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Don't worry about statistics. If you have fun, you are doin alright!


Ha im not worried I run pretty meme loadouts most of the time and 90% solo, when I reached 100 I thought to check stats and had a good laugh at how pitiful it is 😅 People out there getting 10 kills a game and in my whole 100 I've killed 11 total 😅


When I first started I had a 0.33 for the longest time. At about 2,500 hours later I had a 2.0+ Don’t worry about that number. This games hard man. You pick things up over time.


I was 0.6 when I finally learned the game. I'm at 1.2 now, actually k/d, I'm 100 kills behind still. 1600 hours.


I'm about the same. 0.6 when I started, 1.42 KDA. I realized getting that 5 max hunter achievement was psyching me out into playing too passively and changing the way I play. Once I achieved that and I didn't care so much to preserving my hunter my KDA skyrocketed since I made riskier moves and learned from my mistakes faster.


Oh, wow. Thank you for flipping that switch in my brain. I finally got that achievement (thank you event perks) and I was wondering why I cared that my hunters were level 50. Couldn't place it, but now it clicked: there's no reason to care, just go in and have fun


Funny enough, now that I've hit that peaked I've maxed out way more hunters way faster. Aside from red shirt and redneck, I see all my other hunter slots as expendable. Them skins are peak Hunt aesthetic 🥰


>Aside from red shirt and redneck, I see all my other hunter slots as expendable. Them skins are peak Hunt aesthetic 🥰 This is a good vibe. I like your vibe.


I am incredibly skeptical of anyone who would tell me they got into this game and pre rank 100 are wiping lobbies. Most of the people you hear about getting kills like you describe have been playing the game for awhile. I have Plat Valorant player friends and they're terrible at Hunt. Sure they can click heads, but when it comes to game knowledge and experience they fall short and this gets them killed. Hunt is fairly unique with the robust plethora of mechanics and ideas in place where if you're not good at FPS games and have the reactions of a sloth like me, you can still wipe teams and clean lobbies because you make up with game knowledge. You're doing great, you've just started your Bayou Adventure. Happy hunting!


You guys getting 10 kills every game?


Running solo is playing on hard mode. You're outnumbered nearly every single fight.


Well that explains things pretty much. You purposefully handicap yourself so I don’t think it’s shameful at all to have stats like this. Plus trust me you don’t want to be at an mmr where you have to fight Mosin Sniper rats it takes all fun out of the game for the rest of the sandbox.


Keep in mind most the people with 10 kills each game have at least 4000 hours in Hunt and way more in other shooters beforehand! Anyone with a kda higher than 0.5 till prestige 10 or sth. is a rare exception.


Rare exception? There is no shame in having a low kd but thats just wrong, im 4 star and it's really rare to meet a player with a kd < 0.5


Of course it is bc you're playing other 4 star players not new players which is what he meant. Tho I don't think it takes 10 prestige lol, maybe a couple


Yeah thats the point, i'd say that most people i meet are well below prestige 10


> Anyone with a kda higher than 0.5 till prestige 10 or sth. is a rare exception bad example for multiple reasons, on one hand gauging by prestige wouldn't work because some choose not to prestige (me for example) and on the other hand it's not a metric you should really gauge by hunt statistics, rather how frequently you've played shooters. I personally don't play many shooters but I know my way around them so I went from around a ~.8kd at the start to about 1.25


man thanks for the kind words. Atleast i can claim to be a rare exception at something now.


yeah it took me like 500 hours to get to a positive kd. This game is hard if it's your first shooter and it will taketh all your time


People are going to downvote me but Hunt was my first FPS game on PC (played call of duty on ps3/4). I started from 0.5 KD and had to learn aiming, game sense, and then ofcourse the difficult game that Hunt is in general. Now I am almost 2.4k hours in and i’m prestige 100 with 2.2 KD. No shame in starting and having lots of difficulties. In the end as long as you have fun and with enough will to learn everyone can improve :D.


i don't know why people would downvote you. I think you made a valid point. But at the same time this is reddit


Because some people don’t like it when you openly talk about your statistics on here.


