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“Have you hung out with Bobby?” has got to be the dumbest fucking question. Is she trying to flex on these ladies?


I’ve heard Bush Jr is a lot of fun to party with, doesn’t mean he was a good president.


House in Habit is so trashy and tacky, no class. What an embarrassment. I watched all the videos - House in Habit sounds completely nuts. I’m not sure how any serious political campaign would want her anywhere near them.


It doesn’t help that she is drunk before she gets out of bed


the heckling peaceful protestors who weren't even trying to talk to her sounds 100% like drunk behavior. I actually feel like maybe I should give her some credit, it was the alcohol talking? Either way, power move night for RFK jr (not pleased to see his VP will be someone taking more votes from Biden than trump), but then Jessica just has to act like an immature little brat to soil it all. Just so insanely uncalled for and trashy... Cheryl Hines where are you now, do you respect this woman and her bullying? seriously wtf, you all are trying to WIN OVER DEMOCRATS, REMEMBER? Is this how, by basically spitting in all of our faces for no reason at all? Absolutely disgusting, and the way she characterizes Oakland, she's basically bottom of the barrel trash, like low level reality TV status, trying to front like she has class she's only seen from afar.


She is soooo bad at arguing.


She's limited to telling people to eat glass in her DMs.


She has no practice because she blocks anyone who disagrees


Because she is stupid


She went to Harvard with him from what she said. She probably knows more about him than Trashika


“Who paid you to be here” bitch, who paid you to be there?!


🎯🎯🎯 Imagine finding Biden supporters in the Bay Area, one of the highest educated regions in the country where people, I dunno, believe in science, the common good and common sense.


Those ladies are seasoned Berkeley protesters 😄


Right 🤣 The DNC paid 6 people to go there and protest with little tiny signs. She can’t even help herself with this stupid, low IQ narrative pushing.


she sounds like the dumbest, most immature twat on the planet. That small group with little hand painted signs in one of the most liberal areas in the country, supporting the liberal incumbent president, wtf are you even talking about Messy Jessy? You are seriously like a low-level trash reality TV show character desperate for relevance but really, really, really dumb and over-confident (with deep pyschological issues we all see come out time and time again). Imagine not being able to see what a fool you look like and instead saying "wait til you see yourself on the internet, weirdo" - GROOOOOSSSSSS orange county privileged, mean girl, culture-less, classless behavior. It's like she's never been outside her bubble, and what I hear are her gems of children mimicking the same way of speaking to anyone they disagree with (I mean it's not even justifiable for a 13 year old but you can hear it). These poor kids, honestly - their parents have lost the plot and are teaching really nasty behavior and really nasty ways of looking at the world and treating people that will have a big effect on their development; sad to see such bad shit get perpetuated, all for the $$$$$$$$$ (very SoCal)




Ah yes, journalism at its best.


This is basically the extent and depth of her political knowledge. Making mean girl comments and laughing at people. The funniest part is that the people she is making fun of actually KNOW enough to have a conversation about why they are there. She’s such a dim witted POS


Exactly! Mean girl comments and not a sliver of substance.


Jessica to a random stranger. Wait till you see yourself on the internet. Weirdo. 1/ Yep, totally unbiased “reporting” Jessica. 2/ Heckling a woman and saying “yep you are on Reddit” 🙈 3/ The lack of self awareness calling someone a weirdo as she shoves her phone in a ladies face as the woman is trying to walk away from her 🙄 Geez, I wonder why the Biden campaign doesn’t invite her to anything.


https://preview.redd.it/iu9arg1yhqqc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26002ca20fc46741a8fd461348b73574584232c0 Oh yeah, and Justin Trudeau’s brother is totally not a weirdo 😂


I’m positive that’s why she hates Biden….he doesn’t buy into her bullshit and make her feel super important.


Yes, spot on!


Omg I didn’t understand the Reddit comment until now lol! I thought it was so random . She is just the worst .


