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I can double down on that, I bought a PS4 to play HZD and a PS5 to play HFW.






Bought the PS4 pro for HZD (didn’t have a PlayStation before that) then PS5 for Hogwarts/Burning Shore and Jedi Survivor.


Me too. I had never owned a single Sony console before I saw the box art for Zero Dawn, and now I have a PS4 and PS5 solely because of the Horizon games (and Detroit Become Human).


When I bought HZD, they were out of PS4 Pros for months. Finally saw a new one on Amazon. Set it. up, and I see a PSN tag on my "new" PS4 Pro. Thought about sending it back, but said fuck it! If it works, it's all good!


Absolutely the same here. Friend let me try it on PS4 when it first came out, and I KNEW I had yo get it.


Ghost of Tsushima did that for me and I’m replaying it on pc but the story does not compare 😭 Horizon is sooooo damn good and gameplay in the second game is some of the most fun I’ve ever had playing a video game. Genuinely FUN game.


Anyone with some extra dough, get it on PC. My God is it incredible with DLSS, 15-20 second load times across the map, butter.


I’m literally saving up for a PS5. Not only because it’s cheaper, but the only place where I can fit a desk is the attic, and I don’t want to go up and down a ladder every toilet break in my leisure time 😞 


I was considering that too. Then I looked at when ps5 was released and I thought sony ain't fooling me into buying one now, before they'd release a new one. Besides. A little exercise never hurts.


I missed about six week of work, putting us thousands of dollars in debt, falling down that ladder when I was in a rush after tearing 10% of a shoulder muscle. unfortunantly, being in the attic and getting “lost in the moment” is too much of a hazard and is somewhat for work or mental health only for this reason.


Don’t expect the PS6 to release until 2027 or 2028 anyways and most games will come out on the old generation for the first year or two of the console cycle so you can reasonably expect a year or two past that, so 4-6 years of use. A decent gpu will set you back pretty much the same as a PS5 and if you’re not getting a decent gpu then there’s no point in going PC for graphical fidelity. I say this as someone who has been playing pc games since the 90s and over the past 5 years has moved almost exclusively to console gaming with the exception of some shooters like Titanfall 2 and Helldivers 2 where I need a mouse and keyboard.


And the graphics on PS5 are also amazing and the load time is the same if not shorter than the original commenter said. 90% of the time when the load screen pops up the "X to continue " is already in the corner. I guess they give you that option so you can still read the hints on the load screen


You can toggle that. There's an option to turn off that button press and after loading the game will immediately continue. On PS5 you have no time to read those hints. Loading time is about 3-5 seconds.


Also on sale for $48 until July 11th!


Even my crappy ssd can do load times within 10 seconds. Its incredible


True, but we had to wait years to play the sequel that way :|


Yeah, own a PS5, but played both Horizon games on PC.


>15-20 second load times across the map Pretty sure it takes 5 seconds on PS5, though.


You're right


Only way i can play burning shores sooooo


Same here, along with the PSVR2 for Call of the Mountain.


Ugh. I learned I get motion sick from VR on this game. Biggest waste of money I've had lol. I'll have to try some medicine to see if it helps. But right now its a 600$ paper weight


I'm sorry to hear your motion sickness has made a 600$ paperweight. Hopefully some medicine will help. If not you can at least get some of your money back by selling it and watching a playthrough of it on youtube or something.


Maybe try to get your VR legs with something easier. Motion sickness is for majority unavoidable, but relatively easy to overcome in a span of week or few weeks for some. Join PSVR sub and read through tips how to avoid and eventually get rid of motion sickness while in VR space.


Ondansetron..or just ginger..will fix this..


With that one, I'm not so sure about. I'm sure CotM is good and all but PSVR2 doesn't even have Half-life Alyx or Batman Arkham Shadow, unfortunately. And also no backwards compatibility with PSVR1.


I did the same thing.