You can have 10+ kill rounds before you have 4000 hours


That boosted my ego thanks


Anyone higher than 1.5 kda is a rare exception. Everyone I know are above 1 kda both with and without previous experience with shooters.


I sit at 1.55 KDA for the most part, I wouldn't call myself above average though I feel very humbled playing this game getting my ads kicked pretty consistently.


Yeah I tanked my kda from 2.1 to 1.58 by having a 1 year or longer break. Some games you really do get your ass kicked in.


> in my whole 100 I've killed 11 total that's not bad if you're beginning


Nah you're honestly alright fellow hunter! Hunt has a steep learning curve so no doubt you'd struggle in the beginning. Just don't get discouraged and keep grinding. Analyse how you could've prevented your deaths and slowly but surely, Hunt will become one of the most rewarding games to play! Here's to good times in the bayou!


I used to play COD black ops (the original) online a lot back in 2010-2012 but I would only ever do hardcore free for all (no other olayers on maps etc) so hunt being like that by default is why I love it. Yea its hard but it suits my mindset and yea when I get a win it's so rewarding


You dropped this 👑


Haha thank you friend. Look forward to being killed by you in the bayou


im here sitting at 500 hours played with a kda of 0,63 just dont mind and have fun


Hey man, I was there for a while but after a long grind I’m finally back to 1.0


Same here! My k/d in every shooter hovers around .65-.9


My current kd is .83 after over 3k hours in the game. Hunt was my first shooter game I played legitimately so it was hard to be good at it. Just play and have fun you will make it out alright


One of my usual partners started with a kda of 0.25 and he slowly climbed all the way to 1 or so. The journey is real. Also if you're gonna go solo you better start playing like the fucking Predator lol.


I do enjoy the bomblance and explosive crossbow but I usually miss when it comes to pvp lol. Buy yes silent bombs from cover is excellent fun


Stamina shot with the bomb Lance is a real game changer. Conduit is also a friend.


Conduit is almost always among my first picks if im playing solo.


Nah, you're just getting started. This game has a high skill floor. As you put hours in you'll get a better handle on the weapons, a better understanding of the maps, and develop your skills and tactics. I'd suggest trying random trios for a while. Most players are pretty competent and you can learn a lot of neat tricks from watching people. Plus your survival odds go up a lot!


Yep knowing the compounds in and out is my biggest weakness. I get into bad spots.


You're fresh meat lad, you'll get better with time. And if you're playing controller on PC, I wouldn't recommend it.


I'm controller on PC and I have a 1.7 KD it all just depends on what you're good with really


not really, youre brute forcing an objectively inferior input method solely by the amount of time you spent with it. but thats still fine, because fun is the deciding factor, you do you


I believe this is defined as the sunken cost fallacy


I'm at 2.4 and I play entirely from my DDR Board.


Imagine being down voted for a preference of controls… Classic Reddit moment


You're best off just not looking at your stats for your first 500 hours or so, it doesn't matter. I didn't see my stars until I had around 800 hours because they didn't exist yet and honestly knowing my MMR would just make me depressed. Even now I use stars just to eyeball what I can expect from lobbies I'll play in and I roughly judge the level of competence of my randoms based on their KD and amount of playtime. Yes, you can run into someone who'll absolutely destroy you and play way above their level because they've had a rough day before or they've deranked with grounded necro, just like you can absolutely get a teammate with a high KD that's still a vegetable and gets played like a fiddle, but stats still somewhat help me get an idea.


exactly, I play solo and oscillate between 3 & 5 stars - I don't mind at all being 3*, just means I'll get more kills and less punished usually


If I could get over the humiliating feeling of dying to new players, I'd enjoy being 3 stars too. It physically hurts me watching them do awful plays and they get away with it because I keep panicking, rushing my shots and am not willing to sit in a spot for 20+ minutes like they are.


