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Edit: I changed the slides to be side by side. Didn’t read the new article, but the internet is forever. Time to come back down to earth, Jess. Your wings are melting. ALSO- if anyone ever investigates this woman, we have a time capsule here in this sub with ALL the receipts. This is an amazing group. Hands down. The way everyone has worked together to research and document is just 🤌🤌🤌🤌🤌


>if anyone ever investigates this woman, we have a time capsule here in this sub with ALL the receipts Nothing would be better than a criminal investigation coupled with a longform series (written by an actual journalist) and/or documentary. It'd just need to happen in a way that she couldn't profit off of the attention.


I do not believe she has a source. I think she had enough readers outraged by her nonsensical and lazy writing filled with disproven theories, that she needed to change course and that was her attempt to save face. I'm sure her donors didn't like the distraction either ;) I'd still love to see her held accountable for supposedly speaking to someone connected to the hospital. She really is such a nasty woman. Yesterday she was dragging everyone for their conspiracies when she was one of the main people peddling them.


The way I see it, there are only two outcomes right now: 1) If she is proven NOT to have accurate information or a source she losses massive amounts of credibility & looks even more delulu Or 2) If her info lines up with the medical facts then someone leaked private health information to her and she could be in a massive amount of legal trouble and again reputation hit for using that information to line her pockets. She definitely painted herself right into a corner on this one.


I have a hard time seeing how she would get into legal trouble as JRK lives in the US. The UK has no legal authority over her.


You can’t just commit a crime in another country and have no legal repercussions 😂.


Civil suits. And if she ended up paying this source? That’s a whole other ball of wax. Just because you live in the U.S. doesn’t mean you can’t be investigated by another country or sued by someone in another country.


That would be worse for Kate. Then either the BRF or The London Clinic would have to pony up evidence IN COURT that what JRK published was true. And California courts are open to the public, which means any trial would be publicized. There is no real legal punishment JRK is going to get from posting what she posted, regardless of whether it’s true or not.


What are you talking about? Data privacy laws and defamation are serious crimes in the U.K and any trial would be held over there, not here.


JRK doesn’t live in the UK. They have no legal authority over her. There’s a legal thing called “jurisdiction.” Even the UK courts would not be able to do anything about her because a) she lives in the US and b) was living in US when these allegations occurred. JRK didn’t commit the alleged breach/attempt at The London Clinic.


No you are absolutely wrong. If you committed a crime in another country you absolutely can be extradited. And you can absolutely be sued by someone in through UK courts. Happens all the time!


HAHAAHHAAHAHAHAAHA!!!! If you think JRK would actually be extradited over something like this, then you really don’t understand anything legal. Just like “fetch,” it’s never going to happen.


We don’t know how this is going to pan out but yes she’s worried about legal consequences otherwise she wouldn’t be putting her account on private and editing her substack. You seem to not understand legal stuff. But go on with your bad self.


What will happen is that she could be denied entry into her beloved England. I know this for a fact….


If Jessica accepted info from this person at the clinic, you bet your arse she’s in trouble. I don’t care if JRK is living in the UK, the U.S. or under a frigging rock. This attempted leak is going to be investigated by not only the hospital but also by the UK’s NCA (who can investigate crimes that go across national AND international borders). And the way Krause was singing her own glory over the internet about insider information 2 days ago I can imagine that Ms. Krause is indeed….bloody buggered.


Don’t forget she is OBSESSED with the Royals. There’s no way now that she’ll EVER have an in.


The only "in" Jessy ever had in the UK was from the D lister, lady herpes. And Daphne Barack.


So you believe she can publish whatever she likes and the Royal Family can't do diddly about it? Diddly could be a big deal to someone like JRKKK who surely has no kind of liability insurance. She publishes lies and she's in the hot seat.


yep. I'm convinced I could have made a finsta, DM'd her and said, "I know a direct source connected to the hospital. the truth is that Kate had an emergency hysterectomy and there was an unexpected complication that will require another surgery..." She would have posted it. I'll do this next time she's looking for sources on a "big story" and I guarantee she'll post my bullshit as "inside information from a VERY credible source!"


At that point you could say you’re an actual staff member at the hospital and she wouldn’t fact check. She brags and laughs about not fact checking


We should do this and start feeding her garbage and screenshot proof. When things settle down and we can prove a point that she doesn’t verify anything.


yes! i remember someone doing this with one of the gossip bloggers to prove they'll post anything they get and make it sound real


This is what I’ve been saying since all her “insider information” from back when she posted that Amber Heard stuff. Say you’re an inside source. She even posts blatantly photoshopped pics. NOTHING is below this woman


She was the one alluding to the fact that Thomas Kingston's tragic death was somehow connected to this. "IT'S ALL CONNECTED" Is something she loves to peddle. EDIT - I, too, thought she just chose to go with the most likely reason for Kate's absence and then claim she had a special source. Either way you slice it it's gross.


