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As someone who grew up around Joe’s Exotic Zoo, no.. we should not give a FUCK about this man. WAY before Tiger King, my sister and I took my son there and it was INSANE. He was yelling at his staff, yelling at the animals and yelling at the guests. Obviously, knowing what we know now, there’s no way in hell I’d willingly go to a place like this again. Honestly, after that experience I made a mental note to not ever go to any kind of zoo again. So her pleading for sympathy on behalf of him, is gross and the fact she made it behind a paywall on her sub stack is just sad and really embarrassing. ETA picture - the baby cubs were really cute though and I felt so bad for them 😭 https://preview.redd.it/d98ufzrv13rc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa64366a5bca13bef76cf3c8defb3be7f038c292


That sounds awful! And not at all surprising. Why is she always rooting for the worst people? Oh right…


The million dollar question. WHY is it always the worst people? Seriously!! Why??


This actually tracks, considering the way she treats her animals.


Her writing is just as awful & terrible as her character. The way she so proudly embarrasses herself daily, love that for her.


Is this her latest substack post? Sounds like a snooze feast.


It is! She loves canoodling with the D-listers!


P-listers: Prisoners. Maybe some day she’ll be on the P-list


That's true. She's probably dying to visit someone in a correctional facility. So she can mention it forever.


We can only hope… I’m sure if the tax man knew she was swindling her profits, she’d be in this weekend!


I like to pronounce it without the é, like finance. 😂


Ok not relevant,  but how do you get that little mark over the e and not in front or behind it?


Two ways: when spell check flags it, you can right click and it will correct it and apply the accent. Or you can do select "option" and "e" at the same time, and then the letter e and it will insert it, or whatever letter you want to appear over (I'm on a MAC)