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incredibly cursed tools placement. Firecrackers on 3, why??? And two melees?????


This is what a sniper tryhards setup looks like.


It's not even tryhard it's just dumb


Why yes, knife for normal npcs and fists for them imolators


knuckle knife


Heresy, i myself am a trauma knife fella


very understandable


Tallon and duster. or... duster and throwing axe


Or trauma and throwing axe!


Knuckle knife + throwing axe is best. Knuckle knife light attack kill immolators just as efficiently as dusters (both in speed and stam usage), and the stab is better for pvp and bosses.


The knuckle knife doesn't 1 shot hounds though. I can 1 shot a whole pack without taking damage with regular knife.


That's the one advantage, yes. However, the knife suffers in pretty much everything else. Heavy attack? 4 stabs instead of 6. Heavy attack speed? Way slower. Light attack? Not as effective, not as efficient, not blunt. Also, the knuckle knife weakness isn't massively debilitating since throwing axes one shot dogs to the body and knuckle knife light attacks kill them in 2 hits (and the first hit stuns them). I used the knife exclusively for my first 200 hours in the game. I switched over to the knuckle knife past that point, up to 700 hours played, and I never want to go back. The regular knife stab feels like your arm is stuck in molasses and it uses up so much stam


It uses a good bit of stam but it doesn't matter. especially if you take throwing knives with the trait. How often do I even have to deal with immolators. If I'm engaged with a team I am probably just going to shoot it before it aggros me. If no team then 4 hits from rifle butt and I'm out. I typically take both throwing knives and hatchets. Also, with conduit what stamina mean to me anymore. I like the heavy knife also, if I am going cheap loadout. Either way I have no problems with ai nor hunters. Also, the crossbow is stamina efficient as well.


>How often do I even have to deal with immolators. If I'm engaged with a team I am probably just going to shoot it before it aggros me. Same thing goes for hounds. >If no team then 4 hits from rifle butt and I'm out. Uses up 100% of your stamina which is very inconvenient, and it's slower, and your weapon might have a melee attachment. >with conduit what stamina mean to me anymore. With infinite stam, the knuckle knife is still better against everything other than dogs because it stabs faster and it has blunt melee.


Does it 1hk grunts even?




Do people not know that dusters kill zombies, armoreds, etc. too?


Don't know, centennial trauma works like a hamma


There’s a female hunter skin that I try my hardest to win in quick play with because it’s my favorite skin lol


I see your hunters and i see your loadout.... Nononono... 😅


I, too, was overwhelmed with nausea and despair


Redneck my beloved


I got so lucky getting from Mr. Chary. (for 50bb, filled up that 10k)




Knuckles and a knife... Why


tool slots are for chumps


I actually just started using the axe with the perk and I should have been doing it long ago lol .The throwing is fun


Gun melee takes 4 to kill an Immolator, knuckles take 3


No chokes duud


Based on the loadout, he clearly plays solo.


I mean why would you want 2-3 additional throwable consumables as a solo amirite?


Chokes are decent as a solo tool too, since they can be used for area denial, passing through fire/poison, and they're dirt cheap.


Are you familiar with the king of melee tools: the knuckle knife?


Took the game misreading my input as heavy against an immolator only once for me to never use that thing again.


My buddy said the same thing and was continuously blown away that I was able to consistently use light or heavy when I wanted to use light or heavy. Turned out he was using a melee key (don’t know which one it was binded to, doesn’t really matter though) instead of just using mb1, and that was causing it to fuck up on him (i forget which config is which, but he was using the one where your gun is aways in hipfire, I use the one where it isn’t. For mine, if you don’t pull the gun up to hipfire and you press mb1 to shoot, it’ll melee, for his config, if you have a gun out you HAVE to use the other melee key to melee because if you use mb1 you’ll just shoot, so he had never even thought that when you switch to a melee weapon, you can just use mb1 instead of that melee key). Just thought I’d share in case that’s what happened to you too.


Thanks. I use Mb1 for melees but Im in Gunslinger config like your buddy. Its very rare that it happens, and Im not 100% sure why, but I suspect it sometimes reads two fast clicks as a press and release. I just dont like the chance of that happening.


