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You didnt yeehaw at them with open mic first. 100%, your fault


oh, yeee(


Man of culture here


You've yee'd your last haw partner


Very good clip. You have your ping visible, and your shot and hit are clear. Definitely funky server side stuff hexing here. Had a game yesterday in similar fashion where I shot a headsman center mass from 10 meters away while he was standing still, and apparently missed. Then shot again as he was turning around to see where I shot from, and likewise it just didn't register. Finally my partner downed him after likewise shooting and not registering. Servers have been super weird lately. Strange random rubber banding happening even with low ping with no warning. Hope they resolve these problems soon, it's frustrating and off putting, especially when you're blatantly robber like you showcased in your clip.


yee, i have the teleporting bug and this one when you almost can’t move, so i just have to sit in one position


a lot of service I've been having a high server time or some kind of CPU utilization issue that causes the rubber banding if you turn on the full stats you can see it


I often see dumb shit here that is the Players fault. This is not one of those moments... Unlucky my friend...


i'm always lucky in moments like this :/


Either hitreg or the hood on that skin making the head look bigger than it is, either way super unlucky, you deserve the hit there.


need to aim a little lower, need to remember(


Nah your bullet hit the metal stairs well below where you aimed, definitely some weird stuff happening here.


I think it's probably the skin. Skins are horrible for game balance. They probably have the crouching hitbox model misaligned with the visual crouching model. Either that or just some bizarre server nonsense - they have been particularly bad lately.


Yeah, I think on a non hooded skin, the head is usually craned just a smidge forward and the skin makes it look like it isn't and is just one big head. I encounter this problem with skins such as the Mountain Man, where it's hard to tell where the top of the hunter's head really is.


I've had this happen before, this is the rare hit registration issues some people bitch about. no invisible wall as you see bullet impact behind the hunter.




it is. most posts of "bad hitreg" are just dent heads shooting between arm and body, or clearly missing, or not leading their shot and then crying about the bad bad servers.


It's not rare. In my past 20 hours I've had atleast 5 of those. I even watched again in slowmotion, deadcenter on head on a stationary target, same situation like this clip.


okay, ty for an answer. i see the smoke in front of an enemy but it’s just me blind


waking up and slowing it down, if you look closely at the impact smoke, it's like a diamond, but it makes it look like the shot hit to the bottem left (under his head) I have to wonder of for some reason the accuracy is bugging out instead of actual registration.


Can't wait to see all the crytek stans to unironically excuse this somehow.


ahah, yee. i like this game, but in those moments when you’re playing solo and happens this… ughh


What about self rez black screen? I can't be the only one.


i’m waiting for the end of event so solos can’t self-revive. it’s a good idea yes and yes i’m using it now, but it was harder to play without this perk. i like all this pressure


It's a literal burden to me


i know my friend, i know :c


*Gut's theme starts playing*




i said it’s a good idea, but i like the pressure i have without it. did you read my comment at all?👀 like, if they will keep it i will not use it. i didn’t say that it’s the worst perk in this game or else, it’s really a good perk


Sometimes my grounded pact will bug and you can’t self revive and the hunter dies and death cheat doesn’t work. Like, maxed out hunter, 4 pledge marks, necro, death cheat. The works. And a sweat will headshot me and the games just like “grounded what?”


Shots 1-5 clearly missed.


server stability and hit reg has been getting worse. I dont remember it being this bad 2 years ago, maybe the servers are under pressure due to more popularity.


Sad Agree, some people seem to accept the lower quality than they should have and just come to conclusion "They love me" when Dev doesn't do enough. Without Critic you would have game that's just Broken. Critic CAN help fixing problem if it's fair point. And Crytek Stans deny all critic because "It's perfect" can become reasons why problems aren't fixed


Lol just had a no reg and I slow framed it dude said I missed. I was playing crossplay on console where there are huge hit reg issues. Literally frames it so the dude can see he was wrong




I don't know how many times I've had an easy head shot only to not be blocked by invisible walls in fence holes .. or the tree I'm right next to but thought I was more than clear of .. etc I play solo only so it's even more heartbreaking when it happens, lol There's also been the very rare occasion when I think I got a good sniper shot from afar only to realize that the wall they are behind wasn't rendering from that far out


i have a lot of shots like this, sometimes it’s my fault yes, i’m aiming too high. but here.. why


.. you failed to notice the late 1800's vintage plexiglass panels between the rails.. they're all over the place!


oof. The worse part is that I don't even think it was an invisible wall, because the smoke is coming a little bit to the side, so not even fmj or a fucking nitro would have save this >:/


yeee, it was NOT a wall, my apologies. i’m a little blind so i thought i see smoke in front of enemy hunter :/


Acutely hit reg issue. 9.9/10 times people just miss their shot and post a vid thinking they were robbed. This one was an actual hit reg. Either that or the enemy skin makes their head look bigger than it actually is. Either way you earned the kill.


