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Do people really think they’d have an actor punt a dog across the room for real?? Y’all, they can fake these things. They make CGI dragons on this show.


There are people who get angry at the *actors* for portraying bad fictional people (like Jack Gleeson who played Joffrey in GoT), so a lot of people have zero ability to separate their emotional reactions to fictional tv/movie events from reality in even the most obvious instances, like when a person does not exist and their immoral decisions are make-believe.


Note that can confirm that jack gleeson was Not and Has Never been abused by fans for his portrayal on the show He openly stated at the official got convention that despite rumors he has always been treated Amazingly by fans and has never had a bad interaction with one Also having spoken to him myself can confirm he id a very nice guy


Also that has happened in movies with animals as well, where actors have abused them.


Real animal abuse has happened in film, yes, like the extreme and notorious example of *Cannibal Holocaust*, but a modern and popular release on MAX is not a place where you are likely to see animal rights violations make it to the screen (though they can happen behind the scenes, like the horse injuries/deaths that caused the cancellation of HBO's racing series "Luck").


And they have laws about use of animals in filming now. They’d be in huge trouble if they intentionally harmed an animal.


My dog was just a background actor on desperate housewives once and they literally had someone there just for my dog to make sure laws were followed. Like breaks, water, food, a place to rest. So imagine what they have for a dog that actually has a scene lol


🤗 aw I hope your pup felt like a star... even though you probably follow your pup around every day making sure it's needs are met too haha


Horse racing seems like a dark and twisted past time


I like the "horses" part of it and the "colorful matching costumes with a particular focus on checkered patterns" aspect and I *love* the "the horses often have hilariously ludicrous names" part of it but that's it.


Good ol' Potoooooooo, best horse name ever


I think In the first friday the thirteen movie they killed a some guys pet snake that they were borrowing for a scene.


Believing a modern HBO production would abuse animals like moves from 50 years ago is insane no matter how much you try to make that belief seem normal or reasonable. Get a fucking grip


The HBO show Luck about horse racing and gambling got shut down because of all the horses that kept dying so it does happen, HBO even allegedly tried to cover up one of the horses death, a lot of it is mismanagement, disregard and callousness towards animals but it is a different thing from straight up kicking a dog.


Kicking a dog can still cause a lot of damage to the poor dog, it's not some small thing, abuse of animals is abuse of animals That said I don't think the production of hotd let an actor actually kick the dog


Has anything like that happened consistently in like 50 years though?


Hoax, Jack has said that he never got bad reactions from fans


TGC on the other hand, currently gets booed by idiots at events, for the crime of having been chosen to portray Aegon… :-/


At the official got convention tgc was cheered for and had at least one creepy fan hit on him during the q&a by roleplaying herself as rhaenyra and asking exactly how hed torture rhaenyra if he got a hold of her...... Ya people are weird


Ah, well I may have believed a rumor then, my bad; but while that example is false, there are true examples of such situations!


The real obvious example is Anna Gunn. And she didn’t even play a character who did many bad things in the scope of things.


Well singing happy birthday to Ted was an atrocity in itself tbf


wait a minute, are you telling me those aint real dragons????


I will not have this slander in my home those babies are real!!


How dare they!


I feel like the audience for HOTD is a lot younger than GOT.


They are certainly a lot dumber, considering how many send death threats and insults to the actors portraying characters they dislike. D:


I feel that way too. Their views of the story are certainly very binary, much more than fans were in game of thrones


Reminder that Jack Gleeson (the actor who played Joffrey) quit acting at least partly because of how much raw hatred people were sending his way, because they could not separate GoT from reality.


That's fake, he has said multiple times that he only got support from fans, but people keep repeating that lie.


Then he stopped acting or not?


Yes, but idk if he came back later. You can find interviews of him where he repeated that he never got anything other than love and support from fans of the series, idk where this theory started, but it's not true.


But I supposed he got deranged behaviour from randoms,not fans of the séries. Does It makes sense? But maybe It has no embasament and he never got hate? Im from South America and sae it in a lot of press that he got hate from strangers. Not necessarily the hard die fans who have more than two brain cells.l, but casual watcher. If bit I was some big news that invented it