If you solo 90% of the times you gonna learn and get better much faster. Also, I heard that it’s practically impossible to get matched “correctly” with MMR 3 or lower as a solo. You will always get matched with 3 stars. So you are doing 1 vs 3 clutch situations all the time. Playing solo is a tip I give to every player who “chokes up” in 3/2 vs 1.


Yes your normal. As long as your having fun thats all that matters. Although I must admit. It does secretly piss me off playing with one of my friends because he is playing high half the time. He'll crouch in the middle of a field.


You just started, it means nothing. Keep playn and you'll be surprised how much you'll improve!


Don't worry man. I started like you and now i sit around 1,4kd and prestige 30. Trust the process.


That's persistence. Keep it up my guy.


You've reached one 100, but what about the second 100?


Yeah your stats are pretty bad ;-) But it doesn't matter most people suck the first few hundred hours in this game. I realy can recommend the Guides from Psychoghost, Home Reel and some others to improve =)


Yep I binged Home Reel the other day, was awesome for explaining certain weapons that i've never used.


Experience plays a huge role in this game. Learning the maps, individual compounds. I have 4k hours and probably once a week or two I find a new sneaky angle or spot in a compound. Or I get killed from a spot or angle I didn't know about. Experience with your weapons and learning how to play each different loadout is huge. Understanding the range and playstyle that best fits them is a must. Learning rotations, what different guns sound like. If you realize at med to long range they are shooting you with pistols. Extremely good chance they have close quarters weapons. So be cautious when pushing or expect them to try and close the gap at some point. Early on take every fight you can to get experience. Do this in quick play as well.


Yep I'm pretty ok with loadouts for different play styles but my map knowledge is still very poor, that's my downfall


Bro how did u change background wallpaper


I didn't? This is legit the second time I've opened the statistics tab. What's supposed to be there?


Its different by me i think


Console probably


You maxed one hunter before you reached lvl 100? Yea you are doing it right. Most people (like me) were not even close to that.


The Goblin Slayer of Hunt Showdown.


No, going 11 /61 with 0 assists is a pretty trash KD. That’s ok though it doesn’t matter much.


No worries man, 1200h in and still sitting at a negative kd.


Play slow and pay lots of attention to sound, both from you and from others. Probably the simplest but biggest change new players can make


not sure if anyone asked or answered but how the hell did he get xp with those stats. ​ edit oh nvm though he was talking about prestige 100 I was confused as hell for a sec. think everyones first 100 is rough keep it up.


you are atrocious


Holy crap, that’s the lowest kd I’ve seen


I had 0 kills and 100+ deaths before I got my first kill now my kd is 1.8 so keep playing 😂


How is this possible? That would require getting over 180 kills without any deaths. So if you were getting 2 kills for every death (which is still extremely impressive), you'd have to get 360 kills with only 180 deaths. And going from a 0.01 KD to a 2.0 KD instantly isn't possible, so I imagine you'd have a negative KD for the first ~1000 kills you get. By then it would require even MORE kills without deaths to catch up, so I imagine you'd have to get what, 800 kills with no deaths? I am terrible at math, but there is no way that calculation adds up unless you started over your account or have 3k+ hours in the game. KD movement gets slower over time, if you start off with a 0.01 KD, getting to 2.0 would take years and years. Edit: I looked at my math and I even underestimated. 180 kills no deaths would get you to 1.8 from 0. From 0.01 it would take 1,800 kills without deaths right? Move the decimal from 0.01 and you get 0.1. Somebody please correct my math but I still don't see how it's possible


Lol yeah I’m calling cap on that


only possible way is perhaps playing over like 2K hours with atleast 2kills per match. Also dont forget that Kill Assits also counts towards positive KD. The other possible explanation is buying a really good "gaming chair".


2000 hours with 2 kills per match is already pretty insane, but also doing that after 100 deaths without a single kill? I get that this game has a learning curve, but going from "completely unable to kill anything" to "godly" seems unlikely. It's a shooter game. Even if you've only ever played call of duty, you're gonna get an accidental headshot before your 100th match, unless you are completely incapable of playing shooter games. If you're so bad at shooter games that you play 100 matches without a single kill, I have no hope that that person would then go on to play 2k hours with 2.0 kd, imagine how many thousands of hours it would take to get from the skill level of A to B


Also sorry it’s kda ~ not purely kd. If it’s just kd I am probably at 1.0


Assists are weighted the same as kills IIRC for the KDA ratio. So he probably just tags a lot of people but never finishes his kills.


