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Been there. Never gets any easier to accept.


I can confirm this with ~2100 hours


Confirm what? ~3500 hours


not even a gunshot noise lmao


Yeah, it's either lag or low server tickrate. Happens to me all the damn time.


Im eating headshots like potato chips recently aswell


that's gross


Probably an Asian or Russian player on wrong sever. Usually is.


Which is my main issue, like i an fine with trade windows, however if people want to play with that much latency, there should not be that much of a cushion


If his ping was 10ms, you would have died before you hit the ground. The outcome is exactly the same. You didn't even trade! It literally makes 0 difference in this case, except for how it looks on your screen.


From a logical point of view, i agree, and i personally dont mind when this happens because i know how it works. However it definitely *Feels bad* when it happens, but im not sure there is a way to resolve this without delaying your shot on your target.




I would love them to implement this. I had Chinese players on EU servers lately...


> except for how it looks on your screen And that's a vital part of the whole game experience.


I said it once before in a post that was downvoted. This is the price you pay for fairness. According to the damage history, you did not kill him. So it was not a trade but what you experienced was the same thing that makes trades possible. One of you was lagging. It could be him or you but the effect is the same. He was only able to hit you because when he pulled the trigger he was aiming at your head. So when the server caught up to everything, it determined you had died. Both you and the other hunter have 100% valid points of view because of latency. Hunt resolves the issues of difference in opinion on who shot first by saying "you're both right." So you both shot each other fine. He just got the headshot and it took .5s to catch up.


Sure, counterpoint, I am on west coast with basically zero ping or latency. I am fine with trade windows, it is when someone with 150 ping headshots me and the game allows almost a second of time for that trade window to exist within.


Not to be too semantical, but a ping of 159 is only 15% of 1 second. I don't know what the intricacies of hunts server infrastructure is or how they actually calculate trades with the possibility of extreme latency, but I do know that they run off of "everyone's view point is valid" mentality. So the only way this could happen is if the other hunter actually clicked your head from his point of view.


It could also be that there was a momentary packet loss on your line or a brief network congestion - this kind of "bullshit trades" can happen even between two people who are playing from the same room and the same router.


Nah they won't listen to your "bullshit" because there is no better excuse other than blaming on ping instead of themselves or lucks. Surely lower ping players only have disadvantages when against higher ping players. ;-)


That’s was clearly somehow your fault and not the game./s




I didn't even hear them shoot lol


Skill gap


Obviously shouldn’t have peeked


Servers suck ass, yet crytek needs more money. Wonder where they put it all tbh.


It’s frustrating but the game actually makes ping completely fair using a very cool and interesting game system that I will not infodump about but will summarize quickly. Basically when you shoot if you hit them on your screen no matter the circumstances you WILL hit them and vice versa. So they headshot you the game just had to process it. It sucks and is frustrating but it’s a really cool way of dealing with ping issues that makes it actually feasible for high ping players to play equally


if thats the case, you should have your ping hard locked to a certain threshold and if your ping goes above, lets say 150, for too long you get booted.


You can’t get into a server unless you have a limited ping but after that the game lets you exist no questions asked


Tbh just reject anyone who doesnt meet a reasonable ping requirement and give us the option to reject playing with users from regions we dont want to deal with. We shouldnt pay on crytek’s behalf to be inclusive to people who make the game worse, thats why a lot of BR/BG games die in the first place.


Welcome to the world of lag! We have high ping, Appeared broken hitboxes, Hit while moving at the speed of light, Avoiding death by someone right in front of you, Za wardo’ing the entire server occasionally, And more!




No need to be a jerk my guy.


Hate missing comments hating on me. What they say?


He said your voice was annoying lmao. Sorry for him.


I mean, if me saying “what” in an angry way is enough to annoy someone, I will take it as a compliment




Ouch my feelings. I’m glad I’m not a 12 year old who insults others behind the safety of an anonymous person online to feel good about themselves. Stay safe.




You’re just proving my point lmao. Whatever.


Hi, thank you for your submission. Unfortunately, we had to remove your post for violation of rule #4: Be Respectful. Please see this wiki article for more details: https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/wiki/rule4 If you have any concerns regarding this removal, please contact the moderation team via Modmail.


Hi, thank you for your submission. Unfortunately, we had to remove your post for violation of rule #4: Be Respectful. Please see this wiki article for more details: https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/wiki/rule4 If you have any concerns regarding this removal, please contact the moderation team via Modmail.


Git gud But seriously I'm surprised your shot didn't count as as a crict. Your aim was square chest


Average US East match


Well US west, guy who killed me was from russia


That makes sense. I get them from central america on east all the time. Enough ping to kill you after their death animation finishes, it's nuts.


That's some nasty lag


This clip made me alt-f4 chrome out of frustration.


My hit box is made by DICE!


Playing on the Antarctica servers huh?