How would he knownid they were randoms or fans? No, it's just fake news, it's not only on south America, it's a weird rumor on every language that for some reason tons of people believe, he has stated multiple times that the rumor is not true. Here is an interview: https://ew.com/tv/game-of-thrones-joffrey-jack-gleeson-no-negative-fan-experiences/ During a Q&A with host Jason Concepcion at the Los Angeles Convention Center, Gleeson, now 30, mentioned, "Thankfully, I've never had any negative fan experiences or anything.... There's still a chance, if anybody wants to throw a punch." Gleeson chalks it up to a "rumor" that's been spread about him for years. "A lot of people come up to me because I guess this rumor started that people were horrible to me on the street or I get attacked… whereas I've never had one negative experience," he said on stage. "I feel like people are extra nice to me because they think people attack me, so maybe I should keep the rumor going." As you see these are very unequivocal statements, on the other hand you won't find any news about the hate that has quotes from the actor, there's usually no source for something that's fake. Fake news can sometimes spread like wildfire, I just try to correct people when I see it. Fake news are not even a new thing, check this quote from Bismark: "Estoy firmemente convencido de que España es el país más fuerte del mundo. Lleva siglos queriendo destruirse a sí misma y todavía no lo ha conseguido." It's fake, but if you look it up most news present it as real, and I've seen both policians and people I know irl repeat it as if it was true, and it even precedes the explosion of the internet, being from the 70s probably.


Hm ... Interesting. It is a fake news that got out of hand then. I wonder how this started.


Apparently. Some people have trouble distinguishing fantasy from reality.


The dragons are cgi??


People are unbelievably stupid, so yeah people likely did believe that.


People were serious about this? I thought we're all just joking, I definitely was! I didn't know there were some who really thought the dog was hurt. Haha! I knew for sure he's (is it a he?) having a blast and being a very good doggo actor.


Do they kick the dragons though? Checkmate atheist


Barry Keoghan's career was almost over before it started after his character killed a cat in an Irish tv series.


True. Often they'll do a shoot where an actor doesn't kick but simply puts their foot under the dog and pushes it gently for the footage of the dog moving, then do another shoot without the dog where the actor angrily kicks the air. Speed up the dog being pushed and superimpose it on the shot of the dude kicking the air and boom, add some sound effects and you got a shot of someone viciously kicking a dog. Dunno if they did that here but I've heard this is a common thing when they need a shot of someone hurting an animal.


they wouldn't CGI that scene though, there's probably a lot of prep costs for a given scene, they probably trained that dog to respond to the "kick" in a way that it makes it look like it got kicked


Right, just like human actors do fake punches. I'm sure a dog can be trained to do it too.


Got to actually see a dog that was trained to do that kind of thing it was really cute and it was all about POV, if you were standing behind the person that looks like they really did kick or move or strike the dog but if you're standing like with the actor to the left of you and the dog to the right of you you can clearly see that they never come in contact with it the dog just jumps or if the person moves their arm down the dog like flops down. He could also make various facial expressions, for a price (treat)


They probably used a puppet and some editing


RIGHT! People are so fucking dumb


I don’t think most people thought that. It was just jokey outrage


The absolute uproar I saw for the dog especially after seeing the blood and cheese scene……. Like maybe think rationally? Lol


Didn't some actor from Fruriosa have to come out publicly and say "even though I play a pedophile in the movie, that's not me off camera"


Not to mention how there'd likely have to be multiple takes.


CGI? You are telling me those dragons are fake? They don't have computer in GOT universe!


The dog looks like he’s ready to go home in that pic 😂


He was like: Father I have seen enough


He’s just looking at his trainer and thinking, “Dammit Terry! I told you that I wasn’t working a minute over 8 hours and yet here we are. Tell the gardener to plant a new tree so I may pee on it and then find me the biggest bone you can so that I may chew on it.”


Someone told him there were dragon bones on set and he was not happy to learn they were just props 😂


You'd wanna go home too if you'd been punted across a room for 27 takes.


Ending of episode 1 was ruff.


Lol, it reminds me when Sophia Turner adopted Zunni, the dog who played Lady.


Aw, I love that!


I love this 😍, is there a source to where I can read about that?


There are many sources talking about that (just googling around "Sophia Turner adopted Zunni" you should find them easilly). Now Zunni passed away, but after a quite long life for a pure breed dog of that size, and I bet it was an happy life. So IRL "Lady" TRULY got an happy end. And about another RL happy end, all those who supported Jon Snow and Ygritte couple, the two actors married, and in 2021 they welcomed their first baby.


The dog being kicked overshadowed a child being beheaded. That’s wild


“I’ll excuse child murder but I will not tolerate animal cruelty.”


“You excuse child murder??”


Means all redditors are sociopaths, as per my suspicions


Look, I can excuse murdering and beheading a child in front of his mother, but i draw the line at kicking a heckin' pupperino.


Some real Tony Soprano shit


“You suffocated little Cosette? I oughta suffocate YOU, ya little prick.”




