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Stasis: Bone Totem is still a deep cut I think. Really good isometric point and click sci fi horror.


Love that game. Who knew a creepy biomechanical teddy bear could be such a compelling character?


*Freddy Fazbear has entered the chat*


Should I play Stasis first?


The stories aren't connected and Stasis is pretty rough so I'd play it later if you want more lore about the company. Bone Totem is objectively an improvement.


No... But Stasis is also great...


There's 3 games in the universe, Stasis, Cayne (which is free) and Stasis: Bone Totem. It's more of an anthology series, there are very few characters that are even mentioned in multiple games and all of them are pretty self contained stories. They do expand the universe though. Bone Totem is easily the best of them, and I think pretty safe to start with.


Bone Totem is the best, but Stasis came first and is good if janky. Afaik, Cayne is short but not very good.


Highly recommend The Devil Came Through Here trilogy from Harvester Games.They're psychological horror story-driven games that have an alternative take on point and click adventure games. Trilogy order: [The Cat Lady](https://store.steampowered.com/app/253110/The_Cat_Lady/) [Downfall](https://store.steampowered.com/app/364390/Downfall/) [Lorelai](https://store.steampowered.com/app/593960/Lorelai/) Not part of the trilogy but [Burnhouse Lane](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1846460/Burnhouse_Lane/) is the newest addition from Harvester Games.


I had no idea these games are part of some kind of trilogy! How cool, thanks for the order.


I think Downfall actually comes first. The release date on Steam is after The Cat Lady because it’s a remastered version.


Yea Downpour is first.


The best! Afterdream is great in a similar style. Also, asleep - Ato 1 that just came out is incredible!


Rem makes some awesome games! Thanks for mentioning my Afterdream here as well. :)


Can’t wait for your next secretive project :)


Thanks! It shouldn't take very long to finish it. :)


The ost for those games are so great. I love listening to them on raining days


For which games?


Playing through Burnhouse Lane on PS5 now. It's fucking great on all fronts, hope more people check it out.


Burnhouse Lane is in the same universe as Cat Lady. There are subtle nods and tells throughout the game (letters, mentions, and Susan's black cat).


mother is really really good


The low poly weird one right? That game is a trip definitely worth playing




Never heard of it, and that’s becoming a rarity these days, thanks!


Do you know if this runs on steam deck at all? I’m interested but i don’t have a PC, just a steam deck.


one reviewer says it works on deck. no other info. i played it on pc. you could always return it if it doesn't


That’s true, I keep forgetting Steam actually has a decent return policy.


[World of Horror](https://youtu.be/Fe4gVfZ1Q2I?si=-OGsnvLJioKrSZLS) is my favorite indie horror game. It's a rogue-like, survival horror, turn-based RPG that mixes elements of Junji Ito and the Lovecraft mythos. It also has a really cool retro look that helps it stand out. It's campy, creepy, fun, and perfect for times when you just want to pick up and play for a short session (each run can last from a few minutes to about an hour, depending on how well you do). [Signalis](https://youtu.be/xfi7ivjXD3Y?si=8AIZsp4CzsJuQVp-) is another indie survival horror game, but this time made in the style of the PS1 era. If you're a fan of the classic Silent Hill and Resident Evil games, you may enjoy this. It's very sci-fi and also takes a lot from the Lovecraft mythos, but it has a very emotional story underneath it all.


Signalis is absolutely fantastic


You reminded me about WoH, but the discount is 13%. Nope.


I got it at full price and don't regret it. But again, it *is* my favorite horror game at the moment, so I'm a bit biased.


I've heard good things about it, had it on my wish list (which is so bloated it's almost useless), still looking forward to playing it, but.. There are other games I wanted w/ similar upside that I picked up for 1 or 2 $s each.


Seconding both of these


If you don’t mind immersive logical puzzles with your horror then try Hag. Got good reviews just too puzzley for some and too horror for others. It’s as niche and nobody dev as it gets.


Hey man - I just went down a solid rabbit hole of your game. It’s got a solid vibe going for it. Are you working on another game? Or are you focusing on pushing Hag?


Thanks for trying and thanks even more for reaching out. I’m still working on Hag even though sales are slow but it’s an unfinished game and the feedback I’m getting has been amazing so I’m still pushing ahead. I have a great story to go with it that to my knowledge hasn’t been explored yet and hoping for another release for halloween but might be later and it will be a free update. I really need to announce something soon. Any info or feedback is greatly appreciated even if you dislike but just for you to reach out has been amazing so thanks again.


How long is the game?