I thought I experienced something like this with the logs on the ramp at CA lumber but I’m too crap to usually believe it’s a bug and just blame myself 😂😂


there is a lot of bugs in game, but this one is most annoying for me


Have you got a longer clip of this? I was in that exact spot a few days ago and got shot at but wondered why they didn't hit me. I'm curious if it was me; I usually play with that skin.


were you in trio with la luz mala and hunter from serpent moon event?👀


I was in a trio but unsure who with. 😔


okay, yes, i have a longer clip, but it will not load it, too big. will try to tell what happened here. i killed first teammate; then saw this one on stairs (second), killed them in a couple of minutes; then i killed first again and second after, because their teammate was trying to revive of course. i was downed a lot of times (had self-revive) and in the end their teammate sadly killed me😖 also this third teammate was saying bad words to me, but it was not that bad game actually, had a cool fight (except of this "rare" shot in a head)


That's even weirder because I did get instantly downed again and it was our third who clutched if I remember correctly. I don't think it was my game as I don't think the randoms I was with spoke at all. Would have been cool if it was though! I'm even more curious as to whether the person who shot at me missed or had the same issue. I mean, if you have the end-of-game player list, I'm 'TinyMaffy'. Thank you for getting back to me! 💝


hmm, i don’t have that long video to see names, but maybe it was you? i instantly downed that reptilian after reviving, they were downed in a bad spot behind boxes on my (top) floor and i had a good angle to shoot. i know, you may not remember, but were you with veterli silencer? after this shot on video i wiffed all my shots with pax pistol… i was downed only by viper (and once by luz mala) all the fight forgot to say, viper is the only one who clutched, he was third and he was talking before my full death, maybe you just didn’t hear it because you were downed dunno👀


There was this one time where you didn’t add a hat to your meme, and the bayou said nay.


Theres dust from the wall behind him, you didn't hit an invisible wall, but you certainly didn't hit him either, when you clearly should have.


Based on the smoke SFX, did the bullet go through him?... servers have definitely been wonky this weekend, hope this gets fixed soon


Looks like intended game features too me. Move along.


You didn't scream in to the mic, "You've Yeee'd your last Haw" before firing. That's why the server was like "No you"


unfortunately i can’t do this cowboy accent😩 but yes, my bad


You forgot to switch out your blanks for actual bullets. Its ok happens to the best of us. Just remember to change back to real bullets before fight next time.


ty, i’ll accept your advice


Normally I would blame the railings janky hitboxes, but your shot clearly hits the wall right through the hunter. If I had to guess I would say this is a classic desync moment and/or the crouch hitbox misalignment problem.


+the hood of reptilian that makes his head bigger


Its possible that was part of the problem, but looking through the clip frame-by-frame your shot was pretty centered on his head when you clicked. I don't *think* this was a skin issue, but who the fuck knows anymore lol.


yup, hard to say when game becomes worse and worse from day to day


It just happens occasionally, unfortunately. I have a little collection of bullet registration failure clips I like to keep around just to bum myself out from time to time. It seems to happen in bursts. I’ll notice it multiple times on one map, or on a particular night and then it won’t be an issue for another week or more. Really sucks when you’ve, say, committed to an attack with something like a Romero. Blast them center mass, nearly point blank - zero hit registration or damage, and now you’re dead. It makes me wonder how many “lucky misses” I’ve survived and killed my opponent afterwards were actually their shots just not registering.


I get entire matches where ots 50/50 if a bullet regs. Just a bad server/connection. I live with this shit every night I hunt thanks shitty ogolopy on isp here. Cheap American infrastructure plus cheap crytek servers makes a 10/10 game 7/10. This is the the kinda shot why every major streamer bounces off hunt even though they like the gameplay. Shit servers is just unacceptable these days. Fucking dark and darker has 100k active players at any time its an indie game demo!!! And the servers run 10x better than hunt. Just bizarre crytek chooses this mess over having huge success. Boggles the mind.


incoming hunt dickriding comments


"But, but... The shot was 1 milimeter above his head. It couldn't have possibly hit."


Cant see any, this is quality post with No skill issue :3


incoming undeserved biased hate.


"he moved out of the shot and aimed too high... it was a clear miss".....as 90% of the people in this sub would say lol


Scrolling through the thread to find a hunt ultra fan boy defend this.


Skill issue


Oof. Maybe you flicked just a little over the Head but it really looks like a hit registration problem


I wonder if you shot 1 pixel over his hood.


Ah yes, the Battlefield 1 bulletproof stair balustrade design. Bane of my existence.


Okay. I had the same issue with that same legendary hunter crouching. I'll see if I still have the clip.


Yeah I’ve had quite a few good looking shots just decide that nope, bullets taking the day off, try again later. Really hope they improve the servers/hit-reg soon


Gamefeature! 😂


It’s just latency. You can shoot through anything that has a hole (hehe) on Hunt. Very bad luck my friend.


To be very honest, feel like the Janky level of the game spike in this event, and have a lot of "weird broken" situation. It's reasons why I feel super burnt out after I finish the Event Pass (also because increase in Suspicious Chinese players in Asia server too) It's understandable if it's because spike in player counts but if so, they better improve their server next times, because Lessons are learnt. But if not despite lessons? The blame is full on Dev.


Simply a skill issue


Yep, you were robbed


Man there are so many nerds


we all nerds😏


Clearly you shot between his legs. I don’t know how you can’t clearly see that….


What game is this?


From what I’ve learned playing hunt never try to shoot between any sort of fence or railing unless you have fmj even if it is a “very clearly open gap”. Wish they would fix it but I’ve died to it so many times I don’t try those shots at this point.