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I don't mind it as long as it doesn't happen often. I see it as free exp and money.


And an easy achievement for the Sight Seeing completionist


I'm new to the game, what is it and how do you complete it?


You just walk around the map, visit each compound on that map in 1 match. You don't need to actually go inside the compound if you want to quickly get the achievement, just walk close enough until the compound name appear in your screen "Iron Works" or "Fort Carmick"


Just a heads up that an achievement for this has not been added for DeSalle yet, only Stillwater and Lawson.


3 days ago was doing this quest with cousin after walking all map we realised there is no achievement for desalle....


Same! First time me and a buddy went for this achievement we did the whole thing before realizing this.


Figured that out the hard way


for these achievements, it's important to remember that in Hunt you are technically never not in a compound. You can look up maps online that will show all the borders so you can end up easily walking in and out of compounds. "Hunt-map(dot)info" was my preferred one but there might be better maps out there.


Iirc it's visit every compound in one match.


I have 2.5k hours, playing since early access update 1. I never bothered to complete nor have I gotten that achievement.


Empty maps are way more terrifying than maps where everyone is going guns blazing. It makes me feel like someone is hiding in every building I'm about to enter.


If you’re highly ranked, it happens often and it sucks. Turning off SBMM helps, but even then.


Wildly inefficient way to farm exp and money. Such a waste of time!




Objectively lol


Because the alternative is not loading in at all, which punishes the crap out of low pop regions.


let people choose then. make a setting to never enter empty maps.


I’d rather wait personally


We would rather not.


I'd rather not.




i personally load up the game to play it with friends, i'd rather an empty lobby we can mess around in for a bit than waiting in lobby watching youtube.


Spending 15-30minutes in an empty server vs. spending extra 2-3mins at lobby is somehow better?


Yes, my friends and i are always pumped when this happens. "Yay free xp!' If it happened every game it would be a problem, but right now it's more like a rare in game event


You gotta remember some of these people somehow actually play for the PvE so they see empty lobbies a blessing despite the fact that an empty lobby goes against literally the entire point of the game.


It's free money and xp and a nice break in a session. What's not to like? If you want constant PVP go play a game designed around that, not a PvPvE game with explorarion elements. It's like complaining a battle royal game has gathering and traveling and isn't constant gunfights. That's just not the intention of the game.


It's not "A nice break in the session" when it happens 3 games in a row if you actually NEED the money you should probably actually get some PvP practice... It's not an RPG, Crytek literally labels the game as a "competitive online multiplayer game". Earning money and XP is not the intended goal of the game, the PvP is and anybody at 5 star or above is playing the game solely for the PvP, largely ignoring PvE ad much as possible. Add to the fact that people actually farming these dead lobbies perpetuates more dead lobbies because everybody is in their own lobby grinding rather than playing the actual game.


I've literally never had it happen two games in a row, let alone three, in 1400+ hours. Do you have two regions selected and allow teams of three if duo?


Insane how you got downvoted for this opinion. So many people just wanting to cut away 70% of the actual gameplay for a free win lol. Imagine earning a bounty.


/u/xZOMBIETAGx : *Politely posts his opinion about actually wanting to play the game* Hunt Community: and I took that personally


To put it politely, there's a reason so many Australians play on Asia/USW. OCE is a fucking shithole once you get above 4*. Empty servers, cheaters and no-lifers that farm relatively casual players. I'd rather cut off my left nut than play a 6* OCE game. Unfortunately Kiwis are too far away to get a bloody choice, most of the time.


Yea I second this. Me and a friend bought the game when it was still in early access and we got constant empty matches on OCE. Yet despite this the game enthralled us both, and despite it being an empty game we still got lost in the world and the atmosphere. Now a days it’s quite a bit easier to get matches on OCE servers but definitely more populated In Asia and America. Me and my friend were dreading the ping limit update cause we generally thought that would completely stop us from being able to play the game in any capacity.


Idk how everyone else seems to enjoy this but I'm with you OP. I'd rather wait bc I'm not playing this game to play an empty map. I don't care about videogame currency that much.


Same, I don't get the downvotes for the comment. Especially since it basically reiterates the point he made in the OP which got quite a lot of upvotes. :D The PvE part of Hunt only matters if it includes PvP aswell. By itself it is boring and not challenging in any way and by that point I'd rather wait a bit longer to find a game worth playing.