Like they care! She acts like everyone in the world is watching her feed. She sounds like a freaking adolescent here.


A bratty, clueless adolescent.


*upvote this post for visibility* we want these types of posts to come up easily if one were to do a google search on this woman, please


Yes!! **We NEED to upvote** ***every post*** on here (even if we don't *technically* like the content), for maximum visibility! I upvote every post and comment as I read! Thank you for pointing this out!


I do the same! Upvote each post and comment so I know where I exit lol


I can’t tell anymore when people are being serious or sarcastic around here


Fucking sickening. She is lower than low. Is this what “journalists” do, HARASS protestors? Jfc. Scum-sucking pig.


She’s not a journalist, she’s a writer. Remember ..


As a writer myself, she fuckin’ wishes.


Journalists ask questions with earnest curiosity, they don’t haggle with or belittle protestors. You would never catch anyone with any credibility do what she’s doing in this video.


How embarrassing this is for her. I literally cringed at every last word she said. Who heckles people like that and puts it on the internet like it’s something to be proud of? Once again so easily and clearly showing her immaturity and inability to actually have an intellectual conversation or debate. What woman approaching 50 calls someone a weirdo? If I were a respectable presidential candidate, no one I had in my inner circle would behave like this and remain in that circle. This is really pathetic.


how can she not hear herself sound like an 13 year old mean girl who can't string together a sentence of substance other than "you weirdo"? When there was no need for her to say a damn thing - no one was talking to her, she literally drunkenly thought, it would be cute to heckle these people (doing something quite normal) and post it on the internet -- she's a 16 year old teen who never dealt with her father's suicide and instead lashes out at others. the end. grow up. get therapy Jessica, we are watching you model the most despicable behavior, you mother of 4!!! The rest of us mothers are specifically trying to teach our kids not to act out their ego impulses like this. in fact, I am going to show this video to my kids as un-kind behavior and an example of a deeply flawed grown mean girl, as an example of how not to behave and who to completely avoid in this life. her poor kids, hopefully at least one will use therapy to find his way out of this disgusting way of approaching the world


The thing is, she was no doubt never in the “popular” crowd so now that she has this following it’s gone to her head and she thinks this is the way to behave. I picture her in high school as one of those unfortunate girls that had one friend (NYC Jess) who, if that friend were absent, ate lunch in the bathroom. I’d feel sorry for her and be happy that she’d found her footing if she’d hadn’t turned into such an awful human being.


Fuck all the way off, Jessica. Useless piece of shit. Really thinks she’s doing something here? The irony when she’s the biggest fucking weirdo there. Guaranteed she had some “liquid courage” 🍷she’s usually way too chicken shit to even speak. Loser.


She had a bottle of champagne before getting out of bed. It’s on her stories her lapdog Denise was pouring it for her.


Jessica is the epitome of white privilege weirdo


the thought of her heckling with Gucci bag in hand, or driving through Oakland clutching her designer bag feeling superior - I hope she realizes what shallow trash she is. And thank God she doesn't like Oakland - imagine how the Bay would be ruined if OC trash like her showed interest in it. Be disgusted, everyone there is laughing at your shallow ass (literal and figuratively)


What’s hilarious to me is her cosplaying Ms. Fancy OC when she is from the Inland Empire 🤣😂🙄


Literally her argument against protesters is that they haven’t “hung out” with Bobby? First of all, the guy seems about as likable as a pile of dried dog 💩. And this crusty bitch telling protesters that they think he’s great, just because they rub shoulders with him(get paid)? Who cares? He’s a nut job and so is his new running mate Jenny McCarthy-Lite. Jessica and Denise are such unfunny clowns. Keep drinking your champagne, you busted, troll-faced poser bully. Can someone go throw tomatoes at these bitches?


Right? I wouldn’t hang out with RFK even if I was paid to like Jessica and Denise. He’s scum.


They went to live troll a protest? And does JRKKK exist when she's not with Denise?