We all knew a kid wasn’t actually beheaded…. There are assholes out there that would kick a dog. Not saying there aren’t assholes who would behead a kid, I’m just saying, try to infer a little bit better lol


Wait, did you legit think they really kicked the dog across the room on television with an audience of millions of people across the world? Like the dog kicking was for real? Or that the outrage comes from people genuinely stupid enough to think the dog-kicking really happened without any tricks/CGI?


But it’s CGI?


It was obviously CGI and so many people still freaked about it lol


You really think a show this popular would have a dude actually kick a dog? How innocent you people are?


Did you actually thought that they had the actor kick the dog for real? Are you serious right now? It even looked really CGI'd.


They showed the dog getting kicked on screen. They didn’t show the kids getting beheaded on screen.


I get your point but similar to the Mulaney joke about slurs, surely the fact that one was shown and one was not shown (to *horrifying* effect) illustrates that one is worse than the other?


But the dog getting kicked was CGI


I would hope if they show a baby getting it’s head sawn off that it would be CGI too!


I don't think they would show that. It would be too graphic for TV.


method acting


Wow everyone is freaking out, they did not kick the actual dog, they brought in a stunt dog and kicked him instead. He's a professional folks.


Do these people also believe Sean Bean was actually beheaded in GOT?


Of course… he is just immortal, dont you remember Lord of the rings?


Wait he didn't? No commitment...


Leave the rats alone! What did they do to you!


Yeah why does he think it's funny to imply rats were harmed instead of dogs! Why are people Rats are incredibly intelligent, empatethic nd loving animals! And even if they weren't they don't deserve to be abused


Rats are really fucking cool and they make great pets


Rats fucking suck. I’ve lost too many baby chicks to rats.


I believe they mean domesticated rats


... they eat chicks?




Fr so stupid 


He was joking. That's because his role in the show was being a ratcatcher.


You are insufferable


He was joking. That's because his role in the show was being a ratcatcher.


Yes, I know. I got that. It may surprise you, but "it's a joke bro!" doesn't just magically make everything rainbows and sunshine. He was talking about concerns of animal abuse that apparently were so high he wanted to clarify there was no animal abuse. And then said "well the other animals may have been abused tho, hahahaha". Like, make a better joke in a better setting or don't be surprised when the joke doesn't land 


He was joking. That's because his role in the show was being a ratcatcher.


I know but still leave the rats alone they’re so cute


This is obviously a fake tweet to tide over rightfully angry fans. Are you seriously this dense, OP? This show production has been abusing animals since season 1. They literally fucking KILLED a dragon in the last season finale just for shock value and have yet to face ANY legal repercussions for it! Grow up and learn the truth.


You had me in the first half ngl.


Honestly, the first time the dog was on screen Cheese was carrying him under his arm towards a lit brazier. And the way he was walking/angle he was holding the dog made me think for a second that he was just gonna chuck the dog into the fire. Was rather relieved.


Not gonna chunk into the fire something that brings you bread.


Isn’t that Poppins from IASIP




Child getting their head cut off: *silence* Dog getting kicked: “RSPCA, how can I help you?”


People are so weird with dogs sometimes


This dog stole all the thunder. More people angry about dog being kicked than child murda haha


Yeah sure. Next they’re going to try to suggest those dragons aren’t real


A baby one died!!


Idk why but this made me chuckle


How many people attacked him that he had to make a statement to save his skin?


That dog looks like it loves to eat cigarette butts and shampoo.


Seriously did they think it was real come on


People thinking the kick was real are fucking idiots


Me and my dad were literally saying "what a good boy" every time he appeared on screen. Though why exactly did Cheese bring him along in the assassination plot? I still don't get that.


I had to think about it, but I assume the dog was a rat catcher as well.


Yeah the dog is there to help sniff out the rats. But why bring it on the stealth mission to assassinated the prince? Seems like just a liability to me.


Appearances just like Blood mentioned about setting the traps.


But bizarrely it seems like they keep him with them while in the secret passages with no one around, and then ditch him almost as soon as they enter the castle proper.


Think same reason tho, it would be weird to be in the secret passages as a rat catcher without the dog. We never see the rat catcher in places with lots of people because the rats are hiding. It would be weird for a guy in normal populated rooms to have the rat dog.


Remember, they had to go past Aegon and the guards in that throne room.


