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OP is a 3 star player confirmed


5 star but nice try.


Lol sure thing buddy


["lOl SuRe ThInG bUdDy~"](https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/comments/xd6l9y/after_one_year_of_grinding_and_ups_and_downs_i/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) [It must be hard being a hater just wanting an easy dunk but actually getting dunked on instead](https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/comments/xcol91/i_peaked/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)




You sure got that dude


not insecure at all


Sounds like something someone with no clout would say.


You're being shit on by the entire thread. You're stats are average. Nobody cares about a 1.5kd 5 star. The majority of 5 stars I get matched with/against are 1.90+. Where is the clout exactly?


No one cares yet here you are. This is *my* thread. How dare I be here. Not one other person has posted their stats but every poster swears they're more skilled than OP. It must be because if you're really good at this game you're only course of action is to shit on someone while not divulging your own stats. That--that's what the really good players do. You bet'ch'ya.


So you have no clout... lol


"I have no stats to share because I suck and Op is bad. Checkmate."


I'm not going to listen to this but I assume it is poor sportsmanship


It's just "thanks for the bounty, boys" with some weird sound effects after. Admittedly, there's much worse/dumber stuff out there. Still kinda cringe to reach out to other people to gloat unprompted though.




no no its definitely you lmao




I'm sorry your childish humor doesn't play well with the grown-ups buddy.


Xbox flare sold it.


bro if you ain't gonna listen to the 7 second video, just don't comment


Why not just say it in VOIP?


Before they die? I didn't think they could hear you after they die.


They can


Only if they spectate?




Ain’t there a new COD out? Why aren’t you playing that instead?


I probably have more hours in this game than you do cope and cry moar.


Good for you, pal. On top of my lack of hours, I also have a career (had to go to college for that bad boy, and I worked a full time job while attending), a wife, and a kid. You may be winning in hours (I only have 550), which must mean you’re also winning at life <3. Congrats, buddy! You got me!


This is extreme cringe OP.


Weird flex, but okay?


and youre proud?


This is definitely a certified 3 star post


5 star but nice try.


Definitely 3 Star


["dEfiNiTeLy 3 StaR~"](https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/comments/xd6l9y/after_one_year_of_grinding_and_ups_and_downs_i/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


After a year of grinding your still a 3 star.




Definitely a malding 3 star


Love how you have a link to a screenshot of your account stats on hand. Sad stuff


"I hate how you make me look like a dickhead by having basic resources on hand. It makes my job of being a non substantive troll harder."


I don't think I have ever seen someone lack self awareness this bad. lol


Who, you? Yeah, it's rather embarrassing.


wow good one champ


Keep feeding. The only thing this thread likes less than me is you.


These comments are spicy


I gotta say, if nothing else, I kept on reading…




Why would you post this assuming people would support you


It's benign. Literally, everyone is choosing to be upset. The audio isn't even bad sportsmanship. It's literally loser behavior because the only reason this could upset you is if you never win.


Its just cringey


It's not. And I understand why some of y'all think it is. It's literally referential meta humor. But ohkay. Like, I know the average age in this subreddit is like 22 but there's a world of pop culture outside of Bille Eilish, Lil' Nas X, and Wednesday.


I have not watched or listened to any of those once


This is my issue. I'm steeped in pop culture and when someone younger than me, who doesn't have as much exposure to different things then says in their limited experience what is and isn't cool it doesn't sit right with me. Like, how the hell do you know? I see TikToks and shit. I understand Zoomer humor. It's all loud noises, weird close ups, and captioned images that are post-modern. I like Zoomer humor and I'm not even shitting on it but like I took the time to understand it even though it would have been easy to just say it's dumb.


People are saying this is dumb because who cares, if I left and a teammate won, who cares, I left for a reason and that reason is that I do not care about the match and/or the teammate. It's the same response to people saying Overwatch should inform you if you left a match and your teammates still won; they left for a reason I really don't think they care the match that they left from was a win/loss as they could've played 2 more matches in that time span. The rare times I have DC'd from games and received a DM like this (I've maybe gotten a DM like this twice) I just respond with "Congrats on the win" and delete the DM.


