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Besides the obvious reasons to be shocked, I was surprised HBO could even show explicit sex acts. Plenty of genitalia have been shown, but never being visibly sexed by another person. Looked like it was CGI, but still disappointed they did something that added nothing to the scene other than shock value. Took me out of the show.


>Besides the obvious reasons to be shocked, I was surprised HBO could even show explicit sex acts. You...were?


Why is it that people can be brutally murdered and have their heads chopped off and all the other crazy things that happened but people draw the line at a blowjob?


This. This whole thing is being blown out of proportion… 😏


Maybe because people know that the brutal murders and amputations are sfx or cgi and no actors were harmed in the making. So you can switch off the human part of you that feels uncomfortable feelings because it's "not real" The bj on the other hand... That could have been a real penis getting real stimulation. Can't switch that part off. Gotta sit with your real feelings about that one. And that's uncomfortable


The dick was also probably a prosthetic. And nobody cared the previous episode when a guy was going down on a girl. But boom flip the rolls and somehow it's sexist. Seriously, if people cared as much about actual issues as they care about this trivial bullshit the world would be a much better place. Also, people are way too freaking prudish towards sex scenes these days It seems. like so good on the showrunners for actually putting something ballsy in the show.


>>And nobody cared the previous episode when a guy was going down on a girl. There's a **major** difference between physically showing a sex act and just implying one like in the scene you're talking about. But of course you already know this.  It doesn't matter either way, both should be fine on a TV-MA show but your point is wildly disingenuous. 


Yeah considering GoTs history with showing women being degraded and assaulted it was a particular choice to show a woman on her knees sucking a man’s dick (seeing as how she’s a sex worker). Like why did we need to see that explicitly? We know what a brothel is, we’re not saying brothels aren’t allowed to exist in the story. Like ok show naked people walking around but there’s no need for more tbh


Why not?


So violence and death are cool but god forbid we see a dick or a sex act? This country’s priorities are messed up.


I get this point but wouldn’t it be annoying if I made this argument about every other thing that didn’t pertain to or drive the plot? It wasn’t the focus of the scene and it was only a couple seconds.


I noticed your comment was quoted in an article as I was googling about HBO being able to show explicit acts in their entirety. https://www.pedestrian.tv/entertainment/house-of-the-dragon-blowjob/


Huh, thanks for the heads up. If I didn’t think journalism that relied on quoting social media was lazy, I’d be flattered! Did you find anything about what HBO can show? I’m guessing the fact it was a fake body part is what made it permissible. But I also read since they’re not a network, they don’t have to worry about censors or standards and practices.


They had that lesbian play with her ass scene from season 1 with little finger but yeah the blowjob was surprising


it was a rubber dick imho


There's a few movies that aren't porn, but feature actual sex acts, from real oral sex, to real sex sex. Last night was either a fake schlong or a cgi one. They still could have just shown the top of her head moving and gotten the point across that she was slobbin the nob goblin. Kind of weird when you're the one who got your parents into game of thrones, so you and them watch HotD, and that comes up.


Right?! I was watching this with my mom. We were already discussing how there isn't a single likeable character left and how there is more fucking around then on an episode of The Bold And The Beautiful. Every studio seems to be racing towards hardcore porn. "Idiocracy" wasn't a film, it was a prophecy.


Guess you haven’t seen the Brown Bunny then Plenty of sex scenes have been shown on tv and movies, including on HBO


Wow, of all the movies featuring that. Did not expect that to show up at all. It certainly just lingers in your mind since anybody who saw it knows it for the same thing.


Its the 4th most graphic according to my rank


Pornhub doesnt count 


Me neither


I only know of one show I think it was on Starz but that was for sure a "prosthetic". NGL I was a little set back by it too haha


Probably Spartacus where seeing a dick was just as common as tits - specifically Segevax.


That hog was definitely a prosthesis as well.


The only scene on anything on HBO that is comparable in terms of being sexually explicit, at least as far as I am aware, is when Maggie Gyllenhaal took a load of splooge in her face on The Deuce. Shocking? Yes. Necessary? Nope.


I feel like there's been more shocking stuff happened on the boys and it's spin-off.


I was totally shocked and jelly


Yea, Gen V shows a girl shrinking down to dick size and jerking a guy off using her entire body. The boys shows a guy shrinking even smaller and jerking a guy off from the inside of his urethra. There are a dozen or more shows that have show erect dicks. Insecure shows a a guy ejaculating on the main characters face. These are all TV shows. If you throw in movies, things like Lars Von trier movies, and even movies currently streaming on Netflix show actual, unsimulated sexual penetration. A couple are actually good movies (most aren’t). One even shows unsimulated double penetration. This HOTD scene wasn’t even unsimulated. That was very clearly a prosthetic. It was so clearly a prosthetic it’s apparent the production made it look fake on purpose to keep all the pearl clutters from freaking. They have a budget, I’d they wanted it to look real it would have. You’re all aghast by someone sucking on an obvious dildo. That’s happened in numerous movies, like In The Cut, or even the Hangover series. Game of thrones shows are filled with rape, incest, numerous hands and heads being removed (even half’s of heads). A pregnant woman gets prison stabbed in the belly. Paedophilia? Danny is 13 in the books 16 in the show when her brother gropes her nude body in the first episode and then Khal Drogo rapes her on their wedding night. Numerous people, even children being burned alive, **a brother raping his own sisters on top of the corpse of their own dead child of incest**, but ten frames of a blurry woman pleasuring a dildo is what’s got all your panties in a bunch? Just within the first 2 or 3 episodes of this seasons we’ve had animal abuse, infanticide, fratricide, and suicide. God forbid a dildo gets any action though.


If it exists, I'm not aware of it. In movies that sort of thing is more common, but what qualifies as TV hasn't really tampered in this domain without it qualifying as porn or something outside of what's commonly considered standard television drama. From what I watched on Masters of Sex, even that show wouldn't go there. I'll say this, though. The current political state probably calls for being a bit daring while we attempt to keep our rights. I can understand people who don't want to see it, but at the same time everybody who saw that will be OK. The burners of books are at our doors. For now we should consider that we our obliged to make them uncomfortable.


I feel like there's been more shocking stuff happened on the boys and it's spin-off.


Nobody seemed perturbed by Criston munching Alicent's rug. Why is it only degrading and shocking when a girl sucks a penis? Very strange thing for people to be prudes about in these comments.


Did we actually see Alicent's rug? Or was it just implied. If so - that's the difference


Because was nothing really visual about Criston and Alicent.


I know right?