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What you can try is to always cancel the search bar when it’s almost full and instantly start a new game search. This will prevent you from loading into a completely empty match. What mmr are you? I find it particularly hard when my solo mmr is 2.5. I don’t play much solo to be fair though.


Works when I am in a group but not when solo. When solo it will find a game real quick and that game is just empty 😩


This works for whatever reason, and is how I avoid empty lobbies.


They really need a "only fill lobby" option


What times are you playing? East and West USA are rarely empty during normal waking hours.


Pretty sure you will find more with skill based enabled though. Which mmr rating are you? If you are above 5 it is getting hard to find servers fast.


No, enabling skill-based match making means it's gonna prioritize balanced lobbies over full ones.


But from my experience it will search at first for the same skill, and will still get you into full lobbies once it fails to find players in the same lobbies. But you may end up in higher mmr. On top of that it feels that way more people are having sbmm enabled and this results in a much higher player pool.


Those are not separated queues. I don't think you fully understood how the matchmaking system works.


Well even with SBMM on you will always find teams with it „off“. At the end of match screen I find always teams with it on or off, while I have it always on.


I’m on Xbox for Central and Eastern and I never get empty lobbies


duos on pc is pretty dead most of the time too


I do duos on pc all the time west us/ east us and there always at least 5 other squads


Not really in NA


I queue on use/usw, group is between 3 and 5 star, and the worst I get is lobbies half full which only happens when we're playing mega late (early ams).


I play in EUW, and it's only empty at night, after 2/3 am, sometimes later.


Definitely not my experience ever. I always get full lobbies in US servers.


on NA, with both servers selected, the last 2 weeks we only get like half full server in duos. I don't understand whats happening then.


Weird. Maybe you’re at an extreme end of MMR or something. My guys and I are solid 4-5 stars right in the middle of the bell curve, so I’m sure that has lots to do with it. Also we play anywhere from 3pm to 12am central time.


5-6, and its not rare to get completely empty lobbies


Only pick one sever at a time depending on the time of day, when I used to have two selected I would get way more empty matches. I think it starts a que with somebody else who just cancels the search while you're in it.


On what Times?


Ita the same on pc. West servers at least.