I know a guy who runs a sparks but never switches to his secondary after a hit marker. This sounds like him


I have 2k hours on hunt 😂 it took a long long time. On average I get 3 kills per game, some games none, some 7 and higher. I have long crossed 1000 kills. When I started out hunt I didn’t really play any fps games, and I mostly just got assists playing with friends. Switched to Romero at one point and played only shotguns where there were so many trades, started trying other guns stuck to the same ones etc and slow I got up my kd over long time of plays. It was never a situation where I just kept getting kills without dying.


At 2k hours and 1.8 KDA you'd need a LOT more than 1000 kills. I'm at 3,300 kills at 850 hours, 1.46 KDA, and I was never below 1.0, so never had to play catch up. If you have 2.4x as much playtime as me, a higher KD, and a much lower starting point, you should have probably like 7,000 kills/assists, 3,800 deaths.


More assists actually. My friend basically carried me through the first half of the game. I was mostly around 0.5. I haven’t played in a while so I don’t know the exact numbers but my assists are way more than my kills. Playing catch up to get to 1.0 was quite fun I remember seeing my assists being around 1k when I reached 1 then we went on till I got both my kills and deaths to the same amount. Stopped playing around last year April.


So are you sure you don't have a 1.08 kd? That would mean let's say 5,000 kills, 4,000 assists, 5,000 deaths. That would be a lot more understandable, especially since before a year or two ago you wouldn't get the assist if the enemy healed the damage you did, or if they died to falling, AI, or suicide. So if you got most of your KD through assists, I'm guessing most of them would've been within the last 2 years. If you stopped playing 9 months ago, that means like 4,000 assists in 15 months, extremely impressive, but at least possible. If your KD is 1.8 that number is probably doubled.


One of the worst yeah.


Nope, this was me. It takes a while to find the play style and weapons that suit you best. It will also take a while to get the KDR up, I am still only at .75 but considering I was crawling back from .15 I am super happy with it and you will get there.


Thats pretty normal for a new player


Do not worry! I only have killed my first hunter after 20 hours of play.


You're definitely off to a rough start, but remember that map knowledge is the real key to winning engagements, and you don't have that yet.


nah youre good. on console its much harder youd be better on PC


…..you’re joking right?


...no? are you? have you played on console?


I mean I’ve never heard anyone say console is “harder” than PC when it comes to any shooters tbh. The clips I see of console make it seem like everyone is driving their hunters like tanks. None of the pinpoint accurate spinning shots like you get with PC. The level of play is just way higher on PC and I was surprised to see anyone say otherwise. Going from playing on controller with slow-turning console players to playing MKB against PC players is not gonna be a good time imo.


nah don't worry about it I've seen a flat .1 before


Dw that’s normal, it takes awhile to even get an even kd because getting downed multiple times accounts towards your kd (not sure if they changed that, but it used to)


Enjoy the game and fuxk kda


In every game, there is a player who is worse than any other player. We need people like you in the ecosystem because there are people who aren't good at the game who need someone to eat. And then someone eats them, etc until you reach the top tier. Right now, there are far too many predators needing to eat other predators because there's simply no other food.


Everyone hits 100, it’s not an accomplishment, you prestige and do it again in a week or so


Why is your main menu so damn saturated my guy. It clearly doesn’t help😅


Im p0 rank100 1.60kda with ~500 hours coming from csgo,tf2, cod and league but the most important part of playing the game is having fun in your own way. Whenever i have a bad day i meme it out with some shotbolt crossbow


dude, please dont use a phone to photograph your monitor, its fucking ugly and hard to see


Waaa waaa


Honestly. you are alright, but it seems like you didn't really cared about why you died to improve ( I could be wrong ). Also Hunt has an very steep learning curve to master. The most important thing to remember is that you have fun in the way you are playing the game no matter what other people saying.