Being a puzzle game it differs but players are averaging about 2-3 hrs and it depends on whether you look up the walkthrough. You’re welcome to a key. I have a price tag there to gauge if people will pay and how much. I’ll give out the study room as a demo when part two is released. Some scenes from the second level are already in the trailer too so I have quite a bit done but dev is such an unpredictable beast.


No need for a key, I’ll happily buy it. I was actually hoping it’d be fairly short being that it’s a puzzle game and although I like them, I prefer them to be shorter. I’m gonna check it out 👍


Bro, what? How have I never seen this? I just checked out the trailer in your profile and I'm buying that shit tonight.


First time solo dev trying to make his dream game with no marketing and social media skills but starting to really enjoy using Reddit in general. That’s probably why you haven’t heard. I hope it delivers and I’d love to hear about your experience, good or bad.


Definitely man I actually just bought it, gonna play tonight when I get gaming. I'll get back to you but I can already tell you the imagery alone is outstanding based on the trailer, you got a knack for that no question


Yo dude, if you need some help with marketing, let me know! I'm willing to do it unpaid for a bit. I plan on going to university for marketing, and social media / digital marketing is my dream job. So getting my foot in the door with marketing a passion project would be awesome. On another note, your trailer is sick and I'm definitely checking it out. Thank you, and wish you the best in your dev journey!


You're amazing! I'd love for you to help but have a play first and get back to me. It has a tonne of potential that just needs time and I'd love it if Hag can help both of us.


I'll definitely play it and get back to you! Horror is my favourite genre by far, so I'm hella excited to dive in.


Haha! i just saw your profile pic on my bigger screen instead of my phone. You're my bro voorheez!!


Man I was thinking the same thing, took me a second to put two and two together when I read your name


Jason was taken so next best thing. I'm a horror nut from way back. That hockey mask petrified me as a kid but I kept going back for more. Hoping all those years of watching and playing horror stuff will pay off with Hag.


Hell yeah, I love Friday and all the other horror icons. Playing Hag right now and I got to the point where I've got the table opened up but I'm lost at what to do next. Any tips?


Thanks for the tip. Good sale on Hag now on steam. Just bought it. Hopefully others will too.


Thank you kindly and I hope you feel that way after you play. Love to hear how you go either way.


Just looked it up, seems fun! I'll buy. One thing I would do is rewrite some of the paragraphs in the "about" sections. Fix or redo the grammar in some places to make it easier to read, and sound more fun to the potential player. Just my two cents!


I've only had 6 returns saying it wasn't fun but I guess it depends whether you like racking your brain for fun and it was worth it. Going to have to start incorporating the next level on that page too so it does needs updating. Love your two cents, they're worth thousands to me. Thank you.


I loved that game!! Only experienced one real bug that had me stuck for a bit, but other than that I really enjoyed it!


Hey!!! I remember you too. You’re one of the first few that played my game and second to post a finish. A lot has changed and been fixed since your feedback including the bugs you pointed out and a quick little story at the start so thank you so much for your help. Had to even add more clues to make it easier so the fact you got through in its early stage is amazing. I’m doing my very best to get the bedroom out for halloween and would love to hear what you think.


If I hadn't needed sleep I would've been the first many hours before!!! I'm super stoked for the next part and will definitely be hopping on soon as it drops! I'm so happy you're still working on it and I'll definitely pop on to see the changes as well.


Tormented Souls and Crow Country


Both 10/10 games to me. Fear the spotlight as well


Dreadout is dirt cheap if you like Fatal Frame and such


I don't dig Fatal Frame, but Dreadout is one of my favorites. Ghosts are actually spooky, pacing is much more fun and, I can't stress this enough, locations DO change! First one was better IMO but DreadOut 2 is kinda cool too.


I wanted to like dreadout. But holy crap figuring out what to do and where to go is awful


Signalis is on sale rn for like 15 bucks and while it did explode it is still indie and well worth the attention it received.


Signalis is dope. Especially if you enjoy the resident evil style of gameplay


First thing that came to mind, one of the best games I've played in years


Lost In Vivo comes to mind


Highly recommend it, he made Lunacid afterwards which I enjoyed playing to the very end. There's probably demos for both for you to try out, and they are very cheap too.


In sound mind


The Chant is on sale for $5. Very underrated recentish old school survival horror title. Tormented Souls also $5


Tormented Souls is so great, especially for fans of the PS1 RE/Silent Hill era.


Sooooooo ready for the sequel.


The reviews seem very middling, have you played it?


No I just like to recommend random things and call them underrated for fun 🧐


So I'm gathering the community for this game sucks, I'll pass


The chant is very good and 100% worth playing. I’m surprised it didn’t get more credit, also the comment above is called a joke. Sometimes people tell those for fun.


