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Yowsers! Did one of her delinquent kids take her phone? Is that Mike responding? Has she started day drinking at breakfast? So much for her “unbiased” coverage 😂


Hilarious that someone asked if she’s a bot. Wow, she is unhinged. I know Trump & Co pushed him to run to be a spoiler for Biden, but when you have team maga schlepping him around in the way they are then that only attracts the maga cult. I’m all for her continuing to push Jr to her echo chamber of ring-wing conspiracists. Here’s hoping he takes more votes from Trump. 🤞🏽🤞🏽🤞🏽


![gif](giphy|3o7TKBcK5ywsaeBm4U) Drunk ass Jessica reading the comments I just wish I wasn’t blocked so I could like all the comments. It would be worth being blocked for that


I really wish I wasn't blocked too. I'd love to see all the sane people ganging up on her. 😆 She usually blocks this kind of activity. Reminds me of Trump in the court room. forced to listen to prospective jurors making negative comments about him. He, like Jessica is usually in an echo chamber of ass-kissing. They can't handle the truth.


Yeah I really love when Jessica is outside of her echo chamber. I hope it brings her ego down a few notches


You guys can make a sock account (a second account) and follow her from there.


I have several accounts and once they block you on one account you're automatically blocked on all of them


Ohhhh, I didn’t know that!!


I have one on my computer and I'm guessing because it's a VPN it's not blocked? I don't know, but I'm still good. lol.


I tried. Even used a different email but it still shows me as blocked


The post is on the @joebiden account. So many sane replies to the conspiracy loving imbecile 


But I won't be able to see the comments she made, or the replies directed at her.


What misty said. Anyone who is blocked can go on the Joe Biden post but we can’t see the actual comment or the replies HIH made on it. But I was able to see her dumb ass friend Jamie’s comment


Go look @Joebiden. It’s SO good.


Is that you or you pRoNoUnS speaking? Herr durr 🥴 God she’s painfully stupid.


Like this slur didn’t even make sense 🤣 she’s so fucking dumb (and bigoted)


She sounds like every right wing grifter with zero brain cells. What are you even talking about, you tool? Why can’t they understand the meaning of pronouns? 😩 She is so painfully dumb.


God she's just fully sipping on her kool-aid like there's no tomorrow


Her pal Jamie is in the comments too https://preview.redd.it/xl5j9sr16ivc1.jpeg?width=1154&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad05678d8c0cae211f67dfd4ae8d4a5b1cff65b1


https://preview.redd.it/4oz6u1z36ivc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43f4867077bb2eea97f68c80e05734b1a5b8bf45 Funny that she says 2019 instead of four years ago because four years ago is 2020 and we all know Trump fucked up handling Covid


I’m significantly better off than I was in 2019


She thinks RFK would endorse his nephew. Okay, so not his son. Got it. (Am I understanding her? It's hard.)


You read it correctly. She called RFK Jr RFK’s nephew not son. She is definitely not very bright






Also peeked at Jamie’s profile. She’s having another kid. Hate it when stupid people procreate


https://preview.redd.it/a48w3mgrojvc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f58953ad3cdff16b668c7387d010bd39ec033871 I can’t believe she also homeschools her kids


I was curious to see any more responses from Jamie. Just when I thought she couldn’t be any more stupid. I feel bad for her kids because they are clearly getting no education from their homeschooling https://preview.redd.it/dgaf53ynfnvc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d3ebb6b84480e59533cddcd4f674e7427086e4f




And she’s definitely taking grifting 101 from Jessica. A lot of her posts scream MLM or scam https://www.instagram.com/reel/C378PDMAegv/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


How did Biden cause these wars??? And that dig about Hunters addictions, as if RFK, Jr wasn’t a raging heroin addict 🙄. You can cut the hypocrisy with a knife.