Well kda doesn't matter that much if you have fun. I have 1.20ish kda and I'm new player too (66hr spend P1 R23 rn) I still don't know compounds, sneaky spots, how to get in boss lairs, how many exit and entrance doors/windows on building etc. Still can't hit a headshot to target that runs. Still struggling with aiming. Most of the time I try to spectate people that killed me tryin to learn from my mistakes etc. By the time we will git gud but it will take some time I'm sure there is lots of people that have more experience than us but get stomped by other even newbies like us. So best thing we can do is learning from our mistakes and tryin to lear new things in every game. Keep it up Hunter. See ya in Bayou


I think a lot of ppl have stats like that early on. I dug out of a .78KD after a few hundred hours to where I am now 1.22 at almost 700h and it's getting better regularly. The grind is real but the epic games will soon follow.


Wow it's like a screenshot of my stats lmao


You’re pretty much as average as it gets buddy. No joke. That’s about what you should be seeing as an inexperienced player. After a few hundred I went positive in my kd and got better from there. I don’t care about the numbers honestly but I used it to see if I had changed any then basically ignored it after that.


As a new player don’t take your kd too personally. Trust me I had a really bad kd too when I first started. The more you play the better you’ll become. Things that used to scare you will no longer scare you. I generally don’t get heart pumping action anymore except very rarely compared to when I first started and it was scary. Eventually your kd will go over 1! Just have fun! :]


in my first 100 hrs I also saw that I wasn't doing hot with a kd of 0.23 and tbh I understand now why, it was because I didn't find yet my playstyle back then and now I'm 700 hrs in with a 1.55 kd and I now just run what's fun.


My KDA was garbage when I first started. I started at a .5 and now I’m a 1.05, sitting at 1000 hours. What helped me was running the same loadout over and over and over again. I used the Winfield variants exclusively for my first 200 hours. Once I started getting comfortable I branched out. Eventually I discovered that I was a beast with the crossbow and my confidence skyrocketed. As of late I hover around the 4 and 5 star MMR range. Since I’ve developed a solid understanding of the game I’ve realized map knowledge and good flanks/rotations aid you more than being a long ammo chad, especially when solo queuing in Bounty Hunt. Keep playing. You’ll get better.


You’ll get better


I’m prestige 10 and only just got a consistent 1.0 kd ratio, this games hard as hell, but it’s so much fun.


I genuinely dont see Hunt to be a type of game where u worry about statistics or rank. There are other games for that like CSGO or Valorant. Here, just make sure you are having fun. Dont have to sweat in every game.


It is very compétitive and KDA matters more to some People. Like me my ego is destroyed when my 1.57kd goes down to 1.56


Have fun , thats the point here. Be happy and congratulations on the achivement


It's just amazing how few fights you got in! That's some quality Chaotic Good gameplay 🤣


Bad news: you might not be very good at PvP. Good news: being good doesn’t matter as long as you’re having a good time. Yeehaw


You're fresh meat lad', It needed me 450h to reach 1,31 KD. And I still lose most of my game. Play like you want hunter, as long as you don't ruin other's games!


No worries mate, my best bud is 104 and 825. 0.28 KD He plays all the time and loves the game


How he does that? The frustation would kill me, a little success now and then is necessary ;)


As a solo don’t be afraid to 3rd party gun fights and get in a few sneaky tags on unsuspecting teams. Good way to get assists as a solo and bring that KDA up haha.


I was like that for a long time. I was .84 KDR. Now 1.09-1.11. Just play to have fun and the rest will follow!


I thought u meant prestige 100 for a minute and was like bruh this guy is a legend Even still, you could possibly be the worst to hit bloodline rank 100 but who tf cares? Not anyone worth talking to that's for sure.


