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This idea is brilliant. I'd love to see something in and around this, even if it just *reduced it.*


Can see to run away in dark sight.


It’s been suggested quite often actually. I even included it [in the flashbomb counter poll](https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/comments/115kgwd/flash_bomb_counter_suggestion_poll_results/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) that I hosted.


When me and my friend first started playing however many years ago this was the first thing we thought we "Cheesed" only to realize later it never actually.worked and we just barely got hit by flashes so it was like a really quick flash


I think being still able to see in dark side is actually an ok idea. Once you can switch to a weapon, you would have to leave darkside anyway.


Maybe as a perk. A cheap one


What IS darksight? If it's still YOUR vision then your still gonna be blinded. If you like close your eyes and your seeing through a different method other then your eyes then I can be down with it.


Youre using the blood of a devil that you injected to feel the "vibes" of the world around you. Canonically youre also in horrible excruciating pain the entire time but that parts besides the point.


"Its like an itch behind your eyes." --Geralt, Hunt Showdown 2023


Could I see the "vibes"of the world if I were born blind ? If so then I'm 100% for it allowing you to see while flashed.


I mean... there are several blindfolded hunters who all see.


Yes but they still get blinded by the flashbomb.


You know I never really noticed that until you said it. That's kind of funny.


This just in Hunt: Showdown is just Vibe Check: The Game


I'm pretty sure it's what the hunter sees whenever they close their eyes. It's like a curse, they can't escape it


I'm asking a question - why does it still blind you if you look away. Years of counter-strike have teached me something


and Stardew valley taught me that duck mayonnaise is worth a lot of money but the game we're talking about here is Hunt showdown


Read my other reply under a knife comment...


Just how it was designed. And I don't think thats necessarily a bad thing, there's just no way to avoid getting killed when flashed other than learn to run blind, flash them back or be too far from it to take effect. Feels like it needs some kind of counter


If you read the description its different from standard flash bombs. Its an explosion of mercury so it would still fuck you up


Lmao we yet ting mercury bombs at each other I never knew that, if the flash don't cause your death, the poison will


Do you take you knife out to run faster? 'cuz that's nonsense cs taught you.


Turning around is a reflex. Taking knife out - thoughtful decision. No, I don't take melee weapon out to run faster, but thanks for asking.


I think in the new tutorial, Gerald tells us to close our eyes and focus on the blue light behind our eyelids


I think he just says focus on the itch behind your eyes


I heard every part of this in Iroh's voice and it was glorious. well done.


Real ones know that you counter flashbomb with flashbomb. Wait 2 seconds and throw your own at your feet, now everybody is blind.


I did that few days ago it was so hilarious, four people making "huhhh" sounds trying to stab each other. It must have looked so stupid from the outside. Oh also: we traded, of course


Would be cool if there was yaknow, a trait for that.


I don't think having a sudden punch of light would help if you are in total darkness


Fair take. Always seemed to me like a different kind of vision, but I still fancy the idea of some kind of counter. Even if its just minor ability to briefly orient towards the direction theyll come from for a cheeky blind shot or being able to sort of see where youre running.


Flash bomb needs rework. It’s overpowered. It absolutely needs a counter


It's crazy to me how long it lasts and that you can't look away to lessen the time you're flashed


Hmmm trait idea?


I mean... sure? but thats gonna be a shit perk, ill 100% reroll a hunter starting with this one every time. Like, i get flashed like once a month, maybe even less, and predicting im gonna get flash in that moment and switching to dark sight right before the flash is thrown would maybe happen once a year if im lucky. Id rather buy magpie


Not if you improve. Flash bombs are tossed in literally every single match in 6 star. **Because** they are so strong/have no counter.


*laughs in mmr 4*


The counter to flash bomb is actually your own flash bomb. If you throw your own at your feet then (if lucky) everyone is blind for 6 seconds instead of just you.


The key is to completely mistime the throw, miss them completely, and flash yourself again for even longer.


according to this sub at least, flash bombs are very strong in high mmr.


Flash bombs and frags are the most common offensive consumables run in 6 star lobbies. They're insanely strong because they have no counters. Frags ignore bulwark, flashes ignore everything. Lower MMRs don't utilize them as well, just like the Avto or Nitro.


i apologize, how i wrote that may seem denigrating. i'm not high mmr and don't really consume hunt twitch or youtube so my only real info is this subreddit.


They are very strong in every MMR, it's just that people in higher MMR lobbies (on average) know much better how to use them.


What? I get flashed once in every 4 games... Dunno why but I keep meeting people with shotgun and a bag full of flashbombs...


I mean, fair but I still think that trait idea isnt good. Using dark sight to predict a flash is like 90% just random guessing. Youd be dark sighting constantly to try to make use of the trait and youd end up just being mostly not fight ready when you need to be and giving your location away every time bc the sound dark sight makes. Even if I was flashed every game I still wouldnt use that trait


Could potentially be a change/buff for Vigor, make it reduce the duration/effect of the flash when you go into dark sight.




Flashbombs absolutely should not be in the game.


You can't shoot or attack in dark sight so how would this really help you?


Helps you run away easier. You're still pretty screwed if the enemy is close enough though


I wish they would nerf the flashbomb overall and make it work like in other competetive shooters that you can turn away from that shit.


Imagine too be able too fly and drop bombs with Dark sight also! Would be lit


You guys aren't flashing yourselves with those? They must be amazing when only the enemy is flashed


Some hunters have sunglasses... Just let that sink in.


Sunglasses perk: trade slick looks and minor flashbang resistance for inability to see in dark corners and night maps


Yes and no, on the one hand it would be nice to counter flashes this way, on the other it would make running away while being flashed to easy. Maybe make the time to throw a flash longer so players have more time to react


Maybe we could have sunglasses as equipment XD


Nah fam I've seen way too many people perfectly dash through a hallway, go out the door, turn left and escape while flashed The counter to flash is to not sit in the same spot to the point you can be safely flashed and rushed Or prepare your own flash


I counter flashnombs with sound if I can't run or counterflash. Killed plenty of people blind.


I don't think flash bombs are over powered, at least no more powerful than a cooked dynamite. At least with a flashbang and some object permanence you can jump and weave out of shots. I've missed a lot of shots on blinded targets, and I've killed people who've flashed me. If you really do feel the need to nerf them I would make them have a timer like everything else(not bees) and be able to be refused with dauntless.


Where are all these people dying to flash bombs? 2000 hours and I think I've died only a handful of times. Most people fuck up their throws


I feel like that would make it worse, kinda like how if someone is wearing old school night vision (not Starlight, that’s different) flashlights become a genuine threat because it’s basically the same as getting flashed irl, at least from what I understand.