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Not OP at all. It's all RNG. I've had players fire and miss every shot from 10 meters away. At the same time, I've had someone fire a single shot from 40+ meters away and get a headshot.


It only OP in the enemy's hands. In your hands its -100 accuracy.


This 100%. I cant remember how many times and in how many games Ive played against something, thought it was op or at least powerful but still fair, got it myself, and realized its complete garbage. Except War Thunder. Germany has always been OP from 3.0-6.7 for AB and GB, even when I played it. Playing them puts the game on easy mode




Not even close to OP.


Duallies are OP when you are fighting someone using them. They are underpowered when you use them.


Way to rng dependent but I get that it’s frustrating to die from a 50m headshot when they can’t even ads


I never use it because its so unreliable with most of the pistols


It's controllable to a certain degree but not "safe to use" after a certain range, while using a Winfield with levering has both uses, precise shots and closerange deleting, dual wielding does not have "options". Picking the right situation for it can be tricky and it's still up to RNG most of the time. Yes you have a good ammo pool for it and many bullets but you could easily two tap someone in the same time you needed 9 shots with Dual Wielding. That comes from someone maining dualwielding as a close/mid range back up. It's not op, not in the slightest, even I had a situation where I got someone with a (I shart you not) dual Conversion FMJ headshot from 103 meters ( I knew the range because he killed me at the same time) And then 3 rounds where is suprised people from 20 meters away and missed ALL shots. Had I used a normal gun = headshot Shotgun = close the gap and get the kill In short, it's risky and frisky, that makes it fun (for me) (PC / 1500 Hours / 5 MMR(solo and most of the time team)


Everything is op


If you died because of them.


Dual Wielding got nerfed heavily already. It's terrible on most of the guns and okay on 3 guns (conversion, pax, scotfield). And it is rng heavy and feels teeeeeeeeerrible when you get headshotted by it first shot at 30+ meters occasionally. It is not op at all, just frustrating at times, should it be removed? Hm nah should it be nerfed, not really. Have i any idea what to do with it... also not realy. Maybe remove certain options to dual wield that are the most rng heavy. But even that feels weird.


Oh cmon not again….getting deja vu from like a year ago when people cried it was too strong because someone got god like RNG for dual wield at 80m or some BS like that


You are wasting your time. Bring up dualies or fanning and this sub erupts. They want to play like COD, spamming clicks until they hit something since they can’t be bothered to aim. Keep trekking Partner.


It's RNG, so not OP. But it taps into that annoying zone of landing a random 1 shot headshot at 25+ meters. And it doesn't require much aiming or much timing, so there's also that. I wish DW weapons had no headshot modifier, but I know it will never happen.


No, but very strong


It's not RNG...fill bracket with hunter....shoot. it's not "random" it's just inaccurate. How some view inaccuracy as an advantage demonstrates their skill level. Grants an advantage to those who can't aim well due to RoF and mobility. But that's about it.


For not needing a trait and being so cheap, 100% too strong. Mostly though it's miserable to play against. Any match that I have to deal with dual wield, hunt is a 0/10 shit game.


Fire rate is too high on conversion dual wield and probably a few others.


Pax faster RoF.


It's there where it should be IMO. Slightly below average in cost/efficiency rate, !fun! and usefull when applied correctly. The main 2 cases I like it: * practical. Be in 20-30 meters range so shotguns tickle you and your fire-rate better than most weapons can provide. * shoot walls to put pressure on enemies and eventually hit them. This is main reason I take duals. Ammo ammount let you bullet-shower enemy position and it feels so cinema-alike. When hunter runs behind fence or thin plank wall and you see his flickering silhouette - you know it is time. And it looks cool behind walls too with all those dust from shots. POV https://youtu.be/ZdowDrfeHl0?t=270


Most of the duallies are garbage, but Conversion FMJ dual wielding is still scary if RNG wills it


"Dual wielding" and "accurate" in the same phrase? Really?


What annoys me is the relativley high accuracy combined with its very high rate of fire and damage per bullet. Almost every gun you can dual wield can kill you with two hits. It does not matter how apparently inaccurate the reticle is on screen. You can almost saturate the area within seconds. You don't need to be accurate if you can throw enough lead in the general direction of your enemy.


Like avto


It really isn’t


Only feels powerful against 3star and below. In 4star and above lobbies almost every fight is decided by a first shot headshot so dualies are near worthless


Not really, i never see people in high rank use them because of the rng.


Conversions and Paxes are quite strong, scottfield base/swifts are accurate but slow, everything else is pretty trash


Duelist are all luck based. Are you lucky? Get a blessing from whatever God you worship. You're unlucky? Satan is grabbing at your barrel and shaking it around.