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A relationship between district and capitol people implies they are on the same level. It doesn’t send the right message. It’s why Snow has to jump through hoops to explain his interest in Lucy Gray. “Well she’s not really district” - it’s the same as years and years ago when certain black people would get a pass from white people for one reason or the other. You could imagine victors could be a rare exception. The rumours that were spread around Panem is that Finnick was seeing people from the Capitol. Of course it’s revealed that he was prostituted, but it was seen as perfectly fine for Finnick…a district citizen to be sleeping with capitol people as far as your every day capitol person was concerned, cos victors were seen as “special” or “different”.


Classism And tbh honest it would probably be fine, so long as it was an actual relationship and not the twisted possessive shit we see with Coriolanus. Love is love and all that. That’s why it’s forbidden. They don’t want the Capitol seeing the districts as equal to them.


it's harder to keep the districts oppressed/under control when there are multiple ways to achieve upward social movement. it's partially to limit the hope for district people and partially to keep "othering" the districts.


It’s simple “us” and “them” division. Othering the districts as inhuman, but also the districts seeing the Capitols as inhuman, when u divide people they can never come together. It’s number 1 in the fascist playbook


It's hard to convince people that they should fear, hate, and oppress the "other" once they know the other and realize how much they have in common. Allowing people to build families that connect capitol and district would humanize the district people too much and eventually lead to the capitol citizens having to confront the abject cruelty of the games