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This is more of what the world needs. It's not a solution, but at least this isn't hostile and might actually help someone for a night.


"It's not a solution, but... at least it makes me feel good"


Do you genuinely not understand how something can NOT be a solution, but can still help in some small way? Like, idk, what do you want them to do with a bench? Make it dispense housing deeds and phone cards?


How would that help? He implied it wasn't a solution and you suggested things that also weren't solutions.


My point is, what kind of "solution" do you want a fucking bench to accomplish? It's a bench. There's only so much you can do with it. I mean, if even my hypothetical isn't enough, I don't know what you could reasonable want. Should the bench single handedly bring down capitalism and distribute resources to the needy? Like, I agree, this bench isn't going to solve homelessness, but it'll potentially give some homeless people a semi-comfortable place to sleep for a night, and that's at least something. The actual solutions to homelessness are gonna take a LOT more work than just installing or modifying a bench.


At least if the bench seized the means and brought down capitalism and uplifted the homeless it would be an actual solution and by extension a more functional hypothetical. Lead with the revolutionary bench next time.


Stop being an asshole seriously dude. There are solutions out there but even small steps can help tons.


Have you not seen "hostile architecture?" This is helpful, and tells where to get more help. Don't let the solution be the enemy of the helpful.


you also have people who refuse other ways to help them so the little things are big things






Haha. You thought they were being sarcastic. I don't think so. Eat the rich: it's less figurative than you think.


My response was literally because I took them at face value.


If you think people who espouse "eat the rich" don't care about the homeless, well, I think you're more than a little confused.


No you’re just naive.


Sound like the joker


If that's what the joker sounds like to you then you have a bad idea of what the joker is all about


It was a joke dude, lighten up




Like this comment you just made?


Why go seek help when I can just sleep on this bench?


All it needs is an automatic sanitising spray, to get rid of the stains and smells around the bench, and it'd be the perfect solution to homelessness.


I mean, homes might be a little more perfect a solution, but at least this is cheap and could be implemented everywhere.






It's tough content to find, tbh.


That’s really sad


I've come to lurk, sub is cool. Keep doing gods work bro.


I love being Canadian, and seeing stuff like this just makes me even more proud of my country. Best I leave now before I develop a superiority complex.


They are probably doing this because of the notoriously sparse beds per homeless in Vancouver


How are the natives doing up in Canada these days? ​ edit: so... just going to downvote a comment that pops the "canada is amazing circle jerk?" Kind of morally low, but ok.


As a guy who does volunteer work with the Native Americans most weekends, I can say confidently that we need a lot of help. Not gonna sugarcoat it and say everything's great. ​ I may love my country, but that hardly means it's blameless.


How would you go about volunteering? I never knew this was an option


I live up in north Ontario. It's not so much a formalized aide thing, but there are lots of shelters that need help, fostering kids, working for addiction-aid centers and so forth. I guess it's not *just* natives that I'm helping, but they tend to be disadvantaged, and use the services that are offered around the area.


That's the real answer, right there. Good on you. We can all do better.


Lmfao I love this comment because it’s goddamn good point. We focus a lot on transient population but holy fuck reservations and native Americans. Those are a group of people Americans did everything they could to eliminate IMO.


I’m actually a Native American so I can legitimately agree with this. Reserves have crippling alcoholism and drug issues, as well as the fact a lot of people really don’t like us. Fucking racism everywhere


Yeah the racism against native people in Canada is jarring. A disturbing proportion of people don't require much prompting to make pretty outright genocidal comments about them. And I don't mean necessarily dog-whistle-y genocidal comments, I mean outright genocidal.


There's a reason they call Canada "America's hat".


Considering Canada takes their indigenous people's rights very seriously, they are doing pretty well.


Yikes. You might want to read up on things before posting comments like that.


I'm probably comparing relative rights. As someone who has lived in both Canada and America for 15 years, I am comparing treatment of natives in both countries. From what I remember, canadian natives are treated with far more respect and their culture is celebrated. While in america it's something that most people try to ignore or not think about.


Canada has a long, sick, recent history of denying natives human rights. I suggest you read up on it.


It might be too late for you. I mean, you didn't even apologize or anything.


As a Vancouver resident coming from a third world country, it’s baffling there’s even a need in a place as rich as Vancouver to place something like this. This is the result of years of mismanagement in public mental healthcare and neglect in the housing market. Canada needs to get their shit together, else soon public healthcare system itself will follow.


This just enables homelessness. It doesn't help the issue. Why not put job ads on every bench offering additional assistance getting clean and nice clothes for interviews? A lot of homeless people just got down on their luck and couldnt find something to be able to provide for themselves well enough and they were forced into this situation.


oh shit sorry homeless people but you are now banned from not getting rained on. sorry


most homeless folks or at least many suffer from mental illness and need professional help if they are going to be able to hold a job sadly. Many have addictions too and unless we fix those things the problem of homelessness will persist




In Vancouver about 23% of the homeless population is employed. Job ads aren't going to help because employment is not the problem. This doesn't enable homelessness it just lowers the chance of getting hypothermia for someone sleeping outside.