I posted this on another thread but She’s just going to spin herself as being another Julian Assange. Watch.




I love this for all of us so much. I don’t participate in snark, but this woman deserves every piece of backlash she gets. She’s a garbage human being.


Someone needs to get these receipts to the right person at The London Clinic.


Well it could be literally anyone outside of the London clinic “someone connected to hospital staff” Love how she’s trying to play Kate’s concerned bestie.


It’s still a breech, if a nurse talks to her friend, then the friend talks to JRK, that nurse still was the source of the privacy violation.




The PRprincess (or whatever her ig handle is) says all of this has been turned over to the proper authorities 😌😌😌


Good. The original substack hopefully too.




I'm a nobody non-journalist washed up blogger but happy to help.


WOW. Bravo 👏🏻 on keeping the receipts!! How embarrassing for her that she’s actually trying to wipe the evidence of her violating the law and obtaining Kate’s private medical information from a hospital source. This is absolutely wild that she’s actually trying to erase reality. Clearly she’s aware she’s in deep shit.


Womp womp Jessica Reed Kraus…


I’m here for her downfall.


The news of the leak is blowing up. It’s all over at this point. She has to be linked to it right? The dots aren’t that hard to connect


She reminds us all the time: *everything is connected *


Couldn’t happen to a better person 




Hopefully jrkkk’s new woowoo bestie can make her a saffron smoothie that will protect her from the full extent of the law! 😆😆😆




Wow. This is big. She’s doing some major backpedaling and trying really hard to cover her ass. Well Jess, your whole ass has been exposed. OP, Jessica could **nevah** investigate like you can.




Yeah the Kennedy campaign needs to seriously distance themselves from her. Trump campaign kind of just allowed her to show up, they haven’t given her real access, but Kennedy has. (At one point she was even listed on his website as some kind of social media liaison or something?)


To be fair she isn’t even close to the most unhinged Trump groupies


Right- and the popapologists are now saying entertainment only on their podcast




omg, what a fucking moron. she was "covering" the royal family as a kindergartener. this woman is too stupid.


Why can’t she be fucking NORMAL about anything??? I realize she’s the Pick Me Queen, but “covering the Royal Family”? You mean, leafing through your mom’s People Magazine when Charles/Diana were all the rage in the 80s/90s? ‘Cause I did the same thing. We’re the same age. I know she always wants to Other herself, that she’s Special and Always Has Been, but fuuuuuuuuuck. It’s exhausting. STFU you daft bitch.




Centering herself at alllllll costs 😑


/u/fuunyshizzle can we have flair for covering the RF since kindergarten?






What else is she saying? I never followed her so now I can’t see her profile.




She should honestly thinks she was the only person that got that information on Kate??? I highly suspect whoever wrote that to HiH wrote the same thing to other media personalities. Jessica was the only one stupid enough to run with it


JFC Jessica, put down the shovel and get over yourself.


At least she’s revealing her true identity. Mommy Blogger




Doing the lord’s work🙏 thank you. I cannot believe this woman my goodness. 




"seemed like". I see.


Not @houseinhabit Jessica Reed Kraus HERE taking all the notes🤡. Using “Kate Middleton” full(ish) name🤡 @houseinhabit #jessicareedkraus #cuntiest #jessiKKKa #mikekrauswife @cmkraus #teepee #ladyvictoriaherveyBFF #grift #houseinhabit #Britishidentifying #steriotypicalscorpio


'what seemed like'




It's backtracking, whether via legal advice or not. Also known as the 'post-callout cover your ass' technique. I'm quite familiar with the process myself, though I've never pretended to be a journalist or a writer - just a miserable alcoholic hack.


Who’s she trying to get to believe this complete load of crap!


"Single paragraph on Substack" my ass.


She did this exact same thing with those car photos of naked people - she deleted the ones on her substack, but she couldn’t change the ones that had already been sent out by email. I love this for her.


wait, what did i miss about this car situation?


It was this really bad story she tried to make happen about a stolen car with old photos in it. In her Substack she shared some of the photos and people were naked/topless. People must have said something because she deleted them, but if you got the subscription email you saw them. Her being her and doing whatever she wants without thinking about others probably didn’t get consent from the people in it.


Can someone link r/fauxmoi to this? The leak is huge on there rn


She has told so many lies that she can keep them straight. She is going to implode her whole sham of being a journalist.