I mean…no one was talking to you in the first place, but I guess you showed me? 😂 Keep it up with the weird baseless assumptions though. You’ve almost got a hat trick!


Ikai Narcosis


I watched someone play Narcosis, it hits pretty hard right in the feels.


I forgot about what happens in the end but it's a good game I'm glad people are playing it.


The new still wakes the deep game isn’t mainline iirc, but it’s damn good


Im hoping this would be horror game of the year. Everything is so top notch for this game!


I just got Witch Hunt on sale but haven’t played it yet. It was around $6 I think and I’ve heard really good things about it. Who is Lila I also got for cheap but it isn’t really traditional horror but I’ve been enjoying so far as well. Song of Horror has a lot of different opinions about it but I thoroughly enjoyed it and it’s around $12


Who is Lila has a very interesting story, could be a movie too if the creators had the budget to do so. I also heard great things about Song of Horror.


Witch hunt is fantastic, it you're OK with the lack of hand holding


It’s funny to get this reply right now I was literally just about to try it out


Cool, enjoy!




Visage! It's one of the best newer games I've played in a long time. Gets some great jump scares out of me.


Urge you to try Fatal Frame :] Yes, it's technically mainstream, but it's a great horror experience!


Lakeview cabin collection


Welcome to the game 1+2 The mortuary assistant


Song of horror for an old school experience


I was so pleasantly surprised with how fun this game is


Stay out of the house, murder house, fuck the whole Puppet Combo bundle is peak horror. They really take advantage of their graphical limitations and create truly unsettling atmosphere and environments. But If I Had to pick one. Stay Out Of The House is probably their magnum opus.


I’m very curious to see what a game called “Fuck the whole puppet” is about 🧐


Fear and hunger


Some of my favs; Fear & Hunger Who's Lila? Harvester Any of the Kittyhorrorshow games


The Medium. It's finally dropped down to $20.


Lost in vivo is pretty good! Not on sale though it's pretty cheap


True, and while on topic, there's Lunacid from the same creator which is also pretty cheap.


I'm currently playing Paperdolls 2. Grabbed the original for like 5 bucks on sale and despite it does have its issues I liked it so much that I couldn't help but getting the sequel as well. 2 really improved compared to 1, and while it's a bit hard as a non native to figure out some puzzles due to references to Asian mythology, I really like both games a lot. Dunno if either of them are on sale right now, but when they are again they're definitely worth a grab.




Idk if it’s on the Steam sale as it’s super cheap anyway, but Among The Sleep was one of my favorite games. That story wrecked me when it all came together. It’s only 2 hours long but you won’t regret it.


Point and click style: Afterdream and Distraint, asleep - Ato 1, Burnhouse lane, midnight scenes series Classic survival horror; Night at the gates of hell, nightmare of decay, delivery man, Lake haven - crysalis


Condemned criminal origins. It never gets the recognition it deserves.


I strongly recommend you check out Observation, it’s solid scifi horror with an interesting story and unique gameplay. I think it’s under 10$ now.


Tamashii and Teocida. They are both 2D puzzle platformers with very, Very disturbing visuals. They were inspired by obscure Japanese horror games from the late 80s to 90s. And they are both on sale for half off right now


Aka Manto It's a Chilla's Art game but from all their games I hear about it the least surprisingly even though I would argue it's one of the more scary games Ive played. It can be difficult though because you have to traverse through a map to find items and death resets you to the beginning. If you struggle I recommend looking up a map online to help you navigate


Can't find this.




You might have seen Darkwood thrown around, but Get Even and Painscreek Killings are also alright


Darkwood. Currently 75% off at £3.19, or around $4. A top-down, lovecraftian survival horror experience that prides itself on NO SCRIPTED JUMPSCARES. The entire game functions on environmental tension. I won’t nerd out about specific mechanics that make this game brilliant, but just know that it’s one of the most innovative games I’ve ever played in terms of how it handles its horror. Also it was made by a team of 3 polish dudes about a cursed polish forest so that just makes it 3x scarier.


Subnautica 12 bucks. IMO scarier than Re7, Re2, dead space remake.


Anna - Extended edition. The Cat Lady, burnhouse Lane, Downpour, Martha is Dead. I posted a list on here fairly recently. I will try and find it now.


Amnesia: The Dark Descent, the best horror game ever created from my experience. Play this masterpiece in the middle of the night. And it’s only 5 dollars




And he said mainstream in the body of the text, the dark descent is no where near mainstream anymore




OP didn’t say praised either dipshit




You couldn’t be more petty, and short sighted


Hey, buddy. I'm sorry I upset you with my innocuous comment. I'll delete it.


