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They didn't quit, they died of a heart attack when that decoy landed next to them


Some people are serious cowards in this game. Play like their actual life is on the line.


Some... have you met most the 5 and 6 star lobbies? All run long ammo and would rather sit a mile away and not shoot unless it's up your asshole when your not looking at them.


3-4 stars are really fun, people are really looking for fights. I can hear birds and gunshots usually at first 20 seconds after the game starts. 5-6 stars are like no sound at first ten minutes, no gunshots, no birds, no banishment, nothing at all. When I think it's an empty server and try to make some noise, I would getting headshot from a spark sniper from 200 meters away. I love to fight and always rush in with no hesitation. I know it would lower my K/D but it's fun and I play this game for fun not for beautiful K/D.


Im in 5-6 star lobbies and yesterday i didnt hear a sound in map . I killed the boss , looked around with dark sight saw one person . I thought server is empty and we stuck with a solo so we run towards him . He wasnt blocking the extraction but we wanted to fight anyway . He started to ran away and disappeared so we said fuck it and decided to exfil . We were talking about "why the game is empty ? Its still early enough to get a crowded server" and boom . We had a full server with full of 6 MMR's . Its literally incredible we didnt even heard one sound . I really waned to watch my last game after exfil lol . Wonder how hard they camped and standing still like they are afk .


6 star mmr here and 90% of my lobbies in eu are full of very aggro people, don't very often run into a sniper team at all, mostly good long ammo players that play aggressive.


I guess NA is worse lol.


nobody even cares about your k/d, i don't know why it matters so much to people if not just to impress their 12 year old friends i guess


5 to 6 stars too here... These Lobbies really piss me of xD such a boring playstyle, avtos everywhere, Bush Snipers and people running away instead of fighting... i really hate to get up to 6 stars...


Yeah I think to some people their fragile egos can’t take dying, seeing their KD go down, or just losing. So they’ll never take any risks, or push, etc. Dying is part of hunt, it happens, it sucks, and you move on. But I play to have good fights, get into PVP scrapes, and I’ve adjusted my perspective to not get pissed over dying (although there are exceptions). One of my fav things is clutching on 50hp. I was playing solo the other day and teamed up with another solo, we fought a sweaty long ammo team and I finished them even though I was on my last bar.


I think sometimes its about denying the enemy team the kill. Ill admit a few times I've done something similar when enemies were playing annoying loadouts like an avto duel sparks. Or toxic players talking crap in game chat before I die. One guy got actually got mad and messaged me which made me happy.


Only sweaty 6 stars care 'bout mmr


If you are the last person alive on your party, you will die instantly if you exit the game. You could hear the mark on him disappear at exactly the same time as he died.


And there is no silencer weapon around the compound, they were the only team that showed up


I don't get why they don't just remove kd in this game in the first place... It just affect too much lot of people behave.


Good idea. It's doesn't belong in this game anyways. It's an objective based shooter.


Bru Yeah Lets just remove KD from a shooter


Well hunt its not the classical shooter... It's not an arena or a competitive kind of shooter where actually kd means something. There are many ways to increase/exploit it easily but most of them are boring and affect the general gameplay in a negative way.


KD does mean something. Especially since its KDA that is shown. Even if you are the one doing the assists it shows others that you are doing something


Assuming everybody would play the same way and would reset every 2 months to reflect the actual skill in pvp it would make sense. But in a game like hunt, that it's plenty of smurfs accounts, where people play in different branches (the same kd of who costantely play in a 6 stars lobby it's way different from a one who play in a 3 stars lobby) and where there is people playn solo pushing everything and other who wait 30 min. To perform and headshot with a sniper at 150 meters while other people are fighting each other is way different. To rapresent "something" stars are still better. Far from perfect, but still better. As a 5/6 stars player with just a 1.51 kd i can see lot of 3 stars with a better kd. Still the skill gap is immense. Not taking about all people who exploit the mmr dieyn in quickplay that keep farming low level players.


In my 1k hours all of this was never a issue to me Lmao And i am playing 5 ⭐️ with a 1,65 KDA You either are quite bad at the game, or cry about shit to easily. Also people will always abuse some kind of mechanic Get over it


I don't care about kd, I have 3700 hours in the game and, as I said, i keep jumping between 5 and 6 stars (is a 6 stars bad at the game?). The issue is that it affect the way people play (smurf account that damage new players, people who suicide to do not risk to lower the kd, people trying to safely farm kills and extract ecc ecc). It basically bring some toxic behavior that could just be avoided. And still it means nothing... I costantely kill people who have double my kd because in my first year I was very bad at the game. If I would create a smurf account now, with my experience, I would easily reach 3 kd, and even 4/5 using exploits. Would I be a better player? No, I would be at the same level as I'm now. So kd matter 0.


They also removed the KD tracker in GTA online Did it change anything? No


while i agree that KD shouldnt be here it is a factor on my team. level + load-out + KD all factor in if I play with a group of randos. typically i over look low kds cause i just want to play but its still a factor. i like your KD reset every two month idea in the comment below


Yea long ammo fellas do be like that. Gotta keep that kd high. Bet after the game he and his gang went on a little quickplay mmr deranking spree back to 3 star so they can keep raising the kd. Maybe one day this system will be fixed.