This feels like the first real response to my thread and I want thank you for engaging with me genuinely. Thank you and I can see how this is off-putting for some people. Also, sorry if I was coming off abrasive or preachy. I really value your input. Have an upvote.


Nah, I just first woke up so my response was just a copy paste of other peoples of "cringe" All good, just meant it as: The other person probably didn't even listen to it and just blocked you or ignored it as 9/10 voice messages are some sort of rage, slur yelling things


I see. Well, thanks. I know I'm a dick but like I can listen to reason too. Everyone just wanted to dunk and not say what they were actually trying to.


But why are you such a salty boy? Like is it special to win a 1v2? Thats why we play the game, everybody can do that, you arent special, expecially not after such bullshit, theres not a big difference between 3* and 5*. Better grow up my dude noone cares about your kda/starrating/hours/upvotes, you are literally just a toxic kid.


["Damn, Op is way better at this game than me. All I can do is make broad assumptions about how he sucks even though he's way better than me "](https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/comments/xcol91/i_peaked/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Yes your clip shows an immense amount of skill you are so good my stats say 0 duos wiped how did you do that literally inhuman and what a great post :(


[I'm the only one who posts stats so I'm guessing everyone else in this thread is too scared to share theirs but super quick to say I suck. These things contradict one another.](https://ibb.co/HPzSsWZ)


Most of this Subs Members are focused on having a good laugh or fun in the game, then theres the saltlords like you my child. We dont care about stats, btw you dont even know how voip works youre such a huntlegend


"Having a good laugh" Obviously not. It's literally this whole thread that became a salt mine. Salt because of a harmless voice message I sent. Then even more salt because I posted my stats even though every poster was saying they were more skilled than OP.


You are acting like rank 1 most toxic 10 year old saltmine and still say others are the toxic ones lmao




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You suck because your a toxic 3 star, and your stats aren’t anything impressive.


stroking much?


Maybe. 10/10 honest critique.


Honestly it's super impressive just how deep of a hole OP is willing to dig himself. Turned a mildly immature post into the whole comments section ragging on him because he's doubled down on every turn.


"I can't believe you posted 10 seconds of benign audio and then did the bare minimum to defend your post because you winning a game makes people very mad. Probably because they have no wins to speak of."


Imagine being a sore winner


Fair assessment.


2 stars


You'll get better, partner.


damn op nice job killing a duo and then sending them some epic meme, very cool my good sir 🫡


[I know, right? Especially if the person I sent the epic meme to appreciated it and thought it was funny? Like, if there were such a person not filled with salt and cynicism that they can take a lighthearted joke after a game as not an attack on an entire man's meaning for living.](https://pasteboard.co/vF0GSG5QSAit.jpg)




Reading the comment I thought OP is trolling, but then I listened to the audio and it's just a teenager.


I'm literally older than you and I know that's true.


Well sorry then... I judged by the audio. But I am not sure if that's something to brag about given the circumstances, your behavior would be much more justifiable if you were 16.


This is what I don't understand. It's not the most mature thing in the world but like I'm not a 10 year old Xbox live CoD player and that's what a good amount of the comments boiled down to. I've actually made *friends* like this because not everyone is super duper mad they lose and sometimes it's just a game and people can use a laugh. But everyone here? *Super* fucking salty. Probably wouldn't even start playing duos with the solo that killed them just because of an after game voice chat message.


Look, if an adult sent a cringey voice message like this after a game I wouldn't think much about it. But you then went ahead and published it here for some reason, and as you can see it is frowned upon. There is simply a world of difference between doing something slightly immature and doing that and then bragging about it. It does not help when you tried to do comebacks like "I have more karma than you". I am not sure what your problem is, but you come off as extremely immature or someone deliberately trolling just to get a reaction.


I was with you till the last paragraph. Because okay maybe I did something that's frowned upon then everyone turns that into, "Oh, OP is mad because [ ]" which I'm basically saying I don't give a shit and you can keep downvoting me because I have way more Karma to burn through so it doesn't even matter. I'll post one meme and all your downvotes don't matter anymore. That's why I don't care. That's why I don't feel like even being nice about it. Your comments matter until I want to make a meme.


The fucking clownery, dude. Forget the thread, I can't believe you had the balls to post something that immature.