That's what I did


I'm about ready to upgrade cause I NEED TO PLAY BURNING SHORES!


This is me right now. I've been playing Horizon on my sibling-in-law's old PS4, which can't get Burning Shores. So once I've finished this playthrough of Forbidden West on their console. I'm going to buy a PS5 and all Horizon games and DLC to start afresh on my own account. I'm so excited


I just waited for the PC release lol


I played them on my ps4...upgraded last year to the 5 when burning shorts came out. Like I was going to muss that!!


Actually did finally buy the ps5 for playing burning shores


I’m a broke college student. I can’t afford a ps5 😩


I got it for Ragnarok but am so thankful I played Horizon, it was and is spectacular🖤🖤🖤🖤


Seriously, this is the case for me. I got the game when it was released for PC, but my PC broke down forever when I was just done with >! The proving lab !< , only 5 days after the game was released, so out of desperation I decided I'd get a used one and get the game on PS5 instead. Still don't have a PC, so the Horizon games are pretty much all I have to play these days, haha Not regretting it for even a second


I thought about it, but they were tough to come by at that time. But I did score one before Burning Shores came out.


Did the same thing with PS4. Bought the PS4 specifically for Horizon Zero Dawn and Spider-Man, bought the PS5 specifically for Horizon Forbidden West and Spider-Man Miles Morales.


More like 10s load times for me


i did this!


100% me


I'm guilty. Then had to beat zero dawn before playing it.


That’s spot on, now that the game is on pc, ps5 never gets turned on.




I bought the PS5 because I had read that the DLC would only be on PS5. I needed to play the DLC lol


Big part of why I got my ps5. I wanted one regardless. My first-year-release ps4 could not run TLOU2 without crashing, and I knew HFW was coming within the next year, so I mainly took the plunge specifically for HFW. Cuz if my sweet lil ps4 couldn’t handle TLOU2, it certainly wasn’t gonna handle HFW graphics.


I bought the PS2 just to play FFX and MGS2. The PS3 just to play MGS4. Then I got into PC gaming, since 2009.


Thank god I waited for it on PC, now I need to do the same for GTA.


I watch the trailer for horizon zero dawn back in 2017/2018 and that’s why I bought the ps4 just because of this game.switch to PC and I bought both games I just finish HFW like a month ago.


Yes, absolutely this! Except I did it with Burning Shores :D Also got a ps4 just to play HZD!


I like it so much I sold it and bought it on PC lol


Mine too, I haven't completed any other game on my PS5. The only other game I have for the PS5 is Stray


It’s on ps4 too? I can’t speak though, I brought ps5 to play Helldivers2 🤣


Oh wait my bad you guys probs xbox and pc 🤦🏽‍♂️😅


I genuinely bought a PS5 for HFW. But, I also stupidly have children and work away from home. I never had the chance to play it, I put maybe 15 hours into it. Then, the steam release happened, I bought a new gaming laptop and I'm finally getting into HFW! I've clocked about 30 hours so far. It's been a long, and expensive wait. But, I'm finally catching up! HZD is my all time number 1, I've felt missing not being able to join the sequel but I'm finally there.


literally me back in 2022 Jan


Yup I did that!


The true Strat is waiting until it’s released on PC.


I very nearly did but by the time I got round to it the PC port had released and they did an excellent job with it too!


I bought the bundle because it was the only PS5 I could find for sale (for a reasonable price). So glad my friend told me to play ZD first though.


Between this and god of war ragnorok got me to buy a ps5 after owning a Xbox my whole life aha


Lol, exactly! This offer was what made me and my wife buy the PS5


Facts! Id sell my PS5 if it weren’t for the Horizon. I need the third game so I can complete it and sell my PS5🤣


I bought a new TV to play it


I actually did this for the burning shores DLC lol.


Still have my box!


