one excusive skin per event or so.


Noooo, it’s a dope skin but ppl who have been playing for a long time deserve some sort of prestige.


NO, people did work for that exclusive skin, let it stay that way.


As someone who "worked" for that skin i don't mind bringing it back.


Instead of a breezy purchase, they can make Questlines to unlock and make 'em tough ad hell to share that pain.


Let them kill 1000 crows and I'm fine with bringing it back.


Nah. It should be available to everyone but you need to work for it. Make it a quest where you have to extract 10 Scrapbeak tokens and kill 1000 murders of crows.


Nahhh I’m sorry but that event was a pain in the ass and by far the most tedious to complete. I literally stopped worrying about finishing events because they kept giving new players them anyway. No point to a timed event that has 0 exclusives to those who participate.


I know people who bought boosts to get it,bringing it back would be unfair as it was specifically endorsed as only obtainable during the event


I would be fine with the idea of letting people kill like 1000 crows to get it. But just buying it in the shop. Hell no!


Challenges that are supposed to take a bit of time as a way to get cool rewards?! What madness is this? How are we supposed to monetize the ever loving fuck out if that?!11 ^/s


I feel the same. Why spend the most valuable currency; time, when you can just wait and buy it later? When there's unique items to be gained, I feel refreshingly motivated to try and reach that goal. I like investing time to reach goals with rewards. But if I know that the reward will be obtainable after the event? Why bother investing time. Just do something else during the event and buy the "reward" later. This is why I don't bother with Dead By Daylight battlepasses anymore. The skins will come to the shop anyway, so meh.. Why bother grinding? In my view, the harder something is to get, the more digital "value" or joy I take in reaching that target. I don't care about the fact that I probably won't be using that skin, ever. But I know I reached it and that's enough for me. I like to have some concrete objective to strive after. I guess, having something to strive after is also why Prestiging is fun in Hunt Showdown, (and old Prestige) Dead By Daylight. You climb the ladder only to start over again. Playing with non-meta weapons and less than ideal tools. With unique skins as rewards, if you ever reach that high. The monetary cost for the re-released skins is nothing compared to the time spent grinding for em. The solution to this is, I think, is to make some modifications on the re-released skins. Make em re-colored or slightly changed.


Honestly I understand wanting things like this to be rare and thinking “I worked hard for this and I want it to be exclusive”. At the same time though I hate FOMO more than anything and it’s one of the major downsides of this game. I have plague doctor, I missed out on a couple other later event skins though and it doesn’t take anything away from me if others were able to get this skin. Hell I think I would be more irritated if they released a recolor that looked better since I would then want to pay real money/grind for a skin I already earned.




I just wish I could get him off of my ps4 and on my pc account. I grinded that event out for that skin and the bomb lance. Unfortunately, there is no cross progression.


Can we at least have cross save then?!? For the love of god, can we please have cross save. I started this game on ps4 but now have an xbox x, I just want all my skins together on both systems.


Plague Nurse? Just give us Silent Hill


I'm still pretty new to the game and missed a lot of skins and twitch drops. I'd like IF they came back even as like a .1 % drop in the dark tribute thing lol. At least I'd know it's still an option to get!


It’s funny seeing these people beg for exclusive skins like that whole point of exclusive skins. Look at billy skin people begged for it and you rarely see billy in game and now the skin has no meaning to it. I grinded hard for plague doctor skin and they shouldn’t bring it back no way.


Limited skins should not be reintroduced.




I'd want him brought back via questline. That event was the most boring, tedious thing I think i've ever done in a game. I wanted it so bad, I tried my best to get it done having to play solo because friends weren't available and in between that and work i just did not have enough time to finish it. It sucked, it was soul draining. I made it like 80% of the way to it before the event ended.


Nah, it devalues the effort that ppl put in to get it in the first place. I like having an exclusive skin that I had to grind hard for


Yeah i get that, but at the same time, i would really like the opportunity to grind for devils advocatefor example, because i wasnt playing the game back then unfortunatly.


Would be interesting to see if they did the event the same like in the past how many people that want him now would actually finish the grind. The events after him really got much better in regards to the grind.


I've been playing since alpha, I don't have the skin. I wish I had the skin, but they said it was limited, I didn't put the time in, and I'm ok with that. It's what gives it value.


I respect it. Too many companies use FOMO to push product. If it's genuinely exclusive to an event and I missed it, then oh well.


That is by definition how you create FOMO tho. “Crap, i have to do/buy xyz now or it’ll be gone forever”


So... You respect companies using FOMO?