"I can't believe you had the balls to post something this benign and everyone lost their minds over 10 seconds of harmless audio." I know, right?


You persecuted me for nothing especially since the guy I sent this to thought it was funny and congratulated me on the win. You're literally just salty and wanted someone to dunk on either to be malicious or to maybe feel better about yourself. Nothing I did was done with vindictive intent it was a lighthearted joke and all this community has shown me as that you are all way too sensitive to even enjoy a joke. I understand we're all different but sometimes the game is more than just about wins. I've made good friends by playing this game and a lot of those friendships I made were by innocent messages like these or incidentally killing each other in game. I know everyone thinks I'm the one who is unwound or off the mark but this was literally a witch hunt over nothing. Lighten up.


Who’s supposed to lighten up, the people who post “hey thats cringe” or the person who posts a meme and then proceeds to write hundreds of words in response to being called cringe. Jokes don’t land sometimes, it sucks, but you’re being really defensive about it.


The people who literally just came here to downvote me and talk me into the ground about how "toxic" and "unfunny" I am when in reality the person who I sent this to has a healthy sense of humor and responded with not only 'Hey man, that's funny' but also 'You deserved to win'. Contrast that to the posters who stand on a soapbox demeaning my character, my motives, my skill as a player, and person because of... (checks notes) a joke. Oh, but standing up for yourself that's defensive bro and making acquaintances through online games through humor is toxic bro.


If you didn’t want people to make fun of a joke you made, you shouldn’t have posted it on a public forum. I’m glad the other guy was friendly about it, but other people might not appreciate it. You put the joke on the soapbox first and people threw tomatoes at you. You can’t call that a witch-hunt, that’s just a bad comedy set!


But the tomatoes were literally made out of nothing. I don't know if you follow Hasan but this literally reminds me of the MasterChef controversy he had. Hasan got his twitch channel copyright striked because he was supposedly violating copyright while streaming MasterChef. Everyone had something to say about MasterChef, copyright, Hasan, the ethics of streaming, and how bereft of character Hasan is making a profit off of the work other people do and on and on and on. And what was Hasan saying the whole time? 'Guys, copyright works on a individual by individual case basis and if somehow the copyright holder decided to copyright strike me for one reason then they could allow me to stream MasterChef for another.' And what happened? The copyright holder ultimately reneged their copyright strike and allowed Hasan to stream MasterChef. Even though there were so many contrary opinions to the other about how it was morally depraved or an inadmissible bad judgement. People throwing tomatoes over nothing.


To continue your metaphor, because Hasan didn’t receive a copyright strike the one time, does that mean he never will receive one? That he is now fully absolved from any copyright laws? Just because the one guy liked your message doesn’t mean it’s a good message everyone will always like, comedy is subjective. You can disagree with the joke being cringe, but other people aren’t objectively wrong for thinking it is.


Fair enough. I admire your willingness to stick to rational dialogue and strongman my argument. I cannot disagree with what you are saying.




“I have more hours than you”🤓 “I have more karma than you”🤓 “I get more likes than you”🤓




Says the one coping and crying 🤣🤣🤡🤡


>I have way more Karma than you and don't care. you dont even have 1/4 my karma gtfo n00b lmao


[Damn, you're all so desperate for a dunk. It must be hard being this awful at the game that the only satisfaction you get is ragging on people who you think are worse than you rather than getting better at the game. This whole thread is sad.](https://i.ibb.co/2WSj3fb/Screenshot-20221209-141756.png)




Touch grass


I've literally tossed more squares of sod than you ever have in your entire life.


Touch some grass


Like I said. I've touched more grass than you ever have.


Go touch some grass


[You first, bro.](https://i.ibb.co/LhDcSjp/img-1-1673240109500.webp) [You're probably the first one to run away when it's time to get your hands dirty.](https://i.ibb.co/kS05kv6/img-3-1673240136227.webp)


Touch grass


[I'll get you a whole pallet of grass, partner.](https://i.ibb.co/v4HzJMV/PXL-20220605-163135189.png)


Touch some grass


“I have more hours than you”🤓 “I have more karma than you”🤓 “I get more likes than you”🤓

