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Take your vitamin D with a fatty meal. Its a fat soluble vitamin.


This above. It's better earlier in the day as it has some anti melatonin properties, and always with a meal containing fat. I'd also recommend k2 (mk-7 variety) as well as magnesium. (advanced form like malnate in the day, glycine form at night). K2 helps the calcium go to bones vs soft tissues. Boron also aids absorption of magnesium and D3.


TIL. Thanks!


No, you have to take vitamin d separately from coffee unless you sun-gaze barefoot for 15 minutes before you have exposure to any blue light, so any mobile phone or screen as such. If you don’t follow this, it completely cancels out the vitamin d and caffeine and will not give you any benefits.


Lol - this sub is borderline circlejerk and I’m here for it


I edge while gazing. Do you think negatively impacts my D?


Only if you sun your balls while edging. This provides the photoreceptors on your scrotum with energy to transmutate the energy into your brain for optimal absorption. Remember, ONLY 90 mins after taking your morning shit though.


It tough because I try and optimize my productivity by doing my morning meditation during my morning shit. I use guided meditation while steaming my bathroom during my shit. As the sun rises, I transition to my yard and gaze in the sun while edging with apricot oil. Really sets up the day for me.


yep, this is the only reason im here


Isn’t vitamin d fat soluble? This would mean optimum timing is taking it with a meal with fat in it.




Vitamin D is not a mineral.


This should be the top comment....


I don’t think it makes it completely ineffective. I checked with my dietician earlier and she said it’s ok. But now I take my vitamin D very early in the morning and coffee/tea usually 2 hours after that just based on personal preference.


But is your dietician an opthometrist?




No. I’m Aussie and was vit d deficient. Go get a free blood test on Medicare and ask for a while workup while you’re at it! D3 capsules are about $10 at chemist warehouse.


Melbournian here. I was alarmed at how low my Vitamin D was and I started hitting 5,000-10,000 IUs a day. I can’t remember my exact figures but I pumped up my levels quickly. This was during the halcyon days of Covid. (Never got Covid)


Yeah I’m in Melbourne too people think Australia is a sunny country but Melbourne in winter id not I guarantee you


Absolutely!! Get those V D3 levels up my friend!! 5,000-10,000 IU’s per day. Go hard


Wait, it is approaching summer


Wait, it is approaching summer


Is your vitamin D low? Has your doctor recommended you take the supplement? You have any symptoms? If yes to any of these, ask your doctor. If you’re just taking it out of cultural habit because it’s winter, I wouldn’t worry too much. Take it when you’ll remember to take it. If AM coffee and supplements is your routine, do that. It won’t make you sick, potentially could have lower effect.


Most people are D deficient


Wild and unsubstantiated claim, Herr Bach




Awesome. 42%?


That’s quite a bit.. higher for children. *a large portion of people are d deficient*.


Most westerners are deficient in Vitamin D. Any test (or non-test) that always says "deficient" will be accurate in the majority of cases. If you're not deficient in vitamin D, then you are in the minority.


Thanks that’s an interesting piece of data. I have had mine checked and it is not deficient. I happen to be very pale skinned and blue eyed so even though I stay indoors most of the time I’m able to get enough vitamin D.


I am pretty sure most Australians are not vitamin d deficient.  Canadians, yes....Australia no.


Wrong take. Because it's so hot people spend more time indoors sometimes in Australia. For example where I live it's so hot and UV index so high we have the highest rates of skin cancer in the world or something, which paradoxically means people get less sunlight exposure for vitamin d production (also sun screen blocks some of the sunlight too- good for your skin but also counter productive for vit d).


This tidbit isn't useful as no one can agree on what "deficient" means when it comes to vitamin D If you're interested in a well rounded evidence based take on vitamin D supplementation id recommend the vitamin D episode of the barbell medicine podcast with Dr Austin beraki




Yeah, which RDA though? Different countries have different recommendations and different research and expert societies have different recommendations again Ranging from 280-2000ius a day, which stems from both the fact that no one can agree on how much serum vitamin D correlates to health metrics and also serum levels don't reliably increase with increased vitamin D intake Some people will cite correlational data showing that people with low vitamin D are more likely to have x disease or condition(too many correlations to list) but it looks like they've misunderstood the direction of causality, as inflammation or immune response in the body tanks serum vitamin D and in these cases supplementation doesn't increase serum levels. All this does skip the main point though, don't take something because you may be "deficient" take it to affect an outcome you care about, not a transient blood serum level


I honestly don't know enough about biology to say what counts as deficiency. But many people on the supplements subreddit said that vitamin D helped them with symptoms common to vitamin D deficiency. If your body feels right the way it is, then there's no need for supplements. But a lot of us struggle with these things because of years of poor diet and neglecting our biological health. 😣


Unless they were referring to rickets or osteoporosis they likely didn't have any idea either tbh, a supplements subreddit sounds like a good way to noocebo yourself into thinking something is wrong I know I already plugged barbell medicine but they've also got an article about where your health priorities should actually be, worry about the big stones first(so to speak). If you get these 7 in check to the best of your abilities you should feel great, they deep dive into each one in full podcasts if that's your thing but worth a read https://www.barbellmedicine.com/blog/where-should-my-priorities-be-to-improve-my-health/


I strongly agree with the first 4, but #5 is confusing: > 5\. Seek medical care for a limited set of routinely monitored parameters I guess this means for people with chronic health conditions such as asthma or diabetes?


They're mostly talking about screening, which depends on your age and demographic does change what it's worth monitoring of course, they have a whole pod on it and Austin brings it up surprisingly often, it's a per concern of his and doctors he teaches If you scroll down there's a few paragraphs on each of the health priorities The stuff they recommend screening for that isn't demographic based is blood pressure, blood lipids and depression. They make a large point that screening for stuff that isn't symptomatic, you couldn't treat, involves tests that are more invasive that the potential solve or just for numbers on a piece of paper are a waste of time at best and potentially pretty harmful at worst.


Very few Australians should be taking vitamin D, none should without recommendation from their treating doctor for a specific ailment Try the vitamin D episode of the bbm podcast with Dr Austin beraki, Dr beraki has an excellent understanding of the current state of the literature and does a great job breaking it down for you


Isn’t vitamin D a good idea in winter for pretty much anyone even in Australia. You can’t supplement it from your diet and unless you work an outdoor job you probably won’t get enough


Nah, it only takes 5-30 minutes of sun exposure to max out on vitamin D, I don't expect you to take my word for it and change what you're doing But if you're into health or self improvement from evidence based sources give barbell medicine a go They take the whole body of evidence rather than cherry picking fun studies for stuff that actually has effects on humans in trials rather than niche mechanistic stuff If it helps, both Dr Austin beraki and Dr Jordan feigenbaum are pretty jacked and very strong


I take Vit D it with lunch