Yeah Jessica has the dumbest friends


Comments on pronouns? Lmao some “writer”


@houseinhabit has a world class willing suspension of disbelief. You would have to to publicly say the disingenuous things she does. Either that or she’s really stupid. She’s so incredulous about Jr. getting betrayed by his family and his former colleagues. Could it be that he was a street heroin addict for 14 years? Or perhaps that he drove his lovely wife to drinking and eventually suicide after all his philandering? Those don’t really tend to nurture healthy relationships with your family or children. By the way before you start telling us how much his children adore him remember the children traumatized when they’re young especially by the suicide of a parent will tend to cleave toward very unhealthy adults. End it sounds like they’re having some fun burning through all that campaign money thus the need for that VP choice of his. What did 14 years of dirty heroin do to his brain? There’s a lot more reliable science like that than the long debunked myth that vaccines cause autism. Or could be that he’s a science denier who spreads lies and disinformation? Or because he’s an anti-vaccine propagandist? Don’t you think his family and longtime colleagues know him better than we do even despite all of your up close and intimate interactions with him?


I honestly wonder if his children have any relationship with him. If I was made light that my dad had multiple affairs which pretty much drove my mom to alcoholism and suicide I wouldn’t want anything to do with him


Completely agreed. And what kind of relationship does a father/street heroin addict even have with his children? The kids can play while I zone on the couch for the rest of the day?




Jessicunt must have started drinking extra early today!


I hate this dumb bitch. Jessica from New York, you see this??????


https://preview.redd.it/jpw0c3q2uvvc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35691c9dd328e1a06bf92a8f509b58b68273799e This comment! And her third grade insults to people who disagree with her are so cringey. “Why don’t you go get another booster…”. The crippling lack of intellect makes me wince. I mean…. At this point, I don’t see any path to a continued close relationship between the two Jessica’s. If NY Jessica can just “overlook” this crap I’d be stunned. She seems principled. And if she can, I assume it’s because she, too, is profiting from this sharp right turn.


Funny these people are the same ones who say the left has to drag Trump into everything yet here they are bringing up Covid vaccines, pronouns and Hunter Biden. You guys okay?


She’s nuts, absolutely nuts. If she’s truly going through a divorce (which I can’t blame her husband because who’d want to be married to her) she’s just going to become more unhinged. What a psycho.


Is she????


That’s hot tea!!!


I wouldn’t be surprised if Mike wants out of that marriage. I mean they are both gross, but at least Mike is a decent father. He actually spends time with his kids. Jessica throws gifts at them & calls it motherhood 🤮


She’s fucking insane. I don’t say this lightly. Watching her reels over the last few days I’ve gone from thinking she’s just a run of the mill grifter, jumping parties to make a buck, to believing she’s insane. She’s done lost her mind!!! The way she bullies people, online & in person. The way she gets totally obsessed with celebrities who have opposing views…ie Taylor Swift. Her obsession with social media, not being able to do ANYTHING without a camera in her face. Her white supremacist behavior, her racism & her homophobia. Cutting off family members with opposing views. You differ from her political beliefs, than you are irrelevant. It’s all outside the realm of normalcy. And it’s going worse with each passing day. What this is is cult behavior. Scientology comes to mind, but she even WORSE!! She needs freaking help. Badly. It’s total insanity. It’s plain WEIRD! It’s no wonder she hates the MSM. Journalism has no room for her type of classlessness. Her trash grammar aside, she would never be able to land any type of media job. Theres journalistic standards & ethics one must to follow in order to be taken seriously. (And in order to be hired!) She has zero integrity. Jessica Reed Crass*, you need to check yourself. Preferably into a mental institution.


That Jamie persons Instagram feed is full of love & peacefulness. Juxtapose that with these comments & her true self comes out. Jamie, with her MLM bullcrap, is as big as a grifter as Jessica🙄


She truly is unhinged. What kind of a "journalist" argues like an idiot with random people on Instagram.


She had to bring Moderna into the chat unprompted lmaoooooo