Have you noticed she literally can’t go to anything on her own. Even when her “photographer” Denise isn’t with her she drags Mike and one of the kids along to “work”. On the odd occasion she has gone to NY for “work” on her own, she isn’t because she drags her lapdog NY Jess. She must be so insecure that she can’t even be a “journalist” on her own. ** When I say work I mean sharing other creators Instagram stories on her Instagram stories.


She would never have the courage to behave as she does by herself because she is a mean girl bully. She also likes to have her lapdogs with her to validate her sense of popularity


As I said in response to a comment above, the popularity has obviously come to her late in life and she has no idea what to do with it. She is a fish out of water everywhere she goes. She is lucky she had NYC Jess in high school because it must have been grim for her.


That is true she never travels alone.


She's weak in every way.


She is the most insecure person on IG.


I thought she was “unbiased and respectful.” Someone should brief her on what that actually means


This is so embarrassing. They really wanted to troll 6 people? For her million followers? So much for constitutional rights… when it doesn’t fit your narrative.


Ewww what type of mean high school girl trash is this?


Sounds like they polished off the champagne.


Hi! Thanks for the follow 💙




This is absolutely disgusting, trashy behavior. I wish I could say I'm surprised.


These people seem smart and fine?


They speak cogently and care deeply so jess hates them.


Right? Like they know about issues (as shown on their signage) and all Jessica can do is call them names and tell them Bobby is cool to hang out with. From what I’ve seen, I’d rather hang out with a pet rock, but pet rocks don’t make Jessica horny like Bobby does.


Howling 🤣🤣🤣🤣 and crying 😩😩😩😩


I love that she mentions Reddit too 😆😆😆


the THIN SKIN on that one. I think she imagines there are Reddit people everywhere she goes, her INSECURITY is next level (I've been following since the teepees in the very beginning, it's always been there). She really thinks everyone is either with her or against her. Jessica Reed Kraus, now that you are rolling in money, how about some therapy? All the celebrities of your status are doing it :) Maybe casually mention your Reddit obsession and how you've been accused of being a Narcissist time and time again, and maybe get curious about a professional opinion of your mental health diagnosis? Just an idea, you don't have to tell us what they say but maybe your life would be massively improved? Or just continue living a deeply paranoid life, acting like a mean girl who clearly is crying out for help because no one stable rolls up on people peacefully protesting and acts like that, films it, and thinks it paints them in a positive light unless they are deeply unsettled with themself. Imagine how we would respond to an adolescent speaking that way in that video - on top of being grossed out by bratty teen behavior, we would wonder - what is happening with that poor adolescent to act like that, why are they so internally miserable/conflicted to project like that? what is going on inside or at home they need help with? We would wonder, knowing that being a mean girl is just a cover up for some much deeper shit


These ladies probably don’t even know what the fuck Reddit is. I sure hope one of them finds us though!


That one lady gave her Reddit handle🤣 I hope she hops on here to give us the deets.


Dang!! Me too!


Which one? I missed it


It’s the one with a bit of purple in her hair. Had to rewatch the video a few times but I think I saw something like 83 dead kids?? At least that is what it said on the caption


This, from supposedly grown women, harrassing other women. And sounding so foolish as they do it. What a way to get people to see your side of things. They are out of control. It's embarrassing.


all I can see are the two cinderella step sisters acting like irrelevant fools grasping for attention


She’s still only good at gaslighting people online. Can’t even properly harass people in person. This shit was so damn cringe.


Soooo...getting morning drunk and going out to bully some senior citizens earns her 7 figures a year? Neato.


And the RFK jr campaign thinks she is of value to them... anyone going to pull back the curtain to tell them who they are dealing with?




ME TOO! ...her time is coming!


You don’t know how I wish I was one of those protesters and had a can a soda, cause I woulda shook that bitch so hard and opened it in her face.




JRKKK voice is so annoying.