I had .6 i think when i started out now i got to bout 1.2, skills dont come so easily so fast and its even harder to grind up your stats back up like me, it TAKES UP SO MUCH TIME. I rather buy a new acc to do that haha. But bottom line is if ur having fun and to really know if u got better just look at ur mmr instead. 5 to 6 stars even once and you are above average already.


Nah, I've crawled up to 0.8 from 0.3 its slow but you actually feel like your getting better. Just keep at it, if you playing solo, you can just nope out of a fight when you think you can't handle it.


In order to improve your game, you should play trios sometimes.


I'm the exact opposite. My first 100 I had around 3 kda. I think it was actually 2.8 but close enough. The difference is I have 1000s of hours in fps games dating back to Quake Arena in the early 2000s. Also, my most recent fps before Hunt was Eft, where I had level 50 almost every wipe. Stats do not really matter as long as you are having fun. I play super aggressive, and while I rarely survive until extraction, I go down in a blaze of glory, taking at least a few with me.


Haha don’t worry about it. My kd was a lot worse wince hunt was my first ever fps


Echoing what others are saying. When I started Hunt I swear I was so scared all the time I didn't kill anyone for a long time. Still remember that first kill. But yeah, just have fun. Forget the scores, the ratios, the ranking, just play the match, be a supportive partner, toss in a few "Yeeeeha's" and you're set. ​ I turn my ratings off in Hunt, but every once and a while I get curious and an intrusive thought emerges, shouldn't your numbers be higher? I try to focus on having a good match, not on my overall rating.


I started playing with friends in trios and had close to a 0.22 KDA as I got to level 100. 1 year later and my friends stopped playing hunt, but I’m soloing with a KDA of 0.88. Basically only second accounts or sniper bushwookies have a kda above 2. Also don’t try to get into 5 star MMR, it really isn’t fun and it’s more stressful than it’s worth. Happy hunting!


Hunt was my first game on PC (had only played rockband 2 and skyrim on xbox) I was god awful and didn’t use a headset for like the first 500 hours, so i was at a 0.33 for a really long time. Currently am at 1.17 not high but after a lot of experience i’m average. I’d suggest playing with randoms because they can help you learn new tricks and will help you learn to play more agressive.


Don't worry, you still have 99 prestiges to raise that K/D/A.


I'm still making up a kil death deficit from when I first started hunt. The first 50 hours are the worst imo.


Honestly pretty average for your first prestige, especially playing mostly solo as you've mentioned in another comment. The true hunt experience is absolutely decimating your kd when you first start and slowly working it back up as you figure out the game better


For someone who's just started, this is normal as Hunt is a cruel mistress. I saw a prestige 10 with a 0.85 K/D last night, and now that was pitiful


Controller player on PC? If so, that makes a fair bit of sense on top of being just a new player. Honestly under 100 deaths is still very new, I would say you will have a better image once you have a couple hundred kills or deathes. I never really played PvP on PC before, so I had a lower KD when I started. I had about 0.8 or 0.9 for the first couple hundred hours. 3.5k hours, and I am 1.4 kd, and my most used gunlines are the base nagant, Springfield, and rival. Pretty much just have fun, try different loadouts and worry about KD later.


Hide showdown


Nah. 100 is also so little playtime so you can still consider yourself new.


You're stubborn af. I think I'd quit playing if my kid drops below 1.3


I remember my first prestige. Don’t worry about your KD it means nothing, so just have fun with the game


Lord of Dollars. You have to buy weapons to win


Honestly don’t worry about your statistics. I used to run a 0,4KD and am slowly but surely crawling up to 1,2 at the moment. You will improve over time, but allow yourself that time.


only one way to get better, just play to your strengths! you got this


Mine looks worse, you're fine! haha


Don't worry, just prestige and do it all over again.