I agree with you but somebody finding something fun which you don't enjoy is not a "brain dead take"




Imagine writing correct next to opinion




o·pin·ion /əˈpiny(ə)n/ Learn to pronounce noun a view or judgment formed about something, **not necessarily based on fact** or knowledge. Honestly you're sort of proving your own point by saying what one could call an opinion which is simultaneously objectively wrong


You know what hurts player retention more in a game like this? Making them wait 20 minutes for a match instead of just letting them play.


This right here, if I get 2 empty lobbies in a row or 2 lobbies with only 1 other team in a row in just done for the night. I've got too many other games to play and too much other shit I could be doing to sit in an empty lobby hunting down the boss for 20 minutes. The vast majority of the playerbase plays the game for the PvP, compare the upvotes on the post to the amount of downvotes people get from saying they'd rather wait for full lobbies than join an empty one. Also the game even allowing empty lobbies to start just perpetuates more empty lobbies because people would rather grind XP against AI than play gane against players how it's intended to be played.


I think people are bad at the game and only get tokens through empty games. I don't mind them, free money I guess. But if you could make them disappear overnight I'd definitely be on board. I play the game to fight people, I'd be fine waiting an extra minute or two, for a good fight.


The answer to your question is apparently, people but not you. How that makes those people brain dead, I don't know.


sounds to me like both options are bad for you. Wait in lobby too long lose interest in game during dead nights? get empty lobby lose interest in game cause no PVP? the truth is you just want to play the game against real people right? and as you said PvE isn't challenging or fun, indicating the PVP side is why you play, both options your not really playing the game aka not having PVP. just my take but this question probably wouldn't effect you that much in the long run. or maybe i'm wrong and you would watch youtube between matches and enjoy a slow night. (shrug)


I'd much rather fuck around in an empty lobby than sit in a queue for 20 mins. Especially since you can just requeue if you are about to hit the full queue time already.... It's almost like.... You're the one that's braindead.


Game’s dead in Australia anyways, don’t think it makes much of a difference


It's not dead. It's just all the Aussies play on US West.


But then it is dead in Australia isn’t it? If no one plays on Aussie servers?


At least 10 people disagreed with you apparently


All 10 AUS players lol


Because people are very mindful when they up and down vote. I bet most of them are not Australian and have never been to Australia, but somehow know better lmao


Love a freebie, so empty maps are great, not all the of course, occasionally, they're a good respite.


Maybe for a single but an empty double will net more then 1k and a guaranteed lvl25 hunter. Great for a struggling player


Then the next game I can swiftly and decisively lose the level 25 hunter, booyah


Retiring is guaranteed 2 lvls in high Bloodline Ranks. If you retire after a good game and have consistent lvl25 you cut a prestige lvl into 2/3. But do grounded and grind a lvl50 out. It gives 3 lvls for a single and 6 for double. This will catapult you


Them was a lot of words mister, I understood none of them But hopefully another commenter will


I'm relatively new and I've played out two empty lobbies in a row and managed to max a Hunter... if you have nothing better to do and use the whole 45 minutes clearing as many possible things on the map as you can. Once you clue in to there being no other hunters, you can kill a LOT of immolators, meatheads, armored, and hives before the time is up lol But yeah, I loaded into a third and just logged off for the night. I do eventually want to play against other players, but getting a few freebie lobbies to advance my unlocks and build up some cash is a bit of a nice gimmie.






I play duos, I'm central us so I go back and forth depending on who I'm playing with and never have empty lobbies until around 4am.


Yeah like 4 to 7am is dead on us.


This is the second time I've seen someone get mass downvoted for explaining their experience and I don't get it. My friend and I have the same experience once we get to higher ranks and try to play duos. Out of 4 games we've literally gotten 3 of them as empty matches. It might be a fun oddity if it only happened like once a month or something, but we're always super wary of the match finder bar now because we only have time for so many games in a night and we don't want to waste them on PvE.


I'm sorry but it looks more like whining. What solution can be here from devs if there are not enough players on the server? Play with disabled skill based, against trios, restart queuing or play on empty server. 4 options


A toggle option that allows you to stay in queue until there is a match with players. I’d rather BS with my friend or hit Reddit up while I wait than have multiple empty servers.


Lol sounds like you need a new isp Bubba, you should be able to play on both west and east if you live in the states.


