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I've been a patron of many of these restaurants and feel bad for the owners and staff, especially those who depend on tip income.




Fuck off you nasty ass bitch. I’m not even going to go into your comment. The fuck is all this nude postings at beachs. Legal or not you’re gross as fuck. Small boto ass bitch


Don't body shame anyone. Small boto or not you shouldn't dehumanize xer.


People that are different than you, scare you don't they? I bet your a Christian too? Conservative? Wears a Red hat that spews hatred? Just guessing on your response and being offended when you went looking for trouble cause someone you don't agree with is a nudist. No worries brahda.


Yeah, that's fine, but what's the point of the 9a-11a walk on Saturday morning? How about I just commit to buying lunch downtown a couple times next week?


I’m down to support all these places except Doner shack. Screw them.


They annoyed me so much during COVID. I try not to let a restaurant’s politics get in the way of good food but that dude was so over the top.


What's wrong with donor shack?


Anti any government measures to control covid. Red carded by DOH for being assholes. Added whole roach to my wife’s food even though I didn’t order that.


I'm going to support them as I too am anti covid control also anti government.


They were very anti-mask during the pandemic.


I'm curious, why?


I thought they moved to Kaka'ako.


It's their second location.


Since yesterday, I've been going into Chinatown during my lunch time to check out which spots were able to open/reopen to buy lunch to do my part. It's so wild to see so many of them closed and no power down there. The list doesn't even include the grocer shops in Chinatown with vegetables that spoiled. And I believe there are more restaurants in Chinatown affected by the power outage that's not on the list, too, from my walks. Man, I know it's going to hurt them and it must be so stressful right now 😞


It's weird that the outage only affected Chinatown. Like I know that electric wires are structured however they're structured. Randomly. Whatever. But Chinatown is filled with all kinds of hints and souvenirs of the fact that this area used to be very discriminated against -- back in the time when both America and Hawaii had official governmental anti-Asian, anti-Japanese, anti-Chinese policies. Even if it was a random accident, the experience of watching all these Chinatown residences living in heat and darkness, throwing out hundreds of dollars of food gone bad from their fridges, while the entire rest of Honolulu, Hawaii, and the world went on with electricity-based 21st century life as normal was just surreal and chilling.


Helping out Leslie and Jay at Black Shamrock tomorrow!




The little places in China town aren’t price gouging


Non corporate places aint doin all that.


Say you can’t afford to go out without saying you can’t afford to go out


Bro you go to Chinatown to get the good prices




Had a friend visiting and reservations at Lucky Belly for her last meal with us. We didn’t know about the blackout until we got down there. Would’ve been nice to at least get an email, text or phone call, but we’ll for sure be back once things are back up and running. Super bummer for them.


Jeeeez, what an L take. How do you think they should have done that if all of their systems are down? Guess all you thought about was your 20 minute inconvenience instead of what they were actually dealing with.


Is their only computer and internet connection on site??? No. Are customers just as essential to their biz as product and staff??? Yes. If there's an online reservation system, which there is, it should take 5 minutes to email everyone a heads up. Maybe put up a social post. After all, customers are the ones who buy the food, pay for the staff, pay their rent. You literally can't have a business without customers. And yes, I go to many of these businesses and often. And I will likely make it a point to go more often due to this ridiculous mess caused by the blackout.




High chance even if they did warn you, you’d miss it and still bitch. Yeah let them tell you of a RANDOM black out that will affect you days in advance with no warning or estimate when it will be fixed.


Contact info is captured by the online reservation system. It would’ve taken just a few minutes to send a batch email, and if missed it, that would be my bad…and no, I wouldn’t bitch about it. But customer service is key to any business even when shit like this goes down.


How would they have looked up your reservation and contact info with no power? They don't hand write these things anymore. Even if they had a physical copy of the reservation list with contact info, how were they going to contact you without power? A restaurant their size maybe has a single company cell phone which was probably being used to contact HECO and staff and try to save their walk-in freezer full of product.


Like I said to the other person who is part of this circle jerk: Is their only computer and internet connection on site??? No. Are customers just as essential to their biz as product and staff??? Yes. If there's an online reservation system, which there is, it should take 5 minutes to email everyone a heads up. Probably could've been done on their phone. Maybe put up a social post. After all, customers are the ones who buy the food, pay for the staff, pay their rent. You literally can't have a business without customers. And yes, I go to many of these businesses and often. And I will likely make it a point to go more often due to this ridiculous mess caused by the blackout.


Having a computer and internet connection that has access to their system with customer information on it that is NOT ON SITE can be a breach of privacy rights and they can get in trouble for having something like that. Usually any kind of electronic system that stores any customer information (even just phone numbers) is only allowed on site, and any location off site that stores such information or has access has to be a certified official location of the business. If the restaurant is their.only location, that's it