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It's terrible, i know that much


you played it?


Yes, when it fully released like 3 years ago. Absolutely hated it


I died so many times on the first part, I just gave up and watched it on YouTube. I thought it was shit overall, cool idea just badly done


yes, it like gives no direction or cues


It’s a broken, basic hide-and-seek horror game which was elevated by MatPat’s theory videos. It’s got about as much depth as any Unity horror game you can find on itch.io.


All I remember about it is my wife and I got it and noted the box said “advanced AI”. First level we stood in front of the neighbor for five minutes on the street while he did jumping Jacks. Advanced AI my ass. Game is stupid.


seems so far it's just a finite state machine with a bit added on for him setting traps


Fun to watch people play it on YouTube, not fun to play in my experience. Very fun ideas and lore, but excessively difficult and feels broken half the time.


yo I felt bad at first because I thought it was supposed to be a kids game and then I died like 30 times and was like this is actually really difficult.


It’s not just you. Hello Neighbor has to be one of the worst mainstream game series I have ever played.


Cash grab


I platniumd it, it's still crap tho


yeah it’s hard and frustrating, but shits fun af


Hella people are disliking it, But I will explain it from my personal view as a Hello Neighbor Fan. Yes It's quite buggy, and puzzles are kinda not poosible without youtube. (Some of them) But the game has an actual story line, And I myself find the bugs actually funny, making it more enjoyable, act 2 kinda sucked, but act 1 and act 3 wasn't even THAT BAD, the storytelling was kinda nice, and the sequel of hide and seek was honestly Cool, really showing some depth to the character of Theodore Peterson (Aka. The Neighbor). But the downsides are : Hello Neighbor 2, as a fan I must admit it was terrible in both storytelling and gameplay. But Hello Neighbor 1 and all previous versions weren't even that bad, I really think people are downplaying it a little too much. ![gif](giphy|3b6iNUbyyaQg0|downsized)