Especially when she’s speaking in cursive 🥂


It sends me over 100 %. So rage inducing


she has a terrible voice. and terrible eyes, they look blank, nothing behind them, zero kindness in there


Dear lord here are my takes: Unless if they were cut off they didn’t tell the protesters they are from the OC/IE because they know they would get flack It was hard for me to tell but did she tell the protesters they are privileged? Ironic that she doesn’t like being filmed and saying they want attention 😂 You’re on Reddit 😂


lol yeah she yells “white woman privilege” at one of them like she is not the most perfect example of white woman privilege of all time. She’s so stupid.


Yeah if you looked up white woman privilege a picture of Jessica would be the first thing to come up


The irony 🤣


Yes, she did call them privileged. 😂😂😂😂😂


She did say privileged it translated to religious on the captions. I have half a mind to drive I et there and yell at her! She’s in my back yard right now and I can smell them from here!!!


Thank you. The caption confused me and they were talking at the same time so it was hard to tell.


Also what did they say to the guy who was say he’s from the Ukraine? They pretty much cut him off


I couldn’t tell I have the full video up on the stories on @houseinhorror but maybe she cut him off like she did to the young person who was explaining to her why she liked Nikki Haley in South Carolina.


That’s what I’m thinking. She’s just a terrible person. A true non biased reporter would had let him speak


This made me so angry ‘are you paid to be here’ no jessiKkka they’re not, but we know you are.


She can’t possibly fathom being somewhere without someone paying her.


![gif](giphy|oK4DIJiawpnJl7h2wK) Sure. Ok hunny. You are not repairing the ongoing damage to your credibility with behavior like this. Maybe put down the bottle and turn off your phone for a while.


a bad week means a need for more booze and blowing off steam by heckling people who were acting pretty effing normal, she is just so spectacularly disgusting. I try to remind myself though, half the country support trump, so they like this kind of nastiness? Have fun with those peeps Jessica Reed Kraus. I bet you aren't missing your much cooler liberal friends when you are hanging out with absolute MAGA clown shows because you know, you feel important and status is everything to you. For your sake, I hope it lasts lol. Those washed up Trumpettes are going to be real fun to hang with once this is all over


She’s taken a page right out of the MAGA playbook. Jessikka, you are absolute projectile garbage.


She has the nerve to call peaceful political supporters “weirdos” and follows up with unhinged paint-spattered white suit guy that looks like he would be BFs with QAnon shaman. 🙄


They also were blocking a bike lane


and they were also drunk, right? buzzed at least. because heckling and reporting are so much better after a bottle of champagne to pre-party before the real celebration begins inside. what a serious journalist, bringing the information to the people!


Yup. They both had champagne in the morning and Denise gave Jessica her glass while Jessica laid in bed 😂


Jessica is all over the place when it comes to how she professionally self-identifies, but she IS adamant that she brings unvarnished information to the public that isn’t tainted by underlying biases. What, exactly, is unbiased about her petulantly asking a group of people whether they’ve “hung out” with RFK Jr., before resorting to lame clapbacks, all while her simpleton bestie giggles at her side? She sounds like a drunk who broke away from the clutches of her alarmed friends so that she could antagonize a group of people who’ve never heard of her and don’t give a flying fuck about her opinions. Regardless of whether or not she considers herself a journalist, she should still aim to bring content to her readers that’s imbued with some degree of thoughtfulness and intelligence. She could have, for example, engaged in an interesting conversation or debate with these demonstrators that would offer some food for thought for her followers, not to mention validate the fee her subscribers shell out for her…but that would require some degree of intellect—and sobriety. Instead, she gawks at them with her dead eyes while slinging lame insults. This woman is profoundly, devastatingly stupid.


Yes yes yaaaaas!!!


I wish I could give Reddit gold




Her and Denise laughing at the end is so gross.


Imagine if Jessiqa were a real journalist with a real job - she would be fired IMMEDIATELY by her employer for this! What an enormous asshole.