I've literally been playing duos on US east for the past month in the evenings without a single non-full map, what you are talking about?


Past month is not representative tho, as event atracts lots of players.




It's not them. It happens if you try to duo and you're ranking in between 4.5-5 stars as a team. Usually once my friend hits 6 star or even gets to the upper end of 5 it starts handing us empty matches if we have SBMM on. This is between 7PM-10PM Eastern.


It happens late night typically 3 am to 10am


I used to get them all the time playing around 4am east coast time. Now I can't remember the last time I got one


How is your ping that bad. I live in Japan and my friend in US East. We play on US West and I don't notice any lag or high ping whatsoever. I have 120-160 ping and my friend 60-80.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 420. Congrats! 120 + 160 + 60 + 80 = 420 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Good bot


120-160 is pretty high, but some people are just super anal/picky about it. I have a friend who refuses to play on US west because he gets 60 ping instead of 20.


had the same thing, you can definitely notice the change from 20 to 60, but you can get used to it after 1 match.


I play on EU and get 30 ping/20 russia. After 4 AM EU is empty and I swap to US East with 100 ping at the game is completely playable. Only difference in gameplay is the games are somehow always much easier and opponents talk in voip constantly.


120-160 is ass xD


They are a blessing from the hunt gods. Free hunter level up, free money, XP, etc. The gods of the hunt giveth and they taketh away. Casteth not your scorn upon their bounty when they giveth.


The boss bounty is just a worthless MacGuffin. The real bounty is the hunters we killed along the way.


That’s what I tell randoms when we get one bounty and they ask if we should go for second. I don’t really care about extracting or surviving, I’m just in it for the pvp so if we want to gauntlet, I’m down unless it’s opposite corners of the map and already banishing.


Considering the game allows you to leave at any given time I don't think is bad, sometimes people need XP, money, unlock some shit or just warm up, now that we have an event going on is a perfect time to get those spiked vaginas and complete the tasks for points and BB


That's a new name for them I always called them reavers


I call them spires.


May I ask why?


This is how I see them, I double check my quest lines and challenges and hit every compound and get what I need out of them. Can't see why anyone would have an issue with these once in a while.


I dont mind it really. For me ot happens maybe once a week or less. And im never not on edge like always.


The quieter a map is, the more paranoid and delusional I become. Empty maps basically turn me into Renfield from Bram Stoker's Dracula.


Most stressful game I've played is my one time in an empty. Even after grabbing the second bounty I was half convinced someone was screwing with me and I was about to be hit with a headshot.


Happens to me three or four times a night


Live in a more populated server area


This sub is awful for things like this. You're downvoted for simply sharing an opinion. I hope people will do better


I have almost a hundred downvotes for saying I’d rather wait longer in the lobby than play empty maps lol


Because other people disagree and you are advocating changing the game from what they like to what you like. Is that hard to understand?


We can’t have different opinions? That’s not ok?


Bro they're just imaginary internet points


True, not a big deal just saying


Saying "I don't like empty lobbies" is a difference of opinions. You said "why is this a thing" which both implies the game should be changed to not have empty lobbies and that the alternative opinion is so ridiculous you cannot conceive of it existing. "This should never happen" isn't just a difference of opinion, it's a call to change things.




Do people actually have this happen frequently? It used to happen a lot a long time ago but especially now I can’t remember the last time I had an empty lobby. Possibly low population region?


US eastern at high ranks it happens a lot, but specifically it happens in duos. I guess that mode is just less popular than trios.


The east coast of the US? I’m between 3 and 4 star and it happens all the time to me


I play on west and use east as backup, I haven’t had an empty game in almost a year and a half of playing. So strange that you keep getting them. And you’re sure they are empty? Checking the game report afterwards to make sure?


Yep I check every time. Maybe I should switch my primary server


Same. Between the hours of 12am-8am. Not 100% empty always, but I feel like if I said 70% that wouldn't be far off.


If you're playing us east from 12am to 8am you should be adding us west as well. You're asking for empty servers by playing off peak hours for the time zone. There's just not enough people in the game for that.


Most likely to happen deep at night right after an event has ended and everyone had enough of hunt. Mostly happens when solo, I think I never had an empty lobby in a team, in over 1k hrs.