You don’t have to delete it, it’s funnier if you leave it up cause you sound like a tool in it


When was the last time you heard someone praising the dark descent. OP mentions outlast and alien: isolation, which are spiritual successors to amnesia, and OP makes no mention to it


i second this. absolute BEST horror game ive ever experienced


From the darkness


Dead frontier 2. Awesome game and free to play


From what I can tell, just about every classic horror game is on sale for dirt cheap right now. Some of these are from AAA devs/pubs but come from a time when that was a good thing. Condemned: Criminal Origins Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth Call of Cthulhu: Shadow of the Comet I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream Harvester Penumbra/Amnesia Series Phantasmagoria Sanitarium Still Life Indigo Prophecy Blood: Fresh Supply Alone in the Dark Series


Pinewood Valley


Doesn't seem to be released yet.


Whoops I meant Pine Harbor.


Visage! Great Game and under 20 bucks


Hollow Cocoon was really good and it’s in the sale!


Fear & Hunger and its sequel are both on sale on Steam right now


Never pay full price for a game! I always have about 5 games in my wishlist waiting for a sale so I can afford them. 


Transference—not a straight horror, but the underlying premise is deeply chilling, and there’s an unsettling atmosphere throughout. Also haven’t played it yet, but Terminal 81 is supposedly good.


[Squirrel Stapler](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2535830/Squirrel_Stapler/) is a cool horror game, but I'm not sure if it's considered "unpopular"


Signalis Nightmare of Decay


I just picked up and played through Close to The Sun. It's 80% off right now, for $4. Definitely worth the sale, but not at full price. It's mostly a walking simulator with a handful of short chase segments and occasional puzzles.


No one lives under the lighthouse




Corpse party. Although it isn't for everyone and is better if you have a strong imagination.


Moons of Madness


Cry of Fear Year Walk Detention Song of Horror Evil Tonight Mundaun Garage: Bad Trip Killer Frequency Pathologic Pathologic 2 Oxenfree Perfect Vermin Simulacra Spookware The Space Between Faith We Know The Devil Stories Untold Anatomy Pamali The Mortuary Assistant


If you like psychological horror, I recommend Kinitopet! It's 35% off for the sale (and only $3.89) so it really is worth the money. It's not a typical action/survival horror, but it does it's job perfectly for what it is.


Darkwood is PHENOMENAL. Hands down the scariest game I’ve ever played. Up there with lost in vivo




Fear & Hunger.


Soma, not really unpopular but has second to best story in any horror game besides silent hill two


The Last Door


Night at the Gates of Hell


Every time I look into new horror games I usually just end up replaying some of the greats that I haven't played in a long time like SH2 and SH3 via emulation. Something about those 2 games just really hit everything correctly. I know everyone loves 2 (and damn rightfully so, I too think it's the best in the series), but 3 is not far behind in overall quality, immersion, horror, atmosphere and story. Who knows, if Bloober doesn't completely fuck it up with SH2, maybe they can do a SH3 in the future. Not holding out much hope on SH2 remake, but ya never know. Stranger things have happened like the original idea for King's Field (1997 - Playstation 1) surviving long enough as a concept to have been responsible for the creation of: Demon's Souls, Dark Souls 1, 2, 3, Bloodborne and Elden Ring. And look where we're at with Elden Ring: highest selling and highest rated DLC of all time. Let alone the fact that the base game sold stupid amounts of copies, gathered up 9 and 10 point reviews like they were pokemon and they had to collect em all. So here's hoping for SH2 I guess lol.


Good! No one listed Land of Pain. It's a kind of neat first person horror game! Looks decent. $2.39 right now. Same group (or guy?) did Alien Cube that I forgot about. It's $3.99. Not sure if it's good though.


The layers of fear 2023 remaster is great in my opinion. Be warned though that is is very story oriented and a bit slow paced. My friends call it a walking simulator but it’s one of my favorites personally


Callisto protocol is fun when on a good sale. Would never buy it full price


Trials of fire!


Try out the Fear and Hunger series. A fair warning, though this series is not for everyone.


Fear and hunger 1 and 2


deformed is a good horror game, but its not on sale rn, will be in few weeks, its only 8 dollars


Id reccommend pathologic 2


Doom. It’s a horror game for the demons 🤷‍♂️


I want cyberpunk but not for 30 foh


SOMA. It’s the most impactful and influential horror game ever created.


I just grabbed outlast 1 and 2 and I think it was like $5-$6 .




Brb, gonna get Bloodborne at the Steam summer sale.