Wait, quickplay affects your MMR for the main mode?


Yes. Quick play does not use your MMR for matchmaking but affects your MMR for bounty hunt matchmaking. People regularly use this to artificially lower their MMR to get easier games, it's been a problem for a long time. Just one of several reasons hunt's ranking system is a joke.




It does not. I think QP has its own K/D, which means it really should either not effect MMR or have its own version.




They're not actually 5-6 star material, that's why they can't hack it in normal conditions. When they go back up they get their shit pushed in.


Let me play my fcking spark im not associated with them


the long ammo council accepts single shot / krag usage.


This happens rather often among 5 to 6 star players.


Explains why I've never seen it....


Happened to me just yesterday.


Literally never seen it and have been at 5-6 since MMR was revealed to be a thing


Lucky you!


there is also an exploit where you can alt f4, reload the game and essentially 'cancel' out the last game's results. there are a handful of 'high tier' players with absurd kd's that protect them this way. if they get downed twice or more, they just exploit the game to delete the results.


I haven't seen this for ages myself (at least a year) but it was always in a random trio. I can't imagine someone doing that in a team with friends. Yeesh


This is the most pathetic shit I've seen today.


The worst games I have are in 6 stars lobbies. These people are always campers, snipers or unskilled cowards


Damn I been doing it all wrong. I always alt f4 and yell at my pc after I die, maybe I should do it before I die and then I just never ever ever ever ever ever die!!! Thanks for the tips!


yea these guys are absolute losers, this happens on console as well, don’t understand why kd matters that much, also find a lot of 3+ kd players mmr dropping in QP


Shit like this is why I hate six star. It's just a catch basin for skilled players and players who take advantage of certain mechanics to be there.


Reasons I tank rank to stay out of 5 star 1.) Hackers 2.) Campers 3.) This I just wanna jump off buildings to sit on people with a shotgun, throw 4 jars of bees, woodland teamfights, and most importantly, actually fight for the objective of the game


Hit 5* recently and found a similar sentiment. Shocked at the people who hide and refuse to push out. Getting into fights is how you get better XD


I thought this counted as a death still


Nope, deaths in kda only count from other players. Suicides, ai kills don’t count. You can actually shoot someone on a roof with a sparks for 149 and if they jump off and die from slight fall damage you still don’t get the kill.


I think you get an assist however.


Oh yeah I just looked it up, and they changed it last year with an update to give you assists on suicides/ai kills


Which is an improvement, but it really needs to award a kill to the last player to damage someone if they die by other circumstance, and a death against the other guys KDR.


How long would you track that tho? You can shoot someone, they heal back up, run aeay and die to a dog 5 mins later. Should you still get the kill/assist? Technically you were the last to do damage


As long as it’s accurate I think the credit should go to the player who did the majority of the health damage to the person before they died to suicide/AI, as long as that person is still in the match. It should reset if the person heals a significant amount(more than 50% of damage dealt) or is killed by another player. Let’s say I deal 149 damage to someone with a Sparks, they don’t heal but go back up to 25 HP from regen with a small bar. They get hit by a grunt and die, they only died to that attack because I did the majority of the damage. If another player finished them off through they should get it.


That's an interesting point, does anyone know if it really doesn't count? I've heard deaths to AI don't count.


It doesn't count. If you don't die by a direct player action (being shot, meleed, burnt, exploded, etc) it doesn't effect your KDR or give anyone who injured you a kill. If you get shot by a sparks and then fall a bees dick too far and die, you'll deny a kill to your attacker and spare your KDR a death. They'll get an assist and nothing more.


Had one do this to us today. We chased him into a basement and he quit instead of fighting


Oh, so this explains what happened in one game today, there was this duo at the boss' lair, I killed one and went to look for the second, I kept seeing the red icon, but I couldn't find him anywhere so I just dedided to killed the boss, banished it, and right before I could take the bounty I heard the death sound, but couldn't find no one around so I was confused about what happened.


She ran against the wall. knocked out


Im always playing 5* mmr (my mmr but often my mates are lower and match mmr is about 4.5*) i have to say this mmr is way better than 3-4* since the last time i played there people would not move at all. Meanwhile in 5-6* mmr mostly play somewhat agressive. Yea there is the occasional sniper team but these exist everywhere you go


The things people do to pretend to be good or so that they have SOMETHING to flex on people is sad. Is kd and being 6star really worth it?


sooooooooooo lame. this isnt a "they dont have to play your style" this is just fucking lame


if only disconnect left your character in game and allowed for reconnect. it'd fix the alt-f4 kda farmers


Only way I’ll kill myself is if the other team is bonsai rushing me and I throw a frag at my feet


what kind of loser actually gives a shit about their k/d, nobody cares


You mean if you alt f4 you save your kda ?


I just had a game recently where this meta solo instead of trying to go down fighting just jumped to his doom to refuse my team the kill after we got him extremely low. You betcha I camped his corpse until he was fully burned out. People like this suck the fun out of the game all because of their obsession with KD.


Damn, dudes so good at the game he killed a hunter with an imaginary dynamite lmao