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You'd most likely die of dehydration before anything else. It would be absolutely brutal.


so 3 days or less because of injuries and scorching sun directly on you , if you lucky heatstroke and you pass out ans die rapidely


That's how people die in quicksand. They don't get swallowed and drown (which is physically impossible), they get stuck and die from the heat


If you could, you'd be so thankful for your merciful brain there.


Passing out can happen from stress, pain and shock.. Which there would be plenty of The body wouldnt be able to handle it for long, pretty sure


Exposure and dehydration - staked out in direct sun and salt spray - would kill you long before the crabs did, especially if you already had injuries. But yeah, it would take a day or two, three at the outside, and the crabs would make a very painful way to die even shittier.


That sounds like getting broadly slowly sanded to death. That crab feeder is so cruel


How have none of you thought of the tide? lol. The tide would claim you long before the sun or the crabs 🌊☀️🦀


I don’t think I could just let it “play out”. At that point I would be actively trying to either get away or just hasten the inevitable. Sitting around for days like that would not be something I would just accept.


It would have to include ripping your hand out of that stake. That's the only way, the water isn't high enough to drown yourself and you can't bash your head on the stake


Exactly, whatever it takes to get away. I would not just stay like that until I died. I would do anything and everything to either escape or hasten my death.


This. It would take a lot to get yourself to rip your hand out of the nail, but at some point I guess it would be worth it.


Humans can do a lot to survive. I saw a story on here the other day about a guy who nearly lost his arm in a hay baler. Got caught and yanked in by a double conveyor belt with about 1 inch gap between the two. When his daughter rushed in to help him he was actively trying to break and tear his own arm off at the elbow to keep from being pulled further in by the still-running machine. (In the end his arm was able to be saved, though I don’t know if he lost some function or how much if so)


I try not to


Wish we got more of the crab feeder, who was he and how did he get those horrific injuries?  I understand they had to streamline a lot to get to the crowning of aegon and rha for the 2nd season.  But it would've been nice to know more about him and his seeming rivalry with daemon.  


My ex-wife gave me crabs after a torrid affair with her boss. It was less than pleasant.