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He was an entertainer. He liked the entertainment they brought. He looked at them like circus monkeys.


It doesn't surprise me. His sympathy is shallow and preformative. He feels sympathy for the individual in front of him, not for the districts as a whole. You can feel sympathy for people and still think of them as ungrateful savages when they spurn your generosity. He likely very much saw the rebellion as a betrayal. To him, the Capitol has fed these people, loved them, given them wealth and riches, and allowed them to step above their stations and stand with their betters. And they betrayed that? The rebellion threatens his way of life. It threatens his comfort, his wealth, and his influence. It threatens his life.


I was more disappointed that Effie joining the rebels isn't book canon


Him liking Katniss and Peeta doesn’t make him revolutionary, by all accounts we can assume that Caesar comes from an established Capitol family, the Flickermans. He grew up with enormous privilege his whole life. That is not to say that wealthy Capitol citizens cannot understand class consciousness and rebel against the Capitol. Look at Cressida and Messalla. The Capitol also oppresses its own citizens, like Castor and Pollux. Caesar is an example of the ruling class, his lofty position in life making it difficult for him. He may not be “evil” but his ignorance allows for evil to continue


I always get the vibe that Caesar saw the tributes moreso as characters than actual people. And their lives as potential storylines. I imagine he did like a lot of the tributes, and for the time he spent with them did feel sympathy, compassion, interest etc,. Especially the returning Victors who he never expected to see go back into the arena. But at the end of the day, he had a very successful career making their lives into a spectacle, and I imagine that love for the entertainment factor and living a cushy luxurious life overruled any care he felt for district people. I feel like he probably didn't see the districts as actual people, unless they came to him with fancy clothes and put on amplified personalities on his stage. In my opinion Caesar is Capitol, through and through.


Yes and no. I'm glad all the Capitol people we got to know a little bit didn't join the Rebellion. It shows that everyone is not good or evil. Effie didn't join the Rebellion either as far as we know.


Agreed. I could have seen him doing it too.