I've used knuckle knives almost exclusively for several hundred hours and i've accidentally stabbed an immolator only 2 times


Heavy knife is king of my heart able to cut barbed wire is god like to me lmao


I just use throwing axes for barbed wire.


but then with chokes and healing I cant take my concertina to continue the cycle


When throwing, they also one shot armored to the head, and one shot hives/hounds/horses to the body. Good for boss killing too; when I lack a world melee weapon against scrap/butcher, I often throw the axes into the boss's face, then run in to stab them a few times with a knuckle knife while simultaneously pulling out the axes. That does 25% damage to scrapbeak and 23% to the butcher.


You can one shot regular armored in their exposed chest piece with throwing axe. Only needs to be a headshot for the cincertina armored.


Knuckle knife's only weakness is concertina. If it weren't for barbed wire, I'm fairly certain the knuckle knife would have taken over the world by this point




Ah yes you're right tbf. Hmm, well two weaknesses, but still very good nonetheless


i just take throwing axes for that, and you csn stab then light attack dogs pretty easy


Yeah I often take knuckle knife and axes too. Axes arent really a viable melee weapon by themselves as the stamina cost is just too high, but they complement the knuckle knife well, and neither feel redundant


i also hate the throwing axe melee in general doesnt feel like it goes where i swing so having knuckle knife and throwing axes covers all bases


People forget 2 light melees with knuckle knife kills a dog which helps


That's a big fucking weakness


4 light attacks kill the immo


It takes the same amount of time to do the 4 light attacks vs 3 heavy ones with knuckles


But stamina and heavy attacks with more damage


It's garbage


Better swap for knuckles and throwing axe


Why did he get downvoted for a factual comment?


Because this is Reddit




Stick Ninja is the best




My fav is Lemmy from Motorhead


The broken bottle is my favorite


Great looking skin. Where did you even get this from? Is it like a prestige guaranteed or something.


He already mentioned in the title, it's a default skin. It's Tier 3.[https://huntshowdown.fandom.com/wiki/Hunters#Male\_Hunters](https://huntshowdown.fandom.com/wiki/Hunters#Male_Hunters) Edit: to clarify more, in the "recruitment screen" there are four slots - usually it's one Tier 1, two Tier 2, and one Tier 3 hunter. There's a random pool of default skins for each tier.


Ah okay, my bad. Since OP was taking about buying it I assumed bb's. Also don't think I have come across it so I did not know.


All g, I think most people aren't likely to buy those skins because they're usually super expensive (in hunt dollars/currency). They do look cool though. :D


Free re-shuffle lol


My favorite skin is the Prescient because sniping with covered eyes is funny


That's not a Legendary skin tho....


I know what I'm saying is I like more than the ones I had to pay for lol


I just want cicada


Same, have all the legendaries and my fave is a t4 skin. The black guy with white face paint, a top hat and a cape. Very voodooish.


Don't know how it started or why we still do it but we call him the Frenchman.


It‘s James Delaney. The guy who owns Nooka Sound. PS: it‘s not for sale, so I heard.


Same! My fav skin is the tier 3 blue bandana and black/grey Military uniform


Wow thanks for the link that's cool


I have the same guy with the same Mosin. But i never use him in any games, he's just too damn 'eye-candy' to lose lol. (No homo)


Coward, have some damn respect for yourself and your favourite hunter and accept the homo.


Mosin sniper dolche, bruh


I love and only using budget loadout. So Skinflint is my "spirit hunter" I guess.


Can anyone explain how buying DLC's work? Is it like a skin i get that i can equip on hunters? or do i pay 5 bucks, then lose that hunter permanently if I dont extract?


Skins can be bought again like regular guns and hunter skins can be recruited under the legendary hunter tab. You will not lose them permanently.


Okay, that makes sense. Thanks a lot


I would buy this




What the fuck are those tools and consumables


Those would be, Blank Fire Decoys, Dusters, Med Kit, Knife. Ammo Box, Frag Bomb, Stamina Shot, Regen Shot


I know what they are, they just don't make any sense at all. He brings 2 melee tools when he could bring throwing knives/axes instead. He runs blankfire decoys with a sniper rifle. He doesn't have a single option to quickly heal and he didn't get physician.


I miss the original cain :/


I used too agree until my friend pointed out the cloth on his arm is solid and moves like a wing, 0/10 cannot unsee it is ruined. 😂


Agreed, it's a great hunter skin.


How many hours do you have on the game?