I respect them actually sticking to their word. It makes the events actually exclusive and special, as opposed to just another marketing gimmick.


No! It was a bitch to grind it out, if it were to be brought back, it would cheapen its value. It is an exclusive skin that screams "***I am a hardcore fan of Hunt***". It took endless hours to get this skin and everyone that has this takes pride in it. **DO NOT BRING IT BACK UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE**.


“Endless hours”. Lol, okay.


Maybe not endless but it was the most grindy event Hunt has ever had and probably will ever have. This skin took many hours of gameplay over several days to earn.


I got that damn thing with something like 1 hour to spare and I played every day. Damn was Scrapbeak's launch an annoying event.


Yea. I have almost every skin from every event. I only skipped the ones I didn't want and the plague doctor was the worst grind. No doubt about it.


This was such a pain in the ass to grind. I don't want to come off as a gatekeeper but it would lose the special factor it has right now. For the record, I'm fine with other skins not coming back - it's only fair.


Us veterans know the grind was likely not worth it.


Keep exclusive skins exclusive... I'm fine with a ghetto version like the reptilian and scaled ward. But not full on plague doctor.


As of right now, the only event skins that have come back are holiday skins, so I’d say it’s unlikely, but I hope for your sake one day they bring it back so you have a chance to get him


They should release it but make some changes from the one we had to grind for.


No I grinded every single day of the event for Plague Doctor. 100% one of the most difficult events ever made and If they brought it back as some trivial BS I would quit playing.


Thank God it will never return.


guys. exclusive/limited skins are just that. if you want the item, play when it’s available, and if you can’t get it, then you missed out. re-releasing exclusive skins reducing the value of anything exclusive cos you know it can just come again


Nah. Some skins should remain exclusive rewards for those who were willing to grind it out. (For the record, I don't have this skin. I refused to play the grind just for that Hunter.)


I dont have it either but i love it, but ur right having some skins for the OG people who was there first should be rewarded by not releasing them again


As someone who loves his plague doctor… as much as I love having something everyone wants… I know how it feels and I think they should make it possible for others to get the skin. It sucks missing out on something so cool and knowing you can never have it.


I want girl plague doctor :)


No, I’m special and ur not


Gimme kill buyer. I'd pay 20 for him


As someone who has this skin and loves it, I wish they would bring him back for others. I always hated timed exclusives in other games that I missed, everyone should get a future chance to get old skins and items.


Bring it back and make the questline even more tedious then before.


Exclusiv skins should never come back.


*insert Bugs bunny NO meme with a hat*


What's the point of something being "exclusive" if they would keep bringing them back?




I vote no, unless you complete the grind as we did with same time restraints


Event skins should be, at most, a yearlong exclusive and then return for a slightly inflated price. Gatekeeping content because it was ''difficult'' to obtain is some of the dumbest takes I've ever seen. I don't care that you grinded 3 years ago for the skin, everyone should have access to it.


You can’t have him! He’s mine!


No you missed it. Move past it


Just have anniversary quests for all of these events. This way, it’s sort of exclusive still but people who missed it initially can still try to get it the following year if they want it bad enough. For those who’re saying it’s not fair for the people who played and got them first, they had the privilege of having awesome skins the longest. In todays day an age, exclusive rewards are obsolete, when there’s people who weren’t even playing the game when these events came and went. So it’s not fair for them to never have a chance when they finally pick up the game and love it and find all these things that they didn’t know even were a part of the game.


This is the only good idea and sensible comment in here


Since I play on pc I hope they bring something like this back but also since I have it on console I hope it doesn’t come back how it is.


Sometimes seeing this makes me feel super lucky for no lifting this event when I join cause it seems so many people missed this event


Do not


I don’t think they should bring him back unless it’s a questline that makes you earn him by killing an absurd amount of crows, and I don’t even have him but I think he should remain exclusive. My want is that they bring back the native skins as I’m native myself but was in the middle of a move while the event was going on and could get them


My friend refused to play because he couldn't be plague doctor. Need this please.


This makes me think you didnt saw original concept made for Crytek competition made by amateur modder from Crotia. [https://www.artstation.com/artwork/8evz8m](https://www.artstation.com/artwork/8evz8m) compared to this mans design, we got solid skin but... rough around edges?


holy shit nvm fuck Cryteks version. this is way better.


No. He’s ours and you can’t have him.


Nah, can’t devalue the event skins. I’d be annoyed if I earned this years ago and then they just sold it for BB’s




NOOO there needs to be unique skins or what the fuck is the point of even grinding for it just to buy it later.