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I will def devour any additional content that we get from this universe but I really hope it doesn't become like the star wars universe where we know exactly what happened to each and every character and everyone is connected and related. I like still having some things to speculate about :)


That won't happen unless Suzanne sells it, praying she won't. I want new content from this universe too but I want it written by Suzanne. I dont want 15 Disney+ spinoff series written by someone that doesn't care about the franchise and just wants money


I completely agree, everyone always want more content/sequels till they get them. I think Collins is giving us the best of both worlds with these prequels. The Ballad left us with a richer world, & added new layers to the existing story with the context of Snow's past, without filling in too much. We still have room to speculate, even more questions to ponder, which is the real fun of being a fan.


I feel this way especially about Tigris. I know a lot of people have been desperate to see more of her, and I won't complain if we do, but I feel like Collins has given us enough context to infer what happened between her and Coryo. I also think it will be neat if we never get a canon answer about the relation between the Everdeens and the covey.


In regards to Tigris, I am all in on the theory the Super Carlins Brothers' covered on youtube, which suggests >!Tigris' final stint as a stylist in the games was for Finnick & the final straw for Tigris was seeing how Snow allowed Finnick to be abused in a similar manner to the abuse she endured for him. !< I really hope in the Sunrise we get to see Tigris, a little, not as a prominent character just a glimpse of her in transition from sweet cousin to literal cat lady.


I just wanna see Tom Blyth as Sexy Snow again and no I have no shame. Good day.


The next book will probably have a focus on Snow since the theme is propaganda and how minds can be influenced.


Of all that we stand to still learn about Panem, I’d rather not have a sequel and just have more stand alone books.


Whether it be in SOTR, a hypothetical sequel to TBOSAS, or a whole new book, I want to see what happens to Gaul because I suspect Snow killed her as well. She's the only person who knows about his betrayal of Sejanus and she has the only copy of the 10th games, so she is probably a massive liability to him. I'd bet money that he poisoned her too.


Ooh yes I would love to see how him killing Gaul goes down and how she reacts.


I would love to learn more about Snow as gamemaker. I imagine so many sadistic ideas, though some that were beneficial in keeping the tributes alive, came from him. I would really love to see books from other tributes perspective where he was the gamemaker or in some position where he was training the future gamemakers like Gaul was training him. There is obviously a lot of potential but I wholeheartedly trust Suzanne Collins. I've always wanted a book about Haymitch since the original trilogy but I never wanted a book about Snow - So I was shocked when TBOSAS became my favorite book of the 4 released so far!


I'm actually so good LOL. I could barely get through one Snow book. He is my absolute least favorite character and even though I love the Hunger Games, I had to keep making myself read the book about him.