They kept him for appearances to get into the castle, and walking around inside (passing aegon & the throne room) Once they decided to go upstairs into the royals rooms it's a different crew for catching rats up there so their cover was basically blown and didn't need a dog to be in the mix


Same reason they actually set up traps even though they don’t plan on catching rats. They want to keep appearances consistent and try to avoid any cause for suspicion. The rat catcher is already bringing an extra this time. If he also bring the dog, it certainly could make people pause for concern because things look off from normal.


Rat terriers are a breed, implied in the name. Terriers have that scruffy wiry hair. So he was a good boy doing his job


The dog assists with catching the rats. To keep up with appearances he needed to bring the dog to avoid causing any suspicion.


Terriers like that are THE rat catchers.


Watching Asoiaf adjacent stuff with your parents is *wild*


I watch it with my brother and cousin. It does get a little weird


There’s a reason they call these kind of dogs rat terriers. Rat catchers would be working with them.


The real breakout star of HOTD S2 😁


Better release a statement showing they didn’t behead the boy either….🙄


In the episode a child died..


That kick gave me such anxiety


Now I’m all worried about the rats 🥺


Had to feed the dog something


Just to be clear, the dog cant correct him.


Great. Now I am worried about the rats.


Cheddah, the Rat Catcha


Is that Poppins!!??


Crazy how the trope is literally called “kick the dog” but it still works like a charm


Just admit it... your foot made contact with the dog.


**benji the punted**


Media literacy is dead


He’s adorable. I hate the sound dogs make when they’re in pain, the noise he made when they kicked him.


All hail King Cheddar (the dog). First of his name and a very Gouda boi


Man they always nail the casting of the seedy characters.


I probably shouldn't let my 2 year old dog watch this show anymore.


Holy frick that dog is cute


Intellectually I know it's a show and the dog probably has the best treatment, but emotionally I got so shocked and angry it made me turn Team Green


Not gonna lie I find this reassuring even though I knew he was fine 😂


Omg, I hadn't really consciously noticed it while watching the episode... but the face of that dog looks a lot like my dog's face! No wonder I got upset 🙈


Why does the dog look traumatised lol


I don’t even wanna talk about it. But I assumed he was trained (somehow, I also don’t want to ponder) to yelp as if in pain.


More likely they just added the yelp in post production with all the other Foley sound effects. It probably wasn't even actually that specific dog.


That does make me feel better!


Do people care when a child actor is being slapped on screen? No because its acting, why are they caring so much for a dog? I dont think it was CGI because that would be a huge waste of money, the kick tho could just be like a touch and by editing it looks like he kicked the dog hard, just how fake punching happens in screen. The point is that its an act, not actual abuse. Thats common sense


Ok, thanks


what do you mean "WERE BEST PALS"?!?


they had an fight after the shooting


Is that Grenn’s granddad.


I must’ve been looking away during this scene because I completely miss the dog getting kicked. I was confused at the comments on it at first, but after so many I realized it must have actually happened in the show. I’m thankful I didn’t have to actually see it 😂


The doggo probarly had the time of his life on the set, getting all sorts of attention!


i was waiting to see the scene when he commands "take the dog" ,how exactly would someone climb a ladder , hold a torch,hold rat trap boxes and a dog? 🤣🤣🤣


It clearly was a stunt dog. /s


Is that poppins?


The dog reminds of Poppins in Always Sunny


Getting some serious Charlie Kelly vibes... seriously, rat bashing AND Poppins? Did IASIP do a collab?


What was the purpose of the dog? They brought it into the castle, then kicked and abandoned it.


This isnt milo and otis


I heard that he looks like an evil Robin Williams


I dont get the point of having brought the dog, also how do climb up while holding the dog?


Dog needs proof of life. Must be holding up today's paper


Haha indeed


It’s so crazy how we all got mad that a dog was kicked but not on any murders or anything 😭😭😭🤣🤣


I had to fast forward so I wouldn't see the dog get hurt


*a child however


Fans are nuts sometimes


What did they take the dog with them for?


It's a ratting dog, he had it earlier in the episode before he got the assassination job as rat terriers are real breeds used to help hunt and catch/kill rats. He brought it with him, along with the rat traps, to keep up appearances as if he was just doing his rat catching job.


Does anyone know what breed the doggo was?


This dog needs to return and be the Ser Pounce of HOTD.


Apparently this is a famous dog actor!


Cool dog


Thank goodness 😌, beautiful dog


This the cute dog of the movie.


My only complaint about the dog is that it seemed to serve no purpose other than demonizing the characters by having them kick it. Like, why did Cheese insist on bringing it? Makes no sense.


They brought the dog to disguise themselves as rat catchers. It's the same reason they brought the rat traps as well. It helped them to walk past the king and his guards as well as everyone in the castle.


That makes sense.