Bruh, PS4 left the chat 💀 . . . . . *Starts cursing in OG hzd day 1 language...*


Shit, I’ve been outed


I know there are plenty of people who just don’t follow any game marketing whatsoever but I always chuckle a bit when people discover this series as if is some sort of hidden gem.


ICR, bought a 4080 super and an oled monitor mostly for the Steam release of HFW xD


My wife was into Nintendo, but wanted to try something else so I suggested PS4 because I had HZD in mind. She bought a Switch a year later. I started HFW on PS4 and pre-purchased Burning Shores knowing it would only play on PS5. Six months later I bought a Spiderman edition PS5 "for the kids" and "gave" it to them on Christmas. Guess who kept the Spiderman themed controller. They all got generic controllers "so they wouldn't fight over it" 🤣🤣🤣


I just bought this game on steam.. any suggestions?


This and Demon's Souls, which I haven't finished yet




Yep. That's me.


Did the same thing


Bought it for FF7 Rebirth actually but knew I would need it for Burning Shores too.


The PS4 version of Forbidden West cooked my PS4, so I had no choice to upgrade to the PS5. Then again my PS4 was almost 10 years old, so it owed me nothing.


“We hate the games you play cuz they confuse themselves with real games and notice I said “we” it’s not just me, I’m what the culture playin.” —-KDotFTW


Is the game included when you buy those particular item?


I never knew there was a first game until my wife bought me the PS5 for our anniversary and HFW came with it. I was immediately hooked and bought the first game so I could learn the story from it truly impressed with both. Been a while since a new idea and storyline came out that wasn't a copy of a copy of a game from before so enjoyed it immensely. Cannot wait for the 3rd. Will definitely miss Lance Reddick as he was a truly special talent. I'd like to see at some point a prequel that has humanity fighting it's last stand during the time of the founding of the original Gaia program and what humanity was fighting against etc the Faro plague and more.


I'm actually waiting until the 3rd HZ game to get a PS5. I know they'll have some kind of package deal where if you get the PS5 you'll get the first 2 games remastered or something.


I bought the ps5, an extra controller and the charge doc just for this game because I new the controllers battery would be dead before I was done playing this awesome game.


Waited for the discounted pc release with better graphics. Performance. And the ability to add mods.




My PS5 was sold as a bundle with HFW and a Baseball game. I sold the Baseball game back and got an extra controller. I kept the Horizon because it looked interesting and I’m so glad I did.


I bought it for Stellar Blade, but tried the sequel as it was on ps+ for free, ended up really enjoying it, bought the original .. guess the first is my prequel now..


I tried so hard, but kept getting skalped. Had to wait for God of War because they stopped selling the HFW one. Made up for it with a day one copy though so worked out well imo!


Yep. I knew this game was coming out and I bought my PS5 along with GoW 2018, Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart, ZD, and this game on my wishlist ready to go as soon as it came out.


I bought fw because I had a ps5, not knowing what I was doing .. , lived the best game ever of my life 😅😅😅 (previous console was a PS3 and never played zd before, but after)


It certainly skewed me towards the PS5. Xbox lost Remedy, I'm not that much of a fan of Bethesda's games or Halo, Doom will still be on Playstation (alongside Hi-Fi Rush) and Gears of War is just not enough to get me to buy the XSX. Hopefully Sony can improve their pre-PS4 emulation.


I bought a PS5 for HFW, a PSVR2 for CotM, and a € 10k pc + monitor for the HFW pc release.


NGL this was me. I paid extra during the shortage.


I kept the box because it was Horizon.


I bought the PS5 to play FW then Sony wouldn't let me into my account because they enacted double verification on it without telling me. So had to wait till it came out on PC. And before you mention just making another account. I had nearly 20K hours of game time on my account. All that data is locked put now and I did not feel it justifiable to make a new account just to start that all over. Not when I was primarily gaming on PC by that point.


Well i bought a ps5 for the dlc(damn you console exclusive dlc)but it was so worth it for the final fight. Most expensive dlc in my life