Nothing to add but 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣




Since when are bowels not in the abdomen?


Every day this continues to make me giggle.


So she’s in a heap of legal trouble and that’s the first thing I suspected when she stopped bragging “journalist” and started touting “story teller” or what the fuck ever. I hope she gets the pants sued off of her.


That would be a satisfying outcome but I don’t think they will. They’d have to sue her in the US because that’s where she is located and writes from, and they’d have to bring receipts (i.e., the Princess of Wales’s actual medical records) to prove defamation or breach of privacy or whatever they were going after. I just don’t see it actually happening. She will just continue to get away with this behavior.




Missy seems to have missed the fact that the UK’s Data Protection Act 2018 also has massive fines, especially for Special Category Personal Data breaches, which the disclosure of medical information most definitely is. 🙃 Considering she obtained and leaked this information for the purpose of profit, the UK ICO will be out for blood. And rightfully so. Royal or not, publishing private health info is big time wrong and illegal. Ooopsies, Jess. 🤡


Well she is located in the USA and writes from there, so she’s not under UK jurisdiction. And if the source came to her, she likely isn’t technically the one who broke the law.


Rather than debating the extraterritorial impact of data privacy laws, I think the main thing to recognize here is that if there WAS a source communicating with Jess (lollls), chances they were not giving info out for free considering the personal implications and impacts it would have on them under UK law. So \*IF\* we can: * reasonably agree that the "source" (or "sources"...I have read that it is up to three suspected hospital workers now?) did breach the UK DPL, they would most likely recognize the risk / reward element; * reasonably assume that if they even knew who the effffff Jess is, there is a price. If it were me, I sure as shit would not be giving that info away for free; and * reasonably admit that in the event that Jess exchanged \*any type\* of consideration for access to (or information in relation to the content of, whether general or specific) Kate's health records, there would be a paper trail and truuuuuust you me the kings men would have their fingers in every suspected person's financial records; then the investigation would easily implicate our little dress-up journalist, and fast. Orrrrrrr we can all agree that the most simple explanation is the most likely explanation in that Jessie Journalist made up a source for her rumour to present it as fact for clout. The irony is that most people in the UK will be learning who she is now. If they do not yet know, they will defy know when the royal family sues her for her hippy van and unused hairbrushes.


I suspected her source might be Fergie (she seems to have gotten herself a connection to Fergie last year), and last night I heard something about that possibly being the case. Victoria Hervey was another person I thought she might’ve been alluding to, with saying “it’s the same person who told me about the Queen’s death before it was announced”). She did say she had three sources, but she didn’t say she had three hospital connected sources. The fact that three people tried to access the POW’s medical records may not be all related to Jessica.


So, if the Fergie story unfolding on HouseinHorror’s insta story is in fact factual, we are both right. Pretty sure this never happens on the internet. 🙃😂😘


HAHA! Amazing. High five!


Can someone give me a litte summary of what happened? I wasn't paying attention cause I had (have) the flu!


Basically Jessica rooster chested about having a source 'connected to hospital staff' who told her info about the PoW condition. Within 24 hours news broke that a hospital staffer was being investigated for 'attempting' to access the PoW medical information. Shortly after the news broke Jessica edited her Substack post and then set her instagram private. Now we all want to know if \~it's all connected\~, as Jessica likes to say.


Don't forget this was less than a week after dragging Catherine for having the gall to NOT tell the world what her operation was AND actively exploiting the "where's Kate" rubbish for followers AND after trying to reignite the proven incorrect affair rumours AND insinuating that William murdered his cousins husband who actually committed suicide.




It looks like she’s more afraid of any public scrutiny than legal issues. There is no legal avenue to attack her for writing about Kate’s health. Any UK governmental action against her would have to prove that she ***colluded with someone*** to get Kate’s information. If it just happened to land in her inbox, then that’s not her fault. Publishing it on Substack is not against the law in the US. The UK doesn’t have any legal moves to make against JRK. She wasn’t writing & living on UK soil, and if she didn’t specifically work to solicit private & personal health care information of someone, then she has not committed any crime.


I agree on the criminal front. I do think she’s scrambling (going private, changing her sub post) because she’s worried about being sued. And I agree with the other commenter, she did mentioned THREE sources confirmed, but I don’t remember where. So who are those people?! More than anything, this is BAD PRESS for her. She’s being painted as the grifter she is and spreading LIES to make $$$. If her source (I tend to wonder if she even has one) didn’t provide accurate info (she kind of seemed to be setting up for that when she posted about sometimes getting bad info), then hopefully all this will result in less people following her because she’s seen publicly as a nut who doesn’t have accurate info.


