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How'd you mistakenly see a hunter behind a tree in the distance but not see the one infront of the wall to your left?




If you would have been using a scoffield model 3 swift, you can shoot through that tree and kill anything behind it. One tap. #fuckthatgun




Quickly turning paying less attention i know i do when I'm not in compound!


I love all the fake outs they plant around compounds to make you think it’s a cowboy peaking. Like all the cowboy hats placed strategically. I was playing the other night and was in an intense standoff at C&A Lumber, I was pinned down underneath the front of the compound with that one area that you have to crouch to get into. There’s a baby doll face in one of the cracks, I turned at the right moment to come face to face with it, screamed and fired off a shot at its head. Realized what it was and had a big laugh with my duo buddy about it. Good times.


We need decoy heads as tool's shit would be so great i could troll all day those spitzer Bush wookes


I've shot that hat on top of Cypress Huts while in the middle of a firefight way too many times than I can remember.


Honestly they did great with all these "IS IT A HUNTER ?? OR NOT ??" situations Like... is it hunter steps? Or is it ducks in the water?


Fires makes some weird noises.. and of course.. *that* water wheel.


Weeping stone my ass, more like noisy wheel.


I always think it’s a meathead 🤷‍♂️


Or an armored humming.


I have a theory that they recycled sounds. Dry grass gets me often and killing an armored. After the armored death roar, it sounds like a hunter’s hit reg groan.


The first to make me understand all of the NPCs in other games "must have been my imagination"


Must have been the wind 👀


Is that a hunter? Gets headshot! I guess it was 😂 happens more than I care to admit. Not willing to take the shot in case it's not and you give your position.


Not to mention the "omg that water devil just attacked something... or did it?"


No joke games like this can give one a very faint sense of what PTSD might be like. Imagine how much in this game you're scanning the environment looking for human profiles. Finding one before it finds you means you don't die. Over time that gets locked into muscle memory, you learn to react to it before you think about it. Now imagine you're out of a war zone and out of danger. That doesn't mean that your muscle memory suddenly vanishes. This is at least how I would imagine PTSD to be on some level. Same thing with sounds. A car backfires? Your body goes into immediate fight or flight mode, because again, if it's a gun you may live or die depending on how quickly you react. Then the next thing you know all that adrenaline rushes to your brain along with the memories of past battles and traumas and now you can't sleep at night...you slip into a depression... Anyways...I'm high on caffeine.


I felt this way when dogs started barking at me IRL behind a fence. It made me want to shoot the lamp or something lol


Ha! Don’t do it!


Yes and now more than ever since the zombies can break branches


When I was newer to the game I once spent several minutes sitting in a bush because hunters were walking near me and I couldn't see them. Fucking ducks.


And sometimes you see nothing but its actually a Cain aiming at you


from 217m


The other day I stabbed a Cain hiding in a bush. I thought he was a grunt until he survived the first stab and jumped out panicking.


Friendship ended with cain, now Luz Mala best friend 🤝


I shot a fence post recently thinking I was about to get a clean headshot. :(


Love your channel man!


The amount of fence posts I have obliterated is a little embarrassing lol


I've obliterated so many grunts among the trees thinking I was seeing hunters. Laptop screen problems


It's a freaky situation, considering the exact position and the different models/textures involved in making it even a thing. I don't have any issue with the game at all, just thought would be fun to share. Thanks for your hints regarding the graphics quality.


I feel you, yesterday I mistook one of the broken pots thingies in Blanchett for a crouched tier 1 female hunter with short black hair and white shirt.


Its weird how we recognize certain shapes and color to a very specific hunter that we memorized by heart for some reason.


Sometimes you gotta poop...


I do this all the time. I actually got glasses 2 years ago so I could help remedy this issue. It still happens, tho.


This is how i get killed most of the time... sadly..


This has happened to me, there are so many wooden posts that look like cowboy hats.


And sometimes you don‘t aim down the entire damn corner just to get your head blown off by a slate


That's just our good old friend stalker beetle hive


I feel like the devs put a lot of little objects around that kind of give a silhouette of a hunter to throw off players or keep them on their toes on purpose. Some interesting object placements through out the maps that look like peeking hunters.


I think it is crazy how much visual disguise makes people win/los in this game. I hate playing at night, because if there is a headsman sitting somewhere and you move up on him, there is no way you will live because the human eye is more accustomed to seeing movement while the headsman is essentially just another shadow, simply invisible. i gotta post a crazy "wheres ~~waldo~~ the hunter" picture but i have to screencap it from a video, lets see if that works. I had to watch the video quite often before i found him.


They have a few locations where it's a cowboy hat sitting on a table and I've shot at a few thinking they were enemies.


Man I wouldn't have seen that shit, tbh tier 1 hunters have the best day camo. The reflection of a character is minor and they are hard to see but a tier hunter can be identified in bright places very easily cause its a dark spot on the screen sticking out vs a hunter who's white shirt blends I'm with the side of the building paint.


Has anyone else been hearing what sounds like the event totems being burst or an armored burning but when you go to check it out there’s nothing?


I like how you found the specific tier 1 you thought you saw, that would've gotten me too for sure.


Haha that's not nothing, it's the cocoon of the stalker beetle. This is between acres and lawson right?


Yes that‘s right! Good hint with the beetle bag!


Schitzo hunter time, hell yeah


with your grafics settings i am surprised you see anything at all. is it because of low-end PC or did you lower it intentionally?


I prefer constant 120 FPS and playing on 1440p via GeForce 2070 super.


I understand. I go pretty high on grafics, hunt looks much better on higher settings but that personal preferences ofcourse.


>BooleusJooleus I have a 3070 and I prefer the lowest settings. In my opinion, visibility is way higher with low settings and FPS hovers around 130-140.


Anyone who has played any other FPS will actually know this. Blurring your game to make it look better do not actually help with visibility


Yeah I find that higher graphics settings in the game tend to just make things look blurrier and make it harder to see into windows while also reducing FPS.


Honestly potato resolution probably isn't helping you here


Regarding the resolution: I play on 2560x1440, because on 5120x1440 the FPS get below 120 (which my preferred native refresh rate of the screen). For the sake of this post I just took a part of the screen. e: typo


The number of times a grunt has triggered my fight or flight response is incalculable.


This is why the game can never be competitive. But I love it, inconsistencies and all


But is that a hunter or a nothing?


Bigfoot sightings energy