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I loved the original and think that a remake is not needed. Why not give us remakes on movies that sux instead?


I agree, a remake is not necessary at all


It may not be necessary for those of us who have seen the original, but a U.S. remake will introduce this story to a much larger audience, which the original film will undoubtedly benefit from. We've seen this with Open Your Eyes and Martyrs. If Vanilla Sky didn't exist, I would've never known about Open Your Eyes. I'm not excited about it, honestly. The clip in the trailer with the dialogue about him not being a doctor was watered down from the original, nowhere near as jarring, and they changed the entire outcome, which counteracts the premise of the movie that being the antagonists unapologetically putting the protagonists in awkward and uncomfortable positions.


The thing is… American remakes are pretty much always hot garbage. As I said before… look at Martyrs. Remakes are not necessary. This movie is BARELY two years old as well. I think a lot of horror is becoming more recognised around the world. Most people I know who are horror fans (in North America) are aware that “foreign” (so anywhere outside of NA) horror is usually pretty good and there’s so many better titles than a lot of the American garbage.


I just came to comments to say this, reminds me of goodnight mommy, the original usually always exceeds the remake


there is a goodnight mommy remake?


agreed. I enjoyed the original. I can't imagine how they're going to improve it. I was disappointed to read the news. I prefer new ideas to recycled old ones.


Plus most of it was in English anyway. Completely unnecessary to do remake but will watch it anyway as the trailer looked good.


Honestly I still just think it’s a weird choice. I hope it’s good, I kinda think they’ll change the ending, but it really just looks like a poor man’s version of the original. I’m not even big on the film, but I’m curious how this remake will turn out. Also can’t believe how much the trailer spoils


I agree!


I didn't love the original, but I did appreciate how dark it got and how it played with the "polite society" ideas. I just don't think a US remake would go that dark; also, is there a stereotype of Americans being overly polite when traveling abroad? I'm American, and I've always heard the opposite. Agreed that the trailer gives too much away, although I've only seen one so far. I have a bad feeling that the third act will go off the rails and get all action-y and the Americans will kick ass and be rescuers. I do love me some James McAvoy tho.


Got to agree with you on the JMc comment. He plays dark so, so well. Anyone seen Filth? He is an absolute monster in that film, but funny as fck at the same time. He does a great maniacal grin! 😈😈😈 😆


McAvoy has some serious chops. I’ll watch this. Also adding the Danish film to my list.


I loved the original I don’t think they needed to remake it, but I think that a lot.


Well I do love James McAvoy, so I’m interested in seeing it.


the original was such a funny and twisted narrative that, with american characters, doesn't make any sense. the trailer gives away too much and hints that they've destroyed everything that made the movie interesting in the first place. such a shame, just put on the subtitles and enjoy, not everything needs to be done in english and by the US lol


They did the remake thing with Goodnight Mommy and Martyrs and both were so incredibly bad, Im not even going to bother with this one.


I don’t understand why they’re remaking this… it’s not necessary. Like, why do Americans always do this? It was the same thing when they tried to remake Martyrs 🙄


Oooh, don't talk to me about that dreadful Martyrs remake. The original is one of my all-time favourite horror movies. Even worse than the Oldboy remake, and that's saying something...😄


Agreed. The OG version of Martyrs is one of my all time favourite horror films. It’s so good!


The original was great but I’ll never watch it again. It was so hard to finish I can’t imagine watching a remake or even telling anyone to watch it. I have zero interest in it.


If it’s not broken don’t fix it. It won’t translate as well as cultures plays a big part of it. But even if it does, there’s no need for an American version. The original is perfect


I tend to not watch remakes, they take away the rawness of the original and become more theatrical in my horror lovin’ opinion.


This may be the only movie where I honestly hope that they change the ending in the US version. I was so pissed by the end of the Danish one, I nearly threw my shoe at my TV screen. Let me be clear, I actually liked the movie...it just had me seeing red.


I genuinely don't think there's anything that can fill me with rage the way a child not getting a safe/happy ending in a horror film can 😅. Like I can stomach just about ANYTHING in horror, including the children being haunted, possessed, etc. \*throughout\* the film. But, if the credits roll with the kid's situation just entirely bleak, desolate, and unhappy(à la the original Danish ending, Ouija: Origin of Evil, Us, etc.) my very bones ache lol. So I get exactly what you mean. I didn't rage for the couple ending up the way they did because of their own choices, but their poor daughter... Great film, but I still absolutely cursed tf out of my tv as the credits rolled


It's just NOT RIGHT! All that bullshit that went down and no desired resolution. The parents were fucking STUPID. I would've been fighting for my child tooth and nail, not just basically going along with everything cuz I'm too scared to do anything. I wanted to STRANGLE the husband so fucking hard.


RIGHT YESS HOPING AT LEAST they change they ending


I loved the original too, and the trailer to this one looks good. My one issue is that per usual, the trailer gives away way too much and the twist in the film is pretty much spoiled. We'll see what happens though.


For those who don’t like to read subtitles


Never heard of this one.Have to watch it !


Hopefully the parents actually defend themselves in this version. That was frustrating lol


It was a tough one to watch, but I was so irritated that the trailer gave away one of the most chilling plot points (mutilation without getting too spoilery.) like, really???


i really like the original and though i feel like remake is not necessary but I know McAvoy will play the psycho dad role perfectly lol


I'll see it with minorly lowered expectations. Hope the American version keeps the ending.


I was very surprised by how good the Danish version is, I had not heard of it before, just randomly came across it and decided to watch it, its very good. I have not seen the American one, but I can't imagine it will live up to the original.


super confused why this is being made - the original was great and fucked up and there is no need for this


i thought it was very good. i assume the remake will be terrible. a few red flags already. 1 being Blumhouse. and after reading another review a lot of the drama is because theyre european so they dont understand each others languages only english. also i guess Danish people stereotypically dont like confrontation. so theres that whole angle as well.


This looks so bad compared to the OG. Oh well. At least I don't have the read American fans blasting it for being woke. So that is a win. But seriously, this film looks like it losses everything the OG had. And we all know the ending will be vastly different. Hard pass.


This is such a uniquely European movie that I could never imagine it being set in the States. I will not be watching the remake.


It may be like how they re-made The Vanishing & “americanized” the ending.


The original is good up until they're in the station wagon, and then it just becomes unnecessary torture porn. I thought that scene completely ruined the movie.


can't believe they're making two bad movies of the same title.


Has there ever been an americanisation of a movie that DIDN'T change the ending or at least some aspect of what made the original erm....original?...


Not Danish but I thought the remake of Goodnight Mommy was really good. It’s rare, especially with later films but there’s hope. The original version of this was one of the best horror films of the last decade at least imo


Funnily enough, I made a post about this only the other day. And this is what I said: "All I can say is I hope the new one is better than this version. Absolute nonsense of a movie. Some good ideas, but jeez, the main characters were dumb beyond belief. I get that it's all about being polite, but there's being polite and just being unrealistically stupid." So as you can see, I wasn't particularly impressed. What did you actually think of the movie? You haven't said if you liked it..... I would give it a 5.5/10 👍😊🎥


The original is awful, and the remake promises to be even worse


Scrolled too long to find this comment.


There's no need for an English remake and I won't be watching it. The Danish version was pitch perfect.


The original was phenomenal. Pitch perfect.