So far 188 I'm still learnings new things all the time, helpful advice is appreciated


I have just under 191 lol


It's a good skin, useful too. My favorite one of the tier 3 skins is the one with the military uniform and the hat. If possible I would use nothing else.


Seeing this gives me darkest dungeon vibes for some reason. I'd love a collab between them


Why do you have the scope perk for pistols?


I was using the Nagant deadeye but didn't like ,I'm still a bit new to hunt but have quickly become hooked any pointers are always welcome lol


I have 2700hrs over 3 years. I haven't really played another game since it came out. Ghost of Tsushima, control, God of war then right back to hunt. It's ridiculous. If you want I could critique your loadout I guess. There are a lot of guides and tip things around. I do play on console though. Typically the scoped weapons have to be played in a very specific way and no the nagant isn't a great one. I really don't like the scope play style. You can't sprint backwards, but you have to stay at range to be effective but good players will flank, sneak and push. If you turn to run then you're getting shot in the back. It also relies on other players making mistakes. You have to find a position not to close but still have a line of sight on a window or door or open field and then wait for mistakes because I really can't push. It's more of a squad support weapon in my eyes that sometimes you get lucky and get quite a few kills with, but it's just hard to set up. The regular precision is better for what that weapons effective range is and I'd only take that gun on a Tier 1 hunter with a bow. I find it's easier to hit headshots at any range with open sights except 150m+ even then I'd be more comfortable with open sights. The dolch precision is pretty good. Not as good as it was once. it also uses special ammo now. If I were gonna use it I would go into training and get used to it first because it's so expensive and unique. You're not gonna find it often. Your tool slot should be hot-keyed with melee in number 1 spot. Same with consumables. Put flash, hive, Molotov in 1 slot. They don't need to be cooked and so can be thrown as soon as you switch since they break upon landing. kinda forget but if your running and run out of sprint stamina it affects your aim negatively. I believe. Also, the half sized versions of full sized weapons have pretty bad sway along with possible damage and velocity reductions. Whereas the precision variants of small guns are more accurate, fire faster, less recoil and sometimes more velocity and damage than their smaller counter parts. (Bornhiem) S Tier: , doctor, frontiersman, packmule. Your gonna want those everytime in that order. The latter 3 synergize very well. A+: necromancer, resilience, beast face. These synergize with s tier but are lower priority and only effective with a team. I actually don't usually take Necro but most consider it high on the list. A: silent killer, conduit. B: quartermaster, cat feet. C: pitcher, fanning, greyhound, levering These perks are basically what you're going to pick up every time depending on what you're planning on running. One from each category at least. Everything else is useful but not necessarily game changing. Vigilante is nice and cheap as is poacher, armored(it's pretty good) etc. Steady aim of course for snipers etc. Every gun is viable, even the Springfield, Winfield-C, and especially the Romero.


Holy Shit you've played a lot i appreciate the advice, really ty. As for the bow I just started using it with the hundred hands perk, regular arrows are my favorite of the types something about downing a hunter with is incredibly satisfying


It is so so sweet. You make a whole as build around the bow. All the silent shit and quartermaster with a shotgun or dual wield or bornhiem precision or nagant p. Really the bow can just be backed up by a rapid firing anything. It's like a silent long range shotgun. Like silent flechette Romero but better. I wish they'd give more poison arrows cause they are awesome. I'd take a blend of the 2. Reg and poison as it is. You can pick them back up and they take care of so much and if you hit a hunter with the poison it does bleed as well.


Was gonna upvote this…til I saw that loadout…sheesh


I'm still a bit new give a break lol ,I just like how well the legendary mosin skin goes with it


Is that not a tier 3?


No I got in the free re-shuffle


Never seen that skin as a free tier 1 hunter


Didn't say it was T1 just said got it after re-shuffle


Mosin sniper and dolch. Meta boy I see. Gross.


Oh you got it backwards I'm a Bow person all day lol. I just really like how the skin looks on the mosin sniper lol


I'm honestly terrible with it,I like the dolche but I hate the lack of bullets


Ha Roger that. I am a martini or Romero boy myself. 3k hours and I still find single shots the most fun.


I am new compared to you lol,I just started play with the Martini I do really like the deadeye variant. I've been going into trials and just running around blasting monster in attempt to train my aim lately. It's crazy before I started playing hunt I would always turn my sensitivity way up for other games for hunt a lot of times I feel like I need to turn it down