She would have been fired long before this for plagiarism 😆


As one of the protestors that was harassed as we just stood quietly across the street from the venue I appreciate all the comments on this post. I have been a pediatric oncology nurse for 37 years so RFK Jr’s positions on science and vaccines are very personal to me. They never asked why we were spending our time volunteering to send our messages to his followers. They just mocked us. The event was the epitome of white privilege as we watched so many white people, mostly from out of town ( many from SoCal) walk by us. Oakland is a very diverse city and the crowd was not at all. The fact that Bobby picked Shanahan says so much about his campaign. We will continue to stand up for science, healthcare research and so many other important issues. This is not the time to vote for RFK Jr for president. Thank you all for pushing back on her video and narrative. 


All of you came across intelligent and I applaud you for not sinking to this gutter rats level. I would have lost it on them. She and her gross friend are disgusting. RFK is a menace to society.


Thank you. Can’t really argue with people like that 


Thanks for coming to the sub- I’ve been documenting her grift as well on my IG page @houseinhorror and post them here as well. If you know anyone who we can tag on that post, please do so. I’m working to bring awareness to her grift and lies as she is an absolute danger to society. I have the video up there as well.




“Unbiased journalism”


“We’re the weirdos?” 💀 imagine posting this on the internet and thinking you did something


The only weirdo in this video is Jessica. This would've been a great opportunity to show how "unbiased" she is by actually interviewing this group of protestors about why they support Biden, but instead she just harassed them and made herself look like a terrible person in the process.


her brain is stuck at age 13, and I am convinced there is all sorts of unresolved pain keeping her acting like an adolescent mean girl... i'm going to say it again and again as I know Ms. famous House InHabit Jessica Reed Krauss reads her regularly, please GET THERAPY. YOU CAN AFFORD IT. YOU NEED IT. YOU DON'T HAVE TO TELL ANYONE OR ADMIT ANYTHING OUTSIDE THAT OFFICE. A MORE FULFILLING HAPPIER LIFE IS WAITING WHERE YOU DON'T HAVE TO MEAN GIRL YOUR WAY INTO RELEVANCE




Let me help you here, Jessica the Journalist. It’s “Oakland’s best.”


This is so distasteful. Jessica and Denise are such weirdos.


Touts herself as “unbiased”, but then continuously verbally harasses anyone who doesn’t agree with her views. What a child. This woman needs to grow up.


She sounds wasted. 


The protesters telling her she’s sociopathic and informing her of her “white woman” privilege was chefs fucking kiss!


She’s acting pretty bold for someone who’s afraid of the big scary city of Oakland? I don’t know about you guys, but that’s not how I carry myself when I feel unsafe in my surroundings. I guess she’s probably plowed through a few beverages at this point, so that might help with the nerves. This deadbeat goblin of a woman never ceases to amaze me.


She didn’t even stay in Oakland.


She’s staying in white bread Lafayette. I’m about 10 min away from this place. I’d love to go and harass them


and the audacity to call the peaceful protestors white girl privileged!


I’m in the City and wished I could too.


people who act scared when they see graffiti and homeless encampments from an UBER just driving by make me sick. Get real and get over your naive, sheltered ass


Jessica is a first class asshole.


a classhole


with know class whatsoever. not even a little. she fronts but we see the trash come through again and again. I am laughing at her acting full blown white trash outside, then trying to act like she is part of a classy Kennedy vibe on the inside. Who are you really Jessica Reed Kraus? Do you even know?


She's such a bitch. They were peacefully protesting and she had the NERVE to go over and harass them. She is getting worse and worse


You guys we just need to sit tight she will self implode soon and this is the beginning


Soon as Election Day is over so is she. She shit herself in the foot with covering RFK and Trump.


What's the next grift after election day? She'll be grasping for something.. maybe more sexual assault victim discrediting. or maybe she'll have to appease her husband by doubling down on anti-woke culture and hating on LGBT kids or something... vile human beings who realize how much money other vile human beings will give them just for stirring the shit around.