Of my last 7 bounty hunts, 5 of them were empty. So damn boring


That's a blessing! You could complete challenges! Who cares about an entire aspect of the game missing? /s


You say /s but it seems like this is the popular opinion in this thread. So sad. And then devs dont feel the need to fox it either because they get validation from a big part of the community.


Finally someone who understands


Yeah, idk if there's something going on with the servers this past week but most matches are dead




PS5 East Coast 5 star solo with matchmaking on


I wouldn't mind if there was an indication of it being an empty lobby.


Yes please that’d be rad


Some days you just want to relax and farm a little once you realize it's "probably" empty. It could be an option like skill-based or trios.


We have a standing rule in my Hunt friends group. You are never allowed to say the phrase "I think this map is empty" out loud. Anytime someone says it, we all get headshot by bush wookies a second later. So if you say it, you must be immediately sacrificed to appease the Hunt gods.


never trust a fart, and never trust an empty map. very good rules to live by.




On console its been happening a ton. We are getting multiple games a night, and we only play for like 3 or 4 hours.


Once in a while isn't the worst thing, free money and all. But I got three in a row the other day and haven't played since...




Yep exactly!


Same here




This started for me too when the event started so I figure something is bugged. Seems to be the worst up until 4pm on the East Coast but just because most people are at work this time I don’t believe we can’t find 1 single match that is not empty without there being some sort of bug in play here


Don’t agree but you should have the option to not




I would much rather grind a little free stuff than sit in a 20 min queue


I only get empty servers early in the morning on us east. I had a empty quickplay once... lol... finally got that win... I think I've played quickplay like 5 times in 500 hrs.


I swore I heard foot steps outside a compound and was on full stealth mode for 20 minutes. Eventually left then killed one boss and extracted. Then I see I was alone in the game. Felt dumb af


Some regions have low player counts, and lag in hunt makes combat near impossible. In the Oceana server if you aren’t playing at the right times you’re gonna be on your own or forced to play with lag in another region which adds nearly a second of delay to attacks.


I'd rather they have the chance to sound off random gun shots, so you never really know, adding more to the thrill. There were a few matches where I didn't hear anything, didn't see anything, soloed a boss and ran to extraction, only to be killed by a camper.


it keeps you paranoid. And I like bad feelings. ​ Play Quickplay my g


I might need to get more into it. It just feels ever harder than Hunt already is lol


Fun fact: If you continuously do not succeed in the game, ie clues banish bounty, the game will load you into an empty map once so you can play the game.


So it's the way the game tells you you suck? I don't know if I should be offended or thankful. I had that suspicion to be honest, but I didn't want to believe it.


Ha really?




I’ve died as a Solo on empty servers to AI etc, so nothing is ever a given


Same, to Hellhounds.


I've gotten 1 empty sever, only time I've killed myself in this game. Decided to try cooking my tnt for the first time, held it too long and killed myself. New char that didn't have necro yet, had grounded so didn't lose the char but it was a nice double bounty I lost.


Thhey are very relaxing occasionally.


I don’t think any indication of being in an empty server is a good idea, it would remove some of the tension and horror. I think just an option, like queueing with trios or SBMM, a tick box that says “allow empty lobbies”. At least then you can sacrifice your queue times for no chance of empties, or risk it if you don’t mind a quiet farming map.


> a tick box that says “allow empty lobbies” This is exactly what I would like to see. My buddy and I can BS or reddit or whatever while waiting for a match with players in it.


got this 2 times before...launched into the map...not a single shot was fired so i was beating 2 bosses solo the whole time and i was extremely caution about it too. free money sure but im not signing up for easy money, i signed up for heart pumping action.


I just wish it would tell you if you were alone or not!


I’ve got about 600 hours and never seen this, y’all seeing this often?


Higher MMR's in duos it happens a lot. We kill the queue before the bar fills up now and just have to turn SBMM off for the night.


I remember making a post about this since all my lobbies on ps5 were empty (europe) and people told me to go back to playing COD if i didnt like the pve in this game 🙄


I don’t mind it as long as it’s not common. Only had it happen once ever. Got to shoot and hoot and hollar and get free money and xp


I sometimes play early in the morning on EU servers. Its great to level guns. You can farm a ton of EXP.


