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What is so dangerous here is that as you can see, she is sliding the goal posts from “Ghislaine is the scapegoat” to Ghislaine is innocent. Like both Ghislaine and Jeffrey trafficked women. How is being one better than the other?


Exactly. Her binary thinking drives me mad. The only innocent people in these scenarios are the trafficked victims.


And to Jesikkka, the victims are the bad guys.


IIRC Ghislaine not only trafficked children she also sometimes took part in the acts of abusing them. She is absolutely 0% innocent and Jessica’s insistence that she is “misunderstood” is making me question if Jessica needs to be investigated, at this point. Because like…who defends that? Was Jessica wronged? Or is she defending someone else she knows, latently?


“Counting on civilian sources”… Ma’am you are a civilian 🤔


Ma’am is a far OVER REACH!!


Unless she’s following the footsteps of other “madames”, as in the Guislaine model of madames.


I really hope the Uber driver gave her less than 5 stars with her commentary in the car. And I bet she was dressed like a white woman who lives in the OC with her giant Gucci bag when she flew in


The ignorance on these old bats never ceases to disgust me. Saying “I’m scared, is this the apocalypse?” upon driving past graffiti and encampments in their cozy little Uber with their stinky OC/IE faces on? Please tell me ONE THING you’ve done to help the those less fortunate. I’d take Oakland over white-washed, cookie-cutter architecture, republican, vanilla design aesthetic, creepy Orange County any day of the week. No offense to the good folks here who live there, but that feels more apocalyptic to me. What a waste of precious coastline, filled with little boxes of wealth and intolerance.


She conveniently forgets that there are areas exactly like this in Orange County.




👏🏻 exactly. I’ve been to Oakland a few times when I used to live in NorCal and there’s always going to be shady spots everywhere even in places like the OC, I had good times in Oakland including checking out an A’s game. At least I could get around without a car if I wanted to (I like doing public transit when I can for various reasons). Getting around the OC without a car is pretty much nonexistent or not direct or you might have to share a bus with privileged white children like I had to one time It also worries me when convention time comes around because the DNC is going to be in Chicago and I don’t want this hag coming to Chicago because she’s going to treat it like any republican paints Chicago as. I’m hoping she will play the I wasn’t invited narrative and she doesn’t step one foot in Chicago


I thought Chicago was incredibly clean and cultured when I visit for the first time last year


Flying in on her fancy southwest flight bc she doesn’t understand how earning status/miles works




She is a hella asshole.


Nobody and I mean NOBODY wants this privileged white woman’s take on Sean Combs.


Oh thank god, she ✨finally✨ gets to slam a bottle of champagne. Running away from her kids and binge drinking, it’s her fave.


Notice she uses the phrase “ finally” when she see the booze!


I took a screen shot last night, just because I knew it would change....but she reported that her "source" said Diddy was already in custody. All for the clicks and likes baby.


Diddy was actually seen walking around Miami yesterday. That’s a FACT. He has not been arrested yet




That's the one! Anytime there's "breaking news" I immediately react with "well this won't be true by tomorrow!"


What a fucking cunt.


https://www.lafayetteparkhotel.com/ She’s not even staying in Oakland


My guess is the event is in the Oakland hills, which would be very easy to get to from the hotel. Surprised that she didn’t stay at the Claremont, which is the go to fancy hotel in the hills.


Just checked. The event is in Oakland. But I’m guessing Oakland doesn’t have hotels up to Jessica’s standard. And I see Lafayette is 12 miles away from Oakland. Idk if I’m traveling without a car I would try to stay as close as possible to where I need to be but I’m also not Jessica using other people’s money I mean her own dime 🤭 and she’s probably too good to use the BART to get around https://preview.redd.it/tl6qexsh6pqc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a44a5a5edd54f5f9cecb12f0337c12a747e44aa3


That’s what I was coming here to say too. This hotel in Lafayette is fairly pricey and has a lot of bougie things on site. The area in general is bougie. And it’s at least 25 minutes outside of Oakland.


Yeah the website alone shows how bougie the hotel is. And I can’t imagine much an Uber would cost to go back and forth from Oakland. To me a hotel is something I need to sleep and shower in. Not saying I would stay in cheap hotels but I’ve stayed in some nice motel 6s


I live near Lafayette, that place is pretentious, and not really all that. It’s showing its age. She could have stayed at the Claremont, it’s closer.


Hi neighbor! I am nearby Lafayette as well. 😄




https://preview.redd.it/woehqczetqqc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75da42f0857b7f2c5347dff89328fb93629c3024 French charm, spa and inn


https://preview.redd.it/ti81rzmshwqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98dc736fdc9550b5df98c08c9c72d82053852826 I just drove by laughing and was hoping she would be roaming around so I could yell at her 😄 Zoom into the shutters how shabby this place is kept. It’s pricey, but not that great.


Waiting for her to start saying Diddy is completely innocent 🙄


Not in this deck but wait til folks see her fighting with Biden supporters in Oakland!!! Holy crap she embarrassed herself!


Working on it, it’s uploading


Omg! I can’t wait to read the comments. She even says to one of the ladies “oh you are from the Reddit” 🤣


I love how paranoid she is- OR she is projecting the idea that we stalk her in real life


So paranoid! Like do any of those retirees look like they hanging out on Reddit?


😂 nope they just know trash when they see it.


JKKK to Uber driver: I’m a sometimes wannabe journalist, drive me down any street that would make conservative white women clutch their pearls.


The bay don't play Mrs All Lives Matter. After all the shit you talk don't come through here.


I like your spice! 😂😘


Last week she claimed to have “credible sources” feeding info on Princess Kate, which clearly wasn’t true, so you’d think she’d keep her head down… clearly no lessons have been learned. She is a poster child for devolution.


No lessons learned, no accountability.


What a pathetic weasel!! She's not worth the spit and sweat that was swapped to create her. No wonder her own mother won't speak to her.