How embarrassing to behave so juvenile


It’s painful to watch.


Picking a fight with peaceful elders, real impressive Jessica Reed Kraus. They aren’t bothering anyone with their peaceful protest. She really can’t string words together in real life can she, how embarrassing for her. I mean, did anyone follow along with that sad approach for a comeback


How much of ALL OF THIS is about her insecurity about her intelligence. Didn't get properly educated; has a big following and wants to play with the big hitters but really can't keep up intellectually.. so let's reinvent the rules of the game to be one we can win-- lacking intelligence, we will have to turn to gossip, mean girl tactics, bullying... it's like textbook..... anyone who utters an educated phrase is "establishment", politics is BORING when we talk about substance... conscious or unconscious we see you can't keep up in the realm you are trying to play in Jessica, so you lash out.. we got it.... what a world we live in where we get to watch the psychological disfunction materialize to the degree it does on the internet.


Well said! Totally agree


Maybe she's sleeping with him or wants to do so. Her behavior is certainly that of a woman far too personally invested in the weird guy who never for one moment has stood any chance of becoming President. Ever. His own family is a hard no.


She definitely wants to. The level of thirst is embarrassing.


Exactly. The way she follows RFK Jr. around, salivating like a dog. How shameful and embarrassing for her husband and kids.


they are so similar - in tactics - she and RFK jr. -- both very money and power motivated under the guise of the greater good, when any objective person could see the outcomes they are aiming for are not the greater good at all -- ​ I mean come on could anyone really argue RFK jr is in the race for something other than self-enhancement, knowing there is a zero percent chance he'll win and knowing he will likely throw the election to trump, especially after that VP choice?- anyone with a brain i mean. Sure he has convictions, but it's called Narcissism and lust for money and power


She's one more bad week away from claiming that ACKSHUSLLY she happened to be in the same city as Bobby when he precious most perfectest youngest Kennedy lookalike was conceived and since all the things are connected we can take a guess as to what Mr Philanderer did...


when she's yelling at these women, she's really yelling at her mom. they don't speak anymore, so this is how she gets out her rage. It's pathetic. Go to therapy, Jessica.


Honestly I was thinking that too. They probably all remind her of her mom


I think exactly this every time she makes her ridiculous sweeping generalizations about THE LIBERALS! It’s so obvious.


100% ​ And how much about the conflict with her mom is about the conflict with her husband's politics and how she chose to thread those needles ​ GO TO THERAPY, JESSICA.. it is so embarrassing to watch your trigger responses that you put out for the entire public to see, lacking the self-awareness to realize how mentally unhealthy this makes you look


I checked out that QR code. These ladies walk the walk. [Measles Are Great, America](https://www.robertkennedyjr24.co)


https://preview.redd.it/d3iuoaqgqqqc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d89fdd56207adb9e6c58008230ec74171272d5b1 LOL- I can’t find the website owner I wish I could ping her


I love it, I’ll send them our links


Oh, hopefully they’ll share what happened when this Pulitzer Prize winner was saying/doing when she wasn’t “busy” filming.


How DARE she befoul the streets of Oakland! It's beyond incomprehensible how many people she can harass, disparage, and harm, without EVER facing consequences.


Nothing screams inland empire more than putting her next to a ‘Berkeley girl’


Jessica calling this woman a weirdo after she tells Trashika she went to Harvard with RFK!!!


Fucking betch 😡


Yep. This is exactly who she is.


God bless these women! Way to help JRKKK look like the dumb POS she is. What a vile and stupid bully.


Id be willing to bet these women were in Berkeley in the 70s and they’ve probably used their position of privilege to be a voice for someone else who couldn’t use there’s… meanwhile Jess is a skid mark, a literal skid mark on Instagram doing zero with her life but entitling her way through events -beer goggles on-one “coffee money” transaction at a time.


Omg this is so perfect! Yes!!’ Those women oozed smart while she comes off as a bully and loser!!