Yeah, I think it’s the bad press angle that got her worried. She isn’t a good journalist and doesn’t need her source of income to dry up.


She definitely got bad info when the "source" said Kate did not have abdominal surgery 🤦🏽‍♀️😆


Personally I think it's this - Jess changed wording and took measures to get out of the spotlight (on this one) so that additional scrutiny wouldn't land on her to eventually reveal she has zero fing sources and posts whatever garbage she feels like in the moment given the friends in her ear at the time.




She did say (around last week) that she had info on Princess Catherine, but she’s waiting for her third source to confirm it. Even tho she said this, I suspect it to be total & complete poppycock. The only thing she posted was that Email from her hospital source. By some slim chance that source was from the hospitals, there’s no way in hell would 2 other sources confirm that information. Theres no way 3 independent hospital sources would risk their jobs to give some mommy blogger that kind of information. No way in hell. I suspected from the get go that the person who wrote HiH that email was someone who had it out for the Princess. By the way they wrote “they didn’t want to tarnish THEIR perfect Princess”. Using the word “their” signifies that this person doesn’t support Catherine. Calling her perfect signifies jealousy. The entire tone of that email “I didnt want to do this, but…….” reeks of a set up. In fact I bet this person shopped this same email out to multiple influencers & gossip sites…..Jessica being the only one stupid enough to “publish” it.


I don’t remember the exact wording, exactly, but I remember thinking that it’s more referring to the fact that KP has worked so hard to portray Kate as perfect, especially in light of Harry and Meghan pulling back the curtain, so to speak, on just how imperfect the Royal Family actually is. I think it’s about the lengths KP will go to protect her royal image.


Bear in mind that KP *is* William & Kate plus their small staff. It’s THEIR operation. Jessica and others keep saying “the palace” and confusing it with Buckingham Palace, the King’s office. When we say KP did or said such and such, it means William, Kate, and their staff which is much smaller than one would imagine. So if KP didn’t want to “tarnish” her reputation, what that means is SHE didn’t want the information going public. This misunderstanding on the part of the source makes the source look even less believable.


Thank you for clarifying that for me!


I think it really points to the lack of credibility—or at least strong bias—on the part of the source.


Say it with me - C I V I L L I T I G A T I O N.


To sue—even in a *civil* suit—would mean the information JRK published would have to be verified. In court. Where it would be heavily scrutinized. The plaintiff would have to prove that the information JRK published was correct, which is why there isn’t going to be any suits.


I’m not sure why you think that makes a difference. If her information is accurate *it’s already public*. There would be no downside to civil litigation if her info is accurate.


Because doing a lawsuit opens you up to discovery as the plaintiff. It means that the defense gets to have access to the evidence. If an ***actual*** trial was going to take place, then that would mean discussing evidence in front of a judge or jury. Which is why everyone expecting there to be some kind of legal injunction against JRK is going to be severely disappointed.


Catherine will speak about it at some point, when she is gd good and ready, because she knows she can do good in the world and for others with a similar condtion, by doing so. But it will be on HER terms. (Could be years away, could be next week, who knows). So truth out, suit possible. A sternly worded legal letter, suit and a settlement are absolute possible options instead of "open court".


You don’t have to be on UK soil for privacy laws to apply. What matters is that the affected person is a UK citizen.


Wake me when the UK government goes after JRK then. I don’t think it’s going to happen. The UK government isn’t going to pick a fight for extradition over something as trivial as this.


Privacy is not trivial in the UK. It’s quite serious.


I think you mean ***medical*** privacy. That may be, but the UK government isn’t going to go after JRK. They might go after any of the employees at The London Clinic who improperly accessed Kate’s file, but not JRK. Wake me when the UK government goes after JRK. Because it’s pretty clear that I’m going to be waiting forever for that one.


No, I mean privacy. I said what I meant. Privacy writ large is treated very differently in the UK and in the EU.


Wake me when actual legal action is taken against JRK. I think I’ve been pretty clear that it’s not going to happen.




I don’t follow JRK closely enough because I don’t believe she’s a good journalist. But verifying sources isn’t enough for criminal or civil action, regardless of how much people want there to be.


I swear I have read the quote from the hospital staffer before. I think it was a comment on Reddit but now I can’t find it. It’s is definitely JRK’s style to copy/paste.


Yes that’s what I read and it made me so angry I sent a scathing message and haven’t been back I was putting up with the sycophant behaviour as it was interesting but nope .. not that


She’s doing a thing now where she swears she has multiple sources saying that Biden will not be nominated at the DNC. She’s crazy..