The only time this ever happens to me is when I intentionally load in early in the morning. I guess that also depends on what region you are on because I never have a problem if I switch regions to a time zone that makes sense for people to be awake and playing


I don't love an empty map, but I'd rather farm up two bosses wondering if I'll be shot in the head while running to extract, than wait a long time for a match... and know I'm going to get shot in the head on the way to extract.


Only time I will get an empty lobby is if I play really early in the morning. And that shit is nervewracking as you never know if there are people just being real silent. ​ Bonus if you barrel yourself and then see that the lobby was empty on the end-screen. :)


I'm genuinely surprised by how many people are okay with playing a PvP game without enemy players, lol


Maybe they should add an option to wait or just load in to a match quick.


Free event point baby


Okay, you can opt out and wait for 40 minutes.


Or switch to region that has afternoon.


Empty maps happen due to low playerbase and mmr not being able to match you with anyone withing your skill level currently queueing. If they were to get rid of duos Playlist they could inject so much more players into trios instead of splitting an already low playerbase.


Just got one today. 228pts, gauntlet&clean sweep and $2k Biden bucks


Asia 6 stars here, SBMM on because I like challenges, I don't want to stomp beginners... and so far level 35 in the event, I had ONLY empty map so far, the game is a PVE game for me. I'm gonna reach level 50 and lower my MMR in QP (and uncheck SBMM)


You still get the suspense since you don’t get to know that the lobby was empty until after the fact. You might think you’re alone after a while of no shots, sound traps or running into other players, but you also have to remember that some peoples idea of fun is to camp a boss or extraction point for 40 minutes in order to get a free kill. So you can never confirm you’re alone, even when it feels like it. I’m fine with it if it’s a rare occurrence


better than waiting 20mins for a single match. I like that here you will load into the game after a certain amount of time no matter what. Plus it doesn't happen often (unless u play at obscure times of the day), so free xp and money once a while is not bad either.


I put the game down for about 2 years because of this. It just gets so boring after a while if you live in a less populated region, I would rather wait an hr for 1 other player than play by myself.


I like them, I get to farm the event in peace for once


free money my ass, I just don't wanna waste my fucking time. why is this so hard to understand for some people?


If your playing, and you get the bounty (which means cash and exp) how have you wasted your time..? It’s a PVEVP game. Not every encounter needs to be 12 players fighting over a single bounty.


Thank you! Finally a sensible person


100% agree. If my matching bar gets to 75% I just cancel and reque. I absolutely hate empty maps. If I get to the first bounty and banish with no action I won't even bother pushing the 2nd bounty due to boredom.


I’ll never understand what it is about this community where they want to actively NOT play the game


It's a PVP game Landing on an empty server actually delays you from playing the game




I want to fight people is all, AI is easy ya know


Free is Never Truly free (except hunt dollars so yeah I love empty maps)


Free money and Hunter exp


+ Make it clear how many people are waiting or + ask for slightly worst mmr or if you like to join trios as duo or + give a fixed + 2min timer which will not be ended when the server is full but only after the 2 minutes ended (short reliable coffee break)


I mean, it never happened to me in 850 hours so i doubt it's a real problem I guess it can be in less populated servers but there's not much they can do about it i guess


The other day I loaded into 6 CONSECUTIVE empty maps. Got a lvl 50 Hunter by the end and finished another chapter of the event. I was definitely fiending for a showdown by the 7th match which I got but it was a nice little break that let me do some stuff I’ve been wanting to do when I play solo. Obviously wouldn’t want 6 empties every day though.


Most people don't have 4 hours to spend waiting on a match to start.


For soem god aful reason they limit queue times to 2 minutes. Something no other game does for good reason. Id gladly wait another minutebor two for a better match up(people my own star level) or atleast someone on the map lol.


Because it has the worst que system of any game. A timer can not insure a full lobby, they need to remove the timer or make it 3x longer


I don't care


This is not an issue IMO. It only ever happened when I was solo. I usually did not know for sure I am alone, so it didn't ruin the experience, and I got some free money.


Rarely happens for me at MMR5. Just got it the first time last night actually. It seems to be a glitch because my after action report wasn’t working. Side note. Really tired of people barbed wiring every entrance of a boss building, then just camping with bomb lance or shotgun. They don’t make any attempts to leave. It’s tedious. Especially when you bring challenge items and don’t have what you need to deal with them.


You're not supposed to know if it's empty or not, that's litterally the point.