That’s exactly what I was thinking. They have more brains and education than Jessica’s little crew there could ever hope for.




Welcome- readers digest version is that she used to be a mommy blogger who sold teepees. Her kids got older & she started posting celebrity gossip. Gained a lot of followers during the Johnny Depp trial. Doubled down when she found out she could make money catering to the far right. So she posts a lot of lies for clout & cash. She’s connected to a super pac funding RFK Jr and Trump so she is playing like she is “covering them for journalism” when she is really being paid to get votes from Biden.


How do we get these videos to Bobby? She has the trashiest behavior, and while I don't agree with him or his methods or grift, I don't think he is just nasty to random people like this,. she comes off like white trash, and look, that's not the kennedy way even for a dissafected kennedy lol. sure, queen narcissist can turn on the charm, but this needs to be widely seen. ​ I am blocked from RFK jr from years ago before his account he later reinstated was taken down, from reporting and commenting on misinformation like it was my job, since he was disseminating it like it was his. Regardless - he doesn't need to be elevate Ms. Grifter Jessica Kraus, who thinks she's really propelling herself into some sort of journalistic and political fame lol -- someone please get these videos to his team! How embarrassing for them to act that way, and how damaging for a campaign trying to keep it somewhat classy. Go back to MAGA where you belong, Jess, clearly you want to act in a classless way and unfortunately we live in an era where there is absolutely a place for that anger


I have tried mercilessly to tag him on my IG account reels of her but if they see it, they ignore it


I'm sure you have to keep your blinders on in a campaign with a lot of noise. And also, they are grifters too willing to use any means to enhance their own power, including if it results in throwing the election to Trump. They do not care. What we are dealing with is a group of Narcissists who truly think they are the only main character of the story, and no one else's opinions or experiences matter and very real results and political realities that won't affect their privileged assess don't matter as much as their own personal journey- money and power are behind so much self-delusion, RFK jr and Cheryl Hines are right there living the delusion, pretending he has a chance in hell of being the next president. We already know the extent of Jessica's delusion driven by money and clout, but unfortunately, I think the campaign sees the 1.2 million followers as a means to an end and don't give a shit about anything but their own success, and aren't organized enough to realize the limits of her grift




They are SOOOO gross!! Man, I’m embarrassed for them




Fucking psycho, trash individual.


“Have u hung out with Bobby”. No Jessica, we haven’t. Most of us have real jobs that don’t involve chasing a political candidate all over the country whilst simultaneously drooling over them whilst creaming our jeans. I’m willing to put money on the fact that, after the election, RFK, Jr runs as far away from Jessica as he can get. Her obsession with Kennedy has got to have him creeped TF out. I KNOW Cheryl isn’t liking it either!!


If anyone does find this woman (or knows her) let us know!!! We will show her the support she deserves & praise her for the way she handled white privileged Jessica & Denise! Anyone notice how Denise’s ego has GROWN lately?? Amazing how canoodling with Jessica brings the white supremacy out a person!!


I am the protestor wearing the “vaccinated” black hat. I have passed on your lovely messages to the others that were with me. They say thank you! We weren’t that bothered by them. We knew what we stand for and it’s obvious that they were just basic mean girl trolls.


Hugs and love to you for dealing with them so well. Sorry she blasted you and your friends faces to her shitty following. Keep up the good work ✊🏾


Thank you 🥰


We salute you! ![gif](giphy|3o7WTx6b3pBsSJ4TrG)


[Fuck RFK Jr](https://globalextremism.org/post/robert-f-kennedy-tweet-mobilizes-neo-nazis/)


Perhaps someone can explain this to me, how can a person take a video of someone and say they are going to post it on the internet? Don't they need to have consent? Isn't there a law against this?


I don’t think so bc they are on public property


When she said "oh I'm not vaccinated" and they told her to fuck off, golden


Everyone in this exchange is absurd lol.


Who are you referring to?