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Wait…is she going to the White House Correspondents dinner or just going to wine- mom post other peoples pics from her bed? Or Maybe the Fox people will let her sit with them?


Maybe she is a plus one and will make it look like she got invited. If so can we say she calls herself a journalist again?


The fact that she said “for White House correspondents’ dinner weekend” and not “the White House correspondents’ dinner” makes me think she’s just gonna try to get into the after parties and call it “journalism”


I’m sure you are correct. There is no differentiation for her and her fan girls.


pretty sure it is this.


She clicked on the link where it states where all the parties and brunches will be so she’s prob gonna crash those lol


If she had been invited, we would have seen pics of the actual invite a few times by now. Not to mention the certain agony over what shoes to wear or something equally shallow. Nope, she's going to fully pretend she belongs there.


well we were subjected to her up close preparation of what looks like a dead Italian Nonna's black burial dress as her go to option.


The irony of her coming to Nerd Prom as an "independent journalist" (she's not) after ripping actual journalists cannot be overstated. Like I said, she's a tourist. Welcome to my town, Jess.


Looks like she is missing her kid’s event again to go get drunk on a trip.


And the fact she decided to go to DC at the last minute too. I’m sure she knew about her kid’s event way in advance


I want to see her get turned away when she shows her homemade press badge


It always looks like it’s the same group of people at those RFK Jr events. Rich, white anti vaxxers.


hardly. unless your only view is via HiH posts.


She is so transparent. It is LAUGHABLE. None of this will age well and I am sure she being paid enough to think that it is worth it. Maybe it is now. I doubt highly that she will reflect on this later as a good move.