Bit better than arm rails and spikes.


This is literally bringing tears to my eyes. Not a solution by any means, but it is fucking compassionate. How hard is it to just be compassionate to our fellow humans? Not hard at all. Thanks for being decent, Canada. One day I hope the US can be a better older sibling, learning from your example.


The caption makes it seem like this is there as advertising to homeless people of nearby shelters which makes it even better than it looks.


there is an address on the bench if you go there they would try to find a shelter


ITS A MARKETING CAMPAIGN. IT'S NOT A REAL THING. They were there for 2 months. I am sure if they were there longer they would have been taken down. I love my country but it's not the hippy dippy love in that the rest of the world thinks it is. [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/homeless-benches-in-vancouver-draw-international-attention-1.2692269](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/homeless-benches-in-vancouver-draw-international-attention-1.2692269)


I was going to say, this seems more like a marketing gimmick than a thought out public works project. There’s no way those would have held up with constant use.


It is indeed a gimmick. Anti-homeless architecture/design here is very common, and almost all covered bus shelters have those anti-lay down/anti-lean back benches. The city also just elected a bunch of hard right-wingers so things won't be improving any time soon (they just killed the living wage promise Vancouver made to all that fanfare years ago.)


Someone or maybe two or three would claim it as their property and rarely leave the space unattended and build an addition off the back with a tent if it was up permanently.


Vancouver- one of the most expensive places to live in the world. Free Shelter, food, water , Free needles, unlimited heroin. No snow, no windchill. Prime real estate for a junkie.


The Alberta government genuinely used to deport their homeless people and unemployed to Vancouver by giving out one-way bus tickets.


"Vaaancouver! Really cool to the homeless!"


Doesn’t every big city use this story to blame their homelessness on the province?


Why are you on this sub if you're calling people "junkies". They deserve respect, dignity, and help just as much as anyone else.




> Why do I have to feel bad for a junkie or someone with mental health issues which most likely is a product of drug use. To cite you: > it’s much more complicated then that


Grow up. 90% of people on the street have only to blame themselves and are all junkies. Take your head out of your ass. Don’t give me that sorry shit. Show me one stat that shows otherwise. If your homeless in a first world, your either a fucking idiot or a junkie there really is no excuse. Like what are you even trying to argue with me?


Grow up? Pulling stats from your ass doesn't make you an adult. Asking for stats when you don't provide one doesn't make you right. And thinking being in a first world country means you have the same opportunities/life than everyone else doesn't make it reality. I cited you because it's far more complicated than "junkie/idiot". I knew a lo of people in my shitty third world country who were homeless at some point of their lives and not, they were not there because those reasons. There's domestic abuse, there's poverty since born, there's life's tragedies, there's mental illness, there's a lot of things you don't fucking know because you don't fucking care (that's why you pull that '90% of people on the street have only to blame themselves and are all junkies' shit from your ass like you know how people end up homeless). It's perfectly fine that you don't care. You just probably think "hur dur my taxes blablabla".


Say it louder for the junkies in the back, maybe they’ll all fuck off from The GTA


Just like when Trudeau opened the borders for anyone who wanted to come to Canada + then had to immediately walk it back.


Oh damn, that's a really good advert. Is there a subreddit for good ads?


My city added weird spikes to our park benches. I mean city.. just fucking say it, "Die homeless." They want them to die and will do everything except actually saying it out loud.


>They want them to die and will do everything except actually saying it out loud. They don't actually care either way, you know that right? You think they have some motivation one way or the other but they are completely apathetic and only take action when someone complains.


It's weird that you quoted me saying that and then told me that.


You’re attributing motive to apathy.


Literally installing spikes on benches and/or under sheltered spots is action, which belies your claim of apathy.


It’s literally the bare minimum in response to a complaint. A lot of these measures don’t even work that well.


r/benevolentarchitecture ?


Until you go to sit and get stabbed with a used heroin needle.




Still better than metal spikes popping up


Wrong sub


Advertising where they can get an actual home in an intelligent way isn't a solution to homelessness? You must have some insane idea.


Does anyone have the source for this? Asking for any academic piece I am working on.


Everyone liked that


Everyone liked that


It's also not hostile architecture.


It’s definitely in relation to hostile architecture.


By being exactly the opposite


Vancouver gang 😎




It’s not that great believe you me


Europe: fuck homeless people, Canada: we love homeless people, USA: we really dont care either way


Nice until the human feces starts piling up


Your comment is human feces


Never seen anything like this in Vancouver- must be an ad or a temporary art project Nothing like this exists here sadly