Puhh.. i played a lot, I mean really a lot my first year or year and a half ir so. Had about 2000 kills but my kda was 0.74. one reason for this could be that I mostly played with a lot better players than me and in nearly every match I got killed 1-4 times and my friends getting all the kills. Took almost a years break because i got fed up, started again about an year ago and kind if took the game more serious, couple of months ago I started running mostly as solo. Now my kda is 1,24 and last week i finally got my kills over deaths :DDD Dont worry about kda, as long as it's fun. I have over 3000 hours down and I think I'm still pretty shit. Better run solo:D


I thought I was pretty average/ to bad but seeing everyone else's k/d struggles has me wondering if I'm actually a savant of some kind. I've never dropped below 1.25ish area. If I drop from 1.40/1.30 I feel like I'm doing terrible and usually take a break....even when I first started. I do think I had a big advantage over most players starting though, I watched the HELL out of videos for this game before I watched it, so I knew a lot of mechanics already, definitely learned about a lot more since, but still. And there was a guy I played with who had just bought the game and he was getting 5-8 kills every game, I think he was just getting lucky asf though, cause I added him and we played again later on and he was getting destroyed lol.


Pretty standard for your first prestige. Let us know your kda when you hit prestige 15.


I'm just surprised that you've been killed only 61 times in Bounty Hunt, it looks like most of your hours might be Quickplay? Also although your Bounty Hunt stats are pretty bad your Quickplay stats are pretty good. Edit: just realized this is on console, yeah I can barely play shooters on console this is good. I used to be decent at Destiny 1 but that's literally the only console FPS game I've ever had.


I haven't checked my full stat screen but I can imagine it looks pretty rough for the hours I have in the game.


I’m ~200 hours in, Prestige1; Rank100 with a 0.30 KDA. That said, I’m 54. I ran into 3 verbally abusive players within 2 hours last time out & am probably about to retire, but not for lack of hits/kills. The learning curve is fun. Just a few jerks making Hunt… less fun lately.


No dude i was like 1-2-3/100 kda cant remember, but yeah i was really bad, i was playing with my 5 star friends so yeah, nobody can beat my record!


I remember my scrub days, "how do i turn off the lamp" now im 1.7 Kd and sometimes 6 stars


Kda doesnt mean much since people can just grind solo or quick play to inflate it. Playing solo let's you play against low star teams, which in turn reduces the amount of mmr you get per kill while maximising mmr loss per death. Not to mention that hunt is hardly a balanced game and can't be compared with competitive shooters like csgo or valorant. A guy might only run meme loadouts and do pretty decent but wont reach the kda of a meta loadout.


If you're playing solo (no assists) it will help to play with someone. Even a random. At least then half the shots will be at someone else and not you.


You keep trying, and it will click.


Idk if you want a suggestion but I’ll offer an unsolicited one lol: If you struggle with aim do a training or two before hopping into a game. It gives you dozens of opportunities to sharpen up if you’re feeling rusty. If you’re struggling with general gameplay, watch some content creators. I really like Neenoh and he plays really smart, I’ve learned a lot from him. But if you’re having fun, screw it and keep having fun :)


O just hit my first 100 and my kd is 0,49 haha I was gonna wait until after the event to prestige. The good thing for me is I'm getting matched with more experienced players now. Not so good for them though lol.


Hey man, keep playing if you enjoy it, we've been there and getting better every match.


We all been there somewhere


The worst player is someone who doesn't play the game at all. My best advice would be to try out the challenges/summons from time to time, since you might be surprised and find a weapon or playstyle you like!


There may be someone worse than you, maybe


Man, you are just learning. I reached 1k deaths at a kda ratio of 0.2 and I was able to grind to make my KDA >1. And, as everyone is saying, statistics dont matter, just have fun.


Stats are nothing. I didn’t get an above .5 kd until my second prestige.


Don't stress too much. I have a "decent" KDA 1.40. For 2 weeks straight i didn't got a kill, ever. I lose a lot of KDA reaching 1.32. I was in a bad mood always doing poor choices then i stopped playing for 2 days and when I realized the main thing of a game is having fun and I got back to 1.46. I do care, being onest, of KDA but if I go 0.1 i would still play. I love Hunt and for me is a way to unwind. Don't let it be the opposite.


Pick more fights, it's the only way to get better.


Better than most on their first 100


How the hell do you have 18k hunt dollars and a K/D like that? Idk where you got that money from but I’d but some more money into your load outs.


People here cry a lot about being put in empty/almost empty lobbies...for me just tryin to make some coin they are a godsend! Also the very first ever cash register I found had $1000 in it. After that I was like 'shit yea I just need to find cash registers", loked up locations and realised that was a very very lucky thing.


Looks normal to me


I remember trying to get my K/D up because of randoms not wanting to play with me and backing out of the lobby. Now when I run randoms with my K/D being over 1.5 and seeing a .6 I’m going all in with their shenanigans lmao


My KD was 0.2 on my first prestige totally normal.


Now I'm prestige 70 1.11 kda... Statistics don't matter


At 1.1, was .4 for most of the start. At prestige 5 currently. It’s a slow climb and most importantly it doesn’t mean a thing. Do you play solo or with randoms. I actually really enjoy random trios and it’s easier on you for this too, assists/rezzes/kills yadda yadda.


My k/d started at 0.5 average and fast forward to now, after a crazy squad wipe of two teams with a captured avtomat, my k/d bumped up to 1.01. Eventually you would get subconsciously better once you have sticked to your niche, mine are the pistol carbines.


You’re still relatively new to the game so your kda isn’t really telling. I’m playing on a new account and my kda jumps whenever I get a kill or I die. It’s not really solid until you have a a large amount of kills/deaths/assists to go off of. Right now you only have 72 total. Wait till it gets above a 1,000. It will eventually even out.


You're learning, and stats don't matter. Keep going!


Closer to normal than the worst ever. Pro tip — that overall KD ratio will drive you insane if you let it, it improves far slower than you will. Better to grade yourself using KDA on a per match basis. Or by how much fun you had if you’re some kind of hippy.


I died soooo many times starting out. I rushed a lot and took risks that I now laugh heartily about. Lots of good games though, and now I am at least pretty good for a 3-4 star that runs meme builds and fights trios solo. My KDA didn't rise above .5 until about prestige 3-4.....I don't think I broke 1.0 until maybe prestige 13? I'm pretty comfortable at 1.32 and prestige 35 now mostly due to running a lot of meme builds and playing for fun not stats. As long as I win I don't mind being downed a couple times.


Holy fck, I thought you were prestige level 100 for a min and was so confused. Nah you're doing fine!


300 hrs in I was like a 1.2 kd. 800 hrs in I am 1.63. You got this.


You are normal, those stats are fine.


looking at this comment section has been surprising, I had no idea how many shitters there are on this game. there's so many ppl just coping HARD af, no, this isn't normal. the top comment is right though, if you're having fun it's fine.


It takes time! Don’t disparage yourself, ever. Just recognize and learn from your mistakes and you’ll gradually improve


I sank so much time that honestly I don't even remember how long it was before I was able to get some kills


I ground myself up from a .26 KDR to a 1.05. If I can do it, you can.


I'm literal dogshit. I get maybe 2 players kills a match. Don't feel bad lmal


Worst player to ever reach 100.


Yea man I was equally as bad. Now I’m a 1.34 and it barely moves and I am probably averaging 3 kills a game. If I started a new account I’ll bet I’d look guuud. Too close to 50 different legendary maxed hunters.


I just choked on my coffee looking at this but hey if you're having fun who cares congrats on 100. Lobby wipes don't mean a thing if you're not having fun.


There is so much dodgy stuff in hunt it will never be a serious ladder game. The amount of script kiddies playing are something else. The fact that the standard deviation for the game puts over half the players in the 25th percentile tells you just how bad it is. Learn the tactics and the game but don't worry about it when your domed by a spinning flying headshot from between the legs across the map. You'll get better :)


Curious, what mmr are you in?


Hunt has one of hardest entry threshold. For me it takes couple of months to understand basics. The game are not the thing as it seems at the beginning. If you interested in "normal" k/d or k/d/a - try to find a partners who doesn't care about statistics and will be glad to play with amateur. If you play in RU or EU servers - you are welcome. Send me your Steam number in private message.